Category: Applied Sciences

Review Chapter 6 in the McKenzie et al. text. Consider the importance of long- and short-term objectives in planning public health

Prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 6 in the McKenzie et al. text. Consider the importance of long- and short-term objectives in planning public health programs.
  • Think about your own experience creating objectives to meet personal or professional goals.
  • Consider how you might create and apply long-term and short-term objectives in planning for your own public health program.

Day 4

Post a brief description of experiences you have had creating long-term and short-term objectives in your own life. Explain the importance of each type of objective and how it helped you reach goals. Finally, explain how you might use long-term and short-term objectives in planning your public health program. Support your responses using the Learning Resources and current literature.

Note: Initial postings must be 250350 words (not including references).



Public policy can make a significant impact on the economy.  For example, raising the minimum wage can increase operating expenses for some small businesses.  Select a recent news article describing a public policy and using at least 300 words, write a paper describing how the public policy can impact Information Technology from a business standpoint. Please provide at least three (3) examples of impact. 

Your document should be a Word document. To receive full credit for this individual project, you must include at least two references (APA) from academic resources (i.e. the ebook, etc.). The research paper must be free of spelling and grammatical errors. References must be cited correctly using APA style. 


Content:This paper should discuss team building, communication and how each affects delegation in the workplace in nursing.

Assignment: This assignment is designed to have you think like a nurse leader. These paper should enhance your knowledge and understanding of the given topic.

Format: This essay should be written in APA style based on APA 7th editionexpectations. Essays must be structurally intact with appropriate grammar, sentence and paragraph composition, spelling, punctuation, and logical, clear essay development (including introduction and conclusion). Paper length 2 FULL pages excluding the cover and reference page. Must have a minimum of three references and references must be within 5 years.

Psychology 201

I need Vygotsky sociocultural theory and second is Erikson theory. Discuss the below question accordingly these two theories .Given the many developmental theories that exist, you are likely to find some more appealing and plausible than others. For any two theories in Chapter 1, list the concepts and principles you find important and those you believe to be inadequate or incorrect and explain why.

need one reference in APA

Module 03 Written Assignment – Relational Interactions

Communication is an important influence on interpersonal conflict and how we respond to conflict situations shape our patterns of communication during conflict. You will have a chance to practice non-defensive communication by creating a short video using one of the resource options listed below. For this exercise, you will create a video that demonstrates a conversation that reduces defensiveness in others as well as how you respond non-defensively to criticism.

  1. is a fun and easy website that allows you to create text-to-video animations onlinemeaning, you select from various settings and characters on the GoAnimate website, then you type in their dialogue, and GoAnimate does the rest by creating a video animation for you.
  2. allows you to create a free account or login with your Facebook account and then create an animated video.
  3. Toontastic. Download this app to your iPad to create and share a cartoon video for this assignment.

Creating a Survey/Questionnaire


A marketing campaign would not be successful without gathering sufficient data. Surveys and questionnaires are a great and inexpensive method for retrieving data. During this week’s assignment, please identify the ultimate goal of your survey by focusing on the questions below:

  • What would you like to know about the stakeholders of      the organization?
  • What information can help the hospital stay      competitive?

These questions will assist you during the creation of your survey or questionnaire.

The Artichoke Version of the Self

 Write a 23-to page paper explaining the artichoke idea of the self. Remember to explain specific theories with supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is .) As you develop your response, you might find some of the following questions to be relevant:

  • What is the existential idea of the self?
  • What do you make of the feminist, existential, and non-Western critiques of/alternatives to the essentialist/avocado self? Are there any problems with the idea that human beings are fundamentally rational creatures?

Fungus Eliminator by Pure Health Research


Updated 2020: After surveying current Toenail fungus Removal production, we see  by PureHealth Research better than open Nails Plus. In terms of benefits and value, fungus Eliminator was seen to be more efficient and trustworthy than open Nails Plus. So we honestly advise you to take Fungus Eliminator. These connections are attached below! The general condition called nail fungus occurs when a white or yellow point appears on the top of the fingernail or toenail. Nail fungus will go deeper and have discoloration, thickening, and crumbling of the nails which may turn into uncomfortable. This fungus must be treated before it involves different nails too.

is made of entirely 100 percent natual components. It helps to eject irritating toenail fungus&difficult&increase the immunity. It is the result that has been carried out in clinical trials to insure appropriate skin security and healing. Nail fungus security is better. This protection can be easily attained through quality and efficient care that is blended into daily life.  contains high-quality physical ingredients that make to penetrate the people and make the funguses After removing the inner fungus from the blood and body. It improves nails, feet, and hands when the issue is work from those surface, these outside symptoms are totally cut. Create a protective shell to insure that there are no spores of toxins or fungus. After all, the inner filters can be purifying the atmosphere. This implies that fungus Eliminator are 100 percent protecting from future fungus, and the body does not have all sorts of funguss or microorganisms present in the air.

