Category: Law – Criminal

CJUS 745-Discussion Forum2-Reply 1

Reply must be at least 200-300 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 2 citations from sources such as your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Bible. 

Field, A. P. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.


  It is vital for Christians to to remove bias from all research and life in general for a plethora of reasons.  According to the word of God, we must search within ourselves to make certain that even the thought or propensity to demonstrate bias must be removed.  “But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God” (2 Corinthians 4:2, KJV).  Daily, as Christians, we are challenged to represent Christ in everything and in everyway.  This applies to research and life. Moreover, the ethical responsibility we have as researchers should be in direct alignment with the principles set forth throughout the word of God.  I  do not want my integrity to be comprised resulting from manipulating any type of research for my personal advantage.  As Christians, our personal and professional lives must reflect the traits and patterns that exemplify true character and integrity.  It is our responsibility to be examples to the world. “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).

     In general, there is always the potential for anyone to manipulate research or demonstrate bias in research.  Is this because inherently we all have the inclination at times to be bias based on our personal interpretations or how we see things through our personal prism? I would rather hope that when we give our lives to the Lord and begin to live a Christian life that we are consistently empowered by the word of God to do the right thing.  Ekrmecki (2017) asserts that all parties involved in research have the ultimate responsibility to sustain the research integrity and validity of accumulated general knowledge. Another reason it is important for Christians to remove bias from all research is because it alters the true outcome, yielding false results.  It makes it difficult to truly ascertain what’s correct and what isn’t.  Research misconduct is of growing concern within the scientific community; consequently, organizations must identify effective approaches to training for ethics in research (Mecca, Medeiros, Giorgini, Gibson, Mumford, & Connelly, 2016).  

     One way to remove unintentional biases is to examine ourselves within.  “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139: 23-24, ESV).  There are times when we do not realize or recognize things that are embedded in our spirit.  As Christians, we must recognize anything that is contrary to the word of God that can negatively impact or influence not only research but life in general. For example, how we treat others.  I am encouraged by the word of God.  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). 


Ekmekci, P. E.  (2017). An increasing problem in publication ethics:  Publication bias and editors’ role in avoiding it.  Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:  A European Journal, 20(2), 171-178. 

Mecca, J. T., Medeiros, K. E., Giorgini, V., Gibson, C.,, Mumford, M. D., & Connelly, S.  (2016).  Biases and compensatory strategies:  The efficacy of a training intervention.  Ethics & Behavior, 26(2), 128-143.

Criminal justice

Write a 3–4 page paper in which you discuss the police response to familiar violence and related intimate partner victimization. Address the following in your paper::

: Police response practices to familiar violence incidents and calls for service. 

: Programs  in which law enforcement can provide training to employers on preventative measures to protect employees from sexual violence; security precautions that can be put into place to reduce the risk; ,and,  information on community resources for counseling programs,  websites,  and telephone numbers in the event sexual violence has occurred. 

: Mandatory criminal charging in familiar violence cases. 

: crime data trends in familiar violence 

: Future approaches to police response in familiar violence incidents 

week 3 discussion


Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 9 in your textbook, the Preview the document and Preview the document articles. Research a minimum of two additional scholarly and/or on the culture of corrections in your state. (Access the for assistance with finding appropriate resources.)

As outlined in the readings, the institutional culture of policing impacts decision making. There even exists a subculture within policing organizations that can also impact decisions. This subculture results from the culture that develops among coworkers from working so closely and having such a huge responsibility to each other as corrections personnel. The subculture is further influenced by leadership decisions within the corrections organization.

Oftentimes corrections officers feel as though their hands are tied in the ways in which they can intervene in given situations. Corrections officers feel that policies and legal mandates interfere with their ability to maintain a safe environment. They also feel that both action and inaction may equally lead to risks of litigation against them. This leads to officers finding innovative methods for circumventing policies that can lead to institutional behaviors that do not match policies and mandates.

Drawing on your current professional expertise and utilizing the required and researched sources, create an initial post in which you analyze institutional behavior in your state corrections system.

  • Identify your state and explain the general culture of the institutions within it.
  • Describe how professionalism can be tied directly to the institutional culture and organizational subculture.
  • Analyze the recommendations made for institutional culture changes within the readings and discuss how these changes could be implemented in your state.

week 3.1


Prior to beginning your work on this interative assignment, please read Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 9 and review Chapter 7 (assigned in Week Two) in your textbook as well as the Preview the document article. Review the instructions for the Week Six Intervention Plan assignment.

For this interactive assignment, you will take on the role of a law enforcement professional. This week, you are presenting a lightning talk at a national conference for law enforcement officers. You will create a five minute maximum screencast  presentation of a PowerPoint on Service Leadership. For the screencast portion, you may use any screencasting platform you wish. (Quick-start guides for Preview the document and Preview the documentare provided for your convenience.)

