Category: Mathematics

Market Analysis Research



MBA Business Plan component


One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value; characteristics of the intended customer base; in-depth understanding of the competition; barriers to entry and the regulatory environment. An accurate and detailed market analysis allows entrepreneurs to determine whether the market is sufficiently large to build a sustainable, profitable business. In this assignment, you will prepare a portion of the market analysis for your proposed business. You will create a report that can be included as part of your digital portfolio.


Write a 525-word report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Business overview, mission and vision
  • Section 2: Market analysis
  • Section 3: Recommendation

Use the Market Analysis Research document for details on what to include in each section.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Interpreting A Factor Analysis


Factor analysis is a powerful statistical technique that is frequently used in test construction. When performing factor analysis, researchers look at correlations between test items or variables and, in doing so, seek to discover underlying dimensions. It may be discovered that groups of items measure the same dimension, which may in turn lead to the discovery of subscales. Exploratory factor analysis is used to discover how items group together; confirmatory factor analysis is used to see if the items group together in a way that is consistent with theory or expectation. For this assignment, you interpret an exploratory factor analysis on the provided dataset. Because factor analysis is so important in test construction, the steps on how to perform a factor analysis are presented below. You may wish to work through these steps on your own in SPSS since familiarity with this process may benefit you in the future; however, you are not required to do so.

To perform a factor analysis on the provided MoneyData dataset, click on ANALYZE>DIMENSION REDUCTION>FACTOR. Move the 18 test items into the VARIABLES box, L1 to L5, L6R, D1 to D6, R1 to R6. Click on the EXTRACTION button. For METHOD, select Principle Axis Factoring. For DISPLAY, uncheck Unrotated factor solution, and check Scree Plot. Under Extract, select Fixed number of factors, and enter 3 in the Factors to extract box. Click on Continue. Click on the ROTATION button, and select Direct Oblimin as the rotation method. Click on Continue, and then click on OK.

Notice the Scree Plot. This shows how many distinct factors are present in your data. The number of factors above the plot elbow is the number you should retain. In this case, three factors should be retained.


Now look at the Pattern Matrix. It shows, for the most part, that each item loads on only one factor. Each item has a high loading in only one column and negligible loadings on the other two factors. The factor analysis shows that there are three distinct scales with 6 items each.

Consider how you would interpret the results of this factor analysis. You will need to incorporate your interpretation into your Final Project paper.

The Assignment

Interpret the results of the factor analysis. 

Confidence Intervals

 The project is broken into two parts.


In this Part I, you will pick a topic, complete research and provide a write-up that includes calculations. Round all values to two decimal places when appropriate.


  1. Choose a Topic where you can gather at least 50 pieces of data.

Examples of Topics

  1. The Golden Gate Warriors Points Per Game in 2016 (use the points scored in the first 50 games).
  2. High School Graduation Rates by State (use the graduation rates for all 50 states)
  3. Average Tuition Rates in the US (You have to find the tuition rates of 50 college/universities).
  4. The prices of a hotel room per night in a major city (You have to find the price of the same night of hotels in one city).
  5. Weights of 50 babies at birth.

Write at least a 1-Page Report in a word document with the following requirements

  1. Introduction–Provide a description of your topic and cite where you found your data.
  2. Sample DataInclude a 5×10 table including your 50 values in your report. You must provide ALL of your sample data.
  3. Problem ComputationsFor the topic you chose, you must answer the following:
  • Determine the mean and standard deviation of your sample.
  • Find the 80%, 95%, and 99% confidence intervals.
  • Make sure to list the margin of error for the 80%, 95%, and 99% confidence interval.
  • Create your own confidence interval (you cannot use 80%, 95%, and 99%) and make sure to show your work. Make sure to list the margin of error.
  1. Problem AnalysisWrite a half-page reflection on the following
  • What trend do you see takes place to the confidence interval as the confidence level rises? Explain mathematically why that takes place.
  • Provide a sentence for each confidence interval created in part c) which explains what the confidence interval means in context of topic of your project.
  • Explain how Part I of the project has helped you understand confidence intervals better?
  • How did this project help you understand statistics better?

 Other requirements

Microsoft Office: Word and Excel

Site where you found the topic

2 pages in all



In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply the skills and techniques you learn in this class and to produce a professional report using appropriate technology. This is a MAJOR, on-going assignment and is worth 15% of your grade; the equivalent of one unit exam grade.

Your projects will be graded in stages (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) according to the attached rubrics.   

To be successful on your project you must:

Read and follow instructions carefully.

