Category: Human Resource Management


When pieces of cloth are sewn together, you might have trouble discerning the individual pieces of cloth that make the final garment, but by looking carefully, you can find the seams. You may have experienced similar difficulty in the first week of this course when asked to explore the individual aspects of culture that combine to create your unique self-identity. Forms of oppression can come together often in almost imperceptible ways to form the complex environment in which you and your clients live and interact. As a social worker, you must examine carefully the intersections between religious discrimination, sexism, classism, and racism so you can respond accordingly.

To prepare: Consider this week’s resources that describe how religion intersects with other forms of oppression.

Submit your response to those resources and analyze what you think is the role of religion in reinforcing sexism, classism, and racism. Provide at least one specific example for each -ism (sexism, classism, and racism). As a social worker, how can you address these issues on a micro and macro level?

Assignment due tomorrow

Summative Assessment

You are a worker in a fast growing, large, non-union manufacturing organization. You notice persistent systematic labor violations in the plant. The company has multiple locations in the United States and plants in China and France. People are complaining about the working conditions and wages. A group of your fellow workers are talking about the need to fight back. There seems to be a willingness to organize. You have decided to seek the help of a Union. Write the following information in proposal format. Remember to follow APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and to cite at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

  • Describe the union organizing process.
  • Identify the union you would choose to help you organize and explain why.
  • Describe the the responsibilities of the workers.
  • Describe what the unions can do to help labor.
  • Explain what management can legally say and do when they learn an organization movement is in progress.
  • Explain what can be done to help the workers overseas organize.
  • Explain why the global nature of the business does or does not influence the organization and bargaining process.

Note: Be sure to check that your Turnitin Similarity Index does not exceed 10% (excluding reference page).

The Paper

  • Must be 1250 to 1500 words, double-spaced (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric  (Links to an external site.)for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Discussion 6200 1

Myths and misinformation surround the topic of sexual violence. For years, these myths have hung around the discourse, further muddying an already difficult topic about which to communicate. Although all myths can be harmful, there are some that may be arguably more harmful. For this Discussion, you identify some of the myths surrounding the topic of sexual abuse and consider why they have remained so prevalent.

Post an explanation of which myths of sexual violence you think are the most harmful and why. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

week 1 discussion

 Specifically focus on the 4 categories of the regulatory environment. Select any two of the categories and explain to executive management why effectively managing the categories are extremely important to organization effectiveness and efficiency. Remember, you are briefing executive management and not lower managers or employees, so your response should be appropriate to higher management communication. 

Creating A Text Message

Your internet was down last night and you weren’t able to turn in your last assignment. Your professor is away from her office, so you know the quickest way to reach her is via text message. Compose and send a text to your professor notifying her of this situation.

Create a text message in which you:

Explain what happened with the internet and how that will affect your schoolwork.

Identify yourself and include a closing.

Training and development Case Wk 2

Case study:

Many years ago I was a Corporate Trainer in a large organization and defining the business needs was the toughest part of the training process. Many times this required a meeting with the trainer and the business department leadership to complete a needs analysis. One of my favorite projects was the Document Manager Project.

Here is a quick real life example:

The Application Analyst (AA) department manager, Lori Williams, called the training department and asked to sit down and discuss the new product they were rolling out to all the company’s AAs, worldwide, and what training could be offered starting on August 11 and ongoing as they were looking to roll out Document Manager on October 2. This product would affect 2500 people.

Lori Williams met with two trainers, Sarah Ward and Caroline Smith. Lori explained that all of the AAs were creating the same documentation over and over again, but had to save it to their own desktops and were unable to share the information because they didn’t have a document repository. Document Manager was going to fix this problem. All of the AAs could then share documentation. Document Manager too would have a template in it for the AAs to use. Document Manager would make the AA’s work much easier and quicker. The AAs were asked by upper management to be more effective with their documentation. Lori wanted to train all 2500 employees worldwide before Document Manger went out to the company on October 2.

Sarah and Caroline asked Lori what the AAs were using now to type up their documentation and what would be different with Document Manager. Lori explained that now AAs used Word Perfect, however Document Manager would use Microsoft Word. Due to this huge change Lori believes every employee effected needs to come to a training class that should last at least two hours, if not longer. Since the training would have to be on a computer, the training departments computer classroom’s only hold 15 people per class. Lori also said that she would like to see each employee pass a test using Word and Document Manager before attaining access to the new programs. She went on to explain that she would also like to have online training for Document Manager and Word available for all employees via their intranet site. Lori also told Sarah and Caroline that upper management had not yet decided how to reach the global employees for this training. Times were tight and they didn’t want to pay for the employees to travel or for Sarah and Caroline to travel. Lori said that she trusted Sarah and Caroline would have the right answer for upper management.

