Category: Psychology

Persuasive Health Campaign Message

In our busy world of constant communication, where we are bombarded by information and messages and needs, how do you cut through that noise to get peoples attention? How do you influence people to watch and listen to what you have to say, even if the topic is not one they have thought about before? How do you persuade them to take the action you request? That is your challenge and goal for this Discussion.

The issue is healthcare in rural areas of the United States. Your first task will be to educate yourself on the needs of people in these areas. If you live in an urban area, you may not be aware of the degree to which place informs resources available and access to those resources. Being poor and underserved in a rural area increases the needs of these residents. Consider this finding from the 2010 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports: Despite improvements, differences persist in health care quality among racial and ethnic minority groups. People in low-income families also experience poorer quality care. (AHRQ, 2014, para.1)

Put on your advocacy hat, and remember the Walden University outcome to facilitate positive social change. The media message that you develop could impact services in a rural county where you live or in your state, now or in the future.

For this Discussion you will respond to the following scenario:

Imagine that you are an employee in the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) of your county. Your department is launching a campaign to increase quality services to the underserved in your community. You are tasked with developing a media message that HHSA will disseminate to the public, with the goal of persuading people to donate money for a mobile screening bus that can travel to rural areas of the county and reach underserved individuals and families. 

To prepare:

  • Review the Week 6 Learning Resources. In particular, review the article Behind Advertising: The Language of Persuasion for specific principles and strategies to use in developing your media message.
  • Consider the wording of the media message to include in your Discussion.
  • Consider the ethics of your message and how it adheres to the code of ethics for human services professionals or other codes of ethics of particular interest to you, and to ethical guidelines for advertising.

By Day 3

Post responses to the following:

  • Present the text of your media message.
  • Explain the principles and strategies you used to develop the message, and your reasoning.
  • Justify how your media message is ethical by referencing specific codes of ethics and other resources.

Psych 3 & 4


Annotated Bibliography  

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate progress in  compiling research and to indicate a methodology for organizing your  research sources. 

Include the following in your annotated bibliography:

  • APA citations and annotations for four (4) sources you deem  relevant to answering your research question and addressing your thesis;  however, you are only required to reference three (3) scholarly sources in your final research paper.

For each source:

  • List the source in proper APA format. The references should be  organized in alphabetical order by author as on an APA bibliography  page. 
  • Follow the source with a brief annotation that summarizes the source information (approximately 35 sentences). You may quote briefly from the source,
    but do not copy and paste from the abstract. Include internal citations as needed.
  • In 1 or 2 sentences, explain and  evaluate the sources relevance and significance to your thesis. Does  the information from this source support
    or discredit your thesis?  
  • Use an academic tone and style. 


Research Paper Outline

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a complete,  organized, detailed outline of your research paper in APA format, with  sources cited and referenced accurately. 

Adhere to the following guidelines for drafting and submitting your outline:

  • Use standard alphanumeric outline format
  • Include your thesis at the top of the page before you start your outline
  • Include APA in-text citations for at least three scholarly sources
  • Include an APA formatted reference page
  • Include a title page
  • Use current APA Style throughout

Attached is the topic for both the outline and annotated bibliography 

Discussion Post

 Discussion TopicTask: Reply to this topic

Throughout this course, many opportunities are available to post an initial response to a Discussion topic as well as to respond to your classmates responses. After you have completed the reading, and without reviewing your classmates responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 350 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources. After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmates posts and respond to at least two of your classmates. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.

Theories in Human Service delivery

Complete the Chapter 10 reading and choose a theory that you have learned about in the class.

Then, please respond to the following:

  • Choose a theory that you have learned about in the class and explain how this theory could be effectively applied to human service delivery in one of the non-traditional settings listed in the text, such as rural services, military settings, schools, and sites in natural disasters.
  • Next, apply this same theory to working with older adults, addressing how this theory is useful in understanding and responding to specific challenges of older adults, such as housing, depression, or confronting death and dying

What Are Some Key Similarities And Differences Between C.S Lewis Book “A Grief Observed” And Its Hollywood Depiction?

