Category: High School


Complete research and create an online poster/ Google presentation to explain the processes of respiration.

Deadline: Sunday 31st May at 4pm.

To be included:

All parts of respiration and where in the cell they occur.

What are the substrates and products of each part of the individual  processes.

The names of the protein/ enzymes involved / any known inhibitors of respiration
and where they act.

2 different medical conditions that affect the process of  respiration and the consequences of this to the individual and also society.
Note: Thinking about the consequences this may have on the individual, could this affect society as a whole?

Any additional information you deem fit / bit of interesting facts.

If completing a Google Presentation, the presentation should be no longer
than 10 slides.


Complete research and create an online poster/ Google presentation to explain the processes of respiration.

Deadline: Sunday 31st May at 4pm.

To be included:

All parts of respiration and where in the cell they occur.

What are the substrates and products of each part of the individual  processes.

The names of the protein/ enzymes involved / any known inhibitors of respiration
and where they act.

2 different medical conditions that affect the process of  respiration and the consequences of this to the individual and also society.
Note: Thinking about the consequences this may have on the individual, could this affect society as a whole?

Any additional information you deem fit / bit of interesting facts.

If completing a Google Presentation, the presentation should be no longer
than 10 slides.

Xrays and CT scans

radioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this
Use citations and a list of references (bibliography)

Use your own words.
As a general rule, have at least one mathematical/numerical calculation or estimate in your essay, as a part of the natural flow of text. Show your calculations. Even simpler estimates should be used to contrast/compare, and should be used when drawing conclusions.
Research question (can also be in the title)
Structure: Introduction, Background sections, Main topic sections, Conclusions.
Proof of personal engagement? (after discussion)

Problem solving

Problem Solving


1.    Entering the Freeway. A car sits in an entrance ramp to a freeway, waiting for a break in the traffic. The driver accelerates with constant acceleration along the ramp and onto the freeway. The car starts from rest, moves in a straight line, and has a speed of 20 m/s when it reaches the end of the 120-m-long ramp.

a.    What is the acceleration of the car?

b.    How much time does it take the car to travel the length of the ramp?

c.    The traffic on the freeway is moving at a constant speed of 20m/s. What distance does the traffic travel while the car is moving the length of the ramp?


1.    A tennis ball on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 0.379g and air resistance is negligible, is hit directly upward and returns to the same level 8.5 s later.

a.    How high above its original point did the ball go?

b.    How fast was it moving just after being hit?

c.    Sketch graphs of the balls vertical position, vertical velocity, and vertical acceleration as functions of time while its in the Martian air.


1.    Two crickets, Chirpy and Milada, jump from the top of a vertical cliff. Chirpy just drops and reaches the ground in 3.50 s, while Milada jumps horizontally with an initial speed of 95.0 cm/s How far from the base of the cliff will Milada hit the ground?


1.    A model of a helicopter rotor has four blades, each 3.40 m long from the central shaft to the blade tip. The model is rotated in a wind tunnel at 550rev/min.

a.    What is the linear speed of the blade tip

b.    What is the radial acceleration of the blade tip expressed as a multiple of the acceleration of gravity, g?


1.    Workmen are trying to free an SUV stuck in the mud. To extricate the vehicle, they use three horizontal ropes, producing the force vectors shown in Fig. E4.2.

a.    Find the x- and y-components of each of the three pulls.

b.    Use the components to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the three pulls

2.    A man is dragging a trunk up the loading ramp of a movers truck. The ramp has a slope angle of 20 and the man pulls upward with a force whose direction makes an angle of with the ramp (Fig. E4.4).

a.    How large a force is necessary for the component parallel to the ramp to be 60.0 N?

b.    How large will the component perpendicular to the ramp then be?

C programming

I need to have a fully working C program, There are five data (plain text) files, namely, the students.txt, courses.txt, registrations.txt, criteria.txt, and performances.txt that keep information. Student file keeps the information about students such as the student number, name, surname, and department in abbreviated form. Course file keeps the information about courses such as the course code and course title. Criteria file keeps the information about course assessments such as the course code, course credit value, homework, lab, quiz, midterm, and final percentages. Registration file keeps the information about the students registrations such as the student number, academic year, semester, and course code. Performance file keeps the information about the students performances such as the student number, course code, and performances.
Below explanations are given for better understanding of the file formats (contents).
A sample line from the student file is 194162 VIANNEY DUSHIME ECE, where 194162 is the student number, VIANNEY is the student name, DUSHIME is the student surname, and ECE is department name.
A sample line from the course file is ENGL121 ENGLISH I, where ENGL121 is the course code and ENGLISH I is the course title.
A sample line from the registration file is 194162 201920 1 MATH101, where 194162 is the student number, 201920 stands for the 2019-20 academic year, 1 stands for Fall, and MATH101 is the course code.
A sample line from the criteria file is CHEM104 4 25 30 45, where CHEM104 is the course code, 4 is the course credit value, and the rest of the line 25 30 45 stands for 25% lab, 30% midterm, 45% final. To keep assessments simple, there are only three performance measures for all courses. For mathematical courses, there is midterm-1, midterm-2, and final exams. For physics and chemistry, there is a lab, a midterm, and a final. For English language courses, there is a quiz, a midterm, and a final. For COMP courses, it is either lab or homework, midterm and final exam percentages.
A sample line from the performance file is 194234 CHEM104 55 65 75, where 194162 is the student number, CHEM104 is the course code, and the rest of the line 55 65 75 stands for the performances such as 55 for the lab, 65 for the midterm, 75 for the final.
The general letter-grading policy for all courses is given as A (90-100), A- (85-89), B+ (80-84), B (75-79), B- (70-74), C+ (65-69), C (60-64), C- (55-59), D+ (50-54), D (45-49), D- (40-44), and F (0-39). The numerical grades for A-through-F are 4.0, 3.7, 3.3, 3.0, 2.7, 2.3, 2.0, 1.7, 1.3, 1.0, 0.7, and 0.0, respectively.
For instance, the student 194234 above collected 67 in CHEM104 and earned letter grade C+.

