Category: Psychology

(Psychology) Case Analysis Integrating Theoretical Orientations


Prior to beginning this assignment, read the Preview the document Case 16: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Gorenstein and Comer (2014), and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders in Hamblin and Gross (2012).

Assess the evidence-based practices implemented in this case study by addressing the following issues:

  • Explain the connection between each theoretical orientation used by Dr. Remoc and the four interventions utilized in the case.
  • Consider Dr. Remocs utilization of two theoretical frameworks to guide her treatment plan.  Assess the efficacy of integrating two orientations based on the information presented in the case study. Describe some potential problems with prescribing medication as the only treatment option for children with ADHD.
  • Identify tasks and positive reinforcements that might be included in Billys token economy chart given the behavior issues described in the case. (There are articles in the recommended resources that may assist you in this portion of the assignment.)
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the four treatment interventions implemented by Dr. Remoc and support your statements with information from the case and two to three peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library.
  • Recommend three additional treatment interventions that would be appropriate in this case. Use information from the Hamblin and Gross Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders chapter to help support your recommendations. Justify your selections with information from the case.

The Case Analysis

  • Must be 4 to 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the .
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least two peer-reviewed sources from the Ashford University Library.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the  
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

1 DQ & 1 Discuss With Two Bullet Points


In a 600 word count (EACH bullet point having 300 words each) discuss the following  WITH no intro or conclusion needed CITE AND REFERENCE WITH TWO PEER  reVIEWS

Discuss the diathesis-stress model as it pertains to schizophrenia.

Explain the causal factors associated with the disorder. 

(1) DQ word count 175

Please describe schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. How are the two disorders different? Do they have anything in common?

Cultue And Emotion


2.For this paper you must include a response to all of the following:

  1. Emotion & Universality of Emotions:(this criterion should take approximately 1-2 paragraphs to address)
    1. Briefly define emotion. Discuss whether or not you believe emotions are universal or differ based on culture.
    2. Clear connections to the text should be apparent in both defining emotion and the overall discussion of the universality of emotions.
  2. Rules of Emotion & Culture:(this criterion should take approximately 1-2 paragraphs to address)
    1. Clearly define and discuss how culture might affect emotional recognition, feeling rules, display rules and inclination to act.
    2. Full credit responses will BOTH define and discuss each concept as they relate to culture. APA style in-text citations must be present.
  3. Personal Experiences with Emotion rules:(this criterion should take approximately 1-2 paragraphs to address)
    1. How have experiences in your personal environment (such as family and/or friends) affected your emotional recognition, feeling rules, display rules and inclination to act on emotion in your life.
    2.  Students should be able to discuss and apply concepts discussed in the textbook to their personal experiences in an appropriate and logical manner.
  4. Textbook/Research Connection:(should be used throughout response to support, define, and explain concepts)
    1. Clearly identify and integrate ideas/concepts/theories from Chapter 6 to support your response. You may also use information from the provided video clip to support your discussion. Inclusion of information from the video is not required. However, if you use this information you MUST CITE the source in-text and reference.

 Additional Paper Requirements:

  1. APA style in-text citation and reference is required. Students may not use websites, of any kind, as a primary source in their responses. If you use information from ANY source you must cite and reference that source in your submission. Submissions which do not contain both APA style in-text citation and reference and/or which use websites of any kind as a primary source may receive a zero.
  2. Papers formatting must be:
    1. A minimum of 2 FULL pages, single-spaced, 12-point New Times Roman font or similar. Do not exceed 3 pages. Reference citations included on a separate page do not count towards writing minimum or maximum.
    2. Do not use any titles, title pages, or headings, course name or date, etc. If you include your name or PID it should be included in the “header” of the document and not part of the main content.
    3. Do not use bullet points, outlines, or numbering in your response.  Essay/paragraph format is required.
    4. APA style in-text citation and reference is required.
    5. Students may not use websites, of any kind, as a primary source in their responses. Submissions which do not contain both APA style in-text citation and reference and/or which use websites of any kind as a primary source may receive a zero.
  3. Assignment responses which do not fulfill all of the above criteria will receive point deductions.




For this discussion, please post a draft of your abstract (300 words maximum). Use the preparation elements of the template as a resource in writing your abstract. Refer to the appropriate project guide (linked in Resources) as needed.


  • Write a complete draft of your abstract.
    • The abstract distills the entire project into a synopsis of 300 words or fewer. The abstract appears before the introduction, even if it is written after the entire project has been completed.

Remember to post the abstract by copying and pasting directly to the message box in addition to attaching your Word doc.

Draft Chapter 5: Conclusion


Draft Chapter 5: Conclusion

For this discussion, post your Chapter 5: Conclusion draft.

Write your research question at the top of the post. Use the following headings to organize your work:

  1. Implications: Describe what the study means for participants, their communities, and the professionals who serve them.
    • Describe how the new knowledge serves the scientists who strive to build on current interpretations of available evidence.
    • Think about the ramifications of the study for all stakeholders, including the agencies and institutions that fund research. This is where you can begin to address the value of the study to potential grantors and other funding sources.
  2. Limitations: Address the methodological strengths and weaknesses as well as potential populations that may benefit from extensions of the research beyond the current scope of the research question.
    • Consider alternate research practices that may yield additional valuable information.
  3. Suggestions for Future Research: Wrap up the final chapter by introducing possible areas of related study and the potential for further investigation into new populations or regions.
    • Consider ways of extending the current research question.

