Category: English – Article writing

Concepts of Education

Task: For this assignment, you will need to critically analyze a cultural or social issue that matters to you.

  • Make the case for why this is a worthy issue and offer some solutions.
  • Relate your topic to some of your life experiences.
  • Support your ideas and arguments with at least 2 reliable sources (i.e. academic journal articles, books).

Assignment details:

  • 8-10 pages
  • MLA format; 1 margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt (APA is acceptable but please check with me first)
  • Word or RTF; I cannot open .pages
  • I use Turnitin and other plagiarism prevention tools. Make sure you cite properly!
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and syntax are a must!

Tools & Help:

  • Our wonderful embedded librarian, Deborah Stanfield will help you with your research. Reach her via email  She can meet with you in person or online. Dont hesitate to call on her. See also this page for help on evaluating the credibility of your sources: .
  • The  also has online tutoring appointments. You can also visit the in Macon or Cochran.


  • I chose to analyze a cultural or social issue.
  • My title is compelling. (i.e. it is not Critical Thinking Paper)
  • My introduction clearly states what my topic is and presents my thesis statement or research question.
  • My arguments are supported by research from reliable sources.
  • I use quotes to support my ideas. The quotes I use are not too long and there are not too many of them.
  • I do not simply report on my chosen topic, nor do I just give my opinion about it. I analyze evidence and interpret information and data.
  • My paper is organized, and my arguments move from one to the other with proper transitions.
  • I have a Works Cited page in MLA or APA format.
  • I have used Microsoft spellcheck and grammar check or Grammarly to minimize typos and grammar/spelling errors.
  • My paper respects the conventions of MLA or APA.
  • My paper respects the length requirement (8-10 pages).


revise this essay by adding information to body paragraph. every body paragraph needs to follow PIE model. finish essay should be at least two page double space. 


Identity might have a number of meanings. The word “identity” might refer to the race of an individual, their nationality, religion, or even orientation (Vignoles 1). An individual might identify himself or herself with other people when they have something in common. I believe that I have a strong passion for traveling, and thus traveling is regarded to be a part of my identity. In my point of view, traveling is one of those things in life that make people happy. In spite of the fact I have visited only a couple of countries, I believe that someday I can proudly say that I managed to visit all countries of this beautiful world. Therefore, I would like to dwell upon my identity as a traveler by explaining how important traveling is for me.  

One of the most important parts of my identity as a traveler refers to the fact that I have a constant desire to travel. It is obvious that any person might be considered as a traveler since all of us travel from time to time. Although this might refer to even any weekend trip to a nearby city, I am convinced that identity as a traveler goes much deeper. Having an identity as a traveler might refer to a state of mind. For instance, when I was at school, I always expected a new trip with my family. In other words, I thought about this all the time and even had dreams about my trips. 

Moreover, I can suggest that identity as a traveler does not only presuppose the process of traveling only but some other stages as well. By other stages, I mean planning the trip and getting prepared. Personally, I like the process of planning and getting prepared for the journey as equally as the very visit to a whole new place. This makes me feel very excited and helps me to focus on meeting new people and experiencing new things. I think that all stages of traveling are important and make you experience various emotions long before the very trip.  

In addition, my identity as a traveler is expressed by me constantly talking about my favorite places that I have visited so far or would like to visit. As I said, traveling is very important to me and has always been regarded as an integral part of my life. I always notice that light up instantly when somebody starts talking about traveling compared to when they start talking about either football game or some other things. I am convinced that I can talk about traveling for hours. The thing is that I like telling people about my experience as a traveler, though I also like to listen to people’s conversations about their favorite trips.

To sum up, I would like to indicate that I identify myself as a traveler for a couple of reasons. First of all, I am a person who constantly thinks about trips. I always try to imagine what my next trip would be like and what country I want to visit. Second of all, I am fond of all the stages of travel. Planning and getting ready for the trip makes me feel very excited. Thirdly, I can talk about traveling for a long time. I feel happy when I am engaged in conversations about trips. I believe that traveling is an integral part of my life that makes me happy and motivated. 



In three short paragraphs (about 100 words each) answer the following questions about each the three sources that you have chosen for your paper: 

What is the proper MLA or APA citation for your source?

Who is/are the author/s and why are they credible?

What was the author’s purpose for creating the text you are using? 

Why is this a good source for your paper and how will it help you discuss your discourse community?

Communication Assignment

 150-200  words answer this question:

Reading article is attached below. 

What are your key takeaway points from the Burnette, Pollack, and Forsyth article?  Identify and explain at least two key takeaways. 

Module 2: From My Head to My Hand/How Do I Get What’s in My Head on Paper?


ownload Sample Essay:

( 2)I am about to send you out on a scouting trip! What I of this Module is  write a 1,000 – 1,300 word Public Space Essay! This should be fun… or, at least, I hope it’s fun! You will need to find a public space (not your home or a friend’s home) such as a school, park, library, theater, or store and observe what you find there. You will need to go to that public space or post a picture of that public space for me to see (though it will be much easier if you visit the space in person). In order to help you be successful with this field mission, we need to complete these tasks, listed belo

        MODULE 2 OVERVIEW(2)


If you can think, you can write. If you can speak, you can  write. If you have ideas or something you want to tell the world, you  can definitely write, Problem is, you know what you want to say but you  don’t know how to say it. That is the great struggle with writing; one  I’ve been wrestling with my whole writing career. The same problem  exists for the carpenter or the mason or the pipefitter. You know what  you want to do, you just have to do it. Second, you need the skills to  be able to do it, to write what you know you want to say. Therefore, we  will be focusing on these key elements to help you develop the skills  that will allow your hands to confess what is in your head:

 Head to My Hand/How Do I Get What’s in My Head on Paper?

