Category: Computer science and IT assignments

PEP/8 Machine Language Simulator

Instruction Specifier     Instruction     Addressing Modes     Status Bits
0000 0000     Stop execution                         NA   
0001 100r     Bitwise invert r                             NA            NZ
0001 110r     Arithmetic shift left r                   NA          NZVC
0001 111r     Arithmetic shift right r               NA                            NZC
0010 000r     Rotate left r                                     NA            C
0010 001r     Rotate right r                                       NA    C
0011 0aaa     Decimal input trap                                   d    NZV
0011 1aaa     Decimal output trap                   d, i   
0100 1aaa     Character input                           d   
0101 0aaa     Character output                           d, i   
0111 raaa     Add to r                                           d, i        NZVC
1000 raaa     Subtract from r                           d, i    NZVC
1001 raaa     Bitwise AND to r                           d, i    NZ
1010 raaa     Bitwise OR to r                           d, i    NZ
1100 raaa     Load r from memory                   d, i    NZ
1101 raaa     Load byte from memory                 d, i    NZ
1110 raaa     Store r to memory                     d   
1111 raaa     Store byte r to memory                 d   

PEP8 Simulator Assignment

GOAL: Write a PEP/8 machine language simulator that simulates the PEP/8 computer and instruction set for only the following instructions:

Instruction Specifier     Instruction     Addressing Modes     Status Bits
0000 0000     Stop execution               NA   
0001 100r     Bitwise invert r             NA                                NZ
0001 110r     Arithmetic shift left r       NA                            NZVC
0001 111r     Arithmetic shift right r       NA                              NZC
0010 000r     Rotate left r                       NA                                C
0010 001r     Rotate right r                       NA                                  C
0011 0aaa     Decimal input trap               d                              NZV
0011 1aaa     Decimal output trap     d, i   
0100 1aaa     Character input               d   
0101 0aaa     Character output             d, i   
0111 raaa     Add to r                               d, i                              NZVC
1000 raaa     Subtract from r               d, i                        NZVC
1001 raaa     Bitwise AND to r               d, i                              NZ
1010 raaa     Bitwise OR to r               d, i                              NZ
1100 raaa     Load r from memory     d, i                              NZ
1101 raaa     Load byte from memory      d, i                                NZ
1110 raaa     Store r to memory             d   
1111 raaa     Store byte r to memory     d   

Here are some specifics.

1.    Use an array to represent the memory.
2.    Use variables or arrays for the PEP8 registers. I recommend putting it all into a structure. I also recommend using an array of 16 bit values for A, X, PC, SP so that you can use the r bit from the instructions to point directly to A or X. You do NOT have to include the Status bits.
3.    Use unions of structures to break up the registers and instructions into the correct bits (for example, use a structure that can be unioned to break up the 8 bit specifier into the following bit combos (4, 1, 3), (5, 3), (7, 1), (8). This will allow you to instantly extract the instruction, register and addressing modes from each instruction. Also use a union to break up the 16 bit operand into two 8 bit values.
4.    Have the instructions be inputted either through the command line or better yet, through a file, in the following format for each instruction:
a.    6 Hexadecimal characters per instruction
5.    After each instruction in the program is executed, output the PEP8 machine register values.

PEP8 Simulator Assignment


GOAL: Write a PEP/8 machine language simulator that simulates the PEP/8 computer and instruction set for only the following instructions:

Instruction Specifier     Instruction     Addressing Modes     Status Bits
0000 0000                   Stop execution     NA   
0001 100r                 Bitwise invert r     NA    NZ
0001 110r                 Arithmetic shift left r     NA    NZVC
0001 111r             Arithmetic shift right r     NA    NZC
0010 000r                 Rotate left r     NA    C
0010 001r                 Rotate right r     NA    C
0011 0aaa     Decimal input trap     d    NZV
0011 1aaa     Decimal output trap     d, i   
0100 1aaa     Character input     d   
0101 0aaa     Character output     d, i   
0111 raaa     Add to r     d, i    NZVC
1000 raaa     Subtract from r     d, i    NZVC
1001 raaa     Bitwise AND to r     d, i    NZ
1010 raaa     Bitwise OR to r     d, i    NZ
1100 raaa     Load r from memory     d, i    NZ
1101 raaa     Load byte from memory     d, i    NZ
1110 raaa     Store r to memory     d   
1111 raaa     Store byte r to memory     d   

Here are some specifics.