What are some key similarities and differences between C.S Lewis book “A Grief Observed” and its Hollywood depiction? Original posts should be 200-250 words (please, no more than that!), and secondary posts (if used) must be limited to 200 words and should reflect engagement with what others have posted as much as possible. 



Develop a counseling program using the information provided in the Figler and Bolles book The Career Counselors Handbook Second Edition and one additional source. Paper must include the following about your program:

My Program

Labor Market Information


Approaches for Assessment

Strategies for Development

Must include Reference of The Career Counselors Handbook and the additional reference used. 

The assignment must be written on a graduate level and references used should be cited within the discussion and documented in a reference list using APA styling.



Please refer to the Sample paper attached for format and outline of paper!!!


Leadership Training

Leadership Skills Training

You are an external I-O psychologist. You have been hired to develop a comprehensive leadership plan for a local technology startup. What types of training (be as specific as possible) will you introduce to the leadership to ensure that they are successful? How will you help reduce employee and environmental stress while promoting diversity? Use at least two outside sources to support your ideas.

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. All sources used must be cited in-text and included on your reference page. Remember to use headings to organize your paper.

Reducing Stress

Reducing Work-Related Stress

For the Reflection Paper develop a stress mitigation plan for yourself. What lessons learned from your own stress evaluation can you apply to current workplace practices? 

Include some effective emotional and physical coping mechanisms that you believe would work in this particular situation in your stress mitigation plan. 

Additionally, think of a time in your workplace where diversity or ethics were in the spotlight. Was this more or less stressful for you and the organization?

Your reflection paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. Use at least one outside resource to support your reflection paper. All sources, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.

Full Draft Of Prospectus

Please! No Plagiarism  

The research prospectus is an expansion of your 10 Key Strategic Points and will serve as the framework for your dissertation proposal, and is considered the foundational document for your dissertation. The research prospectus will also assist your dissertation chair in providing valuable feedback to guide you in your dissertation. This assignment is the next step toward completing that process.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

The College of Doctoral Studies recognizes the diversity of learners in our programs and the varied interests in research topics for their dissertations in the Social Sciences. Dissertation topics must, at a minimum, be aligned to General Psychology in the Ph.D. program, Leadership in the Ed.D. Organizational Leadership program, Adult Instruction in the Ed.D. Teaching and Learning program, Management in the DBA program, and Counseling Practice, Counselor Education, Clinical Supervision or Advocacy/Leadership within the Counseling field in the Counselor Education Ph.D. program. If there are questions regarding appropriate alignment of a dissertation topic to the program, the respective program chair will be the final authority for approval decisions. Specifically, although the College prefers a learners topic align with the program emphasis, this alignment is not required. The College will remain flexible on the learners dissertation topic if it aligns with the degree program in which the learner is enrolled. The Ph.D. program in General Psychology does not support clinically based research.

Locate and download the most recent version of the Prospectus Template document in the DC Network. This document has helps and criteria information embedded to assist you in the completion of the prospectus. ATTACHED

Refer to your 10 Key Strategic Points document that you began in a previous course or residency. These will be included as an Appendix in this submission. ATTACHED

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Complete a draft of the prospectus by expanding on the information from your 10 Strategic Points document and the initial draft of the purpose and significance statements according to the helps and criteria presented in each section of the prospectus template. Be sure to synthesize into the prospectus draft all feedback given by prior instructors on your 10 Strategic Points and initial prospectus sections.

Include your 10 Key Strategic Points document as Appendix A in this submission.

Please Watch Video On Headings/ Week Five Outline Please Do On Leadership Styles




Assignment Description: provide a two-page outline of your Week 7 Major Paper.  The outline should include the following:

  • scenario
  • goals
  • action plan

Choose your topic carefully as you will not be allowed to change your topic once this outline has been submitted.  The topic is applying an evidence-based approach to solve a specific workplace challenge.  The Week 7 assignment will be similar to the Week 2 and Week 3 assignment, although it will be more comprehensive with a significant focus on research that supports your approach to solving a real-world problem.

Week 5 Goal: to learn how to prepare for a major project using an outline.

Week 5 Goal: students should begin to find 5 or more peer-reviewed research articles that can used during weeks 6 and 7.

