Category: Computer science and IT assignments


A restaurant wants an application that calculates a tables bill.
The application should let user enter the number of people in the party. If it is more than 6, it adds 15% tips to the total. Otherwise, let user enter the tips amount.
The application should display all the menu items in a ListBox (ComboBox). The ListBox
(ComboBox) should Display the category of food offered by the restaurant separately (Beverage, Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert). The user can choose from one of the ListBox (ComboBox) to add an item to a tables bill. As each item is selected, it adds the price of that item to the subtotal.
The program should include Subtotal, Tax, Tips, and Total fields in the GUI. Also, the user can click the Clear Bill Button to restore the Subtotal, Tax, Tips, and Total to $0.00.
The application should allow the user to modify the menu items in the database (update, delete
and add).
Use the RestaurantMenu database.


To be completed in C++

Part I
4 bit counter

Create a 4 bit down counter that counts down from 9 to zero and then count 10. 11, 12 and then back to 9. You will design the logic of the circuit and also a chip level diagram. Your circuit will have a 4 bit output. It will be a finite state machine:

Any input to your circuit other than zero through nine (0000 1001) ten, eleven and twelve(10101100), should reset the output to nine (1001). Your tasks are to document the following. Create a state transition diagram for your finite state machine based counter (do not forget transitions to state nine from unused states)
1.    Specify the truth table (assuming D Flip Flops).
2.    Derive necessary Boolean equations (using kmaps)
3.    Draw gate-level logic diagram (logic gate symbols).
Part II
2 bit integer division circuit

Design and implement a 2-bit integer division circuit. The circuit has four inputs A1, A0, B1, B0 and five outputs Q1, Q0, R1, R0, E. The values on A1, A0 and B1, B0 are treated as unsigned binary integer number A and B respectively:

The circuit should generate the quotient Q and remainder R of the division A/B on lines Q1, Q0 and R1, R0 respectively. If division by zero is attempted, line E is set ‘1’ (else E is ‘0’) and the values on lines Q1, Q0, R1, R0 are considered invalid. Your tasks are to document the following.
1.    Specify the truth table.
2.    Derive necessary Boolean equations (using kmaps)
3.    Draw gate-level logic diagram (logic gate symbols).

Attached document contains diagrams.

1st year HTML/CSS/JS assigment very basic

I have wireframes done out already and the home page to go off of its extremely basic as this is a 1st year assigment. All i want is the layout placed and ill insert the pictures and text,
1. Very basic Hambuger icon for the menu’s
2. Photo slide gallery with clickable tumbnails (use placeholders ill fill the real ones in)

Any other questions let me know

C# coding assignment dealing with OOP and file output

Must be written in C#. Must use attached UML’s for the classes and methods.

Congratulations! You have been hired by a local startup business, RentMyPlace.Com. RentMyPlace plans to allow condo owners to rent their apartment on game day weekend.

Ultimately the owners will take the application online, but in the beginning everything will be handled through a desktop application. Renters and Owners will call the 1-800 number and have the operator list a condo for rent or to rent a condo.

The organization plans to start small with a limited number of features. You have been asked to build the software to support this process. The system should have a menu that allows the operator to add a listing, edit a listing, delete a listing, lease the condo, run reports, and exit the application.

Listing Functions

Within the listing section of the application the operator should be able to add, edit or delete the following information for a listing:

1)Listing ID


3)Listing End Date

4)List price

5)Owner Email

Listings should be tracked in a listing file to be used from one session to the next. The file should be named listings.txt and should be # delimited.

Renting Functions

Within the renting section of the application the operator should be able to do the following:

1)View condos currently available for lease

2)Rent a condo to a customer.

-Transaction should be tracked in a transaction file

-Transaction should include listing ID, renter name, renter email, rental date, rental amount, check out date, and owner email.

3)Update the checked out date once the customer leaves.

The transaction file should be named transactions.txt and should be # delimited.

Report Functions

Within the report section of the application the operator should be able to view various reports on the screen. After viewing each report, they should have the options to save the report to a file. The reports include:

1)Individual Customer Rentals

– Operator provides an email address and is given a report of previous rentals for that customer.

2)Historical Customer Rentals

-A list of all rentals sorted by customer then by date

-For each customer provide total number of rentals and average rental amount.

3)Historical Revenue Report

-A list of rental revenue by month and by year.

Gymnastics Competition

Gymnastics Competition

A Gymnastics competition uses one of two methods for calculating the gymnasts score. The competition utilized either three judges or five judges. Write a program to ask which scoring method is utilized and how many competitors are in the competition. Then input the scores from the judges, and calculate the average score for a contestant. Use the following algorithm as a guide.


Display a welcome message to the user.

Display a menu to the user with options for three judges, five judges or quit. If a user enters an option that is not on the menu, display a user-friendly error message and allow the user to try again. Use a string constant for the error message.

