Category: Psychology

Counselor Dispositions Worksheet

Complete the counselor dispositions worksheet. 

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.


Case Study

Are there individual differences in how much someones decisions will be affected by social norms meaning some people will be more affected by social norms than others? Are there, in other words, people who conform to social norms more than others and does it matter whether the norms are positive (such as helping others) versus negative (such as cheating or bribing)?

Stress Management

 A brief description of the stress management technique you selected that was not covered in this course and explain why it might be effective. Then describe at least one possible barrier to the effectiveness of this technique and explain how you might address that barrier. Be specific. Then, post a brief description of the topic you selected and explain how you might apply the topic to promote positive social change. Be specific and provide examples.  

Psychology 5


The nature/nurture debate within psychology is concerned with the  extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either  inherited (genetic) or acquired (learned) characteristics. This exercise  will help you explore that debate by looking at one specific behavior,  aggression.

Bandura’s (1977) social learning theory states that aggression is  learned from the environment through observation and imitation  (nurture). He concludes this, in part, from the results of his famous  Bobo doll experiment (Bandura, 1961). Review the Bobo experiment here: . 

Reflect on the following issues:

  • Where do you stand on the nature/nurture debate? Is aggression a  learned behavior? Please provide specific examples to your point of  view.
  • Discuss your thoughts on the experiment and its relevance to the  debate. Do you see any potential flaws or underlying factors that may  not be reflected in the analysis here?
  • Suggest at least one implication for society if children do learn predominantly by imitation.  

Write a 23  page paper (not including the title page and reference page)  referencing at least two sources (you may cite the website provided here  for the Bobo doll experiment as one of your sources. Refer to the Bobo  doll experiment, but do not summarize it.)

Use current APA Style and include a title page and reference page.

Bobo experiment link –

Module 3 Assignment

  1. Describe the three stages of memory storage
  2. Describe the unreliability of eyewitness testimony
  3. Identify and discuss the basic components of language.
  4. Explain some common roadblocks to effective problem solving
  5. Describe problem solving strategies, including algorithms and heuristics
  6. Describe the development of IQ tests, their purposes, and benefits
  7. Explain and detail the Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
  8. Describe the assumptions of the psychodynamic perspective on personality development, including the id, ego, and superego
  9. Define and describe the psychosexual stages of personality development
  10. Describe the Big Five factors and categorize someone who is high and low on each of the five traits

Unit 7 DQ


When is it appropriate to ask a client questions?  When would you ask open questions?  Closed questions?  Give an example of each.

In response to your peers, suggest specific open and closed questions to ask in the examples your classmates provide.

Case Of Elderly Couple

  1. Consider Lydias and Johns cognitive and physical limitations as well as their social support. If you were presenting this case to a team of other human services providers, what developmental theories, concepts, and principles help explain this case? 
  2. What other information might you need to fully evaluate the situation in which Lydia and John live?
  3. If you were the protective service worker, what are the options for this couple? Identify several feasible plans with explanation and support from a source of information. Include the risks and benefits of each option. Then, identify what your final recommendation would be and why.

Case Study 

Lydia and John were a couple in their nineties who lived in their own home and had been married over sixty years. Both were confused and forgetful. They had two sons who were in their seventies and lived in nearby towns. One son was estranged from them. The other was somewhat involved in their lives, but he had a mentally ill wife and health problems of his own to deal with. The couple first came to the attention of a protective service worker when John was hospitalized after a fall. When left on her own, Lydias confusion became more pronounced. A referral was made for home care services, but, when a worker went out to assess the couple, their son was present and refused services. Based on concerns of benign neglect, a protective services report was issued. A caseworker investigated and substantiated the report, citing the sons interference with services and the couples own inability to provide adequate care for each other. The protective services worker found both John and Lydia to be very forgetful and somewhat confused, though Lydia was more impaired. Due to their increased physical frailty, they had been using only the first floor of their home. Since the bedrooms and bathroom were upstairs, the living arrangement presented several problems for the couple. Lydia had a regular bed, but John was sleeping on a cot. The low height of the cot caused him to lose his balance easily, resulting in several falls. Since there was no toilet downstairs, they were using a bucket in the kitchen and emptying it outside. They were unable to maintain their home and conditions became unsanitary. The son tried to help, but he had his own limitations. The elderly couple was well able to afford assistance, but they did not want to spend the money. Furthermore, even though the son who helped with paying the bills was not taking advantage of his parents financially, he was obviously concerned with preserving his inheritance. Meanwhile, John and Lydia were extremely conservative in terms of how they chose to spend their money; they insisted they could not afford help. 

6 Full-Page Paper*APA Format *


The purpose of this assignment is to research one of the topics you have covered in this course. 

You will collect 10 articles (published within the last 10 years) on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affairs, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.). Articles should come from peer reviewed/ scholarly sources. You will then write and submit a 6-page paper with the following 3 main sections relevant to these articles:

Article Summaries: Summarize the main points of the selected articles in one paragraph per article.

