Category: High School


I.      Working Application

a.      Source Code

b.      Compiled Code

n      eProject Report should comprise –

q      Acknowledgements

q      eProject Synopsis

q      eProject Analysis

q      eProject Design

n      DFDs

n      FlowCharts

n      Process Diagrams

n      Database Design / Structure

q      Screen Shots

q      Source Code with Comments

q      User Guide

q      Developers Guide

n      Module Descriptions

Rogue like game

This shouldn’t take too long i think if it does take longer i will increase payment
This is my a level project worth 20% of my grade it consists of making a top down 2d dungeon crawler with these requirements made in unity:
1. player movements with mouse aiming
2. random dungeon generator with a boss room
3. a mini-map
4. health bar and ability meter
5. a dash ability that can damage enemies and a ability system.
6. Easily Gun system and coins to buy guns, guns that shoot with different stats ie more spread faster and stronger etc etc
7. inventory to store those guns
8. enemies that shoot back and chase you
9. a boss room with a simple boss
10. shop room
11. floor system and the abilities to move up floors
12. power ups that make u faster dash further etc etc
13. score system
14. score system stored from highest to lowest
15. 3 different bosses
not needed stuff i want to do myself if u want to help explaining or starting or doing it will pay more for these requirements so i get the a *:
1. time system that makes the game harder as it goes
2. if u wanna help start the neat ai for the boss
3. Make it multiplayer for 2 players with a database score system to save each players score
4. Outside shop for accessories ie glow, change in color etc etc
5. Code commented on, all new high level code must be commented with what it does, any repeated code could be commented with with a reference to any other reoccurring code
6. new abilities like time freeze or slow down time
7. animations and sound effects #NOT NEEDED AT ALL JUST SOMETHING TO SPICE IT UP

Code must be sophisticated and in object oriented 
Look at this YouTube video for reference i think it fully captures what i want to do:

Rogue like

This is my a level project worth 20% of my grade it consists of making a topdown 2d dungeon crawler with these requirements made in unity:
1. player movements with mouse aiming
2. random dungeon generator with a boss room
3. a minimap
4. health bar and ability meter
5. a dash ability that can damage enemies and a ability system.
6. Easily Gun system and coins to buy guns, guns that shoot with different stats ie more spread faster and stronger etc etc
7. inventory to store those guns
8. enemies that shoot back and chase you
9. a boss room with a simple boss
10. shop room
11. floor system and the abilities to move up floors
12. power ups that make u faster dash further etc etc
13. score system
14. score system sotred from highest to lowest
15. 3 different bosses
not needed stuff i want to do myself if u want to help explaining or starting or doing it will pay more for these requirements so i get the a *:
1. time system that makes the game harder as it goes
2. if u wanna help start the neat ai for the boss
3. make it multiplayer and store
4. outside shop for accessories ie glow, change in color etc etc
5. coded commented on with all new high level code must be commented, any repeated code could be commented with with a reference
6. new abilities like time freeze or slow down time
7. animations and sound effects #NOT NEEDED AT ALL JUST SOMETHING TO SPICE IT UP

Python Program very low level (Year 11)

It’s literally a small python assignment for UK AQA GCSE computing project.


RLE to ascii
Display ASCII art

The code shouldn’t be crazy sophisticated and should include what each variable does with the use of a # as I need to do a write-up of it afterward.

Web design for a local restaurant

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happens
to own a restaurant at a
tourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate some
processes. The client
wants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of
tables.  Using  the  same,  customer
should be able to check for vacant tables and select tables too for booking.
The restaurant has 10: 2-seater
tables; 5: 4-seater tables and 2: 10-seater tables. Apart from that customer
should be able to place order for
food and should be able to see the bill when done. The client also wants to
update items, their prices and
the table status as per the need. The new system should be able to generate
various types of reports as the
final outcome. After interview you have understood the requirements and done
the feasibility study before
proposing the new system.

