Category: Law – Criminal

an essay summarizing and responding to an article

Read the article The coming of the superpredators by John Dilulio. Then, write an essay summarizing and responding to the article, answering the questions below. Your essay should respond to Dilulios theses, making an argument for whether you agree or disagree with his basic argument(s) regarding the causes of juvenile delinquency and how society should best respond to juvenile delinquency. The length of the essay should be about 750 words (500-1000 range) or about 3 pages (2-4 page range) if using double-spacing and 12-point font. Note: length is provided for guidance only; content is most important. 1. What is Dilulios main thesis? Include any additional theses you identify. 2. What anecdotal evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses? 3. What empirical evidence does Dilulio cite in support of his theses? 4. What is the logic of Dilulios argument(s)? 5. Do you agree or disag

CJUS 745- Discussion Forum 6

Topic: In your dissertation, do you plan to do a quantitative study? If so, what concepts do you think you could employ from this class? If you are doing qualitative work, could statistics help you in your studies?

*I am going to do qualitative *

Textbook: Field, A. P. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

The thread must be at least 500-700 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread.  For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 2 citations from sources such as your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Bible.

criminal justice assignment

Discuss ways in which the media have affected our perception of the reality of criminal investigation. 

Please include and fully cite at least 1 reference using APA style, or a 5 point deduction will be incurred. 

Required 200-250 words.  

intro to criminology

Please answer the following questions:

  1. Do you believe the term criminal justice system is an oxymoron? Why or why not?
  2. Identify a mala prohibita law(s) that exists in Florida which you believe should be decriminalized? Why?

classmate answered: 

“I believe that criminal justice is an oxymoron, I believe that the criminal justice system is broken and cannot be fixed regardless of the efforts to reduce or eliminate crime. Many are conflicted with what is and whats supposed to be within the criminal justice system as to where the criminal justice system is supposed to help our society in ways there and pros and cons within the criminal justice system and some things cannot be fixed. I feel as though the criminal justice system can be better within the entire process and over the years it has gotten worse, and it should be more fair and reliable for individuals to actually think that they have a chance rather then being scared or even not knowing how their life would turn out once in the system. I believe that drunk driving should be decriminalized due to the fact that being drunk or sober there can be accidents that are caused. There any many more accidents happening on a daily basis due to technology  and not paying attention along with many other reasons that may cause accidents. Even though an individual may have consumed liquor an act of wrong doing still has not been done. One has not committed anything to act as if it is a crime to drink while driving. Drunk driving has increased over the years but so has normal accidents on a regular every day basis that are more deadly than drunk driving. Drunk driving is dangerous but there is far more things that are more dangerous than drunk driving. Just because an individual consumes liquor does not mean that they are drunk because they get behind the wheel and it does not mean that one may be drunk driving to put another ones life in danger or at risk. “

Explain in 175 words why i disagree drunk driving should be decriminalized. 

Make sure your replies are a thoughtful and relevant to what your classmate has posted. Try to build the discussion and keep it going.

need response paper complete by 1/21/20

2 page response paper on reading assignment.

reading assignment is attached

two-page paper will be about the Police, Courts, and Corrections system of Great Britain. You will write about the Police, Courts, and Corrections system of Great Britain and compare and contrast it to the Police, Courts, and Corrections system of the United States. 

Synthesis Paper Instructions


You will write a 35-page paper in current APA format addressing the following components:

1. Explain how the following Biblical concepts contribute to what the Bible says about the role of government: 

Inalienable rights

Natural law

Institutional separation of church and state


Sin/crime distinction

2. Provide one policy issue and discuss how those Biblical principles would be helpful for understanding the governments approach to the issue.

3. Provide an overview of the key enumerated powers in the Constitution relevant for what each branch of government may and may not do.

4. Compare and contrast how the three basic worldviews discussed in the week 1 presentations and activities would define the role of government and other actors in policy solutions.

* All required sources/presentations from Modules/Weeks 12 must be used, especially the Biblical Principles of Government article, in addition to 35 outside sources.  The Constitution must also be cited as appropriate, especially for question 3.

Unit 1 Assignment

Identify some of the main issues involved in the challenge of defining white collar crime. What arguments can be made for and against favoring the term white collar crime over elite deviance? What are the benefits and drawbacks of a typological approach to white collar crime? 



Written essay; 2 3 pages in length (not counting cover or reference source page); 12 Times New Roman font; double spaced with 1 margins on all sides.

APA formatted pages and applicable reference citations


Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness

This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.

Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:

  • Page 1: You should outline the specific chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy.  
  • Page 2: You should explain how their contents and supporting language might support their state-level objectives and serve as potential justification for requesting federal grants or congressional appropriations. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Section 6: National Response and Resilience

This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.

Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:

  • Page 1: Explain how SWB-related critical infrastructure protection (CIP), response, and resilience imperatives should be fully integrated into future versions of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strategies and policies.  
  • Page 2: Make general recommendations that would be appropriate for DHS planners to consider when updating these documents. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.

For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.Section 5: National Protection and Preparedness

This week, you will provide a comprehensive summary of the specific elements of the National Southwest Border Counternarcotics (NSWBCN) Strategy, offering an executive overview of the 10 chapters. In your assignment, identify the relevant supporting ligaments of the policy that directly or indirectly support state-level protection and preparedness.

Building on your case study scenario, craft a 2-page memorandum to the governors of the border states that you have determined to have homeland security equities on the Southwest border (SWB). Be sure to include the following:

  • Page 1: You should outline the specific chapters of the NSWBCN Strategy.  
  • Page 2: You should explain how their contents and supporting language might support their state-level objectives and serve as potential justification for requesting federal grants or congressional appropriations. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Section 6: National Response and Resilience

This week, you will draw from your case study to explain the nexus of the SWB and the associated risks and vulnerabilities to a critical infrastructure (CI) protection plan. Identify what policies and procedures should be in place within the interagency to ensure the appropriate response and resilience given the multithreat environment that exists at the SWB.

Drawing from the case study and relevant themes in the NSWBCN Strategy, draft a 2-page policy proposal that includes the following:

  • Page 1: Explain how SWB-related critical infrastructure protection (CIP), response, and resilience imperatives should be fully integrated into future versions of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) strategies and policies.  
  • Page 2: Make general recommendations that would be appropriate for DHS planners to consider when updating these documents. 

Include useful bibliographic references. 

Review the Key Assignment description in the Week 1 Individual Project.

For assistance, listen to the Infrastructure Protection Webinar that is available in this Phase’s M.U.S.E.


Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Library Research Assignment

Part 1  

Using your course materials and your own research, discuss the following topics:

  • What are the elements of an all-hazards approach to protection and preparedness at the national level of government, and what primary efforts have been taken to establish a culture of preparedness within American society?  
  • Has the U.S. government and society learned the lessons from the 9/11 terrorist attacks and from Hurricane Katrina? Explain your answer.  
  • Has this information been integrated into national- and state-level policies? If so, how has this been integrated? If not, how do you think this could happen? 

Your post should demonstrate an executive-level understanding of the challenges associated with critical infrastructure (CI) and emergency management preparations in place to anticipate and minimize the impact of natural or manmade disasters.

Part 2

Drawing from national-level documents, including the National Response Framework (NRF) and the Homeland Security Presidential Directives, respond to the following prompts:

  • Consider the debate among homeland security planners and the intelligence community regarding efforts to predict attacks and disasters so that they can be prevented, versus a focus on resilience and investments in recovery capabilities and redundancy. Although you may see importance in both efforts, state and defend 1 of the proposed strategies.  
  • On a national level, what steps have been taken in favor of your chosen stance?

Leadership, Management, and Personal Skills


As chief of police, you are in negotiations with the union, representing officers within your department. After a heated discussion, you lose your temper and make comments that you feel were out of line. You have been known to be very supportive of officers within your department in the past. One of the issues during the negotiating session was the use of bulletproof vests for road patrol. Based on your research and talking with chiefs in other departments, you feel that the wearing of vests should be required of all officers in your department, as opposed to the current policy of leaving it up to the individual officers discretion. You direct your secretary to type up a memo for your signature and have her post it on the bulletin board in the squad room.

You then leave for a 2-week vacation. The memo states: Effective immediately, bulletproof vests will be issued and worn by all road patrol officers, beginning next week. By order of the Chief of Police. When you return from your vacation, you find that a grievance has been filed based on your memo.

Based on your readings of the material in the text and using credible research on the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Identify and discuss any problem(s) that might come about as a result of the communication process between the chief of police and the patrol division.
  • Do you believe that the communication process utilized by the chief of police was an effective way of communicating this information to the officers? Why or why not?
  • How important is timing in the communication process? Be specific.
  • Identify and discuss some of the major barriers to effective communication between unions and administration.
    • How would you overcome these barriers? Explain in detail.
  • What channels of communication would you utilize to implement this change in policy?
    • How would you effectively implement these channels? Explain in detail.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.