Category: Mathematics

Workshop 6 Presentation

Identify one study in which the researcher looked at the relationship  between categorical variables.  Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with the following information 

1- why is this article  interesting to you?

2- the problem 

3- summary of the method 

4- summary of the data analysis 

5- conclusion of the article 

at some point during the presentation mention what categorical variables were used in th the study

Workshop 5 Presentation

Identifique un estudio publicado en espaol con diseo de correlacin. Prepare una presentacion en PowerPoint que incluya lo siguient.

1- porque le interes el artculo?

2- el problema

3- resumen del metodo

4- resumen del anlisis de datos

5- conclusion del artculo 

En algn momento Dede mencionar el diseo de correlacin.

Discussion Post Help


Discussion: Probability in Real Life

People use probability to make many decisions. We must remember, however, that statistical probability deals only with random events, or things that happen by chance. For example, flipping a fair coin is a random event because each side has an equal likelihood of landing facing up. When faced with making a conscious choice based on probability, decisions often become more complex because they are not random.  Consider the example of deciding whether to buy a lottery ticket. You have two choices: buy a ticket or do not buy a ticket. The probability of each decision is not .50 (fifty-fifty), however, as you might expect, because many factors help you make that measured decision; your choice is not random. The cost of the ticket, the amount of the jackpot, your feelings about gambling, and even your mood at the moment weigh into your decision.  In contrast, the probability of you winning the jackpot if you do decide to buy a ticket is a random event and can be determined by probability.  For example, if the back of the ticket states that you have a 1 in 17,000,000 million chance of winning the jackpot, that means that probability of winning the jackpot is .00000005 (calculated by taking 1/17,000,000).

For this weeks Discussion, you will practice your understanding of probability in everyday decision-making by finding an example on the Internet, and you will apply three key features of statistical probability to the example.

To prepare: Search the Internet and review several examples of probability demonstrations.

You may use any simple example of probability that you find (e.g., picking M&Ms or cookies from a jar, spinning a spinner with different colored pieces, the weather). Consider searching the Internet with the phrases how to teach probability, or probability examples, or probability demonstrations. The example you choose can be as elementary as you want as long as it allows you to answer the discussion prompts completely.

By Day 3

Post the following:

  1. A link to the probability example you chose to review for this discussion.
  2. An explanation of how your example demonstrates three of the following concepts related to statistical probability.
    • Relative Frequency
    • Likelihood of error
    • Over the long run
    • Random sampling
    • Representative sample
    • Random or chance events
    • Confidence that an event will occur the next time
    • Gamblers fallacy
    • Probability distribution
  3. An explanation of how this example strengthened your understanding of statistical probability.

Be sure to fully explain each of the terms you chose and support your ideas with evidence from the text and Learning Resources.

Provide a reference list for your sources formatted in APA style.

By Day 5

Respond to a colleague who posted about a different example from the one you chose to discuss. Respond in one or more of the ways listed below:

  • Explain how the example your colleague chose could be used to demonstrate one additional feature of statistical probability not discussed in their initial post.
  • A description of how the example your colleague chose strengthened your understanding of statistical probability.
  • Ask a probing question about your colleagues chosen probability demonstration or example and provide the foundation or rationale for the question.

Support your reply with at least one reference (textbook or other scholarly, empirical resources). You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with evidence (including in-text citations) from the source and provide a reference.

Qnt 561


Develop a 700- to 1,050-word statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. 

Include answers to the following: 

Case 1: Election Results 

  • Use 0.10 as the significance level ().
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state. 
  • Case 2: SpeedX
  • Use 0.10 and the significance level ().
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude the plan will be profitable. 

Sample Hypothesis


Assignment Content

  1. Purpose of Assignment 
    The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions. In this assignment, students will learn how statistical analysis is used in predicting an election winner in the first case. In the second case, students will conduct a hypothesis test to decide whether or not a shipping plan will be profitable.

    Assignment Steps 

    Resources: Microsoft Excel, ,

    Develop a 700- to 1,050-word statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. 

