Category: Nursing

Nursing Questions

This week’s lesson and graded assignment are opportunities for you to evaluate your own competencies in order to better understand nursing informatics and enhance your knowledge and skills. Competency assessment is an on-going process. You might be quick to assume that your competencies will always increase. Be mindful of barriers and challenges as you reflect on this topic. As you progress in this course, in the program, and beyond, how might you expect your competencies to evolve? Provide a brief response (100 words or less) 

Information literacy is critically important for all nurses, especially APNs. APNs must be able to determine what information is needed, find the information, critique the information, provide care based on this information, and evaluate the outcomes of the process. Sound challenging? Continue to reflect upon strategies to facilitate this process. Provide a brief response (100 words or less) 

For the healthcare professional to be an effective patient advocate, he or she must understand how information technology affects the patient and the subsequent delivery of care. Continue to reflect upon what does this statement means to you and your responsibilities as a future APN. Provide a brief response (100 words or less) 

NI knowledge, skills, and competencies are so pervasive in the modern technology-rich healthcare environment it is difficult to imagine one without the other. This course provided foundational and introductory knowledge regarding informatics with an emphasis on developing an understanding of concepts of nursing informatics (NI) and becoming knowledgeable about the application of informatics in advanced practice. Reflect upon one NI competency relevant to APNs which you learned in this course. Provide a brief summary (100 words or less) 

Please answer all 4 questions. If reference is used, please make sure it’s within the last 5 years and APA format

Health Care Policy Discussion Board


Reflect on Florida’s current health education programs such as Zika Free Florida, Tobacco Free Florida and consider what part the media plays in such disease prevention programs. Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and based on your textbook readings discuss how social media can be used as a health promotion tool to improve public awareness on the selected topic.

Important Note:

APA style, 350 words minimum, 3 references less than 5-7 years published. 

Post Samatha


Respond  of your colleagues who were assigned to a   different case than you. Explain how you might apply knowledge gained   from your colleagues case studies to you own practice in clinical   settings as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.

NOTE: Positive comment

                                            Main Post

The three questions this writer would as the patient are: 

Did your depressive symptoms worsen after the death of your husband? 

How many hours per night do you sleep on average? 

Do you sleep throughout those hours of sleep or do you wake constantly? 

Do you ingest any stimulants like coffee or chocolate before bed? 

Do you sleep during the daytime? 

The rationale behind question one is to gauge the timeline of the  patients depression. She appears to have been suffering with untreated  depression for a long time, however the additional symptoms of insomnia  and tearfulness seemed to worsen after his death. With this information  the nurse practitioner will know if her depression is in an acute state  and the severity of her illness.The patient is reporting sleeplessness;  however the nurse practitioner needs to gauge if the patient is  participating in restful sleep. Sleep of two hours or less may only  consist of REM sleep (Boland et al., 2020). If the patient is not  getting restful sleep, she is not benefiting from the bodily repair that  takes place during sleep (Fitzgerald et al., 2017).  This can place her  at an increased risk for other illnesses and heighten depressive  symptoms (Uchmanowicz et al., 2019).Knowing if the patient sleeps  consistently throughout those hours of sleep will provide information to  the nurse about the kind and amount of sleep the patient is getting.  Ingesting certain stimulants like caffeinated drinks, coffee or  chocolate can affects the clients sleep by providing wakefulness (Ulke  et al., 2017).  If the patient is sleeping during the daytime, her  circadian rhythm could have been reversed where she will need less sleep  during the night time hours (Fitzgerald et al., 2017).

The people this writer would interview are:

The patients aide 

The patients son 

The patient aide may be able to provide more information about  observed sleepiness during the daytime. In addition, she will be able to  provide information on the patients dietary patterns and physical  activity. The questions to the aide would be:    

Does she easily nod off during the daytime? 

Does she easily become fatigued? 

Does she consume a well-balanced diet? 

Question one would illicit answers about her getting sleep. 

It appears that she in fact getting sleep but because of a revered  circadian rhythm she is not able to get the sleep at the night which is  the desired time.  Question two will help the nurse practitioner gauge  the extent of the effects that non sleep has taken on the patients  life. The patient, if constantly fatigued throughout the day has a life  that has been highly impacted by the lack of sleep. The aide would be  able to provide a clear, picture of the patients diet. The aide would  be able to reveal if the patient consumes a vast amount of sugar or  caffeine which could interrupt sleep.

Questions to the son would surround the familys psychiatric history.   These questions will help the nurse practitioner construct the family  history of the patient and rule out or consider familial history as a  cause for her symptoms.

Can you recall any maternal family members with psychiatric disorders including depression and insomnia? 

Did the symptoms start after the death of the clients husband?  

This would help the nurse practitioner rule out depressive symptoms as the cause of her insomnia.

Physical Examinations and Tests

Sleep Study:

Polysomnogram The sleep study or polysomnogram  measures the brain waves, blood oxygen, leg movements and breathing  during sleep (Meghdadi et al., 2019). The Nurse Practitioner would be  able to rule out physiological reasons ad the cause for the patients  insomnia.

Actigraphy: This is where a small device is worn on  the wrist and it measures the persons sleep wake cycle for a specified  period (Meghdadi et al., 2019). This is convenient for this client and  the Nurse Practitioner would be able to monitor the clients sleep  health and gauge the severity of the disruption of her sleep.The nurse  practitioner could also physically examine the patients nares for  septal occlusion.

Septal occlusion or deviation could lead to problems  with sleeping even during sleep, this would be important for the nurse  practitioner to evaluate as this could be interfering with the patients  sleep.

