Category: Literature

Film And Literature Analysis


This term, we have explored sports heroes and themes from sports stories through an understanding of literature and film, while considering how these stories have been shaped by history and culture. This effort has made this an interdisciplinary class. 

For this essay, you are to choose a sports film or piece of literature (poem, story, novel) and analyze it through a particular critical perspective. In other words, how can we better understand a story, if we consider the cultural or historical context of that story?

You must choose a piece that has not been analyzed a great deal in class (Dare to Dream, for instance, is not a good choice). I would hope that you would delve into an aspect of film, literature or theory that interests you the most. You could analyze Million Dollar Baby, as a way to explore gender in traditionally male roles. It is important that you develop a clear focal point, expressed in your thesis statement, and use all the aspects of good essay writing.

The essay must be 4-5 pages, typed, double spaced with sufficient secondary research. I do not require a set number of sources, but to complete a serious analysis, there is an expectation that you conduct research of sufficient reliable sources and present them in the paper. Aim for at least 5 secondary sources. All sources must be formatted in MLA style with proper citations and a Works Cited page. 

The chosen topic is to analyze Million Dollar Baby, as a way to explore gender in traditionally male roles. 

Fixing My Paper

so, i have already finished a paper, i need someone to fix the feedback my teacher gave me. give it to my tonight in 3 hours.


  • 1, Be sure you’re connecting ideas back to your claim rather than just summarizing
  • 2, Tell the 2 ways you’re reading the text (ex. dialogue, cinematography, lighting, costumes, interactions between characters, etc.)
  • 3, The paper needs to be over the text as a whole and this paper focuses primarily on one scene



For your initial post, you should write two full (5-6 sentences each) paragraphs as described below:

Paragraph 1: As you finish your last module in Modern World Literature, select your favorite story from the readings to discuss in a paragraph for the initial post to the forum. Use your biographical notes from this module, your text, or the Internet to look up facts about your chosen author. Think about the following questions as you make your selection:

  • What is the theme of your story?
  • What was culturally significant about the events and time period of your chosen piece?
  • How did the author use his/her background to craft the characters or setting?
  • How would this story have been different if written from a mainstream cultural perspective?
  • What impact did this story have on your understanding of the authors cultural experiences?

Paragraph 2: In 5-6 sentences, summarize your ideas and experiences with what you have read and watched (the films) in this course. For example:

  • Did you discover a favorite new author?
  • Were you surprised by any of the styles of writing that you read?
  • What film was your favorite? Did you like having films included in the readings?
  • Which style of literature was your favorite and why? (Select from magical realism, modernism, post-modernism, post-colonialism, minority literature, feminist literature, mystery).

You may include commentary on the novel in this section as well as that fits both post-modernism and the mystery genre categories.

I’ve attached my favorite story and author paper.   

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon


 Identify a character from both a fiction (Chopin or Glaspell) and a nonfiction piece (Sedaris or Bornstein) that we have read this week. First, show how the character is limited in his or her role in society (excluded from the American Dream), an then explain specifically how that character pushes against boundaries imposed by society. Use paraphrased quotes to support your claims, and cite them in APA style using in-text and reference citations that you reviewed last week. 

What Are The Prevalence And Effective Treatments For Dysmenorrhea And Menstrual Cramp Pain?

I have to write a 15 page literary review pertaining to the listed question and it is due March 24th. I am having trouble getting start with the paper for some reason. Can someone please be of assistance so that I can produce a great paper by this date.  

Essay For To What Extent Does The Narrative Of The Life Of Fredrick Douglass Reflect Both Abolitionist Ideals And The Transcendental Ideals As They Are Expressed In Self Reliance And Resistance To Civil Government?


American Literature

Paper Topic 1 

For your first paper you are task with responding to the following prompt:

To what extent does 

The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass reflect both abolitionist ideals and the transcendental ideals as they are expressed in Self Reliance and Resistance to Civil Government? 

In total this paper should between 2-3 pages, typed in a time new Roman font, and doubled 

spaced. It should have a MLA heading which includes your last name and page number in the  papers heading. Below Ive included a checklist to help guide you through the process. 


Does the introduction succinctly summary the novel?

Does the introduction have a clearly defined thesis?


Is / are there body paragraph(s) that discuss the novels anti-slavery arguments?

Is / are there body paragraph(s) that discuss the novels connection to transcendentalism?

Are the body paragraphs supported with direct evidence from the text, including summaries of the text and direct quotes?

Do the body paragraphs fully develop the argument by explaining why the evidence presented is important?

Do the body paragraphs draw a connection between the arguments presented in the 



Does the conclusion explain why this text is particularly important?



350 words


1. How do inclusion and exclusion criteria contribute to increasing the strength of evidence by the sampling strategy of a research study?