1.    Use an array to represent the memory.
2.    Use variables or arrays for the PEP8 registers. I recommend putting it all into a structure. I also recommend using an array of 16 bit values for A, X, PC, SP so that you can use the r bit from the instructions to point directly to A or X. You do NOT have to include the Status bits.
3.    Use unions of structures to break up the registers and instructions into the correct bits (for example, use a structure that can be unioned to break up the 8 bit specifier into the following bit combos (4, 1, 3), (5, 3), (7, 1), (8). This will allow you to instantly extract the instruction, register and addressing modes from each instruction. Also use a union to break up the 16 bit operand into two 8 bit values.
4.    Have the instructions be inputted either through the command line or better yet, through a file, in the following format for each instruction:
a.    6 Hexadecimal characters per instruction
5.    After each instruction in the program is executed, output the PEP8 machine register values.

Secure Application development project

The Assignment is based on testing a java application and finding and security vulnerabilities in the source code. the testing should be done in two ways manually and with the help of automated tools. Further details will be provided once i discussed with the concerned person. i am attaching the the source code of the project.

Contacts Manager in Angular

You will be creating an Angular app that manages contacts.

This project should be fairly simplified as it’s just to demonstrate some basic use of Angular to accomplish a simple app. It should only utilize angular and nothing outside of that (like php integrations, databases, etc…). The data storage for the contacts can simply be implemented using JSON stored either in a file or just within the app itself as a variable. The app appearance should have at least some styling and polish, maybe utilizing some bootstrap integration.

Please see the attached word document for exact details for the assignment exactly as they were given to me by my instructor.

This really isn’t too difficult of an assignment, I’m just really swamped right now and have to focus a more on another class right now.

easy linked list hash table assignment

Must follow guidelines provided by the instructor and use the given code with the program. Commenting will be appreciated but not necessary as long as it is easy for a beginner programmer to understand. This is a introductory ICS class so please don’t make things too complicated. Thank you! Please contact me for more information. Must be written in Java (JDK 8 if it matters).

Anything above my instructors code in is mine and can be edited.

Socket Programming

You are to create 6 programs, the 6 of them are clients.

The architecture: Client 1 sends Hello Message to client 2, Client 2 sends Hello Message to client 3, Client 3 sends Hello Message to client 4, Client 4 sends Hello Message to Client 5, Client 5 sends Hello Message to Client 6.

Specific requirements
– This program is to be written in C Language
– You are to submit your code, and a snapshot of hello message received on each of the six clients
– Also submit a documentation, explaining in little details how you went about the project and also if your code works.

Contextual Advertisement

Contextual Advertisement,
The program should pull extract all the data from any website, then process the the text so that it cleans up the text. The text then is anslyised so  that the important keywords are found (which should define the website) and then put into a database. From the database it should be able to match advertisements, which are images with tags. At the end it should just point to the image of the adversitement that is matched for the website.

Socket Programming

You are to create 6 programs, the 6 of them are clients.

The architecture: Client 1 sends Hello Message to client 2, Client 2 sends Hello Message to client 3, Client 3 sends Hello Message to client 4, Client 4 sends Hello Message to Client 5, Client 5 sends Hello Message to Client 6.

Specific requirements
– This program is to be written in C Language
– You are to submit your code, and a snapshot of hello message received on each of the six clients
– Also submit documentation, explaining in little details how you went about the project and also if your code works

Link Analysis Exercise 2

There are 22 questions in the documents. They consist of solving problems and equations. Please read the instructions in the document. I will also include the power points where the formulas are that you will need to solve the equations and to get the answer. The questions are in the document called Link Analysis Exercise.