Epworth sleepiness scale assesses the patients  tendency to nod off in various situations (Meghdadi et al., 2019).  For  this client it would be necessary for the nurse practitioner to assess  the severity of her nodding off during the day time especially at  unexpected times like during eating and other activities that would put  her safety at risk. 

Differential Diagnosis

G47.00 Unspecified Insomnia Disorder– The patient is  experiencing insomnia at nighttime that could be related to several  factors. She reports staying up late to watch T.V., depressive symptoms,  restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea and sleeping during the daytime.  Some of these factors have not been ruled out yet as the cause of her  anxiety. 

G47.23 Persistent Irregular Sleep Wake type severe 

F32.9 Unspecified Depressive Disorder 

G25.81 Restless legs syndrome 


Trazodone 50 mg This medication would be the first choice as it  offers antidepressant properties as well as promotes sleep in those  diagnoses with insomnia. It is generally safe for the elderly population  at low doses (Pagel et al., 2018). The Nurse Practitioner should  monitor the patient and evaluate the needs to slowly increase or in some  cases decrease the dose. 

Rozerem 8 mg- Is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic that promotes sleep.  The patient would benefit from his, but an added benefit would be that  she would be at a diminished risk of falls as this is a concern  following the use of hypnotics in the elderly. This drug is reported as  one that would prevent less falls from over sedation (Pagel et al.,  2018).

Lessons Learned            

This writer has learned that it is important to conduct a complete  evaluation of the patient and not just focus on the presenting symptoms.  There are additional environmental and physiological symptoms that  could be attributed to the patients insomnia. In this case the patient  had several factors that could be contributing her insomnia and they  needed to be ruled out. The cause of her insomnia could have been  physiological from the sleep apnea or from her habits of staying up tool  late at nights and sleeping during the daytime. It is also important to  evaluate medications, social and economic factors before the resorting  to pharmacological interventions. 


Boland, E. M., Vittengl, J. R., Clark, L. A., Thase, M. E., &  Jarrett, R. B. (2020). Is sleep disturbance linked to short- and  long-term outcomes following treatments for recurrent depression? Journal of Affective Disorders262, 323332. 

FitzGerald, J. M., ORegan, N., Adamis, D., Timmons, S., Dunne, C. P., Trzepacz, P. T., & 

Meagher, D. J. (2017). Sleep-wake cycle disturbances in elderly acute  general medical inpatients: Longitudinal relationship to delirium and  dementia. Alzheimers & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring7, 6168. 

Meghdadi, A. H., Popovic, D., Rupp, G., Smith, S., Berka, C., &  Verma, A. (2019). Transcranial Impedance Changes during Sleep: A  Rheoencephalography Study. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering  in Health and Medicine, Translational Engineering in Health and  Medicine, IEEE Journal of, IEEE J. Transl. Eng. Health Med7, 17.  

Pagel, T., Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal, & Jaime M. Monti. (2018). Treating insomnia with medications. Sleep Science and Practice, (1), 1. Uchmanowicz I, Markiewicz K, 

Uchmanowicz B, Kotuniuk A, & Rosiczuk J. (2019). The  relationship between sleep disturbances and quality of life in elderly  patients with hypertension. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 155. 

Ulke, C., Sander, C., Jawinski, P., Mauche, N., Huang, J., Spada, J.,  Hegerl, U. (2017). Sleep disturbances and upregulation of brain arousal  during daytime in depressed versus non-depressed elderly subjects. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry18(8), 633640.    



This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the 


Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal

Planning and Topic

Directions: Develop an educational series proposal for your community using one of the following four topics:


Teaching Plan Criteria

Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn.

Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied.

Goal: Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) objective(s) utilized as the goal for the teaching. Include the appropriate objective number and rationale for using the selected HP2020 objective (use at least one objective from one of the 24 focus areas). If an HP2020 objective does not support your teaching, explain how your teaching applies to one of the two overarching HP2020 goals.

How Does This HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Atas Health for All Global Initiative

Develop Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods:

Behavioral Objective and Domain

More detail

Teaching Plan Criteria

Your teaching plan will be graded based on its effectiveness and relevance to the population selected. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing :

Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn.

Learning to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied.

I Need Help


Hello, anyone who can help me with my assignments.

I have attached the links here please check and let me know.

I Need Help


Hello, anyone who can help me with my assignments.

I have attached the links here please check and let me know.

Defining Quality


Post your definition of quality, and apply it to the work of one major quality theorist (e.g., Donabedian, Juran, Deming, Triple Aim (IHI) Berwick). Identify a practice problem that you have had some experience with as a customer or as a practitioner, and explain how eliminating wasteful practices could have improved the experience. Include how your definition of quality applies to that experience.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist).

Notes for Initial Post: A 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually 5 years old). 

Ethics In Nursing


Think of a time when you had a different opinion than another person. 
Reflect on personal values evident in encounters/challenges with patients, friends, teachers, and others.
Note what they think and feel about these situations. 
Trace how they developed each value and how their value(s) affected these encounters. 
Identify value differences that may have contributed to conflict or misunderstanding.

Health Policy, Politics And Perspectives.

Reply to the following posts. In your reply, include new information about the attributes you utilized in your original assignment (The one you did for me). 

– Each post reply should be at least 200 to 300 words.



Advance Nursing Research

Reply to the following two posts. In your replies, discuss what surprised you about the theory your peers wrote about, and how its integrated into the study? What other type of research might this theory be useful in? 

– THERE IS NOT AN AMOUNT OF WORDS REQUIRED!!! (Just reply to post 1, and then reply to post 2.)