Category: Applied Sciences

Principles of Management in Healthcare

VI. 1.  As advancements in technology affect the way organizations operate, discuss ways technology (automation, information technology, the Internet, innovation) alter the way organizations plan and operate.  

2.  How has technological advancement affected your life and the way you do your work in your organization?

3.  Please use class material to support your answer.



Advancements in technology affect the way of many things in organizations’ operations are done in many different ways.  Automation is already in play with factories when boxing and shipping was once done by a human it is now done by a computer controlling it.  Information technology is used widely in most if not all businesses now days.  In my line of work we have all of our records and scheduling through a computer based program.  The internet effects it by buying and selling on line.  It is easier to purchase something with a click on Amazon vs having to drive, park then go inside a store to purchase something.  Technological advancements has effected my life by making it easier for me to function in a daily task.  I hat e saying that but it is true.  Take this school, all on line which saves me the time and money having to go to a classroom to take a class.  Within my job we only use computers to do our daily work.  Whether making appointments or emailing with our doctors it has become so much easier having everything in one place versus the old way with charts and having to hunt someone down to ask a question.  

HA545 Unit 3 Discussion

Using as reference:

Longest, B. B. (2016). Health Policy Making in the United States. Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press; Arlington, Virginia.

In not less than 150 words discuss:

 Who are the demanders and suppliers in health policies? Describe what motivates each in a political marketplace. 

In not less than 75 words each give your personal opinion in two separate paragraph to Abravi Sadji  and Sasha Bluitt 

 Abravi Sadji 

In the health policy market, a group of people make the authoritative decisions and the other group pursue specific decisions to be made. It is a market with sellers (suppliers) and buyers (demanders). Both the suppliers and the demanders seek to reach positive and acceptable outcomes by reaping benefits and incurring costs (Longest, 2016).
The demanders include the individuals seeking policies that are pertinent to their own health and to the people they care for; and the individuals for whom these policies can result in other benefits such as economic benefits (Longest, 2016). Demanders are motivated by these wants and needs when participating in a political marketplace.
The suppliers, on the other hand, include the legislative, executive and judicial branches in a government since policies are made by these branches. The motivations of these branches, although their roles differ, can be the interest of the public and/or the self-interest such as seeking reelection, money, fame.(Longest, 2016).
Health policies are impacted by the capabilities of one group to influence the actions, behaviors and decisions of the other group (Longest, 2016).

Longest, B. B. (2016). Health policymaking in the United States. Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press; Arlington, Virginia.

Sasha Bluitt 

The demanders of health policies are comprised of the following: individuals, organizations, and interest groups. Individuals, organizations and interest groups are people in pursuit of health or those who are after economic advantage. Interest groups refer to an organization of people with similar policy goals. There are more than 23,000 non profit interest groups. Interest groups are essential to policy making because they serve as a vehicle for individual members to find a way to voice their policy demands into a unified voice that in return influences the making of health policies. The suppliers of health policies are the following: Elected officers/legislators, executive and bureaucrats, and judiciary. The objective of both suppliers are demanders of health policy is for these major players to reach a mutually satisfying and beneficial arrangement. One that enable the party to obtain the tangible and intangible rewards they intend to reap.

Longest, B. B. (2016). Health Policy Making in the United States. Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press; Arlington, Virginia.


 Health education & promotion strategies in poor communities One of the primary roles of health educators is to pursue new and better ways to facilitate the learning process. As a health professional you must study individual learning style as a strategy to uncover each individuals full potential for acquiring knowledge. Also, important is the need to develop an enhanced understanding of the impact of for example poverty has on an individuals learning. The U.S. Census bureau (2015) reports the poverty line for a family of three is $20,090.00, and that of a family of four is $24,250.00. The human cost of poverty include: 1) doing without daily necessities(food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc.), 2) enduring elevated levels of stress, 3) inequality and limited access to services, and 4) experiencing diminished potential. 

 Now, given the above circumstance (poverty) what strategies would you implement if you were assigned to conduct health promotion activities in a community stricken by poverty. 

1. How do you approach this community? 

2. What strategy would you use to ensure you are accepted in the community?3. How do you ensure learning is taking place and bad health behaviors are being changed? 

 Remember: Obstacles you are likely to encounter in low income or poor communities include: 

Interpersonal obstacles

  Impaired cognitive development Physical health issues Low self esteem Higher external locus of control (e.g. God will take care of it) Mental health concerns 

Environmental Obstacles 

Limited economic resources Unstable housing or homelessness Limited social support Family crisis Discrimination  

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400 word Public Health Discussion (Describing DataDescriptive Statistics

Due 1/23  6 p.m EST

400 words not including title & min 3 Ref APA

Data used was a study of obesity.

Which include variable like age, gender, bmi. race


Descriptive statistics are an important part of public health research. Nearly every quantitative research project starts with descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics summarize the data in a meaningful way and describe the basic features of the data. Descriptive statistics can take many forms. They may include numeric and/or graphical representations of the data. They may explain the central tendency or spread of the data. They also may help to reveal certain characters for further analysis or identify potential variables for inferential analysis.

For this Discussion, review the descriptive statistics you are using for your Scholar Practitioner Project.

Post a description of the statistics you will include in your descriptive analysis for your Scholar Practitioner Project. Explain the rationale behind using these specific statistics, including which statistics you chose not to use and why. Support your response 


As you prepare to formulate questions that can be translated into research designs, what health topics do you find meaningful or of interest, and why? Feel free to share details about personal experiences or your interest in topics that you believe are not receiving enough attention in public health research and warrant additional research.

Discussion Question


We are living in the data mining age. Provide an example on how data mining can turn a large collection of data into knowledge that can help meet a current global challenge in order to improve healthcare outcomes.
APA style. 250 words minimum. One reference.


Question 1.  Describe the similarities and differences that exist between inpatient healthcare facilities and outpatient healthcare facilities. Give three examples of inpatient facilities and three examples of outpatient facilities. Be sure to include information about the services each facility named provides.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2.  Discuss key sources for gathering data in healthcare administration today.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3.  Explain how innovations in pharmaceutical treatments, improved noninvasive procedures, and the enhancements in emergency medication have affected how often people utilize healthcare services.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 4.  You are the administrator of a 250-bed hospital in the Midwest. A recent report from your county tells you that the population within a 25-mile radius of your facility is getting younger. The median age has decreased from 35 years of age to 29 years of age, which is related to the opening of a new college campus. How will this transition to a younger patient population affect your facility? Are there services in your facility that may need to be expanded? Are there services in your facility that many need to be reduced or eliminated? How might these changes impact staffing for your facility?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.



Journal Requirements

For each of your journals this semester, the following requirements will apply:

Each journal is worth 2 points. There are ten journals due over the course of the semester, for a possible total of 20 points toward your final grade in the course (see syllabus). 

Each journal should be between 1.5-2 pages in length.

Each journal should focus on ONE of the readings we have covered, or will cover, up to the date your journal is due. 

Each journal should be composed of your thoughts on the piece of writing you have chosen to focus on, and each journal should genuinely engage the piecebe thoughtful about what it is your say.

Nuts and Bolts:

  • 1.5-2 pages 
  • one-inch margins
  • size 12 Times New Roman Font
  • double-spaced
  • print on one side of page only
  • staple pages in upper left-hand      corner
  • name, section number, date, my      name (Prof. Siteman) in upper right-hand corner

reading journal

reading material:The Big Thing on His Mind, by Thomas Powers