Research paper

Writing assignment way over due. It is thru James Madison online high school. Wouldnt take but a day probably I just dont understand the instructions. I am willing to talk further prices if interested email me and I can give you the log in and further instructions. Would very much appreciate it.

Ap Computer Science A project

You run a vehicle rental agency. You rent three makes of cars: Ferrari, Chevy and VW, and three kinds of trucks: a pickup, a dump truck and a semi.
The interesting characteristic of cars is their max speed in mph (Ferrari – 200, Chevy – 100, VW – 75).  All cars have a maximum carrying capacity of 0.5 cubic yards.
For trucks it is their carrying capacity in cubic yards that varies (pickup – 4, dump truck – 10, semi – 30).  All trucks have a maximum speed of 55 mph. 
An important aspect of all vehicles is their operating cost per mile (for gas, oil, etc):
Ferrari: $1.00
Chevy: $.25
VW:  $.10
pickup: $.12
dump truck: $.80
semi: $1.50

All vehicles also have an insurance cost. For trucks it is simply $0.01 per cubic yard of actual cargo per mile traveled. For cars it varies with vehicle type, as follows:
Ferrari: maximum speed * miles-traveled / 1000
Chevy: 0.05 * miles-traveled
VW: 10% of total operating cost

You are to write an automated rental program. The customer will enter how much cargo she needs to carry (in cubic yards), the distance she needs to go (in miles), and how much time she has to get there (in hours). The program will present a list of suitable vehicles.
For each valid vehicle found for the given input, the program will display
the specific vehicle type
total operating cost for the trip
total insurance cost for the trip
total cost for the trip
estimated trip duration
capacity (trucks only)
speed (cars only)

The program will inform the user if there are no suitable vehicles.

The user interface will be up to you.  It should be user friendly.
Your program should maintain an array of vehicles that is populated with one of each type of car and truck.  Your program should service multiple users; i.e., when finished with one user, it should request input for the next.
All users should be accommodated from the same array of vehicles; assume there is an infinite supply of all vehicle types.
Your vehicles should have a method that returns, as a string, all information pertaining to a trip.  Your program should loop through the array of vehicles and, for each one valid for the trip, print the information returned by the method.
Use good OOP design. Use good programming technique and style, including constants instead of literals.

Turn In
The first step is your design.  You must draw a picture of your programs design, using good OOP principles.  Each class should include the fields, methods and constants, and whether it is concrete or abstract.
The second step is to implement the design.  Please zip your .java files

Very Simple Java Console Game

Create a simple java game of flappy bird using the engine my teacher provided, this project is very simple and should take expert around only 30 minutes to make. Since this is a high school project, many of the methods have already been provided by the teacher. It is only a matter of understanding them and putting them together.

Web design for a local restaurant

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happens
to own a restaurant at a
tourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate some
processes. The client
wants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of 
tables.  Using  the  same,  customer
should be able to check for vacant tables and select tables too for booking.
The restaurant has 10: 2-seater
tables; 5: 4-seater tables and 2: 10-seater tables. Apart from that customer
should be able to place order for
food and should be able to see the bill when done. The client also wants to
update items, their prices and
the table status as per the need. The new system should be able to generate
various types of reports as the
final outcome. After interview you have understood the requirements and done
the feasibility study before
proposing the new system.

If else statement code

#customer ordering bot to process orders more quickly
#Diane Ambatis, Meira Balikcioglu
print(“hello, my name is Rosie! I’m here to help you place you’re flower order”)
print(“which flower display would you like?”)
print(“youre options are Daisy Display,Rose Display,Tulip Display”)

print(“great choice! that will cost 40 dollarsl”)
if Rose display
print(“beutiful selection! that will cost 50 dollars.”)
if Tulip display
print(” nice pick! that will cost 60 dollars.”)
print (“what is your address?”)

print (“what is your phone number?”)


Please help me fix the if else statements Im 14 and dont have cash