Category: Human Resource Management

HR 5

Part 1:

Green Branch Coffee recently experienced an ethical violation because some unscrupulous employees leaked customer information on a social media Web site. The Director of Human Resources at Green Branch Coffee has asked you to prepare an executive report that reviews the role of ethics in the HR profession. This report will be shared with the VP of HR. You realize this is an important project and begin by researching the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) for HR professionals.

Review the SHRM Code of Ethics, and prepare a 500-word executive report that answers the following questions:

  • Describe the professional responsibilities of HR professionals.
  • What does it mean to include fairness and justice in the HR profession?
  • How should HR professionals appropriately manage an organization’s information?

Part 2

The Director of Human Resources at Green Branch Coffee was impressed with the first part of your executive report on ethics in the HR profession. She would like you to create a policy for employee use of technology because new sources of social media and more advanced electronic devices are regularly being introduced into the market. The newly designed policy will be part of a revision of the Employee Policy Manual. Green Branch Coffee wants to prevent another leak of customer data, and all locations will be closed for an entire day to train team members on the policy in an attempt to demonstrate Green Branch’s commitment to fairness and justice.

Create an executive report creating an Employee Use of Technology Policy that addresses the following:

  • Refraining from workplace commentary on social media
  • Maintaining a professional image
  • What can be shared and what cannot be shared on social media
  • Harassment
  • Customer privacy and IT security


NO PLAGARISM!!!!!! Please follow all instructions. Please use the topic given below.

By the end of this course, you will need to prepare and submit a  management    action plan (MAP) addressing a specific healthcare problem or  scenario. This     can be either a real world management problem within your own  healthcare       organization or a scenario from the list in the Unit II Project Topic             assignment.

The topic is Implementing telehealth services in your facility.

Please include  documentation of all six steps shown below in your submission   of the MAP  assignment.

  1. Clarify the Problem or Opportunity for Improvement                                                (OFI)
    Clearly  describe the problem or OFI    that     you     have               selected                       for   your    MAP. Why      is it        important   to           resolve this   problem          right          now?         What       are     the           consequences of     not        resolving   this         problem   right                        now?
  2. Clarify your Measurable Goal
    Clearly  describe the desired                                        outcome from        your MAP implementation.      What     are     you           trying      to             accomplish? How will                     successful  MAP           implementation   be     measured        and                 assessed?  What   realistic                constraints do        you      have   as       you   begin           creation of your          plan?      Consider limits                 on     time, money,     and  other                    resources     that are     specific   to   your           MAP.
  3. Prepare  a List of Possible  Actions
    Consider possible                                      root   causes of    the     OFI. Why do  you believe      the                problem         exists?           Brainstorm   and    present   a     list   of                all possible          actions that      you    may           need   to take     in   order       to   achieve   your            MAP      goal.   At     this    stage,         focus     on         generating   as   many               different options   and         ideas      as            possible. It      is       likely that          not all   of        your ideas     will make           it           into   your final    MAP.          Write      down   your     ideas  just             as they come   to   your            mind,         trying     not     to judge    or         analyze    them    at this                stage.

    In         your                    brainstorming,   be sure to             consider  ideas*            involving        the                following:


    • leadership,
    • governance,
    • clinical  performance,
    • physicians,
    • nurses,
    • clinical       support   services,
    • knowledge      management,
    • human resources,
    • financial     management,
    • internal     consulting,  and
    • marketing.
    •  *It is    understood   that   some of these                                      areas   may not apply to  your  particular    MAP,         but            all       areas           should at         least    be     considered   in   this              process.
  4. Organize     your Key      Action       Steps into a Management Action                              Plan
    Decide on the       sequencing   of    your                     key            action   steps. For   each key action    step,        what       other            steps     must be                  completed        before that     specific action         can be       taken?             Rearrange        your     key           action   steps   into    a    sequence       of   ordered           activity.       Then,   look      at          your    plan       once       again. Are   there      any     ways   to          simplify   the plan               further     before           presenting        it?
  5. Accountability
    For each key       action       step, assign                a              responsible       party or group within       your                   organization     (by         position,         department,    or    team                 name,  not by     individual name),              and    assign a         suspense                   date by which the  key   action      step        must       be         completed.          Then,   based     upon      all   of your     key       action        steps       and   their               suspense dates,     provide    a               realistic         completion      date   for the        entire             MAP.
  6. Measurement   and       Monitoring
    Now,     explain in                detail how     you          will   measure   the    success   of              your           MAP following          implementation and       how   you            will        monitor         ongoing          performance to   prevent         regression and                         loss   of the     positive    change      that has       taken        place.

Your   plan            should           consist   of no less than four        pages, and       any outside          sources   should       be        cited     and  referenced     using APA                    formatting.                  


