Category: Human Resource Management

Individual Project 2

Using the Library or other Web resources, identify and describe a scenario that involves an ergonomic injury and determine guidelines to prevent further injuries in the work setting. Be sure to explain how the U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety & Health Administrations criteria for ergonomic injuries might apply to the scenario.

Individual Project

Imagine you are a Human Resource manager for a large firm and that one of your employees has suffered a temporary disability. Answer the following questions:

  1. What laws apply to temporary disability at the workplace?
  2. Under what general circumstances is the employee entitled to benefits?
  3. What are those benefits and who administers them?

Discuss Board

Have you known anyone with a disability at work?

  1. What are some challenges that employees have who are disabled on a day to day basis?
  2. What are some special accommodations if any do employees with disabilities have within the workplace setting?


Cost of Living

The City of St. Albans has a unionized police force that is coming up for a contract renewal. The police have one issue: the cost of living increases. During the past 10 years, police officers have received minimal cost of living increases, and this time they want to match what other police forces are making. They claim that their salaries are below the national level. The incoming new police hire earns a salary of $48,200. Using the websites provided in the Course Materials Recommended Resources section, prepare data and an argument on behalf of the police officers to support their position (from textbook).

This assignment will be written as a PowerPoint slide show presentation (PowerPoint Tips (Links to an external site.)). Approach it as if you are giving the presentation to governing board of the City of Albans. You are trying to persuade the board that the police officers need a raise. Your proposal should be:

  • 8-10 power point slides
  • The note section of the slides should be used to explain the slides.
  • At least two recent and credible sources in addition to the textbook must be used.
  • All sources must be cited using APA formatting.
  • Charts, tables, graphs, etc., may be used.
  • The first slide should be a title slide.

The last slide should be a reference list.

PowerPoint Presentation

For this assignment, imagine that you are a healthcare administrator, and you have noticed that some of your employees have become a bit lax in how they present their personal image to the patients. There have also been recent instances of minor ethical infractions. You decide to hold a meeting with all of the employees to discuss this issue and retrain. 

Develop a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 812 slides (not counting the title and reference slides) to share at this meeting. In the presentation, address the following topics: 

the importance of personal image in patient care including appearance, grooming, and language;

the importance of maintaining personal and professional ethical standards;

the connection between communication, personality, and ethics and how they can work together to help employees present a professional image to patients; and

methods employees can use to improve their own personal images. 

Be as creative as possible with this presentation. Try to grab your audience right from the start, and hold their attention throughout your presentation. You may use pictures or graphics or other forms of multimedia to illustrate your points. You are highly encouraged to utilize the Notes section of the presentation to add additional talking points to enhance the message you want to get across. 

In addition to your textbook, you must use at least one peer-reviewed source and one source from a reputable, industry-specific website (e.g., government entities, nonprofit organizations). All sources used, including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references or citations used must be in APA style. 



Part of the discussion of ethical behaviors by corporations includes international trade in hazardous waste. As an example, older computers are often collected and shipped outside the original country of origin (i.e. United States, United Kingdom, Germany, etc.) to other locations. Computers are known to contain toxic materials. How should corporate social responsibility be addressing hazardous waste issues?

Focus your discussion on the following:

  • Are there ways to safely discard technology products that have become obsolete, or should manufacturers be required to only develop products that are 100 percent recyclable? 
  • How convenient is it to recycle technologies like computers? Is there a market (beyond raw materials) for such recycled goods, or does technology advance too quickly for old products to be of any value? 
  • What kinds  of laws—both domestic and international—should be developed to address the hazards of the ever-increasing numbers of discarded technologies like computers, printers, servers, mobile handsets, and tablets? 
  • How should  ethics guide and impact those laws? 

3 IP B


Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Imagine   that you have been invited to the White House to chair a committee of  senators who are charged with developing International Business Ethics  Guidelines (IBEG) for the next 10 years. Choose 1 of the following issues:      
    • Human  rights 
    • Political  involvements by business 
    • Labor and  production standards 
  • Briefly discuss the key ethical aspects of this issue, and develop an action plan that would lead people with different perspectives on these issues toward  acceptable compromise and consensus. 
  • Remember that resolving ethics issues seldom requires deciding who is right and who is wrong. Rather, it usually requires identifying a grey area of  commonality among a diverse set of perspectives and working to build      consensus around shared ideas. 
  • Your action plan should reflect more than simply gathering all stakeholders and finding common ground; rather, it should detail the methods and processes that you will use, and the issues and concerns that you will need to      consider as you strive to reach consensus on IBEG. For example, how will  you identify stakeholders? How will you assign different weights to  stakeholders? Are all stakeholders equal? What about stakeholders for whom  there is no representative (e.g., wildlife, future generations, etc.)? 

Safety Vs Ethical Decisions

 When a restaurant employee slipped on spilled soup and fell, requiring the evening off to recover, the owner realized that workplace safety was an issue to which she had not devoted much time. A friend warned the owner that if she started creating a lot of safety rules and procedures, she would lose her focus on customers and might jeopardize the future of the restaurant. The safety problem is beginning to feel like an ethical dilemma. Suggest some ways the restaurant owner might address this dilemma. What aspects of human resource management are involved? 

Field Trip


PART 1: Ask a business leader you respect, such as your boss or a friend, what the keys to success are in business. Provide a summary on the discussion thread, answering the following questions:

  1. What is the role of the leader you interviewed?
  2. What keys to success did the leader describe? 3. What are your thoughts on the leaders response? How could you implement their thinking in your own career?

Proofreading/Edits/Rewriting Certain Sections

Need to have the attached proofed, edited, and rewrote by Sunday Jan. 12th EST. PRICE FIRM : $30.50

The main factors are below…. 

Here are the main things are as follows:   The top critique includes the  following questions/comments that Im not fully sure how to implement.   1.The question is what exactly do you plan on doing with the research  data?  

2.While you are gaining information on workplace diversity, how can  this contribute to organizations and the overall research? 

3.What will you do with this established relationship information? The  overall aim of understanding is directed at who?  

4.Who is it that you want to reach some sort of understanding? Then  what?  

***More detail needs to be included on the methodology. 

******Please note right now the proposal talks about using an  Information Technology company in Charlotte NC but I am changing that to  a Law Firm and interviewing individual participants.   The primary issue is in the methodology. Be sure that you state why the  qualitative method is best for your study and other methods are not.  Also, be sure to cite Creswell and at least one other researcher.