Category: Law – Criminal

JE 2 – Classifying Types of Intelligence

Intelligence has many forms of expression. Normal people usually can be intellectually, emotionally and psychologically smart to some degree. How would you classify people who show to be smarter in one of these forms of intelligence over the other?

Watch the TedTalk video linked to this assignment to help you begin thinking about intelligence. Then, write a five-paragraph classification essay grouping people by their cognitive dominance.

     Additional Material: Why are our IQ higher…?

Instructions :

Write a five-paragraph essay on the topic given.

Do not plagiarized

I will be typing  on criterion  and submit in drop box  

attached corresponding Outline for essay . Outline format is attached 



For this assignment, you will be presented with five issues. Please respond to all five issues in one cohesive essay. Please include a brief introduction and use Level I headings to differentiate between the five issues. 


1) You were introduced to philosopher Jeremy Bentham and his idea of utilitarianism in this units readings. Analyze his ideas that a nation should do whatever is necessary to lead to the greatest possible happiness for the largest possible number of people in society and that man was a calculating animal who would balance pain and suffering versus gain when deciding to commit a criminal act. Do you agree with this? Argue your point using research to support your answer. 

2) Based on the pure communist social model, how does capitalism lead to crime? Analyze and argue both sides of this issue. 

3) Analyze whether developmental disabilities are a cause of criminal behavior. Take a stance on this issue and argue your point using research as support. 

4) Describe, in your opinion, how a criminal personality is developed. No sources are required for this section. 

5) Assume class division in society causes crime. What is a viable alternative to this system? Analyze and argue both sides of your proposed solution. In your answer, you should identify five major theoretical approaches of identifying criminal causes of behavior and describe which of these would support your proposed solution. 

Your essay must be a minimum of two pages, and it should be formatted in APA style. At least three academic resources must be used. Any information from these sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. You only need one reference page for all sections; include the references for all sections on that page. The Criminal Justice Database in the CSU Online Library is an excellent source for material on these issues.  

Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)

Writing Prompt: Choose one of the following discussion questions:

  • Discuss the role of humor in Voltaire’s Candide. Choose a funny scene, explain what happens, and interpret what Voltaire is trying to accomplish by using humor in the scene. 
  • In the last sentence of Chapter 30 of Voltaires Candide, Candide says, Excellently observed, . . . but let us cultivate our garden (73). There are really two gardens here. First, theres the literal garden that Candide and his companions cultivate to grow some of their own food. However, there is also a figurative garden. In other words, that vegetable garden is both a vegetable garden and something else that needs to be cultivated, a second meaning that Voltaire does not explain. Judging by what Voltaire says about the characters at the end of the novella, explain what you think the figurative meaning of the garden is.
  • Post Requirements 
  • Write: Adhere to the length requirements for the Mini-Essay and the discussion portion of the assignment. “New Threads” should be at least 300 words in length. 
  • In-text Citations: If you use a quotation from the literature in your mini-essay, please place an in-text citation (also called a parenthetical citation) immediately after you close the quotation marks and before you place a period for your sentence. That way, anyone in the class (including me!) can easily find the quotation in the literature if necessary. 
  • Do not plagiarized 


Assignment Details

Address the following in 6 pages:

  • Are there existing public communication programs, processes, systems, efforts, and plans in place for the purposes of public education? What are they? Explain in detail.
  • Has the effectiveness of any of these existing efforts been measured? Explain.
    • Are they effective? Why or why not?
  • What gaps currently exist? Explain in detail.
    • What programs, processes, systems, or efforts should be implemented to fill those gaps? Explain.
  • How do you measure the effectiveness of new or existing programs? Explain.
  • Many communities and states provide recommendations that outline preparedness activities for families and businesses. Generally, they are provided via the Internet (see supporting materials) and flyers.
    • What other steps should emergency management officials take to encourage community preparedness? Explain in detail.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Week 10 Assignment: Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness


As a profession, police are unique in the amount of power they can exercise with the general population. Because of this position of power and trust, police also have great need for training and understanding related to cultural sensitivity and awareness. They deal with populations across the community, and although there has been a recent focus on hiring criminal justice professionals that are representative of the populations they serve on the job, no one officer or group can be representative of all community members. This is where leadership related to policecommunity relations and cultural sensitivity can bridge the gaps and facilitate awareness.

