Category: History – American history

American History after 1865


Assignment 1: Different Approaches to Diversity Issues (18651925)

In Assignment 1, we ask you to choose one of three topic choices listed below on the subject of diversity then use the Writing Guide located in Blackboard to write a brief paper on the subject. Each topic explores two different approaches to diversity during the 60-year period after the Civil War (18651925). The dynamic between the two approaches will have a profound impact on our history thenand now.

As you prepare and brainstorm ideas for your paper, first read and review what our Schultz textbook covers on the subject. Then, consider the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you review these sources carefully because your paper should use a minimum of three sources from the list below. Besides this instruction sheet and the Writing Guide, be sure to review the other helps (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the Strayer Writing Standards tab on the course menu, usually at the lower left of your Blackboard course shell. The SOURCES AND TIPS sheet posted will be especially helpful for properly citing your sources in the papermake use of it. 

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Empowering African AmericansTwo Strategies

Here you will focus on the approaches of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. Other noted names and certainly different organizations will become part of your inquiry. Washingtons famous 1895 Atlanta Compromise speech (labeled such later by critics) sets the tone. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 3402, 4001, 4045. See ; and see

TOPIC CHOICE TWO: Getting Women the VoteTwo Strategies

Here you will focus on the approaches of two organizations and some names associated with each. These are the NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association; later the League of Women Voters) and the NWP (National Womens Party). You will identify the strategic approach and key players in each as they pursued the common goal of getting women the right to vote. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 364366. Also see on one of the leaders of the NAWSA; on the NWPs Alice Paul, see ; and .

  [Topic Choice Three on next page]

p. 2

TOPIC CHOICE THREE: ImmigrationTwo Opposing Approaches and Views

Here you will focus on two opposing views of immigration and its impact on American culture and life. These are visible in the late 1800s and early 1900s, in a time when immigration was skyrocketing for a long period; but significant restrictions would come into play. One view is represented by lines of a famous poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty. The other view finds its place in laws restricting immigration. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with one or both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 3345, 3489, 3589, 4089. Look for events and issues like the opening of Ellis Island, the melting pot idea, the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the National Origins Act. Also see the poem on the Statue of Liberty base: . And see .


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Use the .      The format is different than other formats like APA. Please take a moment      to review the SWS documentation for details.
  • Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New      Roman font, Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 10, 11, or 12), with one-inch      margins on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. You      must have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited      in the body of the paper with an in-text citation. Check with your      professor for any additional instructions. 
  • The preferred file software is Microsoft Word (part of      MS-Office). Alternatively, a      student can use Windows WordPad (not NotePad) or OpenOffice. (Please do not submit files in .pdf format or Apples Pages or Google      Docs.) 
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the      assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title,      and the date you submit. The cover page and the Sources page are not      included in the required assignment length.

The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length; add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5/1/2. But, the length requirement is evaluated by word count. 

The paper must be submitted (uploaded and attached) in the course shell provided online.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Discuss the developments, racial and political      policies, and laws from 1865 to the 1920s following the end of slavery.

World History

Homage to Catalonia Essay Prompt:

How does Orwell – as an outsider – navigate the ideas and realities of war in Spain? Does his perspective provide any unique insights in to the character of the Spanish Civil War? And finally why, according to Orwell, does fascism triumph?

one page outline and four pages essay, a total of five pages

World History

Homage to Catalonia Essay Prompt:

How does Orwell – as an outsider – navigate the ideas and realities of war in Spain? Does his perspective provide any unique insights in to the character of the Spanish Civil War? And finally why, according to Orwell, does fascism triumph?

one page outline and four pages essay, a total of five pages



  • How does Pontiac describe the relationship between Native Americans and the British?
  • What did Pontiac aim to accomplish by giving his speech?
  • According to Pontiac, how has the presence of non-natives affected the lives of Native Americans?


Changes in the Human Figure in Art

You likely noticed that during the two hundred years covered in this weeks study there were radical changes in how the human figure is depicted in Italy, from something that was highly stylized to an idealized form that looked more real yet was strongly influenced by the Classical Age of ancient Greece and Rome. In Northern Europe, however, depiction of the human form remained somewhat stylized.

Use the textbook and/or online sources to locate and capture three works of art.

  • one from the Early Renaissance (fourteenth century, 13001399)
  • one from the Northern European Renaissance (fifteenth century, 14001499)
  • one from the Italian Renaissance (fifteenth century, 14001499)

Your works of art must either be all paintings or all sculptures.

First, place images of your selected works in a Word document. Then do the following:

  1. For each work identify: 
    • The artist
    • Title of the work of art
    • The date(s) it was created
    • The medium or materials used to create the work of art, such as oil paint, marble, etc.
    • Where the work is located now.
  2. In a well-developed paragraph, provide at least two important historical facts about each work.
  3. In another well-developed paragraph, describe how each artist depicted the human figure, supporting your observation using art historical vocabulary from this week’s reading.

Then, In a 610-sentence concluding paragraph:

  • Compare and contrast how the depiction of the human figure has changed. Be sure to note such things as general appearance of the figures; their body types; whether the figures have been stylized, elongated, or idealized; and whether their clothing, colors, and other visual details have changed.
  • Based on your reading and what you learned from the historic facts you have for each work of art discuss what may have been influencing factors behind these changes.
  • Offer a citation of your sources for each image and the information provided as appropriate.



you are to choose one of the links below.  Read the article or watch the video, and then write a 2-3 page paper.  Three fourths of your paper should be a summary of the video or article.  The remaining fourth of your paper should be a discussion of how the article of video relates to the assigned textbook readings.  Your paper should include:

  • Your Name
  • The date
  • Which article of video you chose to summarize.

