Category: Applied Sciences

Create A Abstract/Executive Summary Using The Key Points In The Paper That Is Attached.

The draft report should have all the required information and should be as close to the final report as possible. You MUST follow the format below for your final project report:

  • Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper.
  • Abstract/Executive Summary: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 50-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.
  • Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should also include tables and figures.
  • Body of the Report: Follow your submitted outline, making sure the body of your paper answers the questions outlined in the Team Project Report and Presentation Guidelines.
  • Appendices and Graphics, if included.: The abstract is an “executive overview” of your paper. It should be a 50-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.
  • Table of Contents: In this section, list each section of your paper, with the page number. The list should also include tables and figures.
  • Body of the Report: Follow your submitted outline, making sure the body of your paper answers the questions outlined in the Team Project Report and Presentation Guidelines.
  • Appendices and Graphics, if included.

Short Paper – Entrepreneurs

Organizations, in spite of their size and bureaucracies, contribute to the development and use of technology. Organizations coordinate individual efforts and skills so that these tasks can be accomplished. Coordination is usually accomplished through the application of the following: bureaucratic principles, specialization, formalization (the use of rules, regulations and SOPs), and hierarchical authority. Bureaucracies rely on rules, regulations, and formal methods of management to get their employees to do what needs to be done. But inventors need freedom, which puts them at odds with bureaucratic procedures.

After reading the module notes and all supplemental materials, discuss and support your opinions about entrepreneurs and technology today, using the following questions as a guide:

  • Who comes to mind when you think of present-day entrepreneurs?
  • Does todays economic and political environment promote or retard entrepreneurial efforts?
  • What challenges are entrepreneurs faced with today regarding technological advancement and society?

Support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited. Your paper should be 2 pages in length (not including title and reference pages). It must be formatted according to   [PDF, File Size 131 KB], 6th edition, including title and reference pages.


Globalization has brought tai chi to Iowa, delta blues to Japan, and pad thai to Ireland. Cultural change as a result of globalization is not a new phenomenon; the music we listen to, the clothes we wear, the language we use, and the devices we employ have been strongly influenced by importations from other lands. 

After reading the module notes and all supplemental materials, think critically about the effects of globalization and technology and respond to the following:

  • Globalization has enriched our cultural lives and has brought a number of economic benefits. At the same time, it has also been the source of disruptions, some of them, like lost jobs, quite serious. Discuss the pros and cons of restraining globalization. Is it even possible?
  • Discuss an example of globalization that you have experienced.
  • Do you think globalization is destroying cultures or enhancing them? Why?

Support your position using appropriate sources that are properly cited. 


Two short paragraphs (APA format not needed for these answers and each answer can be 50-75 words) Please name this Word document Module 6 DQ’s: 

  1. You have multiple manufacturing computers that control the machinery to several assembly lines. The software for the assembly line controls rarely changes. The assembly lines cannot go down because of problem Windows updates or new features. What do you recommend?
  2. You manage 40 essential servers that must run the best they can at all times. Describe the most efficient way to review key events on all 40 servers each day.


Two separate short questions that can be part of one document (You can also answer each question with about 75 words each, but must be in APA format) 

The point assignment is setup as:

  • Title Page = 5 points
  • Proper Font = 5 points
  • Case Answers = 10 points

Title this document Module 6 Assignment 2:

Scenario 11-1

You support Richman Investments, a brokerage firm that employs 20 brokers. Each broker has his own client computer, and the firm has a server running Windows Server. All of the client computers are configured identically. 

Over the past six months, some Windows updates have caused the computers to hang, leaving the brokers without computers to conduct business. How can you ensure that the Windows updates that install on client computers will not cause usability issues? 

Scenario 12-1

You manage several file servers. Several times during the day, the file server performance degrades significantly. Describe how to troubleshoot the problem.

**Please do not use old book references. Only use online references if needed.

SWOT Analysis

Complete the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis for a rehab site/organization (nursing home) or a program using the “SWOT Analysis” template provided in the attached document.

Directions: Complete a matrix for an organization or a program and after completing the matrix then answer the following questions: 

1. How can weaknesses be converted into strengths?

2. Can strengths be used to overcome threats? How?

3. How can opportunities be maximized?

4. How can weaknesses be minimized?



1.  Description of Organizational or Program Strengths

 Displays excellent comprehensive list of the organization or program strengths. Strong grasp and understanding of the issues presented. 