Create your PowerPoint presentation including the following elements.

  • Examine the recommendations made by the authors of both articles.
  • Summarize how the theoretical concepts of management and leadership described in the article could be applied to service leadership within law enforcement organizations.
  • Explain the critical principles of organizational behavior identified in the articles.
  • Analyze the authors recommendations and explain the effect(s) they might have on social justice.

Include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece-to-content piece and slide-to-slide. (Images should be cited in APA format as outlined by the . Students may wish to use the Preview the document for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.) It is recommended that you access Garr Reynolds that provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.

After you have created your PowerPoint, you will create a screencast of your presentation. Your screencast may be three-five minutes long, but may not exceed five minutes. (It is highly recommended that you create a script and/or speaker’s notes for your PowerPoint to ensure that your screencast will meet the time requirements. This will also allow you to practice your presentation prior to recording it.) Once your screencast has been created, copy and paste the URL to your screencast into the initial post and attach your PowerPoint presentation to the post prior to submitting.

Guided Response:  Review several of your colleagues presentation screencasts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this assignment forum.

Within your responses, you will provide peer evaluations. You are a working member of law enforcement attending the law enforcement conference. At the end of the conference, critically examine the qualities of your peers presentation as they pertain to the required elements.

In your response, include at least one question related to the presenters summary of how the theoretical concepts might be applied to service leadership in law enforcement organizations. Explain why the information on theoretical concepts of management and the critical principles of organizational behavior should be highlighted in your colleagues Intervention Plan due in Week Six. Point out parts of the visual presentation you enjoyed and explain why. Describe any pieces of information you felt were missing or unclear and suggest ways in which these might be included or clarified in the presentation video.


For this assignment, you will be presented with three issues. Please respond to all three issues in one cohesive essay, and use APA Level I headings to differentiate between the three issues.


1) Consult the Issues and Cautions in Studying UCR Data found on page 30 of the textbook, and identify the weakest and the strongest elements of the 11 shortcomings presented using analyses and arguments supported by reliable sources. In your analysis, differentiate between methods of criminological research, and describe how the shortcomings detailed on page 30 could be avoided.

2) Describe a behavior that may be interpreted as criminal and non-criminal with analyses and arguments for each conclusion. 

3) Search the Online Library, and locate one article on victimology in a court setting. Summarize the research you find, and provide your opinions opposing and supporting the actions of the court. 

Your essay must be at least two pages, and it should be formatted in APA style. Your response should have an introduction and conclusion section. Academically accepted resources must be used to support your analyses. Any information from these sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. You only need one reference page for all sections; include the references for all sections on that page(s). The Criminal Justice and Nexis Uni Databases in the Online Library are excellent sources for material on these issues.


Today, there are many vocal special interest groups, prominent lobbying groups, and prominent political contributors who encourage elected policy makers to develop policies for the benefit of the special interest group. Do you think that today’s policy makers truly represent the general public, or do they actually represent special interest groups and the elite population? Why, or why not?


Review the video Ask Me Why I Care: J. Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, California Forward available at the link below. The transcript for this video is available .

Public Service Stories Ask Me Why I Care. (2015, October 14). Ask me why I care: J. Fred Silva, senior policy advisor, California Forward [Video]. Retrieved from )

Emphasizing the old days when community and civic leaders communicated on a regular basis, Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, supporting California local government, also provides advice for students interested in public policy development. Based on the unit lesson and Mr. Silvas advice on solving public policy challenges, select a local or national policy issue, then outline and specifically delineate each policy process variable(s). 

Your paper should include:

1) an introductory paragraph identifying the public policy topic and background;

2) Six comprehensive paragraphs each paragraph heading will be listed as:

a) Problem Definition and Analysis: In this paragraph, answer the questions of who, what, why, where, when, and how much.

b) Drafting Policy Options: In this paragraph, identify policy options. 

c) Policy Decision Implications: In this paragraph, identify which stakeholders and what will be changed. 

d) Measuring Alternatives: In this paragraph, identify realistic and practical options.

e) Ethical Implications: In this paragraph, identify what groups values or cultures may be affected. 

f) Desirable Conclusions: In this paragraph, describe the policy selected and why it was selected; and

3) a summary. Conclude your remarks by illustrating why public policy option was selected, why it was the best option or not the best, and identify what lessons you learned from your research.

Your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure your paper is double-spaced and uses 12-point font and one-inch margins. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.


Searching Online Library, select a local, national, or international public policy topic and identify the pros and cons of the policy. Examine how the policy was formulated and which stakeholders were involved in the process. Also, evaluate whether the policy creates a benefit for one group while other groups experience problems or concerns because of the public policy. 

