Category: Nursing

Discussion post

 There are many reasons that we need to sleep.  It is a restorative process that helps us function.  Suppose that a new miracle pill allows a person to function with only one hour of sleep per night.  However, because a nights sleep is so short, a person who takes the pill will never dream again.  Knowing what you do about the functions of sleep and dreaming, what would be some advantages and drawbacks of such a pill from a personal standpoint?  Would you take such a pill?  You should offer at least one citation to support your work. 

Please add in-text citation and references at the end of post. Post should be 250 words minimum.   

Epidemiology Assignment


1.  Go to and review the Healthy People 2020 initiative.  Pay close attention to the objectives, goals, and indicators.

2.  Using your city or county public health department or the CDC, choose 3 population or community based problems such as disease, disaster, crimes, accidents, falls etc… from the topics outlined in the website and prepare  an analysis discussing how these 3 conditions, affect your community and how they were identified and a plan of action to contained them base on healthy people 2020.

3.  You can also use the following CDC link and identify 3 community infectious outbreaks such as measles and develop the assignment.

The presentation must be in APA format with a minimum of 1500 words (excluding first andreferences page) with a minimum of 4 evidence-based references using the required Arial 12 font.  Must include the zip code of the city or county chosen.  Follow the APA example paper that was sent to you at the beginning of the course for guidance.  Make sure references are usedaccording to APA guidelines and electronic references must be from reliable sources such as CDC.

The assignment will be post it in the discussion tab of the blackboard for grading and in the SafeAssign exercise in the assignment to verify originality.  FNU only accept 35% of plagiarism.  I will not accept any assignment that exceeds the percentage of plagiarism establish by the university.  

Due date:  Sunday, February 9, 2020 @ 11:59 PM

Transformational Leadership Analysis


Describe the scenario you selected.

Describe the transformational behaviors or actions the leader exhibited. Be specific and provide examples.

Explain how these behaviors or actions produce the best care and environment for excellence in nursing practice and a healthy workplace environment that leads to quality patient outcomes.

For each behavior or action, provide an example of how excellence in nursing practice is taking place.

Explain how the leaders behaviors and actions contribute to a healthy workplace culture.

Explain the relationship among transformational leadership, communication, and collaboration with other teams and how this promotes excellence in nursing practice.

T2 DQ2. By1/30


Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion. How does a nurse determine which strategy would best enable the targeted individuals to gain more control over, and improve, their health?

Urinary Obstruction Case Studies

1. Does BPH predispose this patient to cancer? 

2. Why are patients with BPH at increased risk for urinary tract infections?

 3. What would you expect the patients PSA level to be after surgery? 

4. What is the recommended screening guidelines and treatment for BPH?

 5. What are some alternative treatments / natural homeopathic options for treatment?  

Discussion Peer Replay, APA 6, Similarities Less 5%, At Least 2 Evidenced-Based, References No Older Than 5 Years

Polypharmacy is a common issue that NPs and any prescriber should keep in mind. That is because a common risk factor for polypharmacy is elderly patients. After living for many years, it is common to have multiple comorbidities. Multiple comorbidities represent different treatment which most of the time includes 6 to 7 pills taken daily. Another risk factor for this includes obesity. Obesity rates continue to rise in the US and with that many other diseases. Obese patients usually suffer from cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological problems at the same time (Ersoy & Engin, 2018). All of these combined also lead to them needing multiple drugs to be taken as treatment daily.

            As an NP, it is our duty to make sure we look out for the safety of the public specially when it comes to polypharmacy. One intervention we can apply in our plan of care for patients at risk of polypharmacy is providing education in regard to the side effects and information regarding the drug. Another intervention we can apply is finding medications that can be taken once a day and recommending using a pill dispenser (Dagli & Sharma, 2014). Another intervention that could be applied is eliminating one of the multiple drugs if possible or if the medication is unnecessary. Polypharmacy is an issue for many of our patients thats why it is our job to manage it and prevent adverse effects from it.


Dagli, R. J., & Sharma, A. (2014). Polypharmacy: a global risk factor for elderly people. Journal of international oral health : JIOH6(6), iii.

Ersoy, S., & Engin, V. S. (2018). Risk factors for polypharmacy in older adults in a primary care setting: a cross-sectional study. Clinical interventions in aging13, 20032011. doi:10.2147/CIA.S176329

Discussion Peer replay, APA 6, similarities less 5%, at least 2 evidenced-based, references no older than 5 yearsg


Aging comes in with multiple health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and arthritis conditions. Compared to the younger population, elderly people are more likely to suffer from multiple diseases. Polypharmacy is a sector of concerning for specifically elder people compared to the younger population (Salvi, Rossi, Lattanzio, & Cherubini, 2017). Elderly population is at the highest risk of adverse drug reaction as a result of metabolic changes as well as reduced drug clearance related to the ageing. Additionally, the risk factor accelerated with the increasing number of drug being used. The potentiality of drug to drug interaction is further increased by application of varied or multiple drugs.

