Category: Applied Sciences


Assignment: Stereotyping

Television and film producers have editorial control over their media products; they control all aspects of the TV program and/or movie with the intent to impart a specific set of values to the viewing audience. This is especially true for character development. Certain characters are made to look attractive, smart, kind, generous, and altogether likeable. Others, less so. The characters, likeable or not, are automatically associated with their lifestyle choices and, importantly, the outcomes those choices produce. People tend to like the characters whose decisions lead to desirable outcomes. TV and film producers can develop characters whose appearance and lifestyle choices reinforce familiar stereotypes (e.g., the careerist female who, having forsaken marriage and children, seems destined to live a lonely life). In this way, TV and film producers convey messages about what kind of people we should aspire to be and what sort of lives we should aspire to live.

For this Assignment, you will closely examine stereotypical portrayals in TV or film.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how TV and film can function as a vehicle for delivering stereotypical messages (e.g., powerful women who sacrificed family for career and lamented their unmarried, childless status). 
  • Reflect on television shows or films you have seen that employ stereotypical portrayals used by producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.


Submit 35 pages, not including title page or reference page:

Your task is to choose a current (e.g., in the last 12 months) television program or a film and conduct a content analysis that identifies the stereotypical portrayals used by the producers to condemn or endorse specific lifestyle choices.

  • Choose one of the major characters in the movie or TV program youve selected.
  • Describe their physical appearance; are they made to look attractive?
  • What role does this person play in the story? Is it stereotypical? Are they effective in that role?
  • What is this persons job? Is it stereotypical? Are they successful in their job?
  • Describe two or three specific actions taken by this person.
  • What was the outcome of each action? Was it positive or negative?
  • Do the actions/outcomes reinforce a stereotype?
  • Is the stereotype positive or negative?
  • How likeable and/or intelligent is this person?
  • How desirable is this persons lifestyle?
  • What are ways to mitigate the stereotyping portrayal you identified in your content analysis?

Be sure your analysis is informed by social psychology theory and research.

In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or Internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

By Day 7

Submit your Stereotyping Assignment.

Course Project – SWOT Analysis-HSA3215 Intro To PROJECT

 Complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) Analysis of a private, government funded or non-profit hospital within your state. You must analyze internal or external factors that could negatively affect or assist the organization with accomplishing their goals. Please begin the assignment by reviewing this week’s classroom lecture notes and locating a nearby hospital. After discovering a suitable hospital, you should research the social media accounts, accreditation reports, newspaper articles, or Joint Commission updates. 


This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse leader. These paper will enhance your knowledge and understanding of the given topic.

 These essays are to be written in APA style based on APA expectations. Essays must be structurally intact with appropriate grammar, sentence and paragraph composition, spelling, punctuation, and logical, clear essay development (including introduction and conclusion). This paper must include a introduction and conclusion. Paper length 1-2 pages , excluding cover and reference page. Must have a minimum of three references and references must be within 5 years.  

 (This paper should describe leadership and manager competencies & styles in nursing. )

Severant Leadership Paper

I need a paper as soon as possible. Please read the instructions I have also provided the references. Thank you.

Blanchard & Hodges: pp. 4359

Scholar Practitioner Project Public Health (ADVANCED ANALYSIS OF SECONDARY DATA SPSS)

Due 1/18/2020  8 p.m EST

Be on time & Original & Grad Level Work

Please read directions CAREFULLY



Project: Scholar Practitioner Project

This week, you submit the next portion of your Scholar Practitioner Project. Use the techniques of data manipulation such as merging, transposing data, and creating new variables. Create a database that can be used to answer your proposed research questions completely. Please remember to incorporate your Instructors feedback from your data analysis plan before you submit your database.

For this Assignment, use your selected data set for your Scholar Practitioner Project and enter it into your SPSS program. You may manipulate the data in Excel and then convert them to a format for your statistical software needs.

Apply techniques of data manipulation to prepare analysis data to answer your research question. RESEARCH QUESTION (Are people living in poverty more likely affected by obesity?)

Define the variable names and categories.

Submit your prepared database.

Note from Professor

For last week and this week, students will be required to submit the SPSS databases for review.  The databases need to be in .sav format for me to be able to bring up on my SPSS software.  It will also be necessary to have files in a zip folder when submitting into the assignment section due to the size of the documents.  If no databases are submitted there will be a grade of 0 since the assignment requires the database(s) to be reviewed.  