Compare and contrast the information presented in the articles with the content presented in class (course text and presentations).

Explain how a therapist may use this information on your topic to help a client define healthy sexuality and how having that understanding can help the client make wise decisions in their relationships.

Papers will be written in current APA format and should include a title page, abstract, and reference page. The paper should be 6 full pages of content (this does not include title page, abstract, or reference page).

****APA format and should include a title page, abstract, and reference page. The paper should be 6 full pages of content (this does not include title page, abstract, or reference page). You will collect 10 articles (published within the last 10 years) on a particular topic related to sex and sexuality (i.e. pornography, extramarital affairs, teen pregnancy, homosexuality, etc.)*****


 PSYCH/665: Integrative Capstone: Psychology Past And Present

DQ week 1

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Discussion 1 Coming to Terms with The Terms of Research

Read Chapter 2 in Exploring Research pages 23-29 and define Independent Variable and Dependent variable. How do you use these variables to develop your Hypothesis? WITH REFERENCES AND CITE


After you have watched the (extra credit video attached) answer the question below from the professor on the short video clip that you viewed.  In a word count of 300 words.

You Watch the video and post a substantive reply

Hi Class, this Capstone course focuses on helping you understand the research process and results in the writing of a research proposal. Although many of you will find this tedious and wonder why you need to do this. I hope to help you develop an appreciation for the importance. I am embedding a video that will help you understand the importance of research in hopes that give you all some perspective on the purpose and goal of this course. 

Week 8: Team Project

Week 8: Team Project

Compare the team member’s Parts 4-6 that were submitted in Week 7 as part of each student’s Course Project. Each organization should have its own section in the team paper and a final section should be a comparison and assessment of these organizations. The team should express the developmental strategies, cost-benefit analysis, outcomes assessment, methodology for evaluating success and how each can be improved. There should be a literature review section of scholarly research covering developmental strategies, cost-benefit analysis, outcomes assessment, methodology for evaluating success and how each can be improved that contains at least 1 article per team member and is structured as an annotated bibliography. This paper should be at least between 7 and 9 pages per student on the team in length (not counting any images or charts).  Each section of the report should be clearly labeled with appropriate headings and each section should be clearly labeled with the Full Name and DSI Number of the team member who completed each respective section.  The organization should contain the following headings: Title page/table of contents; introduction; a header for the organizations that summarizes the final findings; literature review; analysis and comparison; recommendations; conclusion; references.

HRM 592 – Team Written Assignment and Presentation Guidelines:

  • The Presentation is in conjunction with the separate team “written” assignment. The written assignment is worth 100 points
  • The team PPT, Kaltura Presentation is an assignment that is worth 100 points

The two separate assignments equal 200 points total. 


CategoryPointsDescriptionTitle Page/Table of Contents 


Title of your applied research paper, course number and title, professor, and date.Introduction10Provide an overview of the organizations analyzed Give a Give enough information about each firm to acquaint an unfamiliar person (no matter how famous the company). Identify name, location, size, market segment (business line), and a brief history.Training or Intervention Strategy10

Summarize the overall results from each students’ Training or Intervention Strategy that was submitted in week 7. Each summary should be limited to about one page per student.

Literature Review20You must address at least one scholarly resource per student in this section. Approach this section as a mini book report on each of the reference sources that significantly informed your analysis and proposed solutions. Give the reader an encapsulated review of what information you found most relevant to your research. You may have found conflicting opinions or theories related to your topic area. Identify and discuss any such contrasts or describe in detail significant agreement among your sources. Your literature review should be separate and distinct from your analysis section; it is a summation of your research. The goal should be a paragraph containing a minimum of three to five sentences per review.Analysis and Comparison40 

Explore the work in depth and with scholarly rigor. Compare and contrast the various sets of plans for each organization. Create a matrix that contains each organization on the horizontal access and one the vertical axis uses the following from each students’ week 7 paper- Part 4: Develop a Training or Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs; Part 5: Determine the Training or Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected Results; Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation

Develop a narrative that critically compares the matrix elements. A critical element of this section is to apply leadership and organization concepts and models from our text, from class discussions, and from your literature review. Discuss the concepts, ideas, or insights that are most valuable in helping you make sense of the causes of the problem. Support your analysis with reference to appropriate research material.Conclusion10

Write a joint conclusion. State what you, as a team. Learned through this team exercise. Was it useful?


All references must be cited in two placeswithin the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using APA format. Please note that citing an author’s work within your text documents your research, identifies the source for readers, and enables readers to locate the source of information in the alphabetical reference list at the end of the paper. To use the ideas or words of another person without crediting the source is plagiarism. Plagiarism in its purest form involves copying passages either verbatim or nearly verbatim, with no direct acknowledgment of the source. The most common form of plagiarism is to paraphrase information from your source material. Paraphrasing does not relieve you of the obligation to provide proper identification of source data. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to make sure all quotes, ideas, or conclusions that not your own are given proper acknowledgment in your text.

Total Point Value100A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.