Category: Applied Sciences

Assignment HCM By Shortell And Kaluzny

For the most part, health services organizations are no different from most other organizations. State whether you agree or disagree with this statement. Indicate specific reasons for your agreement or disagreement and develop at least two reasons in addition to those presented in your readings.

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Task 20-1


PICOT Question   Submission

The purpose of this assignment is to submit your PICOT question for instructor review.

General Requirements:

  • Access  the PICOT-D Question Template, located in the DC Network.
  • This  assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful   completion.
  • Doctoral  learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.


Utilizing feedback received on your Final PICOT Question Submission Revision from DNP-815, submit your updated PICOT question statement to your instructor for review.

Task 20-2

 Critical Appraisal  of Practice Guidelines

The purpose of this assignment is to apply findings from evidence-based practice and research to enhance practice guidelines and health care outcomes.While there are several tools available for evaluating practice guidelines, the most comprehensively validated appraisal tool is the AGREE II Instrument. This tool can be used both by individual practitioners to critically appraise health guidelines and by decision makers to inform policy decisions. The purpose of the AGREE II Instrument is to provide a framework for assessing the quality of guidelines, present a methodological strategy for developing guidelines, and inform what/how information should be reported in the guidelines.The AGREE II Instrument examines the following six domains relevant to the practice guideline being assessed:Domain 1: Scope and Purpose

  1. Domain      2: Stakeholder Involvement
  2. Domain      3: Rigor of Development
  3. Domain      4: Clarity of Presentation
  4. Domain      5: Applicability
  5. Domain      6: Editorial Independence

In addition to each of the six domains, the tool also includes a space for rating the overall quality of the practice guideline to determine whether it should be recommended for use in practice.Criteria are rated on a 7-point scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 7 (Strongly Agree). A rating of 1 is given when there is no information relevant to an item, the item is poorly reported, or it is explicitly stated that the criteria is not met. A rating between 2 and 6 is given when the item as reported does not fully meet the criteria. A rating of 7 is given when the quality of reporting is excellent, and the full criteria have been met. Further rating explanations can be found in the User’s Manual section of the AGREE II Instrument resource.

For this assignment, choose an evidence-based practice guideline relevant to your DPI project or chosen area of study. Refer to the “Evidence-Based Guidelines” study material for websites where a specific guideline can be identified for the purposes of this assignment or select a guideline of your own choosing.

General Requirements:Use the following information to ensure successful completion of this assignment.

  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:

  • 1. Provide a link to your selected guideline and explain why you chose it, supporting  your response with an explanation of why you selected it.
  • 2.Using the AGREE II Instrument User’s Manual for reference, complete the “DNP-820 AGREE II Instrument Table” template for your chosen  guideline.(SEE Attached)
  • 3. Include comments after each domain to support your rationale for providing the rating you chose and include any considerations that influenced your rating decision. Cite all sources referenced.

Geology 101


Option #1: Coastlines

The coastlines of the world are constantly being impacted by waves, currents and tides. Choose your favorite coastline (or least favorite) and describe how it is affected by those factors. How might these factors affect the coastline as sea level rises? You should include introductory information about how those processes are formed.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length
  • 1-2 outside sources
  • Formatted according to the

It is strongly recommended that you submit all assignments to the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting the assignment to your instructor for grading. If you are uncertain how to submit an assignment to TurnItIn, please review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student guide for step-by-step instructions.

Option #2: Oceanic Impacts

Humans have been utilizing the ocean for millennia, but also causing problems in the oceans. Choose one of these negative issues, such as overfishing, plastic trash, marine dumping, habitat destruction, acidification, dead zones, or other, and describe what the problem is, how humans caused the problem, where the problem is, and how is it destructive. Suggest possible solutions for this problem.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length
  • 1-2 outside sources
  • Formatted according to the

It is strongly recommended that you submit all assignments to the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting the assignment to your instructor for grading. If you are uncertain how to submit an assignment to TurnItIn, please review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student guide for step-by-step instructions.