Every huge question begins with little errors! Right? When you don’ t know the transmission of fungus in the earlier stage can cause you to face the graveyard when you are awake. Most of the USA citizen may experience this infection particularly about surface diseases. The fungus begins from outside and kills you from within. It goes terrible, right! Yeah! Even the little difference of colour in the nail can lead to ruining the entire leg. is here to rescue and to overcome the fungus and completely get you rid from it check it out now

 assessment. Regardless of how cautious we exist, our structure is prone to different medical conditions and diseases. The fungal transmission is one such condition that turns into life-threatening when enough care and security not taken in time. Though there are some ways to treat the fungal transmission, This fungus Eliminator by Purehealth research is thought to be one of the most powerful methods as it is a physical and good way to remove the fungal infection

I highly suggest . The result protects against all sorts of fungal diseases. In short, It is a good choice to discover, manage and totally remove fungi from the structure. Thus, the Fungus Eliminator has been a proven again and contains very powerful components. Although the effects may differ, you have to kill the fungus permanently. The business offers The 1-year money-back warranty. If you are not content would pay the whole purchase cost without any doubts’

The bottom line of the fungus Eliminator assessment is that this  is a great and legit dietary supplement that is helpful in processing toenail fungal infections. Dealing with fungal infections, particularly in delicate parts such as toenails is not just difficult but also rather uncomfortable. The supplement provides a good and efficient method to present the issue naturally. By purging our bloodstreams internally, it guarantees that the subject of fungal transmission is treated properly from its origins. These Fungus Eliminator reviews by genuine clients available online is the testimony to the fact that the product is good and not the scam. 




Assignment: Media Violence and Desensitization

Desensitization is a well-documented consequence of years-long exposure to media violence. From early exposure, childrenespecially boyslearn that aggression pays off (Bushman, Gollwitzer, & Cruz, 2015). Aggressionespecially if it means you win the game, defeat the adversary, or force a resolution to a conflictearns the aggressor attention, praise, respect, reverence, adoration, money, and power. These are the rewards that often accompany aggression portrayed by the film industry (e.g., Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard With a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard, A Good Day to Die Hard), making it more likely that the aggressive behavior will persist. The number of films in this series is evidence of their popularity. From classical conditioning theory, we learn that bad behavior paired with rewards can make the bad behavior desirable; moreover, the prevalence of violence in the media, over time, normalizes it. Studies show that when exposed to violent films daily over a weeks time, participants rate films as less violent with each film viewed (Dexter, Penrod, Linz, & Saunders, 2006). This is evidence of desensitization.

Desensitized people tend not to acknowledge the effects of media violence, because they don’t see that there’s a problem. However, a growing body of research finds that desensitized individuals downplay or tend not to acknowledge egregious harm done to others; because a steady diet of violent media normalizes violent behavior, injury suffered by people in real life does not seem like cause for concern (Vossen, Piotrowski, & Valkenburg, 2016). That’s the nature of desensitization, and that is indeed a problem.

Convinced there is no harm in violent media consumptionthat their behavioral tendencies will not have been influenced by itdesensitized consumers probably would not be interested in changing their media viewing habits (Funk, Baldacci, Pasold, & Baumgardner, 2004).

For this Assignment, you will examine the concept of desensitization, methods used to increase the desirability of violence, and ways for parents to reduce aggression exhibited by their children.

Bushman, B. J., Gollwitzer, M., & Cruz, C. (2015). There is broad consensus: Media researchers agree that violent media increases aggression in children, and pediatricians and parents agree. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4(3), 200214.
Dexter, H. R., Penrod, S., Linz, D., & Saunders, D. (2006). Attributing responsibility to female victims after exposure to sexually violent films. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27(24), 21492171.
Funk, J. B., Baldacci, H. B., Pasold, T., & Baumgardner, J. (2004). Violence exposure in real-life, video games, television, movies, and the internet: Is there desensitization? Journal of Adolescence, 27(1), 2339.
Vossen, H. G. M., Piotrowski, J. T., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2016). The Longitudinal relationship between media violence and empathy: Was it sympathy all along? Media Psychology, 20(2), 175193.

To Prepare

  • Search the Walden Library and/or the Internet for the definition of desensitization, its symptoms, and the process that creates it.
  • From your search and from the Learning Resources for this week, consider the ways that violence is presented and whether or not its presentation is appealing to children. 
  • Also, from your search, consider how social psychology theory is applied to reduce aggression.


Submit 35 pages, not including title page and reference page:

  • Define desensitization and describes its process.
  • Identify and describe symptoms of desensitization.
  • Explain the methods used in the media to increase the desirability of violence. (i.e., what is rewarding the violence).
  • Suggest ways for parents to reduce aggression exhibited by their children.

In addition to the Learning Resources, search the Walden Library and/or Internet for peer-reviewed articles to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and citations, including those in the Learning Resources.

By Day 7

Submit your Media Violence and Desensitization Assignment. 

enviroment science


Have you ever seen an ad, picture, or clip on the news of a developing country and wondered, Whats it like to live like that? Your answer might be based on actual experience if you lived in that country, or you might form your opinion by reading about conditions in different types of countries or watching a video, such as any of these:

The United Nations and World Bank compare such parameters as gross domestic product (GDP), education, literacy rate, health care, and life expectancy to distinguish between developed and developing countries. Using these measures and those for standards of living, level of industrialization, and quality and range of infrastructure, countries are placed in a sort of scale called the Demographic Transition Model (DTM).

(Roser and Ortiz-Supina, 2018)

Assignment Details

Choose ONE of the following four topics. For that topic, and using what you have learned about living conditions and the DTM, discuss your experience in a Phase 4 country (presumably the United States) and compare and contrast that with the same resource in a country in Phase 2 or 3 of the DTM.

Topic Choices

  • Describe your educational experience in a developed country, and compare it to the educational experience in a developing country. 
  • Describe the last time you went to the hospital, and contrast how this experience might differ in a developing country.
  • Describe your last trip to the grocery store, and compare the availability of food with that in a developing country. 
  • Explain your biggest use of water, and then describe how this differs from the availability and supply of water in a developing country.