Agile Lean 9

Imagine a new product offering for your company.  Using the lean startup approach, list out your first se of experiments, what innovation accounting you believe will be of value, and which engine of growth will make your new product offering thrive.  Add a Lean Startup section to your paper and document your product offering  750

Review Chapter 4 of the McKenzie et al. text. Conduct a brief qualitative needs analysis of your community. Using the questions provided below, interview two members of your

  • Review Chapter 4 of the McKenzie et al. text.
  • Conduct a brief qualitative needs analysis of your community. Using the questions provided below, interview two members of your community about the perceived public health needs. Consider the barriers to addressing significant public health issues within the community and think about resources available that might help to address them:
    • How long have you lived in your community?
    • What do you believe are the greatest health issues that exist within your community, and who are the populations you believe are most impacted by these health issues?
    • What are two barriers that exist within your community that you feel could negatively influence these health issues (e.g., no public parks, pollution from a particular factory, no major hospitals or grocery stores)?
    • Why do you think those barriers exist? What Social Determinants of Health are most responsible for health problems in your area? (See the Healthy People 2020 Social Determinants of Health link in Learning Resources for a list of examples.)
    • What kinds of resources exist within your community that could help influence the health of individuals within your community (i.e., hospitals, community clinics, non-profits, etc.)?
  • Consider the resources available within the community to help address the perceived public health issues.

The Assignment (34 pages)

  • A brief description of the community that is being evaluated
  • A brief description of the members of the community that you interviewed
  • Describe the information that you gathered from your interviews. Be sure to explain the perceived public health needs of the community
  • Explain what resources are available within the community that address the identified health needs
  • Explain how you might address the needs within the community. Be sure to describe how you will utilize resources and address the barriers within the community

Your written Assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this weeks Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.



You will all answer the discussion questions, at the end of the case, including the synthesizer.  The synthesizer will take all of the responses into consideration and  will then refer back to the beginning of Chapter 18 on the Case Study guidelines to pull everyones interpretations together.

 If you look at page 503 in the textbook, it will explain more about what the write up should look like.

It will be challenging to pull in everybodys thoughts. You may not capture each individual response, and that is ok.  It will be up to you to decide if someone in the group provided particularly good answers to the discussion questions that should be used, for example in the solution.  

And remember you will have the time to submit the first draft of the write up to the group for feedback.

1. Answer Discussion questions Page 569

2. Write up (including the groups responses) 

3. Revise per feedback

 **Use page 503 to guide your write up** 

* Discussion questions due by today (Thursday) by 4pm

* After group post there responses … Write up due Monday @ noon 

* Group will leave feedback by Wednesday and final draft due Friday @ noon

Nerve Shield Plus Reviews (Updated 2020)


Although muscle spasms are harmless and just last few hours, they will sometimes get sudden, sharp pain, making this person really uncomfortable. Spasticity happens when there is continual or continual seizures within the set of muscles or muscles. nerve shield plus some medical conditions like dystonia may cause muscle cramps. Dystonia is a neurological disorder that induces irregular postures induced by sprains, repetitive motions, or constant muscle contractions. The neurological dystonia problem is associated with heredity or birth. That may be caused by personal harm and several poisons or even by responses to drugs such as antipsychotics. Neuroleptics represent drugs used to treat psychological illnesses , e.g., psychosis. Muscle cramps may also be induced by unexpected contractions of the passage, which is sometimes linked with the colon. This colon is induced by spasms in the smooth muscles of some muscles,


Discussion: Prejudice

People often use jokes to test the boundaries of what is considered offensive. Under the guise of humor, the joke teller can attempt to minimize any offense taken by defending the humor as just a joke.

Clearly, an attempt to belittle or demean others as a form of humor is distasteful. And in every culture, one can encounter humor that, to be understood, relies on prejudicewhether that prejudice be about race, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, or nationality. What others might find funny, some find tasteless and indefensible. Simply because an offensive statement is clothed as a joke does not make the joke funny nor does it mean that the joke teller cannot be confronted by someone who finds the comment offensive or inappropriate. Even so, confronting someone about an inappropriate joke can present a social risk; the person being called out is likely to feel defensive and retaliate against whomever exposed them.

For this Discussion, you will draw on your own experience and social psychology theory to examine responses to prejudiced comments.

To Prepare
  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and think about how social psychology theory and research explains the responses that people have when they hear prejudiced comments.
  • Recall a time when you have been present when someone made a racist comment or joke, and no one confronted the joke teller.
By Day 4

Post a time when you have been present when someone made a prejudiced joke or comment, and no one confronted the joke teller. Were you offended by the joke? How can a decision to stay mute be explained by social psychology theory?