NO PLAGARISM!!!! Please follow all instructions. 

In this unit, you have been learning about marketing procedures in healthcare   organizations. This assignment will give you an opportunity to reflect on what   you have learned and offer your own thoughts about the unit material.

Your reflection paper should cover the following topics:

  • Do you believe that creating and implementing a marketing plan for a        healthcare organization is important? Why, or why not?
  • Think about your own healthcare facility or one in your community. What do        you think would be an effective marketing message for the healthcare        facility’s target market?
  • Thinking about that same facility, what are two marketing vehicles that        may be appropriate for it?
  • Do you believe that this unit has helped you learn more about marketing        procedures in healthcare organizations? Why, or why not?

Your reflection paper should consist of at least one page with no APA   formatting required.

LED599 Capstone Master Class/Thesis

– Must be totally accurate and thorough….. Readings have to be used and must be a spectacular Plagiarism free paper.

– Must be on time.  I am submitting and you will be required to have the papers completed NLT Sat 15 Feb 2020, 5PM.  Please don’t wait til the last minute as I have 3 other classes and cannot babysit and am expecting a professional paper from whomever gets this assignment.

– Must contact me if there are questions.

-Thesis style paper and format requirements are listed in description.

Thanks and will pay 70.00 for this assignment and if you do well will have 3 others.

Essay Question (ITP)


Discuss how the accuracy of cost estimates becomes more precise during a project.  Specifically include: project initiation, project chartering process in the discussion. Support your response with  two or three scholarly references. 

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to project management. This does not mean blogs or websites. This source should be a published article in a scholarly journal (Journal of Project Management) or a professional journal (such as PMI’s Project Management Journal). This source should provide substance and not just be mentioned briefly to fulfill this criteria. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not use quotes. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.


Project is a short or long-term activity with a stated beginning and end time. Projects requires several organized activities with defined scope and resources.

conceive an information technology project idea. The project idea may be to either fix an existing process in order to improve efficiency and effective or a brand new idea to help launch a new product or service. 

1. Describe the project.

2. Develop the project idea based on the following steps:

A. Initiating 

B. Planning 

C. Executing 

D. Monitoring and Controlling 

E. Closing 

3. Identify possible issues/challenges you may encounter. How would you overcome the challenges.

Instructions: 5-6 APA citations & matching references, 300 or more words. 


 Module 4 – SLP
SLP Assignment Expectations
For the Module 4 SLP you will evaluate your Module 4 Case (persuasive speech) by responding to the questions listed in the Speech Self-Evaluation. As you analyze the speech, consider not only your performance, but the process (steps) involved in creating the speech. 

Course Project 2

20 pages; country choice is Africa. 

Must read the word document and follow instructions 


Prepare a report and make a presentation comparing and contrasting the cities you have selected from the region. The focus of the report is how the management of your human talent will affect the ability to be successful in that region. You will need to discuss a variety of issues in order to conduct a thorough analysis. The following is a list of the possible issues. These are ONLY suggestions. You probably will not be able to cover everything. It is your prerogative to present the issues you believe are MOST RELEVANT for the given region. Basically, give us a well justified decision regarding the location you have selected from an HR perspective.

Social Responsibility

Write a 3 page paper using the below links as talking points in APA format supported by at least 3 references. Do NOT use a question and answer format.

  1. Express your reactions
  2. Apply your own background/experiences
  3. State important takeaways
  4. Add other comments you would  like to make

In the fall of 2016, Samsung Electronics experienced a massive public relations disaster when its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones started exploding due to faulty batteries and casings. Initially, the company denied there were any technical problems. Then, when it became obvious the exploding phones posed a safety and health threat when they were banned from airplanes, Samsung accused its suppliers of creating the problem. In reality, the rush to beat Apples iPhone 7 release date was the most likely reason corners were cut in production. Samsung finally owned up to the problem, recalled more than two million phones worldwide, and replaced them with new, improved Galaxy Note 7s. The companys response and its replacement of the phones went a long way toward defusing the disaster and even boosting the companys share price. Whether management knew it, its response was Kantian. Samsung focused on the end (i.e., customer safety and satisfaction) with the motive of doing the ethically responsible thing.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Write a 4-5-page paper using the below links as talking points in APA format supported by at least 4 references. Do NOT use a question and answer format. It should be written for an audience of business owners. 

Read Case TOMS Shoes.

1. Research another organization that is also high on corporate social responsibility. Compare and contrast their CSR approach with the CSR approach of TOMS Shoes.

2. What actions of organizations fall under the umbrella of corporate social responsibility”? Give three examples of CSR activities beyond what you have learned from TOMS and the organization you discussed in this assignment.

3. Is it expected that successful organizations also have a CSR component in its values? Discuss by giving two additional employer examples.