Category: Healthcare

Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Implementing a Health IT System
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

Select a health care setting within which to implement an electronic medical record product. Be as specific as possible.
Examples of health care delivery settings are as follows: a small community hospital, a rural primary care clinic, a home health agency, a medical unit within a correctional facility, a large multi-facility urban hospital system, or a specialty physicians office such as oncology or endocrinology.
Consider choosing a setting that you currently work in or would like to work in later on in your career.
Describe this health care setting, the patient population it serves, the volume of patients that it serves, the needs of the setting, etc.
Identify a health care information system to meet the needs of this facility. Is there a vendor who offers such a system, or is a custom solution needed? Provide details.
Include the all necessary elements in the proposal:
Capabilities of the system, how the system aligns with the needs of the health care facility, initial and maintenance costs of the system, staff needs to support the system, the timeline and plan for implementation of the system, the strategy for introducing staff to the system, getting buy-in and cooperation, providing training, and how privacy, security, and confidentiality will be maintained.
Identify three to five (3-5) potential barriers in implementing the system and describe how you would work around those barriers.
Go to to located at least three (3) quality resources to use in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Refer to the Strayer University Library,

Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:
This course requires the use of the new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Use the resources available in this course to help with this systems implementation proposal.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Propose healthcare information systems for a facility in terms of setting, constituents’ needs, and mitigation of barriers.

assignment 2

Assignment 2: Proposal to Add Telehealth
Due Week 8 and worth 150 points

Explore the broad scope of IT uses for a health care provider to promote access to care, reduce costs, and improve outcomes of care. Develop a PowerPoint proposal to recommend the implementation of a telehealth program to improve the organizations outreach and add value to their services. Use the resources available in this course to help with strategic planning, budgeting, and systems implementation.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation (8-10 slides), with speaker notes, in which you address the following:

1. What is telehealth? Describe the various types and uses of telehealth.
2. Select a type of telehealth outreach to recommend for development to your provider. How can your health care provider use a telehealth system? (Examples of uses include: reaching remote locations rural, international consulting; reduce/prevent rehospitalizations by increasing the number of patient contacts and triaging patients; urgent care center visits; physician practices with virtual visits, etc.)
3. Explain the benefits of the telehealth system that you select and the type of outreach it will offer, including the pros, cons, etc.
4. Develop a general budget (include 3 line items: system software cost, implementation cost, and training costs) for the system. How much will it cost to implement, train staff, and maintain the system? Justify your estimation.
5. Develop a cost/benefit analysis. How can you justify spending on this telehealth system? How will it save, improve access, or improve quality for your health care provider and/or the patients who use it?
6. Find another health care provider that has successfully implemented a telehealth system. What can you learn from their implementation or use that can help with implementing your system?
7. Make a recommendation specific to your provider and provide an overview of the implementation plan/approach, based on your facility size, staff, services offered, and needs.
8. Go to to locate at least three (3) quality resources to in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Refer to the Strayer University Library,
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Recommend a telehealth outreach solution for a provider that includes a cost/benefit rationale, a general budget, and an implementation plan.

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Provider Evaluation (Quality & Safety)
Due Week 6 and worth 125 points
In this age of acute competition and alignment of providers, systems are evolving to improve contracting opportunities, including population health, accountable care organizations, and models of health care delivery. They are targeting quality care at a value price. This assignment explores a provider of your choice to determine their desirability to be a member of a system and recommend improvements they may need to make to become more competitive in their market.
Write a two to three (2-3) page proposal in which you evaluate and make recommendations for a provider you have chosen in terms of safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care by doing the following:

1. Choose a health care provider nursing home, hospital, home care, etc.
2. Using the search function at one of the sites ( or, review your provider’s measures on safety, quality, and evidence-informed health care. Pay attention to the publicly reported outcomes on mortality, rehospitalization, and infection rates, as well as patient satisfaction and preventive care.
Note: If you have chosen a home health provider, you can use the following website to review their home health quality measures
3. Identify other providers in the same geographic area, review their outcomes, and compare your provider (e.g. search by zip code).
4. Determine how these outcomes impact this provider as a potential member for a health system, Accountable Care organization, or as a contender to obtain population health contracts.
5. Based on the reports, determine which quality initiative the providers should address through evidence-based practices, such as safety, quality, rehospitalizations, mortality, etc.
6. Would your provider be a desired member of a system?
7. What is your recommendation for this provider to improve their outcomes in order to improve reimbursement and to become a desirable member of a system of providers?