Category: AMA

Work Related Injury

Journal Article: Annotated Bibliography Criteria

Additional Criteria:
The write up should be long enough to cover the subject without repetition.  It should be 1 page in
length and no longer than 2 pages. An annotated bibliography has a specific format; see below.
The paper should be typed and double-spaced. Margins should be 1 inch on all sides.
Do not
within the paper because the entire paper is about a single article that you identify in the beginning. 
Include your name, date, course number and assignment title at the top of the page.
Bibliography should contain the following information in
outline format
Article citation in AMA format.     
Explain the main purpose of the work.  This is not a summary of how the research was done but
a statement of why it was done/written.
Describe the content. Summarize what was assessed and give the key results of that
Indicate the possible audience for the work.
Evaluate the relevance of the information and how it can be applied to the imaging or radiation
therapy dept
Note a special feature; this means what about the article helped you learn/understand the
List a defect, weakness and/or bias.
***As in any formal writing you must not copy directly from the article.  Even though you are giving
credit to the author, if you copy word for word you must use quotation marks or it is plagiaris

US Healthcare vs. World Healthcare

Compare US healthcare vs Universal Healthcare and Choose which country has the best healthcare system and describe why.

Use evidence from article(s) care/#What_Countries_have_Free_Healthcare

Huntington’s Disease and PT

Part 1: Research Paper (4-6 pages) on Neurophysiological Disorder Huntingtons Disease

Subject matter presented with clear, concise yet thorough explanation to reader. Included: how this connects to neuroanatomy and Physical Therapy. Written in an organized scholarly manner using AMA format. Including a minimum 4 scholarly references

Please refer to word doc attached

US Healthcare vs. World Healthcare

Compare the various articles regarding US Healthcare vs. World Healthcare and determine which country has the best healthcare system and why. Use evidence mainly from article(s)

Food Waste

Below are the references you can use and the topic is food waste

1.    Conrad Z, Niles MT, Neher DA, Roy ED, Tichenor NE, Jahns L. Relationship between food waste, diet quality, and environmental sustainability. Plos One. 2018;13(4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0195405
2.    Sequoia R. Williams, Xia Zhu-Barker, Stephanie Lew, Benjamin James Croze, Kenna R. Fallan & William R. Horwath (2019) Impact of Composting Food Waste with Green Waste on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Compost Windrows, Compost Science & Utilization, 27:1, 35-45, DOI: 10.1080/1065657X.2018.1550023
3.    Means NE, Starbuck CJ, Kremer RJ, Jett LW. Effects of a food waste-based soil conditioner on soil properties and plant growth. Compost Sci Util. 2005;13(2):116-121.
4.    RedCorn R, Fatemi S, Engelberth AS. Comparing End-Use Potential for Industrial Food-Waste Sources. Engineering (Beijing, China). 2018;4:371-380
5.    Habteweld AW, Brainard D, Kravchenko A, Grewal PS, Melakeberhan H. Effects of plant and animal waste-based compost amendments on the soil food web, soil properties, and yield and quality of fresh market and processing carrot cultivars. Nematology. 2018;20:147-168
6.    Salomone R, Saija G, Mondello G, Giannetto A, Fasulo S, Savastano D. Environmental impact of food waste bioconversion by insects: Application of Life Cycle Assessment to process using Hermetia illucens. Journal of cleaner production. 2017;140:890-905
7.    Cerda A, Artola A, Font X, Barrena R, Gea T, Snchez A. Composting of food wastes: Status and challenges. Bioresource technology. 2018;248:57-67
8.    Food Loss and Waste. Published 2020. Accessed September 20, 2020.
9.    Reducing the Impact of Wasted Food by Feeding the Soil and Composting | US EPA. US EPA. Published 2020. Accessed September 20, 2020.
10.    Nadakavukaren A, Caravanos J. Our Global Environment. Long Grove, Ill.: Waveland Press; 2020.