If the competition utilizes three judges, ask how many gymnasts are in the competition. Validate that the number is between 1 and 20. For each gymnast, ask the user to input the contestants name and the three scores. A score must be between 0 and 10 and fractional scores such as 6.5 are allowed. If a user inputs an invalid score, present a user-friendly error message and allow the user to try again.  A contestants final score is determined by calculating an average of the three scores. Use a constant string for the error message. Display the contestants name and average score in a user-friendly format.

If there are five judges, ask how many gymnasts are in the competition. Validate that the number is between 1 and 50. For each gymnast, ask the user to input the contestants name and input the five scores. A score must be between 0 and 10 and fractional scores such as 6.5 are allowed. . If a user inputs an invalid number, present a user-friendly error message and allow the user to try again. A contestants final score is determined by dropping the highest score and lowest score, then averaging the three remaining scores. Use a constant string for the error message. Display the contestants name and average score in a user-friendly format.

Ask the user if she wishes to run the program again. Depending on the answer, show the menu again or end the program.


Two Assignments – Data Visualization & Recursive functions

Data Visualization instructions –

You will complete the following assignment as a notebook (ipynb) and submit.

Link to instructions –

Assignment 9 explained (video) –

Recursive Functions –

Instructions at the end of this page –

C++, operator overloading

You can only use standard c++ libraries. The key is to use fractions .

This assignment will be about numbers: your goal will be to

implement a class, number, which represents a real number with an

arbitrary number of digits (also known as an arbitrary precision

number). The class should have operators for addition, subtraction,

multiplication, division and comparisons, as well as unary minus.

Additionally, add power( int ) and sqrt( int ) as const

methods. The argument to power is the exponent. The argument of

sqrt gives the number of decimal digits that should be exact in

the result (see also below).

The constructor of number takes a single integer argument and

constructs an instance of number with the argument as its value

(this constructor should allow implicit conversions from int). A

default-constructed number should be 0.

As an example, all of the following should be valid code:

  number a( 10 ), b( 25 );

  number c = a + b;

  number d = c / a;

  number e = d * a;

  assert( e == a + b );

  assert( e != a );

  assert( c > a );

  assert( a < b );

  assert( c.power( 2 ) > c );

  c = number( 10 ).power( -5 );

  assert( c > c.power( 2 ) );

The decimal digits supplied to sqrt should be interpreted as


  number s = number( 145 ).sqrt( 3 ); /* 3 fractional digits */

  /* the exact result rounded to 3 fractional places is 12.042 */

  number lower = number( 120415 ) * number( 10 ).power( -4 );

  number upper = number( 120425 ) * number( 10 ).power( -4 );

  assert( s > lower );

  assert( s < upper );

Or in other words, if your result is (single) rounded to the given

number of decimal places, it must agree in all those decimal places

with a correctly rounded exact result.

Division by zero and square roots of negative numbers are undefined.

PS: A reference solution is about 250 lines of not very dense code.

Assignment 12

Within Microsoft Azure, create a virtual machine that acts in the role of a web server. You may choose any operating system and web server for this, but the recommendation is that you select Nginx as the web server since you are most familiar with it.
After creating the web server, create at least one web page to demonstrate that it functions. Access the web server over the Internet. (You may use web pages that you have developed in other coursework.) You will need to either create the web page(s) in the appropriate location on the server using a local editor or transfer the page(s) using tools that you are familiar with (SCP, FTP, etc.).
The following information must be submitted for the assignment:
* Documentation of the virtual machine that you have created.
    * This includes the VM name within Azure, choices that you made when setting it up, and the details of the server as available from within Azure. (Screen capture is fine.)
* Documentation of the process that you used to place your web page(s) and any associated artifacts like images on your server.
* Documentation of the web site being browsed. (Screen capture is fine.)

Python Coding Assignment

Python code using Physics ans mathematical concepts.
Need sperate answer for each question in Python code. Please also make some note throughout the code using the # to keep track of what is being coded.
Please submit answer in a way where the code can be copy pasted.

C# using LINQ

I wanted to have this coded using LINQ:
A car dealer wants an application that let customers build their own dream car. 
Create a Windows Forms Application and set the form title as Online Car Dealer. The application should display all the items in four different ListBoxs. Those ListBoxs should retrieve the data from BuildYourCar database and display the category separately (Body Type, Wheel, Package, and Accessories). The user can choose only one item from Body Type, Wheel, and Package categories and multiple items from Accessories. All the selections will be displayed in a separated Listbox and the price will be added to the subtotal. The user will be able to remove items from the textbox and the price will be deduced from the subtotal as well.
The program should display Subtotal, Tax (6.5%), and Total fields in the GUI. Also, create a button that user can click the Clear Button to clear the display box and restore the Subtotal, Tax, and Total to $0.00. 
Use the BuildYourCar database. Save the project as DreamCar_YOUR_NAME.