An intervention is use of non-pharmacological interventions including non-modification strategies. Therapeutic activities including art, music, pets and aromatherapy which helps in reducing the demand for psychoactive medication so as to modify behavioral episodes. Old age comes with a lot of chronic condition whereby some could be managed minus medication.

Polypharmacy is associated with incidence of frailty over the eight years follow up period. Frailty is referred to as the state of increased vulnerability to the stressor resulting from decrease in the physiological reserves in the multiple organ system leading to the limited capacity to maintain to manage or maintain homeostasis (Lim et al. 2017). Those people who are using multiple drugs happen to be less health compared these taking fewer drugs. Individual who takes multiple drugs have double incidents of frailty. Moreover, frailty is linked to the polypharmacy because it contribute to development of frailty as a result of negative influence on the factors related to frailty including commodities or weight loss.

The intervention is to identify the indicator for every medication. All the medication should include indication or diagnosis for which the drug has been prescribed. This practice will encourage safe prescribing. Deprescribing is also important as the risk versus the benefit of medication or the drugs is examined to reduce the chances of polypharmacy complications (Lim et al. 2017).


Lim, L. M., McStea, M., Chung, W. W., Azmi, N. N., Aziz, S. A. A., Alwi, S., … & Rajasuriar, R. (2017). Prevalence, risk factors g health outcomes associated with polypharmacy among urban community-dwelling older adults in multi-ethnic Malaysia. PLoS One12(3).

Salvi, F., Rossi, L., Lattanzio, F., & Cherubini, A. (2017). Is polypharmacy an independent risk factor for adverse outcomes after an emergency department visit?. Internal and emergency medicine12(2), 213-220.

Prenatal expectations in Mexican culture

Conduct a literature search to locate a journal article related to the health or health care practices of Mexican.  Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice. Please provide a copy of the journal article (or hyperlink) if possible.

Community Access to Mental Health Services



Access to mental health services is a hot topic in U.S. Healthcare. Do you know what resources are available for clients seeking care in your own community? Select one mental health related condition from the list below. Conduct a web search to identify health care services within your community aimed specifically at addressing this condition.

Choose one:

  • Depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Opioid addiction

Answer the following questions in your post:

  1. When reviewing a client’s health history and physical examination record, what are some findings (subjective and objective) that may indicate a need for further in-depth assessment for the condition you selected above?
  2. Describe a focused specialty assessment tool you could use to screen the client for this condition.
  3. What resources did you find in your community that address this issue? What type of services do they provide? Were there specific resources or services you were hoping to locate, and could not? Please explain.

Journal Article Review/Critique

 A journal article review is an important course assignment. See guidelines and detailed instructions below. Articles should be from peer-reviewed or scholarly journals and relate to the field of study. To successfully accomplish the main objectives of this assignment, students will perform a critical, constructive analysis of recent published studies (journal articles) in the healthcare or public health fields through summary, classification, analysis and comparison. A review and critique of the methodological approach and discussion of the applications in the field are expected. Establishing the Research Context Once you are reasonably familiar with the article, it is important to gain an understanding of the research context. Article to be reviewed/critiqued: Instructions: Read critically the articles. Many journal articles can be quite complex and use complicated wording and statistics. You may need to read the article a few times before you get a full grasp of it. 

Students should address the following questions/topics: 

1. Explore and retrieve a journal article related to a topic of your interest.

 2. The article should be based on a quantitative research design. 

3. Identify/construct the main research question(s) of the study. (20 points)

 4. Review and discuss the Methods section of each article follow the sub-sections below: 

a. Identify the study design. (10 points)

 b. Report the sample size, power and sampling methods used. (10 points) 

c. Report the variables (indicators) explored/analyzed in the study. 

i. Independent/Predictor/Explanatory. Quantitative/Qualitative. (20 points) 

ii. Dependent/Response/Outcome. Quantitative/Qualitative. (20 points) 

5. Write a summary paper 1 to 2 pages in length in MS Word format. 

a. Include the purpose for the article and the most relevant findings. (10 points) 6. Add a citation for the journal article at the top of the review using the American Psychological Association’s (APA) format. (10 points)