Category: Nursing

Week 2 Assignment 1

What are the components of organizational culture that affect the medical practice?

All assignments are to be written in an essay format, with the appropriate heading, an introduction, body and conclusion / summary. References must be included on all assignments. Please use your textbook as your main reference. The essay should be at least two pages in length, typed, double spaced, with 12 font.

Nursing Research Discussion Board

locate a scholarly article based on the following topics:

  • Quantitative Research
  • Qualitative Research
  • Research Design
  • Literature Review

Upload the article and briefly inform the Class what the article is about. 

Nurse Barriers

Paper Topic

  1. In your journey to become a professional nurse, what barriers have you encountered, and how have you been able to overcome them? 
  2. Please give at least three (3) barriers, or at least three reasons that you have been encouraged to pursue becoming a professional nurse

My Instructions

-this should be 200 words or more

-no plagarism

-use references at least 2 of them

-use proper apa format including cover page and reference page, no abstract is required

-use your imagination in writing this paper

Nursing Research

 Research Paper: The purpose of this project is for the student to complete all the different steps necessary to implement a nursing research project.  

Phase 1 is the planning stage of a research project; students are to prepare a 4-5 page paper identifying a specific topic that you would like to investigates and relates to transitional nursing. You will provide a brief introduction to the situation by utilizing published nursing research articles to support your statement. This paper will also include 

1- Introduction to the Problem

2- Clearly Identify the Problem

3- Significance of the problem to Nursing

4- Purpose of the research

5- Research questions

Community Health

In this module, you will complete a full assessment of your own community; the focus should be your county, city or town. The broader you keep this assessment the better you will do in N493.

**Do not select a population, like children in daycare or adults who smoke – that will be done in Community Health II. 

Defining the Community

Your community can be any geographically defined county, city, or town. Clearly delineate the following dimensions before starting the process of community assessment:

 Describe the population that is being assessed?

 What is/are the race(s) of this population within the community?

 Are there boundaries of this group? If so, what are they?

 Does this community exist within a certain city or county?

 Are there general characteristics that separate this group from others?

 Education levels, birth/death rates, age of deaths, insured/uninsured?

 Where is this group located geographically? Urban/rural?

 Why is a community assessment being performed? What purpose will it serve?

 How will information for the community assessment be collected?


After the community has been defined, the next phase is assessment. The following items describe several resources and methods that can be used to gather and generate data. These items serve as a starting point for data collection. This is not an all-inclusive list of resources and methods that may be used when a community assessment is conducted.

The time frame for completion of the assessment may influence which methods are used. Nonetheless, these items should be reviewed to determine what information will be useful to collect about the community that is being assessed. It is not necessary to use all of these resources and methods; however, use of a variety of methods is helpful when one is exploring the needs of a community.

Data Gathering (collecting information that already exists)

Demographics of the Community

 When demographic data are collected, it is useful to collect data from a variety of levels so comparisons can be made.

 If the population that is being assessed is located within a specific setting, it may be best to contact that agency to retrieve specific information about that population.

 The following resources provide a broad overview of the demographics of a city, county, or state:

 Find population, housing, and economic and geographic data for your city based on U.S. Census data

 Easy access to facts about people, business, and geography, based on U.S. Census data

 Obtain information about a specific city or county on these useful websites and  

Information from Government Agencies

 this resource is published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It identifies health improvement goals and objectives for the country to be reached by the year 2020

 this agency is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; this website provides statistical information about the health of Americans


 The CDC website contains a large amount of information related to the health of the American population. The search engine within this website can be used to find relevant information


 Every state in the United States has its own specific health improvement plan and goals that are based on the Healthy People 2020 document. This information may be available on the state health department website.

 State and local health departments provide information related to vital statistics for the community.

Other Data Sources

 Americas Health Rankingsthis website provides information about various health indicators for each state: 

 Other relevant data sources may be found by conducting an Internet search related to the topic that is being examined through the community assessment.

After data are collected from various sources, it is important to review the information and to identify assets and areas for improvement in the community by comparing local data (if available) versus state and national data. This will facilitate organization of the information that has already been obtained and will provide direction for the next step of the process.

Data Generation (data are developed that do not already exist):

Windshield Surveys

With the use of public transportation or by driving a vehicle around the community, one can observe common characteristics of the community.

Examples of key observations to make when one is assessing the community through a windshield survey include the following:

 Age of the homes in the community

 Location of parks and other recreational areas

 Amount of space between homes and businesses

 Neighborhood hangouts

 Transportation in the community

 Quality and safety of streets and sidewalks

 Stores and other businesses

 People out in the community

 Cleanliness of the community

 Billboards or other media displays

 Places of worship

 Healthcare facilities 

Participant Observation

Spend time observing the population that is being assessed. Through observation of interactions among group members, much can be learned about the community, including the following:

 Developmental level of the population

 Effectiveness of peer-to-peer interactions

 Respect for peers and others

 Safety in the environment

 Economic status

Informant Interviews

Informants could be people who are familiar with and interact with the population on a regular basis.

Examples of questions that may be asked of key informants include the following:

 Strengths/assets of the community

 Areas of improvement for the community

 Concerns of community members

 Access to health care

 Emergency plans for natural or man-made disasters

Focus Groups

Focus groups (usually small groups of 6-12 people) can be helpful when one is gathering information about specific areas of concern within the population. Use of a focus group involves open dialogue about the population, whereas an interview or survey yields only individual responses.

 Focus groups may be effective for assessing the following:

 Satisfaction with services provided

 Community resources used

 Transportation issues within the community

 Safety within the community

 General concerns of members of the population


Surveys may be used to collect data from the community. Selecting a sample of the target population may prove helpful in the collection of data that are easier to analyze. It is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the target population.