I will upload the data files later on.

Training Manual

Please see the rubric above and the attached template. You are only to complete section 6: Auditing & Log of the training manual

Xrays and CT scans

X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)
o TheadventofX-raytechnologyisintimatelylinkedwiththediscoveryof
radioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution.

Word count: 2000 words
Use citations and a list of references (bibliography).
NEVER copy a text from somewhere else without putting signs around the text, and
then cite the source. However, try to avoid copying more than occasional phrases. Use
your own words instead.
As a general rule, have at least one mathematical/numerical calculation or estimate in
your essay, as a part of the natural flow of text. Show your calcuations. Even simpler estimates should be used to contrast/compare, and should be used when drawing conclusions.
Research question (title – ?), Introduction, Background sections, Main topic sections, Conclusions, Bibliography.
Proposed order:
o Write down draft research questions, and start to research the topic.
o After a while, you should have a clear understanding of what you want to write
o Find ways to answer your research question, this will already be part of your
Main topic sections.
o Finish the main topic sections and write Conclusions = answer to research
o Collectreferencesalongthewayandputtheminalistatthebackofthe
document, this is your bibliography.
o Write the background. Think about what background information is necessary
(physical laws/relationships, or history behind discoveries, etc) in order for the
reader to be prepared for the main topic sections.
o Write the introduction. Employ a marketing-rhetorical expert and try to make
your essay a convincing read. Whats the most interesting aspect of your topic? Some shocking or unexpected results? Weird historical events? Why was this topic interesting to society or to scientists?

Xrays and CT scans

X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)
o TheadventofX-raytechnologyisintimatelylinkedwiththediscoveryof
radioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution.
Word count: 2000 words
Use citations and a list of references (bibliography).
NEVER copy a text from somewhere else without putting signs around the text, and
then cite the source. However, try to avoid copying more than occasional phrases. Use
your own words instead.
As a general rule, have at least one mathematical/numerical calculation or estimate in
your essay, as a part of the natural flow of text. Show your calcuations. Even simpler estimates should be used to contrast/compare, and should be used when drawing conclusions.
Research question (title – ?), Introduction, Background sections, Main topic sections, Conclusions, Bibliography.
Proposed order:
o Write down draft research questions, and start to research the topic.
o After a while, you should have a clear understanding of what you want to write
o Find ways to answer your research question, this will already be part of your
Main topic sections.
o Finish the main topic sections and write Conclusions = answer to research
o Collectreferencesalongthewayandputtheminalistatthebackofthe
document, this is your bibliography.
o Write the background. Think about what background information is necessary
(physical laws/relationships, or history behind discoveries, etc) in order for the
reader to be prepared for the main topic sections.
o Write the introduction. Employ a marketing-rhetorical expert and try to make
your essay a convincing read. Whats the most interesting aspect of your topic? Some shocking or unexpected results? Weird historical events? Why was this topic interesting to society or to scientists?

Pre-Calculus Online Assignments

Get a score of 80 percent or higher on these Pearson Realize assignments. Show ALL work on a separate piece of document/paper for each assignment. Each “Online” is around 15-30 questions and each “lesson check” is around 4 questions. I will share login information after confirmation.

Exponents and Logs
5-1 Online
5-1 Lesson Check
5-2 Online
5-2 Lesson Check
5-3 Online
5-3 Lesson Check
5-4 Online
5-4 Lesson Check
5-5 Online
5-5 Lesson Check
5-6 Online
5-6 Lesson Check
5-7 Online
5-7 Lesson Check

Trig Graphs
6-4 Online
6-6 Online
6-5 Lesson Check

Trig Functions
7-1 Online
7-1 Lesson Check
7-2 Online
7-2 Lesson Check
7-3 Online
7-3 Lesson Check
7-4 Online
7-4 Lesson Check

Evolution of xrays in medicine

o X-rays and CT-scans (Medicine)
o The advent of X-ray technology is intimately linked with the discovery of
radioactivity overall. Discuss this connection and how X-rays for the use of medicine evolved over time. Use concrete nuclear reactions to examplify this evolution.