When posting this discussion, please copy and paste the draft of Chapter 5 to the message box in addition to submitting a Word doc.


Creating a Specialist Website     

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment, please read the Neimeyer, et al. (2011) How Special Are the Specialties? Workplace Settings in Counseling and Clinical Psychology in the United States and Heatherington, et al. (2012) The Narrowing of Theoretical Orientations in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training articles. Be sure to also review the article and the web page, as well as any relevant Instructor Guidance.

For this interactive assignment, you will assume the role of a clinical or counseling psychologist who has recently opened a private practice or begun working for a mental health agency. You are eager to begin working with your ideal client(s), but you first need to market your services. One way to attract clients is to create a professional website that provides an overview of your specialties. 

For this interactive assignment, you may use any website building platform you choose; however, you may wish to use , a free website development platform, to create your website. You may refer to the Preview the document and read the Preview the document Instructions for assistance with creating your website should you decide to use Wix as your platform.

Create a fictitious persona based on the role you are assuming and create a website with the following required elements.

Name, Photo, and Credentials: Be sure to include your personas degree, type of license, and any professional membership organizations appropriate to your assumed role. You may also list any appropriate division memberships and certifications applicable to your specialty.

Personal Statement:  Create a 200-word personal statement in which you describe attributes that make your assumed persona, practice, and/or agency unique. Explain to potential clients what problems and/or issues you address and how you could help them in your assumed role. You may also describe why you have chosen this profession and why people choose to work with you.

Specialties: Identify at least three areas in which your persona specializes (e.g., trauma, relationships issues, anxiety, depression, self-esteem). Access the APAs page for more information on this topic.

Treatment Preferences: Compare the possible theoretical orientations appropriate to your assumed role, and identify your treatment orientation. Identify which modalities (e.g., individual, couples, family, and/or group) your persona would use with clients. For further assistance with creating this portion of the website, review the Heatherington, et al. (2012) article titled The Narrowing of Theoretical Orientations in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training.

Client Focus: Describe the population that your assumed persona would primarily serve. Include information regarding age, gender, religious orientations, ethnicities, and/or special populations. List all languages you speak fluently and provide any additional information on cultural specialization your persona may have.

Confidentiality and Limitations: Explain to the client what information will remain confidential in your sessions as well as the limitations of confidentiality. Keep in mind the age of your target population.

Once you have completed your website according to the instructions, copy and paste the URL for your website into the forum for review by your instructor and peers.

Life Span Cpa 5


  1. How are self-esteem and self-concept different? What is the origin of these characteristics? What are the characteristics of children and adults with low self-esteem?
  2. Consider Erik Eriksons theory. Why is it important for children in middle childhood to learn to do something and to do something well?
  3. Suzy wants to follow the moral code established by her parents and teacher. She wants them to view her as obedient, cooperative, and productive. According to Kohlberg Suzy is functioning at the __________ stage of moral development.
  4. How does the aggression of girls and boys differ?  Why is it important for a child to learn self-regulation?

Social Psychology (APA Format, 2-3 Pages,


In this paper complete all the required activities and answer the reflection questions. This assignment will help extend your understanding of the unit topics and concepts to applications in everyday life. Please respond to all of the questions in paragraph form with the question numbers labeled. You should incorporate concepts from the readings into your answers and cite the readings as needed. The paper should be 2-3 pages.

Question 1

Many scholars have analyzed the representation of gender, race, and sexuality in popular culture including two of the assigned readings in this unit. Below is a visual representation of women in popular film production. This study also argues there is an under representation of women in blockbuster film narratives by analyzing DC theaters current showings. Out of the 617 showings, 561 (90%) are stories about men, 31 were movies about ensembles and 25 were movies about women and girls.

Look up the current showings here in your hometown and other metro areas.

  • – Briefly mention what is showing, where and how often
  • – Who are the stories about?
  • – Who are the directors, writers, producers?
  • – What do you observe about representation based on gender, race, age, ability, and sexuality in the current showings? You need not watch the films, but the trailers, postings, social media, etc. 

Social Psychology Paper (2-3 Pages, APA Format) – Social Problem: Domestic Violence Against Men

Analyze how this social problem (Domestic Violence Against Men) is discussed in the media. This can include news media, social media, documentary film or celebrity culture. Discuss how the media representation of the problem may rely on stereotypes, invisible/erased histories, and/or intersectional systems of power and privilege.

 Are there limits to this media image of the social problem?

 Is it missing anything from the complexity of the social problem?

 If you dont observe any of these concepts/ideas, explain why you think that is the case.

This paper should be 2-3 pages discussing media and popular culture representations of the social problem. If any sources are used, including the course textbook or required readings, please cite using  APA citation formats.

Social Psychology Discussion Questions – Answer Both Questions, 200 Or More Words, And Cite 2 Sources

  1. Is teenage pregnancy a social problem? How does this topic reflect the social construction of problems? How does social location impact if you view this as a social problem?
  2. Explain why media representation of social problems is an important issue using the example of teenage pregnancy. What is an example of a problematic representation? Does this vary across race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status and gender?