Lori also gave Sarah and Caroline some background on the AAs. She told them that for the most part the AA department’s abilities and familiarity with computers and software was exceptional. Lori had taken over that department only two years ago, but she explained how she weeded out the non-performing employees and replaced them with hard working, smart, efficient ones. Sarah and Caroline were excited about working with this audience.

From this quick example ask yourself the following questions: 

 What organizational goal is driving this training?

 What will the benefit be?

 What is the skill gap?

 What competencies (knowledge, skills, or attitudes) will this program need?

 What evaluation will be used to measure the level of goal achievement?

 Who will be trained?

 What is the estimated class size?

 How many classes will there be and how long will this training last?

 What are the knowledge and skill prerequisites?

 What type of program is being proposed?

 What media, if any will be used in the training?

 What will happen if we do not deliver the training?

 What are the restrictions or limitations for delivering a program?

 What other methods may be used to reach the goal (include limitations and advantages)?

Understanding the solution to the issue at hand is the goal. Gathering information from the senior management and non-supervisory employees will provide the information needed.

Supplemental Material



Outcomes Planning Wheel

Refer to The Four Questions of the Outcomes Planning Wheel linked below, and apply the case study in the lecture to the wheel and answer each question listed above.

Repair Reputation

 Write a 4-5-page paper using the below links as talking points in APA format supported by at least 4 references. Please include an introduction and conclusion. Do NOT use a question and answer format.

  1. Evaluate what Wells Fargo has done to repair the damage to their reputation. What should they still do?
  2. Should top leaders be responsible for the behaviors of its customer-facing employees? Why or why not.
  3. In your judgment, why is this Wells Fargo situation an ethical dilemma? Bring in a philosophy (or philosophies) that you have learned.

Discussion 1 LBS 3001

Discuss each question in 1-2 paragraphs. Answer the questions in answer and question format, that is, when you are posting, include both the questions and your answers. 

  1. How does your work history and lived experience relate to the conditions experienced by low wage workers described in the service economy readings?
  2. What are some of the challenges workers face in the new economy (the 24-hour service economy)?
  3. In the wake of recent welfare reform measures, millions of women entering the workforce can expect to face struggles like the ones Ehrenreich confronted in Nickel and Dimed. Have you ever been homeless, unemployed, without health insurance, or held down two jobs? What is the lowest-paying job you ever held and what kind of helpif anydid you need to improve your situation?
  4. How do booming national and international chainsrestaurants, hotels, retail outlets, cleaning services, and elder-care facilitiesaffect the treatment and aspirations of low-wage workers? Consider how market competition and the push for profits drive the nickel-and-diming of America’s lowest-paid.


Unit 5 assignment

Organizations, like all cultures, must continue to evolve or they stagnate and eventually become obsolete. Using change management tools can help an organization to stay vibrant and evolve over time to remain competitive. Research change management models, and address the following:

  • Describe 23 change management models. 
  • What are the pros and cons of each model?

Follow Instructions

A person cannot evaluate the ethicality of organizational policies until he or she identifies the issues that those policies are intended to address. In this assessment, you will do just that.

Complete the following:

  • Identify a potential ethical dilemma from a real-world organization. As an example of an ethical dilemma, consider the following scenario: an organization may choose to videotape the office and read employee e-mails. The conflict here may be that employees feel these practices are a violation of their privacy, and that they have a right to a certain level of privacy. However, organizational stakeholders defend these practices because their concern is whether the employees are getting their work done. 
    • Choose any organization about which you can find sufficient information to complete the assessment. For example, you might use the organization for which you currently work, where you used to work, or where an associate of yours works.
    • If there is any concern with disclosing confidential information, substitute a made-up name for the organization’s name and indicate you are doing so.
    • The ethical issue or problem selected must affect the organization, potentially affect the organization, or involve the organization.
  • Explain the issues involved, including the following: 
    • Identify the stakeholders.
    • Identify the concerns of the stakeholders.
  • Explain why you chose this particular issue and why the issue is important.
  • Examine the current relevance of the issue. 
    • Is the issue currently in the media spotlight?
    • Are there any recent incidents or reasons why this issue has come to the public’s attention?