2. Why is it important for a researcher to use power analysis to calculate sample size? How does adequate sample size affect subject mortality, representativeness of the sample, the researcher’s ability to detect a treatment effect, and your ability to generalize the study findings to your patient population 

Create A Learning Portfolio Of Writing

 Use several self-created texts as the basis for discussion around the development of your professional writer identity and your understanding of processes of written composition. Apply this experiential knowledge, along with theories of literacy, to construct a pedagogy of writing to be applied in the classroom to meet the needs of a diverse range of young developing writers. 

Music Journal 5

Learning Outcomes This course aims to critically challenge students in three primary ways: 1) describe some of the historical narratives and cultural influences associated with Rap and Hip Hop music 2) identify aesthetic qualities of certain styles (historical and contemporary) and techniques of Rap and Hip Hop practitioners 3) engage in dialogue and discussion surrounding rap and hip hop music and lyrics through your own perspectives. 


Actual Ideas Of The Novel Of Mice And People

  Of Mice and men is a parable that makes an attempt to explain the meaning of being human. John Steinbeck thinking regarding mans place has been shaped by Ed Rickett. As we know, a man is a small part of a large universe. Individuals come and go, but they leave a lasting mark. Of Mice and Men teaches us about the . Every character, including George Milton, Lennie Small, Crooks, Candy, and Curleys wife, all go through a profound sense of isolation and loneliness at some point. Each of the characters desires comfort without censors that their friend has. There is an essay sample denoting the different themes of the novel.

1. Predatory Nature of Human

Curleys wife tells Crook, Candy, and Lennie that she has an unhappy married life. Crook admits to Lennie, life isnt any good without a companion whom you can turn to during any need or confusion. The characters appear helpless due to their isolation. However, even in their weakest situation, they seek to destroy people who are weaker than them. 

The novella suggests that the kind of strength that is used for oppressing others is born out of weakness. One of the most powerful examples is showcased in the cruel tendency as Crook criticizes the dream of Lennie of the farm and his dependence on George. Having admitted to his vulnerabilities, he is a black man who has crooked back and is seeking companionship, Crooks thus, aimed at the weakness of Lennie. 

2. Idealizing Male Friendship and Fraternity

Lennie Small and George Milton plan to live on a farm. It is a place that no one will ever reach and has extensive quality, as pointed out by Crooks. Candy is attracted by its aura just after listening to its description. Previously, Crooks had seen several men fall under the same spell, yet he couldnt restrain himself from asking if he could have a patch of garden on the farm. The men of the novella wish to come together in a way that would enable them to be like brothers. They desire to live, keeping each other’s best interests in mind. It will give peace of mind that there is someone out there for them and they will have someone to express their feelings without any censors. 

In and other essay examples, you will notice that the tragic end of Lennie and Georges friendship has a significant impact because one comes to have an idea about the friends they have. Towards the end of the novella, they lost a dream that is larger than them. 

However, the world is quite harsh and it is difficult to maintain such a relationship. Thus, they are forced to separate. With this, the rare friendship is going to vanish. 

3. The Implausible American Dream

Every essay sample will show that the characters in the novella, Of Mice and Men, admit that they dream of a different life. Prior to her death, the wife of Curley admits that she wants to be a movie star. Crooks have a fantasy of hoeing a patch of garden on the farm of Lennie. Candy and George share the vision of owning a couple of acres. 

Before the prime action of the movie, a majority of the characters have these wishes. For instance, Curleys wife declared that she has an unfulfilling marriage. All these dreams are American as all the dreamers look for untarnished happiness. Lennie and Georges desire to own a farm will help them to sustain themselves and also provide protection from the inhospitable world. Eventually, George comes to realize the impossibility of their journey. This proves that Crooks is right, a paradise of contentment, freedom, and safety wont be available in this world. 

4. Captivity vs Freedom

Lennie, as well as George, feels that the ranch is not a good place. However, they will have to stay as they are unable to help it. Unfortunately, they are a part of the society which but doesnt offer many options to achieve it.   The lack of freedom in the characters doesnt come from the extreme economic conditions but from the stressful nature of life for disempowered. 

Disabled and aging Candy is unable to keep Carlson from shooting his dog. While, Crooks on the other hand, is neither able to get anyone to visit his room or keep them out. Wife of Curley had no option other than to marry Curley. This piece of work by John Steinbeck is an important part of English . Of Mice and Men shows how the working class has little freedom in their life. They are often imprisoned by their own circumstances. The tragic end is George being compelled to shoot Lennie. It is understood, that George didnt have the freedom to make his own decision and was forced by cruel circumstances. 

Steinbeck has touched on several themes such as dreams, cruelty, economic injustice, freedom, captivity, and much more