Category: Music

Jazz in 1970s

Final Installment (50 points): Your paper as a whole, should be a study of your choice musicians life, and their relevance to, and impact on the music world. Any parallels you can make that point to connections your musicians has to social issues from their time, especially those we are still struggling with, would be very important to bring up. Here is how you should build your paper:

Title and Name – Don’t forget these! They’re important!!
Introduction – The paper should begin with an introduction describing the person you chose, why you chose him/her, and stating your specific thesis (in bold print).

Body of Paper – Use your Installment #2 as a guideline and begin by elaborate on the analysis you have already provided. If you follow that format, and continue to elaborate, you will naturally build the body of your paper. The body of the paper will also consist of background research on the music and culture pertaining to your chosen individual.

Conclusion – The paper should end with a conclusion that revisits the original thesis, highlights what you learned through your research about the person you chose, and how the experience has impacted or altered your views about jazz, culture, and the world around you. The conclusion should be mostly in your own words, and it should revisit the original thesis, highlight what you learned as a result of your research and interview, and describe in detail how the experience has affected your opinions or views of jazz and how it relates to the world around you.

Bibliography – You must include a bibliography, showing that you used a variety of resources with at least 4 articles, books, and encyclopedias. You must include at least one of each of those

I chose Louis Armstrong by the way 🙂

opera history journal 5study questions each 250words

February 10
Read: Abbate-Parker, 113-116
Also check out the synopses of Idomeneo and La clemenza di Tito
Watch: Idomeneo, Act I (Met Opera on Demand, 1982); La clemenza di Tito, Sestos first-act aria Parto, parto, ma tu ben mio (Met Opera on Demand, 2012)
Analyze: Illias aria Padre, germani, addio and Electras aria Tutte nel cor vi sento from Idomeneo; Sestos Parto, parto, ma tu ben mio from La clemenza di Titofind .pdf scores + text/translations on Blackboard

Study Questions:
How does Mozart differentiate the two female heroines of Idomeneo in their introductory arias?

What are the main differences between the forms of the arias from Idomeneo and that from Tito?

In what ways does the first act of Idomeneo incorporate ideals of Glucks reform operas?

February 12
Read: Abbate-Parker, 117-144
Also check out the synopsis of Le nozze di Figaro
Watch: Mozart, Le nozze di Figaro, Acts I and II (Met Opera on Demand, 1998)
Analyze: second-act finalefind .pdf score and text/translation on Blackboard

Study Question:
How do the first two acts of Le nozze di Figaro reflect general characteristics of late eighteenth-century opera buffa?

Using the text/translation and a score, sketch out the first part of the second-act finale (up to the arrival of the gardener Antonio), showing all the different shifts in style as well as key and signature changes. Explain how these musical changes and shifts fit with the drama.

Module 1 Discussion Post

Creating a post that includes the  title, performers, and genres of two of my favorite pieces of music. Including links to streaming audio/video  examples of both pieces/songs and discuss how or when you listen to them(in the car, while exercising, when cleaning house, etc.) Write a minimum of 2 sentences for this part.. I  like Christian music  black or white. I also like R&B, Pop, Reggae.  The writer can choice any two, just make sure it can calm my soul, with understanding lyrics.