Work according to the timeline provided and submit work on time.

o 10% will be deducted for each calendar day the project is submitted after the due date. A project is considered submitted when it is available for the professor to view on Canvas.  No credit is given after 5 days late. 

o Students who fail to submit earlier parts of the project may still submit later parts of the project as long as their topic has been approved by their instructor and as long as they collect their own data. Points will still be taken away for lack of completeness unless those prior sections are completed and included.

Write clearly, using appropriate terminology and accurate mathematical notation. College-level writing is expected, as is the use of correct grammar.

o If you need help with writing, feel free to use the HCC Writing Center: For further information, see the HCC Web page under the heading Writing Center or call the Writing Center at (443) 518-4101. PGCC students at the Laurel College Center should see the PGCC Writing Center for assistance.

Submit a neat, professional report typed using your choice of word processing software (including a mathematical notation package) and including printouts and diagrams from your choice of statistical software/technology.

o In particular, embedded graphs or charts and/or computer printouts will be expected as part of the report. Hand-drawn graphs are not acceptable.

o Please note: Excel should be used only with caution as it does not consistently follow accepted statistical practices.

Original work is expected. This means that students who are repeating the course are expected to create an entirely new project using two new variables of interest.

o For example, you might watch a YouTube video on how to use StatCrunch or have a peer show you how to create a histogram using a different data set (not the one in your project), then try it yourself with your data set. You might consult your textbook or your instructor about a concept, but then put the explanation into your own words.

Getting Help:

o For this project, you may consult any resource for general help and advice (including your instructor, tutors (LAC, HR230), classmates, or the internet) provided that your write-up (computations, explanations, and embedded diagrams) are your own work.

Submission guidelines:

o You should submit your project via the Canvas link as a PDF or Word file.

o VeriCite will be used as a deterrent to plagiarism. This program is integrated into the Canvas submission process.  All submissions will be compared against the VeriCite database and receive an originality rating. 

o To earn the maximum score on this project, it is expected that students go above and beyond the minimum expectations of the project.


Project Part 1:  Research Proposal                                                      (10 points total)

Choose two quantitative variables that you think might be related, then write a short survey that you could give to at least 20 participants.  Your survey needs to gather data about each quantitative variable. 


You may believe that there is an association between the number of hours a week a student studies for their math class and their current GPA.

Survey Questions: 

1. How many hours a week do you study for your math class?

2. What is your current GPA?


Submit a 1- page research proposal using the following format and headings. The description in italics indicates the information required in each section.

Project Name:
MATH-138 Statistics Fall 2018


Introduce the variables you will be collecting data on and explain why you think there is a relationship between these variables.  Indicate which variable you think might cause a change in the other variable. Address why your research in important or interesting.


Discuss the population you intend to focus your questions on and what your data will consist of.  Answer the following questions in your response:  Who is the population of interest (from which you will select your participants in part II of the project)? For the example above relating hours studied and GPA, I might want to consider all college students or I might want to focus on just community college students when I look at the relationship.  What ethical issues do you anticipate with your research?  Address how any ethical issues identified will be addressed.  For example, I might consider that students might not be honest about their GPA unless they can answer the questions privately by writing their responses on paper and dropping it in a box.

Participants information must be confidential.

Quantitative variables (x,y)

X y 

Cups of coffee per day  hours of sleep


Hours of exercise per month weight loss in lbs. per month


Include your actual survey (with the survey questions you will ask).   

Submission Directions: Upon completion of the template, submit your project via the Canvas link as a PDF or Word file.

Academic and Government research must meet approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the research is ethical.  Since this is a class project (and not intended for research or publication), your proposal must be approved by your instructor before you can move on to Part 2 of this project (data collection and analysis).  

Grading Rubric:  Part 1 will be graded as a whole according to the rubric below with comments provided to students. Note that instructors may chose a midpoint value on the rubric if work is approaching but not at the next level. 


Project Part 1 Rubric


Project    Part 1 Rubric






This criterion is linked to a   Learning Outcome Research Proposal


10.0 pts

Research proposal is     well-organized and easy to understand. Each section is complete, addresses     all questions asked, and responses are correct and/or reasonable.

8.0 pts

Some responses include minor     errors or are difficult to understand. Proposal is sufficient to proceed     with research.

6.0 pts

Research proposal is poorly     organized and/or difficult to understand. Proposal is sufficient to proceed     with research pending possible minor revisions to survey questions. See     instructor comments.

4.0 pts

Research proposal is incomplete     or contained major errors. OR One identified variable is not quantitative.     Revision to survey questions is required to proceed. See your instructor     for approval to proceed.

2.0 pts

Research proposal is missing     major sections. OR Neither identified variable is quantitative. Revision to     topic and survey questions is required to proceed. See your instructor for     approval to proceed.


