Category: Business Finance – Management

Research paper: Leadership strategy

Each student will research on Leadership Strategy topic and discuss it in a 10-12 page paper (double-spaced excluding bibliography, graphics, abstract, or title pages). The paper must include at least 10 relevant sources (dictionary definitions, .coms, Wikipedia are not considered relevant). Research from scholarly publications and popular press sources are relevant use both types of sources.

Use APA format for the bibliography and in-text citations. Type all deliverables using Microsoft Word and implement the Times New Roman size 12 font. The paper should be a review/summary (think literature review) of your topic.

Students will submit their final paper to the SafeAssign link provided in Canvasfor plagiarism detection.

Students who are found to have plagiarized their paper will receive a zero on the paper. A report of academic misconduct will be filed against the student. If you are unclear how to write a paper without plagiarizing please visit the Library and or Writing Center. You may also speak with your professor.

DO NOT Tips: Do not plagiarize. Do not wait until the last minute. Do not submit the wrong file (you can only submit once).

DO Tips: Visit the Writing Center at least once. Create an outline, draft, and final draft. Know that students who excel on this paper go above the minimum expectations. View the rubric before you start writing outline. Use scholarly sources.

Submit your paper as an MS word document (no other file format will be accepted).

Vision Essential To Facilitating Successful Change In An Organization

Why is vision essential to facilitating successful change in an organization? What is the correlation between a leader’s role/vision and a successful change initiative? Describe a vision that you have seen/heard/read/viewed that you felt inspired successful change. How did this vision influence people’s behavior and attitudes toward a major change initiative?

Effective Persuasive Communication In Personal, Professional, And Academic Contexts

In this Assignment, you will write three paragraphs describing effective persuasive communication in personal, professional, and academic contexts. In each of the three paragraphs, include at least one concrete example of effective persuasive writing that you have encountered or written yourself to illustrate your points, and consider issues like audience, speaker, text, purpose, and context. You can also include information on tone, style, formality, voice, correctness, evidence

Short answers

    Chapter 4: Questions (p143. ) 1-5; Min-case (p145. ) 1-3

     (p146 1-5)         Chapter 5: Questions (p.182) 1-8; Mini-case (p. 183) 1-3 

just answer these questions in an  APA Format. Theyre supposed to be brief answers. 

I need it in the next 7 hours !!!!  The textbook is attached below 

Writing Activity 1: Prewriting & Research Assignment

Help me write my essay on mental health and physical health 

my subcategories for  mental health are Bipolar Disorder 

Depression Disorder 

Stress Disorder 

hanvent thought of any for physical health


Marketing Vehicles for Uptown Swirl business (Uptown Swirl):

Marketing is more than advertising. It refers to delivering value and benefits by creating products and services that will meet the needs and wants of customers. Another important component of marketing involves delivering the products at a price the consumer is willing to pay and making the products available in places where they are willing and able to buy them. A marketing vehicle is a specific tool that is used to deliver an advertisement to an intended audience. 

1. Identify the marketing vehicles you will use at your Non-Alcoholic Business (NAB) (Uptown Swirl).

Marketing Vehicles for Uptown Swirl are:  Media Advertisement forums:

>  Social Networking: Facebook; Tweet; Radio Broadcast; Newspaper) 

>  Sampling of Products

>  Flyers

>  Promotions

>  Email Mailings

>  Website (Uptown Swirls Website)

2. Describe each 9-methods of advertisement and explain why it is a good tool to reach your target market. (Must include the format listed below with the below requirements.

>  Detailed Specifics (9-Market Vehicles for Uptown Swirl)

>  Frequency

>  Cost Per Year 

Remarks:    I have included additional information about Uptown Swirl as a resource.  The response must be detailed and answer the primary question and sub-part of the primary question.  Write clearly, concisely, use proper grammar and writing mechanics. You must use APA format and cite (2) references.

BUS: Case Study One

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Describe the main types of business entities and their defining characteristics.
  2. Apply product liability law and determine what issues are present. How would you advise your client to mitigate those issues?
  3. Apply the elements and characteristics of an agency relationship to Sams actions. Does Sams involvement prior to the business formation, as well as his anticipated role once the business is formed, create an agency relationship? Why or why not?
  4. Identify potential real property issues based on the location of the business on the family farm. Justify each potential issue.
  5. Does the manufacture of Freds Miracle Cough Syrup on the family farm necessitate a formal transfer of ownership or possessory rights? Defend your
  6. Identify potential personal property issues based on the use of Sams personal vehicle to deliver the product. Justify each potential issue.
  7. Does the use of Sams personal vehicle in the course of business expose Sam or the business to any liability issues? Defend your response.
  8. Identify potential estate planning issues with regard to the business and the family farm. Justify each potential issue.
  9. What estate planning vehicles are available to Fred and Sally should they desire to transfer ownership in the business and family farm, respectively, to Sam and Lilly equally? What are the advantages and disadvantages to each?
  10. Applying your analysis of the issues above, which type of business entity do you recommend for Freds Miracle Cough Syrup and why?

Lab 2

The Week 2 Lab will challenge you, as it has to do with sweeteners and obesity. Current research has shown that there may be a relationship between the consumption of sweeteners and the rise in obesity, so this will be an opportunity to examine the facts and develop an opinion.

Please select one of the following sweeteners.

  • Sugar (sucrose)
  • Fructose
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Stevia
  • Equal
  • Splenda
  • Ace K

Answer the following questions about the sweetener that you have selected. Your paper should be two pages long, double-spaced, with proper citations and a References section at the end.

  1. Select a sweetener.
  2. Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition).
  3. Discuss safety and the sweetener that you have selected.
  4. Examine the relationship between the sweetener that you have selected and obesity.

Microsoft Office: Word


Business Name:  Uptown Swirl  

Answer each market description below for Uptown Swirl.

TARGET MARKET DESCRIPTION: (see attachment for additional details)

1. Demographic Description (age and income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, etc.)

Example: A likely user for X product is a male between ages 25 and 34 who earns between $25,000 and $35,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.

2. Geographic Description: area where you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, etc.), climate condition.  An example of geographic description would be: Downtown Fayetteville, NC area.

3. Lifestyle Description: where do your customer shop, what they do for leisure, what kind of clothes they were, cars they drive, etc.

4. Psychographic Description: socially responsible, trendsetter, fun-seeking, etc.

5. Purchasing pattern description: how they use the product, how many times they buy, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it

6. Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. Packaging, etc.)

Remarks:    The response must be detailed and answer the primary question and subpart of the primary question.  Write clearly, concisely, use proper grammar and writing mechanics. You must use APA format and cite (2) references.

Enterprise Content Managemant

Within the Discussion Board area, write 150-180 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

How do you think the enterprise content management practices of an organization without formal enterprise content management can be evaluated?

What steps should be followed to properly evaluate an organizations enterprise content management practices?