Category: Human Resource Management

New Supervisor Training On Performance Evaluations

Now that the position has been created, youve taken the opportunity to create a PowerPoint presentation to train new supervisors on how to conduct performance evaluations.

Whether you use an annual evaluation, real-time feedback, or quarterly evaluations, it is important that new supervisors understand:

  • the rationale for a performance evaluation in general,
  • the rationale for the specific one in use,
  • the instrument used, and,
  • the process for the evaluation.

The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides with graphics and Notes Pages.

NOTE: One of the positions the new supervisors will be conducting performance evaluations on is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • You must include the Notes Pages. This is where you explain in detail the thoughts you want to convey in each slide, only in more depth.
  • Visually appealing: graphics (required) should be appropriate for the environment and audience. Text should be visible from 18 feet away (generally considered 18 pt. font or larger).

Human Resources


4 pages and will be in proper academic (APA) format.      

These are not opinion papers or position papers. Assume the reader of the brief has no knowledge of the subject. Each brief must have at least 8 academic and /or professional references and related in-text citations. 

Brief  :Recruitment and Retention. Research how human resource professionals attract potential employees to their companies and how they work to keep them. Take a broad approach to the subject and do not make it technology dependent. Provide some examples from exemplary companies. 

Human Resources


  1. 3-page paper on a human resource management related current event article located in a reputable business-related magazine or journal. The first half of this paper will be a summary of the article. The second half of the paper will be an analysis of article, linking it into a human resource management concept(s) we are studying in class or that you have experienced. If you use additional references for the analysis section be sure to add them to the reference sheet and cite them. Please use the two indicated subtitles indicated to organize your paper.

Bus 217

Case analysis questions require a specific type of reasoning and writing. To answer a case analysis question, assume you are explaining it to someone who knows nothing about the law. First tell me what the law is. For example, what factors does the law say you should look at when trying to determine if a company violated the law when interviewing an applicant? Then tell me if the case you are discussing satisfies that law. For example, which of the factors is met in the case you’re looking at? Then give your conclusion, such as “since the law says an employer cannot ask ___,  the employer violated the applicant’s right to privacy.”

I cannot determine if you know the law if you do not go through these steps. In order to maximize your grade for this assignment you need to be specific and fully support your reasoning.One or two sentences is not sufficient. You cannot do an adequate job of answering a case hypothetical in anything less than 1-2 paragraphs. 

Again, be thorough and specific


1. Lillys Lingerie Shop places an advertisement in a local paper describing an open position with the responsibility of admitting women to its dressing room area. The ad states that only females need apply. Is this advertisement in violation of Title VII? Explain.

2. Safe T Alarm System advertises a position available for alarm-system planning and installation. Scott Feeney, age 50, applies for the position but is rejected because he does not possess a college degree. Feeney argues that an alarm-system installer does not need a college education. Safe T recounts that college graduates have better interpersonal skills for dealing with people and possess sound reasoning skills for planning the layout of the alarm system. Who will be victorious? Explain.

3. ABC Mutual Fund places an advertisement for customer service representatives. One hundred positions are available. Three hundred applicants are received: 100 from women, and 200 from men, including 150 whites, 50 blacks, 50 Asians, and 50 Hispanics. The selections made are 20 women and 80 men, including 75 whites, 5 blacks, 20 Asians, and 0 Hispanics. Does the selection procedure have an adverse effect on minorities and women? Explain. 

4. Dennis Michaelson applied for a position as a resident gynecologist at Fairview Hospital in Brooklyn. According to his resume, Michaelson had graduated from one of the top medical schools and had an extensive private practice on the Kohala Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. Michaelson explained that after his wifes recent death, he wanted to return to his roots. His appearance, demeanor, and expertise convinced the hospital board to retain his services. The hospital was so impressed that it did not check with the medical school or with the references he had submitted. Michaelson treated patients at the hospital for 14 months before he was questioned intensively about his mistakenly diagnosing two cases of ovarian cancer as benign growths. He suddenly heard the call of the islands and disappeared. Fairview was sued by the two cancer victims as well as countless others who were treated by the fraud. When Fairview investigated, it learned that Michaelson was not a licensed physicianhe was just a con artist in disguise. Is the hospital liable? Why or why not?