In this project you are asked to conduct your own research into two variables that interest you. This project will give you an opportunity to apply the skills and techniques you learn in this class and to produce a professional report using appropriate technology. This is a MAJOR, on-going assignment and is worth 15% of your grade; the equivalent of one unit exam grade.

Your projects will be graded in stages (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) according to the attached rubrics.   

To be successful on your project you must:

Read and follow instructions carefully. Work according to the timeline provided and submit work on time.o 10% will be deducted for each calendar day the project is submitted after the due date. A project is considered submitted when it is available for the professor to view on Canvas.  No credit is given after 5 days late. o Students who fail to submit earlier parts of the project may still submit later parts of the project as long as their topic has been approved by their instructor and as long as they collect their own data. Points will still be taken away for lack of completeness unless those prior sections are completed and included. Write clearly, using appropriate terminology and accurate mathematical notation. College-level writing is expected, as is the use of correct grammar.o If you need help with writing, feel free to use the HCC Writing Center: For further information, see the HCC Web page under the heading Writing Center or call the Writing Center at (443) 518-4101. PGCC students at the Laurel College Center should see the PGCC Writing Center for assistance. Submit a neat, professional report typed using your choice of word processing software (including a mathematical notation package) and including printouts and diagrams from your choice of statistical software/technology.o In particular, embedded graphs or charts and/or computer printouts will be expected as part of the report. Hand-drawn graphs are not acceptable.o Please note: Excel should be used only with caution as it does not consistently follow accepted statistical practices. Original work is expected. This means that students who are repeating the course are expected to create an entirely new project using two new variables of interest.o For example, you might watch a YouTube video on how to use StatCrunch or have a peer show you how to create a histogram using a different data set (not the one in your project), then try it yourself with your data set. You might consult your textbook or your instructor about a concept, but then put the explanation into your own words. Getting Help:o For this project, you may consult any resource for general help and advice (including your instructor, tutors (LAC, HR230), classmates, or the internet) provided that your write-up (computations, explanations, and embedded diagrams) are your own work. Submission guidelines:o You should submit your project via the Canvas link as a PDF or Word file.o VeriCite will be used as a deterrent to plagiarism. This program is integrated into the Canvas submission process.  All submissions will be compared against the VeriCite database and receive an originality rating. o To earn the maximum score on this project, it is expected that students go above and beyond the minimum expectations of the project.


Project Part 1:  Research Proposal                                                      (10 points total)

Choose two quantitative variables that you think might be related, then write a short survey that you could give to at least 20 participants.  Your survey needs to gather data about each quantitative variable. 


You may believe that there is an association between the number of hours a week a student studies for their math class and their current GPA.

Survey Questions: 

1. How many hours a week do you study for your math class?2. What is your current GPA?


Submit a 1- page research proposal using the following format and headings. The description in italics indicates the information required in each section.

Project Name:
MATH-138 Statistics Fall 2018


Introduce the variables you will be collecting data on and explain why you think there is a relationship between these variables.  Indicate which variable you think might cause a change in the other variable. Address why your research in important or interesting.


Discuss the population you intend to focus your questions on and what your data will consist of.  Answer the following questions in your response:  Who is the population of interest (from which you will select your participants in part II of the project)? For the example above relating hours studied and GPA, I might want to consider all college students or I might want to focus on just community college students when I look at the relationship.  What ethical issues do you anticipate with your research?  Address how any ethical issues identified will be addressed.  For example, I might consider that students might not be honest about their GPA unless they can answer the questions privately by writing their responses on paper and dropping it in a box.

Participants information must be confidential.

Quantitative variables (x,y)


Cups of coffee per day                hours of sleep


Hours of exercise per month                 weight loss in lbs. per month


Include your actual survey (with the survey questions you will ask).   

Submission Directions: Upon completion of the template, submit your project via the Canvas link as a PDF or Word file.

Academic and Government research must meet approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the research is ethical.  Since this is a class project (and not intended for research or publication), your proposal must be approved by your instructor before you can move on to Part 2 of this project (data collection and analysis).  

Grading Rubric:  Part 1 will be graded as a whole according to the rubric below with comments provided to students. Note that instructors may chose a midpoint value on the rubric if work is approaching but not at the next level. 


Project Part 1 Rubric

Project Part 1 Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Proposal

10.0 pts

Research proposal is well-organized and easy to understand. Each section is complete, addresses all questions asked, and responses are correct and/or reasonable.

8.0 pts

Some responses include minor errors or are difficult to understand. Proposal is sufficient to proceed with research.