The Collaborate meeting this week will cover the topic of how your outline should translate directly into headings used in your paper.  Watch this video relating to the use of headings using APA format:

Methodology And Rationale Instructions 600 Words


Methodology and Rationale Instructions

Prompt: In 300 words describe a hypothetical methodology for studying your research topic. In the same document, in 300 words, create a rationale justifying studying your topic to your audience. In addition to a specific explanation of how you will test your research question, your methodology should explain how you will analyze the data and how you would recognize a significant result. ****In your rationale, the question you are answering is this:***** *******Why is your research proposal a good way to study this problem, and WHY SHOULD WE FUND THIS RESEARCH ? ****************Pretend you are convincing a board of academics in this field that your research proposal is worth financial support. 


1. Do not use first or second person in the rationale, but you may use first person in the methodology.

2. In addition to a specific explanation of how you will test your research question, your methodology should explain how you will analyze the data and how you would recognize a significant result.

3. ****In your rationale, the question you are answering is this:***** *******Why is your research proposal a good way to study this problem, and WHY SHOULD WE FUND THIS RESEARCH ? ****************Pretend you are convincing a board of academics in this field that your research proposal is worth financial support. 

4. Your grammar, spelling.

5. ***********Use APA formatting; NO Abstract or Title Page is required but do include a reference page if you use sources. *****************************

Additional Suggestions for Methodology:

1. Look up methodologies in the journal articles you have been researching and use those as models and guides. 

2. Everyones methodology will look a little bit different. Your methodology may include an experiment with two groups getting different treatments, one group that gets tested before and after a treatment, or a large group of people filling out a survey. Or you may be suggesting a research proposal that involves reading literature and analyzing it. 

3. Remember that simply reading textbooks or other journal articles is just secondary research. A good methodology does primary research and finds new information rather than just compiling old information, so do not include a methodology that proposes reading articles. 

4. Whatever you do, make sure that your results cannot be brought into question. For instance, if you wanted to test the effects of a drug on humans and did not clarify what humans, I might wonder if your results would be skewed because more or fewer men or women could be in different experimental groups than in the others. Be specific about your demographics or aspects of your methodology.

5. Or if you were doing a study of postmodern literature but did not say when the postmodern era began, you would get very different results based on your cutoff date. 

6. You can be creative with your methodology, but you must also be skeptical. Would you have faith in your own methods to return a reliable result?

7. It is usually a good idea to include at the end of your methodology what a significant result would look like: if your hypothesis is very correct or very incorrect, how will the researcher be able to confirm that? 

8. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to get started: 

A. What would I need to find to suggest that my hypothesis is correct? 

B. How can I eliminate variables that might confuse my results? (i.e. If studying effects of sunlight on positivity in a work environment, make sure you are not also adding free food or opportunities to walk around.)

C. If youre studying humans, which ones, and why does it matter? How old are they? What ethnicity? What religion? What income level? What education level? Not all of these will matter for every study (education level would be more important than religion in studying effects of education on earning potential) but identify the ones that do.

D. If youre doing textual analysis, what texts do you plan to analyze? And what will you be looking for when you read them? 

Additional Suggestions for Rationales: 

1. Usually the introduction (or actual rationales) of a journal article share some similarities with a rationalethey both typically mention the problem being studied and why its important to learn about it. Use the journal articles youve researched so far as models and guides for developing your rationale. 

******2. Your rationale will likely be 1-3 paragraphs.*******

3. You can begin your first paragraph with a mini thesis statement that sounds something like Research Topic X is important to study because a significant finding will have such-and-such an effect(s). Use your own words, but those key elements (research topic, value judgment, effect(s) that is important to your audience, etc.) should appear in your justification. 

4. The rest of your rationale can expand on these effects as you connect those to your audience and show the importance of what you are proposing studying.

5. The last sentence of your rationale should summarize your main idea and emphasize the importance again. 

6. Remember to speak in terms of what your academic audience (the people you want to convince) want. Dont make it obvious youre talking to someone in particular (i.e. Because my audience loves children, I want to study children.), but consistently speak in terms of the benefits others will receive from what you find. These do not need to be big benefits eitherresearch is often a series of small steps towards big conclusions.