1)The writing process: drafting, writing, revising

  • (2)Understand the basic components of an essay: introduction, body, and conclusion
  • (3)Demonstrate the ability to organize essays using appropriate rhetorical modes: Narrative and Descriptive
  • (4)Develop and improve their critical thinking skills: Learn what to look for and how to describe what you see
  • (5)Develop and practice good revising and editing skills: Revise thesis, revise content, and revise grammar



Write a 300-400 word response to the following prompt:

How did  Iberian (Spanish) Catholics understand salvation? How did this understanding affect their policies toward indigenous Americans? What different underlying assumptions about the nature of human life did Nahuas bring to the table?

As you formulate  your answer, refer directly to the readings “The Missionary Missionized,” “Inter Caetera,” and “Sublimus Dei.”  However, be sure to complete the other readings and lectures in order to develop the strongest possible answer.

Due to the brevity of the assignment, introduction and conclusion paragraphs are not needed. However, answers must be composed using complete sentences and paragraphs, usingclearly developed topic sentences.

Your response should assume that the reader is already familiar with the readings. That is, limit your summary of the readings to a few sentences and dedicate the majority of your time to analysis.

If you use quotations in your essay, keep them brief (no more than 20% of your answer). Quotations should be formatted in accordance with the following example:

According to Gill, initiation into the kachina cult “is the formal introduction into the religious life of the Hopi” (Gill,  66).

read and watch the links for the videos posted here and the link for the website . 


Write a 300-400 word response to the following prompt:

How did  Iberian (Spanish) Catholics understand salvation? How did this understanding affect their policies toward indigenous Americans? What different underlying assumptions about the nature of human life did Nahuas bring to the table?

As you formulate  your answer, refer directly to the readings “The Missionary Missionized,” “Inter Caetera,” and “Sublimus Dei.”  However, be sure to complete the other readings and lectures in order to develop the strongest possible answer.

Due to the brevity of the assignment, introduction and conclusion paragraphs are not needed. However, answers must be composed using complete sentences and paragraphs, usingclearly developed topic sentences.

Your response should assume that the reader is already familiar with the readings. That is, limit your summary of the readings to a few sentences and dedicate the majority of your time to analysis.

If you use quotations in your essay, keep them brief (no more than 20% of your answer). Quotations should be formatted in accordance with the following example:

According to Gill, initiation into the kachina cult “is the formal introduction into the religious life of the Hopi” (Gill,  66).

watch the videos link posted below and read the articles link below to answer the question and  write about it . 






Grades will be based on:

            Level of engagement with class materials: (5 points)

            Depth and originality of analysis: (5 points)

            Writing quality (grammar, punctuation, organization, etc): (5 points)

introduction and essay 

First give me an introduction, preferably two paragraphs, according to the introduction in the essay requirements. Then complete the essay, the link is the link of the article

Simple essay writing (250 words)

Submission Instructions

Now that you have read about your topic a bit and considered multiple perspectives related to it, you are ready to put together your Module 1 assignment.  

The following components should appear together in one document in your submission. Use the Milestone 1 TemplatePreview the document to assemble your finished product:  

  1. The topic you selected (it must be one of the choices in this list).
  2. One source from the Excelsior College Library on your topic. (This does not need to be in APA format but must include the title, date, author, and a link to the source. Your source cannot be the associated research starter article linked in the chart above. It cannot come from a Google Search.)
  3. At least three interesting or troubling facts about the topic that comes from your source listed above. (These should be written in your own words and not copy/pasted directly from the source.)
  4. At least three questions you have about this topic and how it might impact the future of our society. (You do not need to have answers to these questions yet, just pose the questions for now.  Aim for why questions rather than what. These are the questions that will drive your research in the next few weeks and help you to find the most useful sources.)
  5. A short paragraph (approx. 200-250 words) reflecting on this process. (Consider the following as you reflect: why did you choose this topic? Do you think you have any biases toward a certain perspective on it? How will you try to minimize your own biases as you conduct research? Did you find it difficult to find a source or come up with questions about your topic or to think about how this topic relates to the future?)

I need an informative speech and outline about air pollution

You will give a 3-4 minute informative speech using a full sentence outline that will be two pages in APA format, plus a reference page. Use two references for the speech.  As part of the speech, you must have a visual aid.  Make your outline and speech have a professional appearance.  Make sure it is appropriate for academic purposes.  Carefully select your topic.  Your grade will be comprised of your paper, citations, speech and visual aid. 

Make sure your paper is double spaced, in Times New Roman font and with 0 additional spacing after paragraphs. 

I attached some examples of what I need 

i need an informative speech and outline about obesity in miami dade caunty

informative speech and outline  about obesity in Miami Dade County 

you will give a 3-4 minute informative speech using a full sentence outline that will be two pages in APA format, plus a reference page.Use two reference for the speech.As part of the speech,you must have a visual aid .Make sure it is appropriate for academic purpose.

i ve attached and example of what i need