6.0 pts

Research proposal is poorly organized and/or difficult to understand. Proposal is sufficient to proceed with research pending possible minor revisions to survey questions. See instructor comments.

4.0 pts

Research proposal is incomplete or contained major errors. OR One identified variable is not quantitative. Revision to survey questions is required to proceed. See your instructor for approval to proceed.

2.0 pts

Research proposal is missing major sections. OR Neither identified variable is quantitative. Revision to topic and survey questions is required to proceed. See your instructor for approval to proceed.

0.0 pts

No submission, submission is plagiarized, or submission does not match assignment.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0

Paper Needed! February 14th!! No Plagiarism!!


Assignment: Descriptive Statistics
Due Week 7 and worth 140 points

Visit one of the following newspapers websites: , , , or . Select an article that uses statistical data related to a current event, your major, your current field, or your future career goal. The chosen article must have a publication date during this quarter.

The article should use one of the following categories of descriptive statistics: 

  • Measures of Frequency – Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
  • Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
  • Measures of Dispersion or Variation – Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
  • Measures of Position – Percentile, Quartiles

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Write a summary of the article.
  2. Explain how the article uses descriptive statistics. 
  3. Explain how the article applies to the real world, your major, your current job, or your future career goal.
  4. Analyze the reasons why the article chose to use the various types of data shared in the article.
  5. Format your paper according to the . Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

Click to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

Video Summary

To participate, first listen to the BBC More or Less Episode ( Then write a 250-300 word summary of the episode.

Your summary should be accessible to your fellow classmates in PSYC 60 and describe how each of the main stories in the episode relate to specific statistical concepts covered in this class, as well as share something you learned or found interesting.

Thoughtful and well written summaries will earn 1% in extra credit toward your final grade, and all summaries will be evaluated by Prof. Fan. There will be no extensions granted, and you are not guaranteed to receive extra credit if you submit a summary.

If you wish your summary to be considered for extra credit, you must submit it via Canvas by 2/7/20 at 5pm. Your summary can be pasted directly into Canvas, or uploaded as a “.txt” file.

Math120 Wk5

Now that we have passed the half-way mark of the class, tell us in at least 250 words what you think about learning math online?

Name at least one thing that you really enjoy about the class (come on, there must be something!) and at least one improvement that could make this class even better. Feel free to editorialize!

Also, this is a good time to make a “keep-quit-start” resolution.

  • What are you doing to help yourself learn in this class that you are going to keep doing because it’s working?
  • What are you doing that is hindering you from learning in this class that you are going to quit doing?
  • What do you think will help you improve your learning in this class that you are going to start doing?

ANYONE GOOD In Modulo Mathematics

introduction to Modulo Mathematics

All numbers are integers.

Definition: the modulo operator finds the remainder after the division of one number by another (sometimes called modulus). Given two positive numbers, A (the dividend) and p (the divisor), A modulo p (abbreviated as A mod p) is the remainder of the Euclidean division of A by p. Euclidean division is the process of division of two integers, which produces a quotient and a remainder smaller than the divisor.

A mod p = C, where A, p, and C are integers, p is the divisor, and C is the remainder. So, we can write

A = k*p + C; where is k is the quotient, also an integer. We discard k*p

For example, A=13, p = 3.  If we divide 13 by 3 the remainder is 1 so C =1

13 = 4*3 + 1 we discard 4*3, the remainder is 1.

One of the ways to calculate mod would be to use the calculator as follows:

Divide A by p then discard the fraction. Save the quotient, an integer, say, k. Then calculate

C = A – k*p.

For the above example 13/3 is equal to 4.333333, then k= 4

C = 13 4*3 = 1

Excel has a built-in mod function which is written as +mod (A, p)

The function works well when the number of digits is about 14 or less. If the number changes into a decimal form, then the results will not be right.

Also, some OS such as MS-windows, have a scientific calculator that has a built-in mod function. This function is better than using Excel.

Mac users, please search a calculator for your OS.

