Category: Applied Sciences

Module 3 Discussion

Part I

The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Case 4k, p. 109; of Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. For this case, identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake, keeping an eye out for similarities that it shares with the other cases. Concentrate on identifying the benefits and burdens that pertain to the parties affected in order to apply the principle of utility. 

Part II

In this week’s module we saw that because motives are not all that relevant according to Consequentialism, it wouldnt matter who is doing the calculation of benefits and burdens in the assessment of utility. The calculation is purely objective. Indeed, to the utilitarians mind, the objectivity of the principle was intended to counterbalance the weight of archaic social customs and religious influences on social polices. Do you agree with the utilitarians that social and religious customs stand in the way of happiness? Briefly explain and defend your view.

We also saw this week that Mill’s justification for distinguishing higher and lower pleasures relies upon an empirical method of surveying those who have experienced a variety of pleasures, both high and low, and that Mill believed that those with the most varied experiences will agree that higher quality pleasures are well worth the effort (the pleasures of intellectual stimulation, friendship, and civic engagement, etc. were mentioned, as opposed to the satisfaction of only immediate physical pleasures). Mill thought that the weight of human experience allows us to predict that it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. My question for you is, do you see any problems or shortcomings that might arise with Mill’s preferred method of justification? In this week’s module you were asked whether or not you wanted to step up in order to argue in defense of the fool? Provide your answer to that question here, along with your reasons for holding it.

Gmail Customer Service: An optimum aid provider for each error


It would not be wrong to state that Gmail is also not devoid of problems and errors. It can be avoided by just making use of and get the one stop aid, at the home like comfort. So, why dont you avail the customer care support from the professionals regarding any kind of problems. 



Design an imaginary food web or describe a real one. Include at least 4 living organisms that interact in your ecosystem.

Answer the following questions about the food web you designed/described:

  1. Explain what would happen to the other members of the food web within your ecosystem (choose a, b, or c):
    1. if a top predator were removed
    2. if a key producer disappeared
    3. if a primary consumer were exterminated
  2. Explain possible effects to the abiotic components that result from the disruption of your ecosystem.
  3. How can the damage or change to your ecosystem be repaired?



As a human resources consultant, how can you convince the leadership team of an organization you are familiar with to take a more long-term investment approach to their human assets that will lead to a qualified, satisfied, motivated, and committed workforce?

How to Get To Know About the Pros and Cons of Google Account Recovery?

Are you one of those who want to leverage advantages? Dont you know the way to do so? Are you also looking for the real time guidance regarding the same? Simply approach a team of professionals who will surely help you out about the homepage pros and cons in a proper manner.



Compare and contrast some of the educational opportunities that can be created via digital learning and classroom technology versus in the standard face-to-face environment. What are the potential downfalls to introducing technology into the classroom? Why do you feel that some teachers may be hesitant to introduce technology into the physical classroom environment? 

Include references

Get To Know About Google Account Recovery with Gmail Help


Have you lost your Gmail account? Has someone compromised your login credentials? For the purpose of getting the lost account back, you should quickly apply default Google account recovery in a careful and proper manner. However, you can do so flawlessly with the aid of troubleshooting team. 

Cant Sign Into Gmail? Approach Gmail Help Technicians


Sometimes, it might happen when you fail to sign into your Google mail account. In such a critical situation, you should try to resolve each and every obstacle which restricts you to access to your Google mail. Here, you can have an instant service directly from the geeks who are skilled in helping the users. 

Make Use of the Gmail Number If Facing Troubles with Security Concerns


Are you in the troubles with the Gmail safety?

Are you not feeling safe on the Gmail?

In such a critical case, you should opt for the quickest help by just making use of the and get the one stop backing under the supervision of the professionals.

Cant Access Gmail? Make Use of The Gmail Number

Are you unable to access to your Google mail account?

Cant access your account due to various known and unknown reasons? 

Are you also looking for the real time support? 

In such a case, you should fetch the which will allow you to have a word with the professionals.