HIV in Atlanta Georgia

Describe in detail your proposed intervention(s) and program(s) and how they compare to existing programs and how they improve upon existing programs. Also based on the gaps and limitations discussed in current efforts. Be sure to discuss plans, resources needed and potential issues that could arise with the implementation of your proposed interventions. Your proposed interventions should be feasible given available resources.

ethics and bio statistics

A fundamental ethical problem in statistics arises in experimentation (i.e., in the context of studies of experimental drugs for treating AIDS). On one side, organizations such as the National Institute of Health insist on randomly assigning treatments such as flipping a coin for each patient to decide which treatment to assign.

The advantage of randomized experiments is that they allow reliable conclusions without the need to worry about lurking variables. However, some groups of AIDS patients have opposed randomization, instead making the argument that each patient should be assigned the best available treatment (or to be more precise, whatever treatment is currently believed to be the best). The ethical dilemma is to balance the benefits to the patients in the study (who would like the opportunity to choose among available treatments) with future patients (who would be served by learning as soon as possible about the effectiveness of the competing treatments).

The issue is complicated. On one hand, the randomized study is most trustworthy if all the patients in the study participate. If they are not treated respectfully, the patients might go outside the study and try other drugs, which could bias the estimates of treatment effects. On the other hand, the patients might benefit from being in an experimental study. Even if the treatment is randomized, the patients are getting close medical attention from the researchers. Current best practice is to design studies so that all subjects will be expected to benefit in some way, but still keeping the randomized element. For example, a study can compare two potentially beneficial experimental treatments, rather than comparing a treatment to an inert control. However, there will always be conflicts of interest between the patients in the study, the scientists conducting it, and the public at large.

In your original post, compare and contrast at least two research designs that might be used to research life threatening diseases/disorders. At least one design should present ethical issues and at least one design should minimize potential ethical issues. Provide at least one Scripture passage that supports your ethical perspectives on medical/public health research.

Integrate at least one scholarly source on each thread pertaining to this topic and cite in AMA format. 

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and your two replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.

ethics and bio statistics

A fundamental ethical problem in statistics arises in experimentation (i.e., in the context of studies of experimental drugs for treating AIDS). On one side, organizations such as the National Institute of Health insist on randomly assigning treatments such as flipping a coin for each patient to decide which treatment to assign.

The advantage of randomized experiments is that they allow reliable conclusions without the need to worry about lurking variables. However, some groups of AIDS patients have opposed randomization, instead making the argument that each patient should be assigned the best available treatment (or to be more precise, whatever treatment is currently believed to be the best). The ethical dilemma is to balance the benefits to the patients in the study (who would like the opportunity to choose among available treatments) with future patients (who would be served by learning as soon as possible about the effectiveness of the competing treatments).

The issue is complicated. On one hand, the randomized study is most trustworthy if all the patients in the study participate. If they are not treated respectfully, the patients might go outside the study and try other drugs, which could bias the estimates of treatment effects. On the other hand, the patients might benefit from being in an experimental study. Even if the treatment is randomized, the patients are getting close medical attention from the researchers. Current best practice is to design studies so that all subjects will be expected to benefit in some way, but still keeping the randomized element. For example, a study can compare two potentially beneficial experimental treatments, rather than comparing a treatment to an inert control. However, there will always be conflicts of interest between the patients in the study, the scientists conducting it, and the public at large.

In your original post, compare and contrast at least two research designs that might be used to research life threatening diseases/disorders. At least one design should present ethical issues and at least one design should minimize potential ethical issues. Provide at least one Scripture passage that supports your ethical perspectives on medical/public health research.

Integrate at least one scholarly source on each thread pertaining to this topic and cite in AMA format. 

Your thread is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday and your two replies are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday.


In five or less double-spaced pages (excluding reference page), comment on the recommendations being made by federal and state medical and civilian officials regarding the containment of COVID-19. In commenting, identify and discuss in detail at least five epidemiologic-related topics presented in this course ( disease occurrence, study designs(Observational studies, cohort study, case control study), Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, incidence rate, and prevelance). 

-References should be in AMA format
-Zero plagiarism and scholarly sources

medical device regulation

This is the product
P170012B is supplement material, also can be found on this website.

Device    HEMOBLAST Bellows
Generic Name    Absorbable Collagen Hemostatic Agent With Thrombin
Regulation Number    878.4490