Your paper must be in APA style. This includes a title page, one-inch margins, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, in-text citations, and a reference page. Level headings are also encouraged to help organize your paper. Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Data analysis

APA style (12pt times new roman, double spaced, no spacing between paragraphs) 

300 words 

2 peer-reviewed resources



consider how you would propose to analyze the data discussed in the following research scenario.

You have completed the process of collecting data for an applied research study examining how law enforcement and community relations can be improved. Data were collected through self-administered surveys (consisting of close-ended questions/response sets) and focus groups with local police officers and community members.

You must now analyze the data that have been collected. Explain how you might tabulate and analyze the survey and focus group data, distinguishing any differences in the use of qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques.

paper1 – research methodds



Due by 11:59 PM on Saturday, Jan 30, 2020

Your problem statement should introduce the reader to your topic. (Why should the criminal justice field be curious or want to learn about your subject). Define the problem exactly as it exists.  Try to convey, why the topic is significant, briefly what the literature states (what have researchers concluded or found), while working towards developing a research question(S) also known as a thesis. Describe the nature and magnitude of the problem using updated statistical data (NOT Wikipedia) (UCR, NCVS, NIBRS, BJS, etc.) You must cite the source of your data.  You do not need to explain the symptoms or solutions of the problem only the problem itself. 

Your thesis statement needs to be specific and should reflect what you are going to cover in your paper. A thesis typically appears at the end of the first paragraph. A good thesis will make a claim and will control the entire argument throughout your paper.

Paragraph 1: Intro: define problem & thesis

Paragraph 2: Supporting facts of the problem (scholarly source)

Paragraph 3: More supporting facts/data of the problem

Paragraph 4: The final paragraph should explain your proposed study (how you are going to figure out/ prove your thesis statement or answer your thesis question). This can be done through a survey, collecting past data, observations, etc. This is a short paragraph, which will be expanded during your methodological section.

Example (Short):

As many people know, domestic violence is a criminal act involving victims and offenders who are related to one another. Domestic Violence includes intimidation and simple, aggravated, and sexual assault. What most people may not be aware of is that domestic violence has become a national dilemma, with a crime of this type occurring every 9 seconds. Family members try to ignore whats happening and neighbors do not want to get involved. The victim is usually helpless to understand the problem, let alone determine the solution to it. Instead of the difficulties being addressed before they can further develop, law enforcement agencies are usually left to handle each case only after a criminal act has taken place and someone has been injured. At this point, the officers themselves are at risk due to the volatile nature of the situation. Despite the stereotypes, domestic violence knows no racial, gender, age, religious, socioeconomic, or sexual orientation boundaries and statistics show that these crimes impact virtually every one of us in some way .

Example (Full): (Examples of drafts from previous students)

Drugs and medicines have been used to cure pain and illness for thousands of years throughout human history.  From ancient people in Egypt using herbs to the arrival of penicillin, the first antibiotic in 1928, by Sir Alexander Fleming to the hypodermic needle in 1857 and the wide spread use of morphine, a pain reliever.  Drugs have shaped society throughout the ages, although not necessarily in a good way.  With the easy availability of drugs today more people use drugs not specifically for their purpose but to get “high”.  Today in the U.S., drugs have become a real problem; young children are getting their hands on their parents prescription pills and taking them, not knowing what they are or what they can do to them, which can ultimately lead to substance abuse.  Drugs are trafficked, sold, and traded throughout the U.S. and this is becoming a huge problem within the criminal justice system. 

           Many criminal justice professionals believe that the use of drugs can promote violent crime:  “In 2011 in the state of Arizona the Arizona Arrestee Reporting Information Network (AARIN), which provides data on arrestees in the Maricopa County found that in the previous 30 days 56% arrested used marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin (States new service, 2012).  More than half of the people who were arrested were using drugs. 

           One answer to the drug abuse and violent problem has been attempted in Arizona with a change to prisoner reentries.  In January 2010 Arizona started the use of a Prison Reentry Unit, which changed the way reentering prisoners are supervised.  Every prisoner once released from the Arizona Department of Corrections has to report to the probation department.  “With this new system implemented the failure to report to probation dropped from 23% to 2.3%; the rate in which prisoners probation was terminated and were re- incarcerated dropped from 10.1% to 4.9%, and most importantly the rate of new felony arrests dropped from 13.8% to 10.8% with the new program”(AUTHOR, YEAR, p.).  This probation department seems to have helped significantly with released prisoners. 

           An anonymous survey could be put together to try to prove how serious drug abuse and violent crime are and how they can be correlated.  This survey could ask all persons arrested for violent crimes to answer a questionnaire that asked questions such as have you taken drugs before? How many times have you taken drugs in the last 6 months? Do you think that drug use in any way fueled you to commit this crime? This would give some useful information on how serious this matter is or could be.


Retrieved from:

Double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12-point font with 1 margins. Please submit all writing assignments as a .doc or .rtf file to ensure it passes through Bbl.s SafeAssign. Any questions, please ask.