The following are some identities you can use

Identity 1 for the sum of two integers:

(A+B) mod (p) = [A mod(p)+ B mod (p)] mod (p)


Left Hand Side (LHS): (37+41) mod (5) = 78 mod (5) = 3

Right Hand Side: [37 mod (5) +41 mod (5)] mod (5)

Substitute: 37 mod (5) = 2 and 41 mod (5) =1

RHS = [1+2] mod (5) = 3

Thus LHS = RHS

Identity 2 for the product of two integers:

(A*B) mod (p) = [ A mod (p) * B mod (p)] mod (p)



A= 835 = 19*42+37;

B= 577 = 13*42 +31

A*B = 835*577 = 481795 = 11471*42+13

37*31 = 1147 = 27* 42 + 13

A mod p = 835 mod (42) = 37;

B mod p = 577 mod (42) = 31

LHS : (A*B) mod (p) = (835*577) mod (42) = 481795 mod (42) = 13

RHS: [835 mod (42) * 577 mod (42) ] mod (42)

(37*31) mod (42) = 1147 mod (42) = 13


The above identity can be extended to calculate A^n mod(p)

Suppose we need to calculate 57^ 11 mod (67);

LHS: Using Windows calculator 57^11 mod (67) = 38

now 57^11 would be a big number. So, we break the power 11 into say 2*5+1; then first calculate 57^2 mod (67) = 33

Now we reduced 57 ^ 11 mod (67)

to calculate [(57^2 mod (67)] ^5 mod (67) * 57 mod (67)] mod (67)

Using Windows calculator: 57^2 mod (67) = 33

RHS: [(57^2 mod (67)] ^5mod (67) * 57 mod (67)] mod (67)

= [33^5 mod (67) * 57] mod (67) {using Window calculator}

= [23 *57] mod (67)

= 1311 mod (67);

=38 :

For your understanding, you may try different combinations for 11= 3*3+2; if you use excel, avoid getting numbers in e format. If you get in e format, then the calculation would be wrong. Use Windows calculator or Mac equivalent

For your response:

Choose two 4-digit numbers A and B and p two-digit divisor and calculate

A mod(p)  and B mod(p)

(A+B) mod (p) Calculate directly and using the identity and to prove the identity calculate the mod value of the sum: LHS = RHS

3        (A*B) mod(p)= [Amod(p)*Bmod(p)] mod(p) to prove the identity calculate the mod value of the product LHS = RHS

4.       A^5 mod (p) using 5=2+2+1 or any other combination such as 4+1. 

To prove identities, you need to calculate the left-hand side and the right-hand side independently.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need more clarification

Please do not choose A or B such that A mod (p) is equal to 0; e.g.

8888 mod (88) =  0

Post your results in this forum

See attached

Due Fri Feb 7th

Apply: Signature Assignment: Statistical Report



This assignment is intended to help you learn how to apply statistical methods when analyzing operational data, evaluating the performance of current marketing strategies, and recommending actionable business decisions. This is an opportunity to build critical-thinking and problem-solving skills within the context of data analysis and interpretation. Youll gain a first-hand understanding of how data analytics supports decision-making and adds value to an organization.

Scenario: Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has favored opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions:

  • Median age between 25 45 years old
  • Household median income above national average
  • At least 15% college educated adult population

Last year, the marketing department rolled out a Loyalty Card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their Loyalty Card when paying for their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

The company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq. ft., Loyalty Card usage as a percentage of sales, and others. A key metric of financial performance in the restaurant industry is annual sales per sq. ft. For example, if a 1200 sq. ft. restaurant recorded $2 million in sales last year, then it sold $1,667 per sq. ft.

Executive management wants to know whether the current expansion criteria can be improved. They want to evaluate the effectiveness of the Loyalty Card marketing strategy and identify feasible, actionable opportunities for improvement. As a member of the analytics department, youve been assigned the responsibility of conducting a thorough statistical analysis of the companys available database to answer executive managements questions.


Write a 750-word statistical report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Scope and descriptive statistics
  • Section 2: Analysis
  • Section 3: Recommendations and Implementation

Section 1 – Scope and descriptive statistics

  • State the reports objective.
  • Discuss the nature of the current database. What variables were analyzed?
  • Summarize your descriptive statistics findings from Excel. Use a table and insert appropriate graphs.

Section 2 – Analysis 

  • Using Excel, create scatter plots and display the regression equations for the following pairs of variables:
  • BachDeg% versus Sales/SqFt
  • MedIncome versus Sales/SqFt
  • MedAge versus Sales/SqFt
  • LoyaltyCard(%) versus SalesGrowth(%)
  • In your report, include the scatter plots. For each scatter plot, designate the type of relationship observed (increasing/positive, decreasing/negative, or no relationship) and determine what you can conclude from these relationships.

Section 3: Recommendations and implementation

  • Based on your findings above, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective.Could any expansion criterion be changed or eliminated? If so, which one and why?
  • Based on your findings above, does it appear as if the Loyalty Card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend changing this marketing strategy?
  • Based on your previous findings, recommend marketing positioning that targets a specific demographic. (Hint: Are younger people patronizing the restaurants more than older people?)
  • Indicate what information should be collected to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your recommendations. How can this data be collected? (Hint: Would you use survey/samples or census?)

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.