HA545 Unit 1 Discussion 2/3

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to  Sasha Bluitt and  Dianna Adair 

Allocative policies usually provide the net benefits to some given class or group at the expense of other people to ensure that the public objectives are met.

An example of an allocative policy is the funding of medical research coming from the government to work on improving health services.

Regulatory policies are designed to influence the behaviors, actions, and decisions of others. For example, the regulation of the health care professions by the states

An example of regulatory policies is requiring medical professionals to be licensed in order to work.


Longest, Beaufort B. Health Policymaking in the United States. Health Administration Press, 2015.

 Dianna Adair 

The two categories of health policies are allocative and regulatory. Allocative policies exist to provide subsidy to guarantee access for more vulnerable populations (Longest, 2016). A great and current example of this type of policy is the patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as the ACA or Obamacare. The ACA provides protections and subsidies for lower income individuals or those with pre-existing conditions. It also provides rules for insurance companies to cover preventative care to promote prevention of illness to save on healthcare costs overall (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2019).

Regulatory policies are fairly self-explanatory. They regulate actions, decisions, and behaviors. Examples of regulatory policies include the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Clayton Act, which were created to maintain favorable market conditions (Longest, 2016).

To see the impact legislation has on health issues, one does not have to look very far. The ACA, for example, sparked a huge increase in insured individuals that would have been prevented coverage due to pre-existing conditions or being too poor to afford insurance but not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. While the ACA is not perfect by any means, a lot of changes were wholly or semi-positive.


Longest, B. B. (2016). Health Policymaking in the United States (Vol. Sixth edition). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press.
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2019). About the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from:


Needing Help!

Hello, I have three assignments due by Monday, January 13, 2020 by 6 pm. (CST).  The facility I have chosen is a children’s clinic in Jackson, MS.  Please make sure it is plagiarism free and includes references with citations.  Thanks.  

Finals Survey Of Humanalites

Final Assignment

For your final, you will select an album, a film, or theatrical performance to analyze from the approved list that follows.  This task is similar to the midterm.  However, these are larger works, and your analysis will necessarily be more in-depth.  Like the midterm, this analysis should be your own, unique thoughts and ideas.  Please do not use outside source material for your assignment. 

Your task is to create an informative and visually attractive PowerPoint presentation.  Your PowerPoint is due by Saturday at noon on week 8.  You should post your PowerPoint to the final forum link in Moodle link on our week 8 page.  Your PowerPoint should include the following:

Slide 1:  Include your name and the discipline youre going to focus on (music, theater, cinema).

Slide 2:  Identify the artist, show a clip or visual representation of your selection, and discuss why you find the work inspiring.  Why did you choose it? 

Slide 3:  Give your reader information about the work.  What is it? 

  • If its music, is it an album, a symphony, an opera?  What is its form and genreclassical, jazz, fusion, rock, rap? 
  • If its a theatrical work, is it a play, a musical, or improv?
  • If its cinema, what is its genrenarrative, documentary or absolute?  Is there a more specific sub-genre you can identify?

Slide 4 and 5:  Each of these endeavors has a creative director.  In these slides, you will discuss the choices that those creative directors made.  What are the elements you notice in the work?  What are the moving pieces? How is it put together? 

  • If its music, is the piece instrumental, vocal, or a combination?  What instruments are employed?  What is the timber and tone of the piece?  What do you notice about beat, tempo, melody, harmony, texture, and dynamics? 
  • If its a theatrical work, what do you notice about theater type, scene, set design, costuming, and lighting?  Are there discernable acts?  How does the plot unfold?  Can you identify the plot elements of complication, reversal, climax, and denouement. 
  • It its a film, what do you notice about the mise-en-scene?  What do you notice about the types of shots the director employs?  What do you notice about the editing and the kinds of cuts he/she uses?  Do you see anything interesting or important with lighting? 

Slide 6 and 7: In these slides, discuss how the work stimulates the senses.  In the context of a larger work, like these, this is how all of the individual elements come together to create a whole experience. 