Be sure that you use spellcheck and that your paper is grammatically correct.  And be sure to read the Summary Paper Grading Rubric, posted in the Content tab of the course for information on how your paper will be graded.

Notes from the Field: A Primatologist’s Point of View 


What is it Like to be a Biological Anthropologist? A Field Paleontologist’s Point of View 



Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clarity

3.0 pts

Topic is clear and accurately defined. The ideas are clearly expressed and include examples and supporting statements.

2.55 pts

The topic is clear and accurately defined, but there are no supporting statements or examples.

1.95 pts

Topic is not clearly or accurately defined. The ideas are there, but not presented clearly, and they may not all have supporting examples and statements.

0.0 pts

The topic is not clearly or accurately defined. The ideas are not well communicated, but the reader can get a general sense of the argument.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

3.0 pts

There is a clear sense of order and supporting points are presented in a logical progression.

2.55 pts

There is a general sense of order and all points are presented in a logical progression.

1.95 pts

Topic is not clearly or accurately defined. Ideas are note well communicated, but reader can get a general sense of argument. Points are presented in a random fashion and contain factual errors.

0.0 pts

Lacks clear organizational plan. Reader is confused.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Depth

3.0 pts

Student uses proper vocabulary and terminology. The content is factually correct and relevant and developed with specific details. Student provides thoughtful, personal examples and perspectives.

2.55 pts

The student uses proper vocabulary and terminology. The content is factually correct and relevant, but the student does not provide thoughtful personal examples and perspectives.

1.95 pts


7 pages times new roman 12 in Turabian format with footnotes


Looking at the Civil Rights era, it was some specific legislation passed as well as Supreme Court rulings which was a direct response to African Americans and other Americans pushing for equality for everybody.  For your essay assignment discuss the 1954 Supreme Court ruling, Brown v. Board of Education; the 1957 Civil Rights Act; the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  While discussing them write about if those measures were effective for advancing equality for everyone? Also for part of your essay assignment looking at the administrations of Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson, which of those three was the most effective and least effective when it came to advancing Civil Rights during their presidency?


Part 1
Two of the great innovations of the Renaissance in painting were the artist’s ability to depict a more contemporary world, and to create the illusion of a three-dimensional world in a painting. By studying and comparing paintings created in Italy from the fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries, you can see how this innovation developed:

  • Giotto. Lamentation Fresco in the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, 130506
  • Masaccio, The Tribute Money, c. 1427
  • Perugino, Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter, 1481

In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, identify and describe at least 3 specific details or elements that progressively illustrate the artist’s concern for depicting a more natural world and for creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on the two-dimensional surface of the painting.

Part 2
As we learned this week, art historians analyze a work of art using a specific vocabulary to describe its physical and visual properties, and by interpreting its subject matter, symbolism, and socio-historical context. Select one of the following paintings:

  • Jan Van Eyck, Double Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife, 1434
  • Petrus Christus, A Goldsmith in His Shop, 1449
  • Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece, 1474-76

For your selected painting:

  1. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, describe the composition of the painting, including its use of color and light, and the representation of space. Explain why some artistic elements in the painting look realistic to you and some do not look realistic. Discuss whether the figures fit into the space, whether their movements seem believable, whether their clothes fit their bodies properly, and whether there are shadows that make sense.
  2. Read about your selected painting in the course textbook and/or through reliable online resources. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, describe the overall subject matter of the painting; the meaning of some of the objects in the painting; and any social, historical, political, and/or religious factors that are important to understanding the painting. Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

Respond to both parts of the assignment thoroughly, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

As soon as possible, review and comment on the work of two of your peers. In your comments, consider areas you would suggest for expansion or clarification.


HUM1002 History of Art from Middle Ages to Modern Times SU02      

By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible.

For this weeks discussion assignment, you will explore the characteristics of Early Renaissance art in both Northern and Southern Europe. Address each part of the assignment below:

Part 1
Two of the great innovations of the Renaissance in painting were the artist’s ability to depict a more contemporary world, and to create the illusion of a three-dimensional world in a painting. By studying and comparing paintings created in Italy from the fourteenth and the fifteenth centuries, you can see how this innovation developed:

  • Giotto. Lamentation Fresco in the Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel, 130506
  • Masaccio, The Tribute Money, c. 1427
  • Perugino, Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter, 1481

In a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, identify and describe at least 3 specific details or elements that progressively illustrate the artist’s concern for depicting a more natural world and for creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on the two-dimensional surface of the painting.

Part 2
As we learned this week, art historians analyze a work of art using a specific vocabulary to describe its physical and visual properties, and by interpreting its subject matter, symbolism, and socio-historical context. Select one of the following paintings:

  • Jan Van Eyck, Double Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife, 1434
  • Petrus Christus, A Goldsmith in His Shop, 1449
  • Hugo van der Goes, Portinari Altarpiece, 1474-76

For your selected painting:

  1. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, describe the composition of the painting, including its use of color and light, and the representation of space. Explain why some artistic elements in the painting look realistic to you and some do not look realistic. Discuss whether the figures fit into the space, whether their movements seem believable, whether their clothes fit their bodies properly, and whether there are shadows that make sense.
  2. Read about your selected painting in the course textbook and/or through reliable online resources. In a paragraph of 4-6 sentences, describe the overall subject matter of the painting; the meaning of some of the objects in the painting; and any social, historical, political, and/or religious factors that are important to understanding the painting. Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

Respond to both parts of the assignment thoroughly, making sure to use information from the readings and the lectures. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

As soon as possible, review and comment on the work of two of your peers. In your comments, consider areas you would suggest for expansion or clarification.