Consider the following scenario: You have been hired as the chief of police in a community where there are strained policecommunity relations due to several instances of cultural insensitivity. In addition, police department morale is low due to complaints regarding cultural insensitivity among the police officers.

The Assignment

Create a 4- to 5-page professional report in which you outline a plan to a) improve policecommunity relations and b) address the morale and cultural insensitivity issues in the police force.

Part I: Explain two specific steps or programs that you would implement to improve policecommunity relations. Be specific, and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (23 pages)

Part II: Explain two steps or programs that you would implement within the police force to address morale and cultural insensitivity. Be specific and provide evidence from the literature to support your choice of these steps or programs. (23 pages)

Provide at least three scholarly resources to support your recommendations. 

Week 10 Journal

Topic:  strategies to address issues with morale and cultural insensitivity in the criminal justice workplace


Write 12 paragraphs about what you found most surprising, challenging, or interesting about the material you explored this week. What did you learn? How do you feel about the content?

Discussion —

Read the attached hypothetical and answer the 4 questions.  The hypothetical is also located in the files link.

Please discuss these questions and your thoughts within the Discussion link forum prior to submitting your final work.  Hit Reply to start a new thread or just reply to another student’s thoughts.

After you discuss the topics among your peers in the discussion forum, and are ready to submit your final responses, go to the Assignments link and upload your final response to Canvas as a Word or PDF document.

You will post two separate documents; the initial post is one document and the two reply posts are a separate document.  

The initial post is due on Canvas on Thursday, January 23rd at 11:59 p.m. The initial post must be a minimum of 500 words (Approx.1 page) and is worth 20 points. 

You must submit 2 reply posts to different students.  The 2 reply posts are due on Canvas on Friday, January 24th at 11:59 p.m. Each reply post must be a minimum of 125 words (Approx. page) and are worth 5 points.


Read the attached case, State v. Zaragosa.  The case is also located in the Files link.  

After you read the case, prepare a Case Brief using the attached Case Brief format.  The Case Brief format is also located in the Files link.

Please discuss this case and your thoughts within the Discussion link forum prior to submitting your final work.  Hit Reply to start a new thread or just reply to another student’s thoughts.

After you discuss the topics among your peers in the discussion forum, and are ready to submit your final Case Brief, go to the Assignments link and upload your final Case Brief to Canvas as a Word or PDF document.

For Discussion #3, you will only submit the Case Brief as your final product.  You do not need to reply to any other students for this discussion only.

The Case Brief  is due on Canvas on Friday, January 31st  at 11:59 p.m. and is worth 30 points.


Read the attached hypothetical and answer the 3 questions.  The hypothetical is also located in the files link.

Please discuss these questions and your thoughts within the forum prior to submitting your final work.  Hit Reply to start a new thread or just reply to another student’s thoughts.

After you discuss the topics among your peers in the discussion forum, and are ready to submit your final responses, go to the Assignments link and upload your final response to Canvas as a Word or PDF document.

You will post two separate documents; the initial post is one document and the two reply posts are a separate document.  

The initial post is due on Canvas

 The initial post must be a minimum of 500 words (Approx.1 page) and is worth 20 points. 

You must submit 2 reply posts to different students.  The 2 reply posts are due on Canvas on Friday, January 17th at 11:59 p.m. Each reply post must be a minimum of 125 words (Approx. page) and are worth 5 points.

intro to criminology chapter 3

watch the attached video then answer the following questions?


  1. Do you agree with Beccaria’s assessment of the death penalty? Explain.
  2. What portions of his reasoning do you most agree or disagree with?

Make sure to:

  • Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
  • Do not plagiarize.