  • If its music, how does the composition flow?  How does one song transition to the next?  Does an upbeat tempo lead to a more somber offering?  What is the effect of this juxtaposition?  Is there a message to the album, opera, or symphony?  What is that message?  What does the artist/composer want you to know or understand?  How can you tell?  What aspects of the composition contribute to this idea?
  • If its a theatrical work, how does one act move to the next?  Is the production theatrical in nature or realistic and life like?  Does the actors do a good job revealing each characters motivations?  What do you notice about the mood in the work?  Can you identify a place where the mood changes in the work?  What causes this change?  It is lighting, or dialogue, or staging?  What message do you think the playwright wanted to send?  How can you tell?  What aspects of the production contribute to this idea?
  • If its a film, consider the story.  How does the story unfold?  Consider the camera work and the different editing decisions.  What message do you think the director wants to send this film?  How do you know?  What shots contribute to this message?  What images help send this message?  How does editing convey this idea?  What do you notice about lighting or sound that helps send this message?

Slide 8: What is the overall experience of the work?  How does it make you feel?  Rate the work on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, five stars being the best.  What aspect did you find enjoyable?  What aspects were less so?  Would you recommend it to a friend?

Remember, this is a final assignment, so its heavily weighted.  Please devote an appropriate amount of time and effort to this task.  You will be graded on the content of each slide, the imagery on your slides, and the conventions of your text.  Please refer to the rubric for more detail. 

You MUST choose from this list.  If you want to analyze a different work, you MUST ask for approval from your professor no later than Week 6.

Musical Albums:

The Beatles                        The White Album (1968) 

Pink Floyd                           Dark Side of the Moon (1973)

Bob Marley                         Legend (1984)

Madonna                            Like a Virgin (1984)

Public Enemy                      It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988)         

Pearl Jam                           Ten (1991)

Nirvana                               Nevermind (1991)

Cranberries                         No Need to Argue (1994)

The Notorious BIG               Life After Death (1997)

Radiohead                           OK Computer (1997)

Beyonce                             Lemonade (2016)

Justin Timberlake                Man of the Woods (2018)


Tchaikovsky                        Swan Lake

Vivaldi                                Four Seasons


Mozart                                 The Magic Flute (1791)

Mozart                                 The Marriage of Figaro (1786)

Johann Strauss II                  Die fledermaus (1874)


Psycho (1960)   

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)  

Pulp Fiction (1994)

Fargo (1996)

Gladiator (2000)  

Moulin Rouge! (2001)  

Collateral (2004)  

The Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio (2005)

Carol (2015)

La La Land (2016)

The Shape of Water (2017)

Get Out (2017)  



Death of a Salesman

West Side Story



400 Word Public Health Secondary Data Discussion (Categorical Variables)

Due 1/8  8 p.m EST

Be on time, Original work

400 words not including title & ref page min 3 APA


You may use several types of variables during your statistical analysis. Some of those variables can only be collected as categorical variables, such as gender and race, as they require fixed responses. Others, however, can be collected as either continuous or categorical variables based on the researchers preferences. For example, one researcher may record age as a continuous variable in years or months, whereas another may record age as categorical variables such as <40, 4065, >65. Age categories can vary from one study to another. Depending on the researchers preference, you have to decide either in the data collection stage or during the analysis how age should be used.

For this weeks Discussion, select two categorical variables from the data sets to answer the Discussion questions. Consider why the researchers may have chosen to make them categorical variables and decide if you would have made the same classification.

Post a brief description of the two categorical variables you selected from the database. Then, explain why you believe the variables were created as categorical variables instead of continuous variables. Finally, explain if you believe this is a correct classification for this study and why. Support your response with  current literature.

Company Analysis (Healthcare Operations)


You have been selected as the Team Lead for your department. Management has asked you for a report on the following topics. Research each topic and summarize in an executive summary. Cite your sources in an appendix on the last page of your document.

Make sure that your research has information from at least 2 sources other than your textbook.

  • The role of managers and technology
  • Ways to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce cost through new technology
  • Deficiencies in clinical use of technology
  • Technology and medical errors
  • Concentration on profit margins