Category: Geography

ARTH 1130 Research Essay Outline

ARTH 1130 Research Essay Outline (one page, double-spaced, 12 pt. font) (10%)

The purpose of this exercise is to give you a chance to plan a coherent research project. The project is to be comparative (involving two works of art/artifacts/monuments from the same period). We want to see that youve chosen material to work with in your research essay that is both interesting to you and relevant to the class. In this proposal you will show that you have carefully selected artworks and texts to begin to answer a guiding research question. While your answer to this research question will come together in the course of reading, thinking and writing, for the proposal we would like to see you attempt an answer or a thesis statement. 

Write in paragraphs where applicable and label the sections of the proposal following this breakdown:

1) Name two objects from one period(artworks/artifacts/monuments) that you will compare/contrastin your essay. Use the periods in the Kleiner texts as a guide or, if you are choosing objects from a non-Euro-American tradition make sure your two objects were produced within 100years of one another. You are free to choose something not included in the textbook, but make sure you have access to information about the objects you choose. You should include images of your objects and their titles where applicable, the names of their makers if they are known, the date of their production, and their current place of display. (2%) 2) A research question and thesis statement (or answer to your question) that is aimed at clarifying a relationship of some kind between the objects. Here are the broad outlines of some possible research questions: On what grounds can we compare/contrast the quality of the objects (why is one better or worse than the other, and by what standard)? How do the materials used in these objects, or the technologies involved in their making determine their form? How have the makers of these objects been steered in their creative process by the (social, political, economic) forces of history? How did these objects steer the course of the histories of which they are a part? On what grounds are these objects included by art historians in particular national traditions or cultures? How do the objects contribute to a group or personal identity? How do the objects deliver a social or political commentary? To what end do the objects enlist techniques of representation and/or abstraction? How do the objects interact with or function in their sites of display? After posing your question, venture an answer to it in the form of a thesis statement. This should be a paragraph long in total. State your question and tell us how you arrived at it. (3%)3) A brief description of intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the objects and their histories that you will explore in your essay. Intrinsic factors are material or formal features of the objects. Extrinsic factors are aspects of the social, political, historical, technological context surrounding the objects. This should be one paragraph long. (3%)4) A bibliography of at least 5 sources (not including Kleiner)you will consult in your research. Include all the information you can find on your sources: author, title, date and place of publication, etc. Consult a style guide for this bibliography (MLA or Chicago are preferred). A maximum of 2 of your sources may be non-academic (i.e. magazine articles or reviews; exhibition or curatorial statements; statements from artists or curators in recorded interviews or presentations). The remaining 3 sources should be academic (i.e. articles from peer-reviewed journals; books; conference proceedings or recorded academic lectures). (2%) 


Write an opening post of about 350 words comparing Hurricane Florence (August 2018) and Hurricane Harvey (August 2017) the two extremely destructive Atlantic hurricanes that struck the Caribbean and Gulf Coast regions of the USA. Write a short summary of the events, brief details of disaster, the effect on human or animal life, and what this event means for the future, or anything else that seems appropriate or applicable to the class and the report. You must also include any references you used (website, magazine, URL). 

WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4: The How Americas Food Giants Swallowed The Family Farms Article And How It Connects With Other Of Our Themes


WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4: The How Americas Food Giants Swallowed the Family Farms article and how it connects with other of our themes

Insert in the drop box for Writing Assignment #4 on D2L.

As noted on the syllabus: 300-400 words


The story in How Americas Food Giants Swallowed the Family Farms has connections to various of our readings, which is not surprising in that various of the claims, thesis, ideas that we are exploring in this course have interconnections.  Sometimes these are causal connections, and sometime they are conceptual connections; in any case, it is useful to think about them together.

Write an essay in which you explain how the story laid out in the Guardian article 

can be analyzed in terms of, or otherwise connected to, at least two of the following:

(1) the analysis given by Holt-Gimenez and Patel in Food Rebellions

(2) the analysis of sustainability discussed by Paul Thompson

(3) the ideas of locality discussed in Thompson and DeLind

(4) ideas about food sovereignty as discussed in the Wittman, et al. article

Note that you get to choose the theme or theses to be discussed here, but you should be sure to choose these in a way that shows an understanding of whats important about all this.

You get to choose which other themes [(1)-(4)] to make use of in your analysis (and hence what other readings to make use of), but dont assume that it will work out equally well with any two of them. Give some thought first to which ones you think provide interesting insight or really connect to what you want to say.

It is not required that you do an objection and reply. The reason for this is that I want you to focus on the task of identifying connections and fleshing them out so that they are clear and significant. (Its possible that youll find that an objection-reply strategy will in fact help you do this, but again, it is not required.)

As before: Citations are required; quotations are not. Quotations, if you have them, should not be long, and they dont count toward the word count. (See general description of the writing assignments on the syllabus.) I wouldnt expect you to use any sources outside of the class readings. Of course you do have to cite the Guardian article and the readings you use to follow the above instructions. The style for doing the citations? You can just cite the page number in the following way: (Thompson, p. X). 

WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4: The How Americas Food Giants Swallowed The Family Farms Article And How It Connects With Other Of Our Themes



WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4: The How Americas Food Giants Swallowed the Family Farms article and how it connects with other of our themes

Insert in the drop box for Writing Assignment #4 on D2L.

As noted on the syllabus: 300-400 words


The story in How Americas Food Giants Swallowed the Family Farms has connections to various of our readings, which is not surprising in that various of the claims, thesis, ideas that we are exploring in this course have interconnections.  Sometimes these are causal connections, and sometime they are conceptual connections; in any case, it is useful to think about them together.

Write an essay in which you explain how the story laid out in the Guardian article 

can be analyzed in terms of, or otherwise connected to, at least two of the following:

(1) the analysis given by Holt-Gimenez and Patel in Food Rebellions

(2) the analysis of sustainability discussed by Paul Thompson

(3) the ideas of locality discussed in Thompson and DeLind

(4) ideas about food sovereignty as discussed in the Wittman, et al. article

Note that you get to choose the theme or theses to be discussed here, but you should be sure to choose these in a way that shows an understanding of whats important about all this.

You get to choose which other themes [(1)-(4)] to make use of in your analysis (and hence what other readings to make use of), but dont assume that it will work out equally well with any two of them. Give some thought first to which ones you think provide interesting insight or really connect to what you want to say.

It is not required that you do an objection and reply. The reason for this is that I want you to focus on the task of identifying connections and fleshing them out so that they are clear and significant. (Its possible that youll find that an objection-reply strategy will in fact help you do this, but again, it is not required.)

As before: Citations are required; quotations are not. Quotations, if you have them, should not be long, and they dont count toward the word count. (See general description of the writing assignments on the syllabus.) I wouldnt expect you to use any sources outside of the class readings. Of course you do have to cite the Guardian article and the readings you use to follow the above instructions. The style for doing the citations? You can just cite the page number in the following way: (Thompson, p. X). 

Use IDL Programming To Detect Surface Changes

1) develop a algorithm that detects land surface change

2) provide estimates of the total surface area where land cover change has been detected by your algorithm over all years (1992-2010) and the change that occurs between each year (i.e. the rate of change).

3) produce a map highlighting the areas that have changed and in which year that change occurred. The map must be of publication quality.