5. In a warehouse of the Progressive Overnight Shipping Company, workers were hurrying to finish loading packages on Christmas Eve so they could finish early. Todd Meyers was carrying a large package, thereby limiting his ability to clearly see in front of him. He bumps into Russ Eastman and knocks him down. Eastman rises slowly. He is fuming. Eastman grabs Meyers by the shirt and punches him repeatedly. Pursuant to its zero tolerance policy, Progressive terminates both of them. Meyers claims he was not an aggressor or even a participant in the fight, but rather a victim. Does he have any recourse? Explain.



Assume you have been hired to lead a diverse work team comprised of individuals with several different ethnic backgrounds, ages, and skill levels. Your director asked you to submit a leadership plan that addresses the potential for organizational challenges and opportunities. You must show your director that you have a solid understanding of behavioral concepts. Write a plan that addresses how you will lead your team with regard to these behavioral concepts:

challenges of stress in the work environment,

challenges of employee burnout, and

opportunities for increasing productivity.

You are to use outside research to support the rationale for why you are making certain decisions in each area. A minimum of two Academic references are required. Statistics may be used to support your responses. An introduction for the essay is required.

Your essay should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Use APA format for your paper, including all references and in-text citations.

Assignment Need Help

E-learning for Training and Potential Barriers

In Chapter 5 of the textbook, e-learning as a method of training is discussed. In Chapter 6, potential barriers of e-learning readiness to implementing e-learning as a training method are examined. In a two- to three- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), examine e-learning and the barriers. Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe e-learning as a training method.
  2. Describe the potential barriers of e-learning readiness.
  3. Analyze how e-learning readiness has affected your success at Ashford University.
  4. Explain what a trainer can do to prepare learners for e-learning.

Your paper must include in-text citations and references from at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook, and be formatted according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing.

Carefully review the  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Leadership And Continuous Improvement


Continuous improvement is a requirement for organizational survival; without it, health care organizations cease to exist. Developing a sustainable leadership culture means not only leading continuous innovation, but also fostering a culture of innovation that is ingrained in all level of employees. In this assignment, you will discuss a leadership assessment tool that supports a leadership culture and continuous improvement in a health care organization.

General Requirements

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. 



Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that discusses the use of a leadership assessment tool that supports leadership culture and continuous improvement in a health care organization. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A research-supported identification and analysis of a leadership assessment tool. What is the primary purpose of the tool?
  2. A research-supported discussion of why a culture of continuous improvement must be included in talent management.
  3. A research-supported analysis of how leadership will use the outcomes of a leadership assessment tool.

Module 05 Activity Building A Personal Brand


Personal branding is an essential element for marketing yourself and the skills that make you successful. According to Khedher (2014), “Individuals involved in personal branding develop their human capital by investing in continuous learning; enhance their social capital through visibility and notoriety and access to financial success and economic profitability.”

Personal branding allows you to stand out from the crowd by projecting a positive image, behavior and actions. Prior to beginning this assignment, please review the video below and reflect on your personal experiences. Think about the most professional person (fictional or real) that you know. What characteristics make them stand out? After completing these tasks, you must write a personal brand statement.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Length: Minimum of 3 paragraphs (1 paragraph brand statement & 2 paragraphs outlining how the personal brand can guide your career goals)
  • Format: Times New Roman, font size 12
  • Mechanics: APA Style (6th Edition). Must include a cover page and reference page


Khedher, M., (2014). Personal branding phenomenon. Retrieved from:


 How can HR use SM as an effective communication tool?
How can you use crowdsourcing in HR?  
What ideas would you bring to your job from SM? 
Do you see any potential for using this type of SM outside of a job?  




Much of the focus this semester has been on professional ethics in organizations, though it has been acknowledged that your own personal ethical paradigm strongly influences your workplace choices. At the periphery, the social responsibility aspect of ethics has been hinted at; that is, to what degree are you obligated to others (regardless of who they are or where they live) to act in an ethical manner? Paying taxes, voting, obeying stop signs, pulling your cars to the side of the road when an emergency vehicle passesthese are all demonstrations of a personal commitment to social responsibility and ethical behavior.

Focus your discussion on the following:

  • To what degree should organizations (non-profit and for-profit) bear social responsibility? 
    • They provide jobs, pay taxes, and provide services and goods but how much profit is enough? 
    • At what  point should they be societally obligated to give back, or to give back more than they currently do? 
  • At what  point should they stop producing products that contribute little to societys welfare, even if it means fewer profits? 
    • If organizations are people, too (as stated by Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election [Huffington Post, 2011]), can they be trusted to do  the right thing?