A survey should be developed that takes into consideration the developmental level of the group that is being assessed. Questions should be written at the appropriate developmental level, so they are answered in a way that makes the data useful. Surveys might include closed-ended (yes/no), multiple choice (several responses to choose from), Likert scale (Strongly Agree/Agree/Neutral/Disagree/Strongly Disagree), or open-ended (why/how) questions.

Topics that may be addressed in a survey include the following:

 Demographic information

 Status of employment

 Safety within community

 Safety in environment

 Personal safety (seatbelts, helmets, etc.)

 Stressors/stress management patterns

 Risky behaviors

 Support systems

 Volunteer/community activities

 Rest patterns


 Dental hygiene

 Health promotion activities

Your submission should be a minimum of 2000 words (maximum 2500 words) in length and should completely answer the items noted using at least 3 sources. Remember all APA papers include a title page, running head/page #s, introduction, level headings, conclusion, and reference page.

Clinical Decision Support Systems or Data Mining


need 2-3 paragraph. choose from option A or B and please address all asked questions:

Answer with an initial post to one of the questions sets below. Make sure you note in your post if you are responding to Option A or Option B. You must respond to classmates postings in both Option A and Option B.

Option A: Clinical Decision Support Systems

Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) are used to help guide clinical decisions for care. At the high end, CDSSs can facilitate diagnosis of conditions. Most of us see a CDSS in terms of hard stops in the charting where until certain things are documented you cannot proceed in the charting.

  1. Describe how a CDSS is used at your facility.
  2. Explain how a CDSS might be useful in supporting high quality, safe patient care.
  3. If your clinical area does not use a CDSS, describe how one could be used in practice.
  4. Find one peer-reviewed article to use in your response and cite it using APA format.

Option B: Data Mining

Data mining is used to find relationships between variables that one might not have considered previously. For example, you run a data search to compare the incidence of nosocomial infections rates on a particular unit against those that had surgery a minimum of one day prior. This might show a correlation between infection rates of a particular group (say, appendectomies) with a specific OR (or surgeon, or team, etc.). Perhaps the nosocomial infection rates of appendectomies was 24% when they used operating room 3. The data tells you to examine that OR, look for reasons why the incidence of infections was higher in that room. Data mining looks retrospectively at the correlation between two variables that might not have been identified otherwise.

  1. If you were able to perform a data mining search in your current setting, what topic or issue would you select? Keep in mind that data mining can ONLY happen if the topics or variables are electronically stored so when you identify your data mining topic, you need to state how the data is stored and accessed.
  2. Would you narrow it to a specific population and cross reference another variable such as a nursing intervention or would you widen the search to look for hidden trends?
  3. What other issues would need to be considered when looking at data mining trends for future practice?
  4. Find one peer-reviewed article to use in your response and cite it using APA format.

In your responses to two other students posts, discuss the impact data mining or CDSS might have on clinical practice or share another response that you may have about a students posting.

Your responses should consist of complete sentences and should be at least 1 paragraph but no more than 3 paragraphs.

Week 2 discussion comment.

Comment using your own words but please provide at least one reference for each comment.

Do a half page for discussion #1 and another half page for discussion #2 for a total of one page.

Provide the comment for each discussion separate.

Module 4 Maternal child discussion


Mary’s 1st baby was delivered via c/section due to the baby being in the breech position. She is requesting a VBAC (vaginal birth after c/section) for this her second baby. By ultrasound this baby is in the vertex position. In reviewing the postoperative report from her first surgery – it is noted that she had a low transverse uterine incision.

Mary is not progressing in labor appropriately, and the decision has been made to move toward a cesarean section. She understands, agrees, and signs the consent for surgery. You will again accept this patient in the recovery – or initial postpartum period.

Recognize that you will complete BUBBLEHE assessment. In addition, the abdominal assessment will also include assessment of the incision. Note the type of dressing used to cover the incision. Is it approximated? Is there any bleeding? Does she have bowel sounds? Is the abdomen distended? Is it soft? Do you assess the fundus and where is it located? It should be firm. Note pain assessment.

Discussion Group B will provide initial post to the following questions, and respond to Group A.

Discussion Group B:


Susan P. had a SVD (spontaneous vaginal delivery) today approximately 2 hours ago. The labor and delivery nurse is calling to give you report. She is new and not sure what you want to know from her.

What questions do you need to ask to provide comprehensive care to this patient once she is transferred into your care?

Please answer all questions including in text citation and 3-4 References>

Quality Methods In Healthcare


Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services


Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.


The CEO has received some resistance from the Board on undertaking a QI program. She has asked you to develop a set of talking points on the pros and cons of common measurement techniques used in healthcare that she can use the next time she runs into a Board member. 

Talking points are used to quickly explain something by condensing it into a compelling, but easily digestible, list. If the goal is to increase support for a QI program, the talking points must provide the ideas she needs to convey in order to achieve the goal.

Your talking points should be submitted in a Word document. Your talking points should include the pros and cons of implementing a QI program.

Upon completion of your talking points, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or other shareable Webware/software you prefer) with narration where you will explain each talking point to the CEO so they clearly understand and can answer questions from the Board.

APA formatting for the talking points, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.  

  1. Length of PowerPoint is secondary to the quality of the presentation as a whole.
  2. Highlight specific pros and cons of QI programs.
  3. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.

 Your audio presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the CEO of your facility. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity of your presentation. 

WK 10 Practicum 1

Assignment 1: Week 10 Practicum Journal: Checkpoint for Certification Plan

Report your progress on the Certification Plan completed in Week 1 and submitted in Week 4.

  • What have you done to prepare for your certification? 
  • Have you completed the scheduled tasks assigned on your timeline? If not, what are your plans to stay on schedule?