2.  Description of Organizational or Program Weaknesses

 Displays excellent comprehensive list of the organization or program weaknesses. Strong grasp and understanding of the issues presented. 


3.  Description of Organizational or Program Opportunities 

 Displays excellent comprehensive list of the organization or program opportunities. Strong grasp and understanding of the issues presented. 

4.  Description of Organizational or Program Threats 

 Displays excellent comprehensive list of the organization or program threats. Strong grasp and understanding of the issues presented. 

5.  SWOT Analysis Questions 

 Displays excellent comprehensive responses to analysis questions. Strong grasp and understanding of the issues presented. 


Module 6 Presentation


Collect the knowledge you gathered in this course and prepare a 10+ slide PowerPoint presentation as if you were presenting to your workgroup. Make sure you touch on a topic from each week and describe what things you would like to immediately implement. Your presentation should be APA formatted if outside research is cited and free from grammatical errors.

Gather your research from at least 2 sources, other than your textbook. Cite your sources using APA guidelines. All submitted work should be free of grammatical errors.

Discussion 5

Task 1:

  1. Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.
  2. List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in your selected stage.

Task 2:

  1. Choose a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect your individual. This could be anything ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis.
  2. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, create a case study based on an actual client or patient. You can also make one up. Include the following in your case study:
    1. Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis.
  3. Be sure to include a list of common medications that may be used to treat your patient’s condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant.
  4. Identify your client’s cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. For example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in a nursing facility with reputed staff.


Watch a childrens cartoon or obtain a childrens storybook. 

Tell me what cartoon your watched or what storybook you selected.

In one paragraph, using examples from the cartoon or storybook, describe how males and females are represented: 

  1. Are characters portrayed in gender-stereotyped roles? 
  2. Are males and females equally represented in exciting plot activities? 
  3. Are behaviors, attitudes, and characteristics of males and females characters strongly gender stereotyped? 
  4. Overall, how would you evaluate the cartoon or storybook in terms of gender typing? 
  5. What recommendations would you make to counter any influences observed? 

Reasearch Paper English Class

Research Paper Outline


I. Introduction: Write your complete introduction.  

Hook: A hook is a powerful opening sentence to your essay. It grabs the readers attention so well that they want to read on.  

Click here for help with writing a hook.  

Narrow towards your thesis. But dont give so much detail that you reveal all of the paper in the introduction. Limit your introduction to five (5) sentences maximum.  

Thesis: This is the most important part of the introduction. It reveals what the papers topic is (the So what?) and tells the reader why they should read this paper (the Who cares?) The thesis sets out a roadmap for your entire essay.


II. Body Paragraphs

Give each paragraph a title then remove it on the final copy. This will help you to analyze the flow of your paper, and it will help you to see if your body paragraphs truly support your thesis statement.  

Begin with a strong topic sentence. This sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about. It must make a point.  

Provide evidence. Evidence comes in the form of:

quoted material from your researched sources.  

quoted material from the literary text itself

examples from the literary text itself  

statistical/data-driven facts (when applicable)  

Here are some questions you can ask yourself about a particular bit of evidence:

O.k., Ive just stated this point, but so what? Why is it interesting? Why should anyone care?

What does this information imply?

What are the consequences of thinking this way or looking at a problem this way?

Ive just described what something is like or how I see it, but why is it like that?

Ive just said that something happens-so how does it happen? How does it come to be the way it is?

Why is this information important? Why does it matter?

How is this idea related to my thesis? What connections exist between them? Does it support my thesis? If so, how does it do that?

Can I give an example to illustrate this point?




You cannot use personal examples, or make personal references in a literary research paper. Do not use any form of first person: I, me, us, we, my, myself, our, ours in any part of the paper.



III. Conclusion:  

i. Restate the thesis in different words.  ii. Recap the main ideas of this essay.  iii. Leave the reading audience with something to consider more deeply.  

iv. Limit this section to five (5) sentences maximum












IV.    Works Cited

Written on a separate page

Double-spaced entry

Make sure that you have included an entry for four sources PLUS the text itself.



1. Please adhere to directions on attachment

3. No plagiarism, APA format

3. Only peer reviewed journal articles as references

4. Need within 2hrs or less

5. Only MBA worthy work; If you can not submit this level of work do not send a bid!!!!!