Category: History – American history

reply discussion post

use one in-text citation from the book 

reply to this:

 I defend the statement: Of all the reform movements discussed and evaluated in Chapter 11, notwithstanding any discussion of the abolition movement (meaning do not include), the women’s rights movement proved the most historically important during the Antebellum Era.  Women made a realization their rights were very limited compared to men as they went door to door to distribute  petitions in regards to the abolitionist movement, “violating the cult of true womanhood” (Women and Abolitionist Movmement). When Elizabeth Cady Stanton accompanied her husband to an abolitionist meeting, she was excluded from the meeting,  thus restricting her from expressing her own opinions, due to her gender (Voices of Reform). This motivated her to make a change in the rights for women. With Lucretia Mott, they placed an advertisement in the newspaper about holding a meeting where they will discuss about womens rights. On July 19, 300 people including Fredrick Douglass attended the Seneca Falls Convention. In the meeting, they drafted the Declaration of Sentiments which modeled the ideals of the Declaration of Independence by calling for equality for both men and women. They demanded specific social and legal changes for women such as a role in lawmaking, improved property rights, equity in divorce, and access to education and the professions (McGerr et atl., 2018, p.358). The resolutions passed unanimously except for the demand for suffrage as they deem as it as too radical for women (McGerr et atl., 2018, p.258). Although the movement was not widely accepted, women were able to accumulate a few rights for themselves.  

essay 500 word 2pages only ! ASAP


Who Do You Think You Are?

Identify the various cultural groups you belong to, both voluntary and involuntary. Choose one of these groups and think about your membership in that group. Think about how belonging to that group influences your perceptions and values. For example, how is your worldview influenced by belonging to your family? By being male or female? By being Asian American, or White, or an international student? Etc. 

(I’m nternational student from Qatar )

Using either Hofsteades Value Dimensions OR the range of values described by Strodtbeck and Kluckhohn, describe how these value orientations affect your communication with others.

Be sure to make a clear link between what we have learned from class and how it relates to your analysis of your communication behaviors.  You should use terms we discussed in class in your analysis. Each paper should have an appropriate introductory paragraph with a central idea expressed. The paper should also have an appropriate conclusion that sums up the paper. Finally, the paper should be free of errors, use correct grammar and spelling and be college level quality.

Format: The paper should be a full 2-3 pages (500-750 words) (no shorter than 2 full pages/500 words), double-spaced, 12-point font (Times New Roman, Cambria, Book Antiqua,  Arial, or Calibri), and 1-inch margins, please. I do not need a cover page. If your only references are the book, I do not need a reference page. If you do use other sources, you should use APA format when citing in the text of the paper and on a reference page. Sloppy proofreading can cause you to receive a lower grade.

write my paper


This assessment has three-parts.  Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

You are an administrator at Arizona Health Services (AHS), a large hospital system. You have been asked to assist in evaluating the financial feasibility of purchasing Jiranna Healthcare, a managed care organization in the San Jose area. For this part of the Performance Task, you will conduct a 5-year analysis of Jiranna Healthcares operational and financial data in order to determine whether or not it is an attractive acquisition. Refer to Jiranna Finances for financial statements to analyze.

Prepare a 2- to 3-page financial analysis. The focus must be on the content and the depth of your analysis. Unless otherwise indicated, a 5-year trend analysisincluding the most recent year of available datais expected.

Complete your analysis as follows:

  • Calculate the 5-year net sales, operating expenses, operating income, and net income of Jiranna Healthcare. Once calculations are complete, interpret the resulting data and explain the significance of the trend results.
  • Calculate the 5-year total profit margin, asset turnover, return on assets, and return on net worth. Once calculations are complete, interpret the resulting data and determine the companys profitability.
  • Calculate the 5-year current ratio, days cash on hand, and working capital. Once calculations are complete, interpret the resulting data and assess the companys liquidity.
  • Calculate the 5-year debt ratio and times interest earned ratio. Once calculations are complete, interpret the resulting data and explain the companys long term solvency.
  • Complete a DuPont analysis for each of the five most recent years. Once calculations are complete, interpret the resulting data and determine the companys individual DuPont characteristics (e.g., total margin, total asset turnover & equity multiplier) and trends across the analysis period.
  • Ultimately a decision has to be made. Would you recommend purchasing Jiranna Healthcare? Why?