    Include answers to the following: 

    Case 1: Election Results 

    • Use 0.10 as the significance level ().
    • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state. 
    • Case 2: SpeedX
    • Use 0.10 and the significance level ().
    • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude the plan will be profitable. 

Sig Assign


Provide a 1,600-word detailed, four part, statistical report with the following sections:

  • Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis
  • Part 2 – Examination of Descriptive Statistics
  • Part 3 – Examination of Inferential Statistics
  • Part 4 – Conclusion/Recommendations 

Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis

Generally, as a statistics consultant, you will be given a problem and data. At times, you may have to gather additional data. For this assignment, assume all the data is already gathered for you.

State the objective:

  • What are the questions you are trying to address?

Describe the population in the study clearly and in sufficient detail:

  • What is the sample?

Discuss the types of data and variables:

  • Are the data quantitative or qualitative?
  • What are levels of measurement for the data? 

Part 2 – Descriptive Statistics 

Examine the given data.

Present the descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, variance, CV, and five-number summary).

Identify any outliers in the data.

Present any graphs or charts you think are appropriate for the data.

Note: Ideally, we want to assess the conditions of normality too. However, for the purpose of this exercise, assume data is drawn from normal populations. 

Part 3 – Inferential Statistics

Use the Part 3: Inferential Statistics document.

  • Create (formulate) hypotheses
  • Run formal hypothesis tests
  • Make decisions. Your decisions should be stated in non-technical terms.

Hint: A final conclusion saying “reject the null hypothesis” by itself without explanation is basically worthless to those who hired you. Similarly, stating the conclusion is false or rejected is not sufficient. 

Part 4 – Conclusion and Recommendations

Include the following:

  • What are your conclusions?
  • What do you infer from the statistical analysis?
  • State the interpretations in non-technical terms. What information might lead to a different conclusion?
  • Are there any variables missing?
  • What additional information would be valuable to help draw a more certain conclusion?

Format your assignment consistent with APA format. 

Exploring Global Student Values With Descriptive Statistics

PROJECT 2: Exploring Global Student Values with Descriptive Statistics

For this project, we are exploring the global social values of our classmates. You will be asked to analyze three (3) different variables taken from Pew Research Centers survey on Global Attitudes and Trends (GAT) For each variable, you will need to compose a detailed statistical report, a frequency distribution (lesson 2), a graph/chart (lesson 2), a central tendency analysis (lesson 3), and a variability analysis (lesson 4). This project emphasizes learning goals and objectives 1, 2, 3, and 7 as listed in the syllabus. 

  • Download the Project 2 Guidebook here: Preview the document
    • This document contains the instructions, rubric, example, data information, and SPSS instructions needed for the project.
  • Download the Project 2 data file here: 
    • This is the data I collected from our World Values Survey. You will need to open this file in SPSS in order to analyze the data.
      • Sample: Undergraduates enrolled in Dr. Toothmans online social science statistics course (n = 94)
      • Sampling Procedure: Convenience sample taken online with offer of extra credit.
      • Target Population: Thats up to you!

Graphing And Describing Data In Everyday Life


Suppose that you have two sets of data to work with. The first set is a list of all the injuries that were seen in a clinic in a month’s time. The second set contains data on the number of minutes that each patient spent in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. You can make assumptions about other information or variables that are included in each data set.

For each data set, propose your idea of how best to represent the key information. To organize your data would you choose to use a frequency table, a cumulative frequency table, or a relative frequency table? Why?

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Voting And Elections Quiz


Take this quiz on voting and elections.  Follow this link. Once you complete the quiz, screen shot your score and upload to drop box.

Dr. Branch

Statistics Major Assignment/Excel And Powerpoint

I have attached Directions please let me know if you have questions

Refer to Major Assignment 3 attachments (Major Assignment 3, Major Assignment 3 Details, and Country List).

Research the country using The World Factbook found on the Central Intelligence Agency website at  , other resources such as the U.S. Department of State website at  , and the GCU Library.

Include three or more scholarly resources, including the textbook and The World Factbook. 

Use the Country List to help you complete Major Assignment 3.