Category: Human Resource Management


 If you became the new manager at a restaurant with high employee turnover, what actions would you take to increase retention of employees?

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format. You must have a minimum of two sources to support your answer. 


  “Non-verbal Communication 

  • One of the problems with non-verbal language is that it is difficult to interpret. You are giving a presentation to your associates at work (or classmates in class) and you observe the following non-verbal behavior in your audience members.
    • One associate/student is writing the entire time you are talking.
    • One associate/student is smiling although you are talking about a serious issue.
    • One associate/student has his/her eyes closed.
  • Discuss three possible interpretations of each non-verbal behavior and analyze how each interpretation would influence the speakers evaluation of audience feedback/change.


 Topic for PowerPoint Presentation

The Civil Right Rights Act of 1964. Each group member will pick a topic and thoroughly discuss the chosen topic. You should tell (1) why it is important, (2) how it has impacted the workforce, and (3) if that topic has impacted you. 

LP2 Assignment: Self-Esteem Boosters and Communication Preferences



First, reread “How to Increase Your Self-Esteem” in Chapter 4. In Part 1 of this assignment, pick four of the the following “self-esteem boosters” listed in the textbook that you feel would be the most powerful (You can also list ways to raise self-esteem which are not listed in the textbook.):
Search for the Source of Low Self-Esteem
Living Consciously
Take Responsibility for Your Decisions
Engage in Strength Building
Seek the Support and Guidance of Mentors
Set Goals
Practice Guided Imagery
Use Positive Self-Talk

List your choices in an essay and write a short paragraph about why you chose that self-esteem booster.

In Part 2 of this assignment, you will analyze your communication style using pages 55-67 of your textbook which includes the Dominance Indicator Form on page 55 and the Sociability Indicator Form on page 58 to determine your communication style.

First, do you agree with the results of the Communication Style Assessments? If so, discuss why it is accurate. If not, describe how the assessment results are inaccurate. Second, describe what you learned about your communication style by reading Chapter 3 and taking this assessment. In what ways does this validate how you already view yourself? What information surprised you or was most interesting to you?

PPM Tool

Why use a PPM tool? 

How is it different from Project desktop? 
Why do you think the PPM tools will do well in the market place? 

not essay 
question and answer

Week 3 assignment 1: Business Employment Law


Week 3 Assignment 1 – Submit Here

Assignment 1: Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws

Due Week 3 and worth 200 points

In your new role as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) for a major retail organization, you have been tasked within the first 30 days by the CEO to conduct a presentation to the management team on employment law awareness. The CEO informed you that under the previous CHRO the company experienced lack of employment law understanding, resulting in a few lawsuits that were not in the company’s favor. Avoiding similar experiences is a high priority and your thorough presentation to the management team is the first big step to success.

Prepare a fifteen to twenty (15-20) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  1. Include cover, agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.
  2. Provide a 1-2 slide overview of employment law based on information found in Chapter 1 of Employment Law for Human Resource Practice. NOTE: You may use your discretion to decide what information needs to be addressed as long as your overview is descriptive and relevant.
  3. Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information:
    • Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on whom employees and employers are in determining employment relationships
    • Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the concept of employment discrimination
    • Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the types of discrimination
    • Provide a three (3) slide minimum covering at least 6 strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on retaliation
  4. Go to to locate at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the course syllabus and those that are specifically provided by the instructor.

Important Notes: (1) Total number of words in the bullet points are not more important than the quality of the information. (2) More detailed information should be included in the footnotes of the presentation. (3) Presentations must have a business-like professional look.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Text font size for headings and titles in the presentation must not exceed 36 pt. For all other text, the font ideally should not exceed 24 pt. Check with your professor for additional details.
  • Presentation text must be properly aligned throughout the presentation and maintain the same line spacing and font size.
  • Professional presentation templates will be used. Check with the professor on possible examples.
  • If images found at websites or other sources are placed in the presentation, credit must be given to the sources with citations and references

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Assess and understand employment laws, the rights they confer on employees, and the processes involved in enforcing these laws.
  • Examine the legal significance of determining whether an employment relationship exists.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in employment law.
  • Write clearly and concisely about employment law using proper writing mechanics.

Be sure to review the rubric for this assignment.

Discussion Question 1 week 2


Database, Database Management System, and Business Applications

1. Watch the following two videos from the course Relational Database Fundamentals with Adam Wilbert.

2. Review Figure F2.1 Database, Database Management System, and Business Applications on page 28 of the textbook. Based on the videos, and your readings this week, please respond to the following questions:

  • Choose a set of data from the database list (e.g., Performance data). Next, select the appropriate application program that the data interfaces with via the database management system (i.e. Performance program). Now, explain how information from the application and system are displayed on your computer screen as the user. Explain how you use the program and what functions are available to you. What recommendations would you make to improve the programs functionality to make it easier for end users?

BU450 Leadership Skills Assignment-4 charismatic leadership


BU450 Leadership Skills

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

Part A: What is charismatic leadership? 

Part B: Explain what is meant by the statement that charismatic leaders use active impression management with their followers to support their image. Provide and elaborate on one example. 

Part C: Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse?

Informal groups and formal groups

You will be a member of the newly-formed project staff team. This team will need to realize process gains within its first three months. You want to help, not hinder, the team’s progress, so you decide to do some research upfront. You bring up your challenge at your managerial networking meeting. You pose the following questions to the group.

What kind of work group is the project staff team – task force, command group, or friendship group?

What characteristics of the team are likely to contribute to the goal of process gains within the next three months?

What are some sources of potential process losses?

You don’t just listen, you also participate. Go to the Small Group Discussion Board and post your ideas on each of these questions. Respond to at least one other posting.

You’ve benefited from your group’s discussion and you also have time to read an article or two. You still want to run your ideas by your mentor, so draft an APA formatted document that will address each of the following elements.

How did the discussion change, alter or enhance your conception of effective work groups?

Identify elements of group effectiveness that you may be able to influence.

Think about how you would increase the probability of process gains within your project staff team.

Your mentor likes it when you support your position with information from your readings.

The group will submit a consolidated group document for review by the mentor. 

need help

As an employee of a company that is considering investing in a foreign economy, you have been asked to research a country and make a presentation to your colleagues about an area of economic concern in the country. 

  • Select a country in Africa, Asia, or Latin America to research. 
  • Select 1 of the following economic concerns to research: 
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 
    • Unemployment 
    • Inflation 
    • Quantities of specific goods and services 
    • Exports and imports
  • Research data sets for the one economic concern within the country that you have chosen. 
  • Write a 5-page report, and answer the following questions: 
    • What are 23 relationships between the economic concern you selected and that specific country’s economy? 
    • Support your discussion of the trends with statistical evidence. 
      • Use graphs and/or data tables of the variables you chose in the discussion.
    • What trends do you see in the data sets? Please explain. 
    • Cite all of your sources and include a reference list 

Utilize at least two credible sources to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure you cite appropriately within your paper and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page. Your paper should be 5 pages in length, not counting the Title page and Reference page. In accordance with APA formatting requirement, it should be double-spaced and include a running head and page numbers.

This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria, provided here.