For the next part of this Performance Task, you are expected to complete a number of calculations, and then interpret the numbers to provide recommendations based on these analyses. It is essential both to show your work and calculations, and to demonstrate how these calculations support your conclusions. Be sure to explain your reasoning. You will be assessed on the accuracy of your quantitative analyses and the quality of the evidence you use to support your conclusions.

Imagine that you are an administrator at Jiranna Healthcare who has been asked to analyze cash-flow data to determine the costs and benefits of implementing a new capital project. For background, read Capital Project Case Study, Part 1. Then, complete the Capital Project Case Study, Part 2 spreadsheet, which provides cash-flow data (costs and benefits) for the proposal. Download and save the Excel spreadsheet, and use the information provided to complete the following:

  • Calculate the cash inflows and outflows for each year.
  • Calculate the following metrics:
    • Net present value (NPV)
    • Internal rate of return (IRR)
    • Modified internal rate of return (MIRR)
    • Payback period
    • Discounted payback period
  • In a 1- to 2-page report, provide your recommendation with rationale, as to whether the project is acceptable, assuming Jiranna has a corporate policy of not accepting projects that take more than 3.5 years to pay for themselves, and assuming an 11% cost of capital

You are an administrator at Jiranna Healthcare. You have been asked to conduct a budget variance analysis: analyzing performance by comparing budgeted workload, revenue, and expenses for a range of different service lines, with actual workload, revenue, and expenses for those service lines.

Open the document Variance Analysis Case Study, where you will find data on the expenses, revenue, and inpatient product lines at Jiranna Healthcare.

Analyze the data and prepare a 3- to 4-page report. In your report, address each of the five following questions. In each case, show the calculations that you conducted to answer the question. Then, explain your conclusion and how your calculations support your reasoning.

  • What was the hospital’s original profit forecast (assume away any issues with depreciation, taxes, etc.)? Halfway through the fiscal year, what is the hospital’s revised projection for FY11 profits?
  • Which inpatient service lines are over budget? Which inpatient service lines are over budget after accounting for workload increases?
  • What two actions would you recommend be taken at the mid-year point if you oversaw a fee-for-service hospital? In other words, where are the problem areas on which you would focus your attention, and who might provide ideas for “best practices” based on their performance?
  • What two actions would you recommend be taken at the mid-year point if you oversaw a capitated hospital? In this case, the revenue spreadsheet would be replaced with an overall budget of $50 million with which to operate (rather than being able to bill for each episode of patient care). Federal, state, county, and city hospitals normally operate under a capped budget. Additionally, many HMOs also operate under a fixed per member, per month (PMPM) capitated process.

History Paper – ORIGINAL, Non-Plagiarized Work Only!


Choose one of three topic choices listed below on the subject of diversity to write a brief paper on the subject. Each topic explores two different approaches to diversity during the 60-year period after the Civil War (18651925). The dynamic between the two approaches will have a profound impact on our history thenand now.

Use the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you review these sources carefully because your paper should use a minimum of three sources from the list below. The SOURCES AND TIPS sheet posted will be especially helpful for properly citing your sources in the papermake use of it. 

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Empowering African AmericansTwo Strategies

Here you will focus on the approaches of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. Other noted names and certainly different organizations will become part of your inquiry. Washingtons famous 1895 Atlanta Compromise speech (labeled such later by critics) sets the tone. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 3402, 4001, 4045. See ; and see

TOPIC CHOICE TWO: Getting Women the VoteTwo Strategies

Here you will focus on the approaches of two organizations and some names associated with each. These are the NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association; later the League of Women Voters) and the NWP (National Womens Party). You will identify the strategic approach and key players in each as they pursued the common goal of getting women the right to vote. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 364366. Also see on one of the leaders of the NAWSA; on the NWPs Alice Paul, see ; and .

TOPIC CHOICE THREE: ImmigrationTwo Opposing Approaches and Views

Here you will focus on two opposing views of immigration and its impact on American culture and life. These are visible in the late 1800s and early 1900s, in a time when immigration was skyrocketing for a long period; but significant restrictions would come into play. One view is represented by lines of a famous poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty. The other view finds its place in laws restricting immigration. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with one or both strategies. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 3345, 3489, 3589, 4089. Look for events and issues like the opening of Ellis Island, the melting pot idea, the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the National Origins Act. Also see the poem on the Statue of Liberty base: . And see .


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • ** Assignment must be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font, Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. 
  • **You must have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited in the body of the paper with an in-text citation. 
  • **Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title,      and the date you submit.
  • **The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required assignment length.

The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length; add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5/1/2. But, the length requirement is evaluated by word count. 

What is NAS? What is Native American Expressive Culture?

What is NAS? What is Native American Expressive Culture? 

Write  a 2 page essay discussing what you have learned from the readings,  discussions, activities and lectures from Unit 1 concerning Native  American Studies as a discipline. The essay should discuss methods and  major concepts. This assignment is intended as an exercise to assess  your current understandings of NAS and concepts. The essay assignments  will be graded on three components: use of major concepts from readings,  clarity in communication, and insightfulness. Please see the course  schedule for due dates. All assignments must be turned in via Blackboard  on the Thursday the week the assignment is due by 11:59pm or the paper  will be considered late. Late papers are accepted for a 10% reduction,  but must be turned in a week after being late. This paper should be  formatted with 1 margins, written in Times New Roman font at 12 pt and  double-spaced. Due 1/28

history-the birth and growth of the United States as a nation up to 1865

 Read and answer 5 questions

  1. Compare the cultures that could be found in the New World prior to the Europeans. Why were some groups more advanced than others throughout the same region?
  2. Describe the effect of European exploration and colonization on African and Native American cultures. How did each group react to confrontations of societies?
  3. Describe the social, economic, and political changes, which occurred in Europe and led to exploration and colonization of the New World.
  4. Why was England later than the rest of Europe in colonizing the new world?
  5. In what ways did the English colonization of North America differ from Spanish colonization of Mexico and South America?

would you want to live Edward Bellamy’s utopia?

Two books you need to use for this paper. Dont forget to do the intext citation and work cited.




Read 1 of the articles below to answer the following question in a 1-2 paragraph response (about 250 words).  When you finish, please submit your response on Schoology. Your response must include the link to the article you read.  


What are the motives of American imperialism today? How does this impact the country in the future?


1. Be sure to describe what type(s) of imperialism you are discussing (i.e. economic, political, ideological, or cultural).  

2. Your paragraph(s) should incorporate at least two quotes total from the article 

3. Analyze what the motive of that kind of imperialism is for America 

4. Analyze the impact this topic will have on the future of the country.

5. The first sentence of your first paragraph is your thesis statement 

Links (select 1):




Chapters 8-10 Unit Discussion:

You may choose to address one of the two following topics:

1) Utilizing the just war theory’s jus ad bellum convention construct an analysis that determines if the United States involvement in War of 1812 met the jus ad bellum criteria  (just cause, being a last resort, being declared by a proper authority, possessing right intention, having a reasonable chance of success, and the end being proportional to the means used). The criteria are detailed and described in the following link:


Minimum length:

500 words

In text citations:

No less than three in-text citations from the required website are required. The in-text citation from the website should read as follows: (Moseley, n.d).

No less than three in-text citations from the textbook are required (these may be sourced from any chapter within the Unit, but must be contextually relevant to the topic at hand).

In-text citations from any of the Units assigned videos are optional.



Chapter 10:

Original posts should be at least 200 words in length.  

Andrew Jackson was elected President twice (1828 and 1832). He won both elections by strong majorities. As such, Jackson enjoyed significant public support for his policies and remained a popular figure until his death in 1845.

Defend or negate the following statement:

As president, the Second Bank of the United States proved Jackson’s most formidable challenge.  

Please add one in-text citation from the book: 

ask the book from me

Add one in-text citations from the following video: 

Please view the following video: Chapter 10

1)  The Age of Jackson: