Category: Applied Sciences

HA525 Unit 4 Discussion

Using as reference:

Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration 

Edition: 8th (2017) 

Author: Showalter 

Publisher: Health Administration Press 

Book ISBN: 978-1567938760 

Chapter 3: Health Reform, Access to Care, and Admissions and Discharge 

Discuss the following in not less than 200 words:


Reforming the United States healthcare system has not been easy. Many have tried and failed. After completing the assigned reading for this week, you will find that the arduous task has been undertaken in the past, only to find that a consensus could not be reached by Congress. As such, the recent passing of this law is an incredible accomplishment, but the hard work is hardly over.

Presently, the United States government, in conjunction with both the public and private healthcare sectors, is working toward implementing the law.

For this week, please review the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)   of your textbook and formulate an initial post with the following criteria:

  • In your own words, discuss the passing of the ACA. What was the intent of reforming health care at the time law passed? Provide details on the issues that this law addressed.
  •  Discuss the current state of the ACA. What has changed?  Have the legal challenges to the ACA been successful?  Why or why not? Provide specific examples of challenges that were successful and/or failed.  
  • Finally, what is the future of the ACA?  How is our current political (Congress) addressing the issues facing you in your role as a health administrator? 

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Brenda Newcomb and  Mary Harris 

Brenda Newcomb 

The ACA is an all-inclusive reform of healthcare that was passed into law by Obama in March 2010. The law of ACA was planned to expand coverage for health insurance to millions of American people who were uninsured. The ACA also extended eligibility for Medicaid and it developed a marketplace for health insurance. The Affordable Care Act stops companies that provide insurance from refusing coverages due to conditions that are pre-existing and does require plans in covering lists of extremely important health benefits. Families who have low income will be able to qualify for additional savings for health insurance plans relating to an insurance payment tax credit and reductions of sharing the cost. The ACA was planned for reducing the costs of health insurance for qualified individuals. The act includes tax credit premiums and reductions of sharing the cost in helping to lower costs for people and families (Kenton, 2019).

In May 2019, the United States Representatives passed a legislation called the omnibus, for bolstering the ACA and lowering prescription drug prices. The bill is planned for safeguard protection for individuals who had preexisting health conditions and in lowing the prices of prescription drugs (Keith, 2019). In 2018, a hearing decision by Judge OConner made a firm decision relating to ACA. The judge ruled that ACA was unconstitutional since Congress reduced the penalty that required people that did not have health insurance in paying a fine.  Although the law of tax did not unlock the individuals sanctioned itself, it did, however, had a penalty of $0 (Zhou, 2019).

Keith, K. (2019). House passes legislation to strengthen the ACA. Retrieved from

Kenton, W. (2019). Affordable care act (ACA). Retrieved from

, L. (2019). The latest legal challenge to the affordable care act, explained. Retrieved from

Mary Harris 

1. Affordable Care Act of 2010 – A group of laws that was strategically created to provide insurance coverage to “ALL” Americans regardless of their pre-existing condition(s), their income status without limitations, while improving quality and education and curbing healthcare cost.

Here are some of the provisions, according to NCSL, 2011:

  • Fraud/abuse
  • Minimum coverage for preventive service
  • Tax Credits to employers with less than 25 employees
  • A requirement for health plans to report medical loss ratio
  • Expansion of CHIP
  • Programs to get a deeper look into the effectiveness of quality of care.

2. Current State and the change:

The Republicans are vigilant in trying to repeal the ACA. There are attempts made, that put Law is in serious jeopardy because of the election in 2016 (Showalter, 2017), and this is due to the majority of both houses where the Ruplicians were the majority.

 Legal challenges have not been successful because, in 2019, the Fifth Circuit Court heard arguments in the case of Texas v. Azar where a lawsuit was brought by approximately 18 State Attorney General and endorsed  (Vox, 2019) by Mr. Trump’s Administration. The decision was determined the ACA was unconstitutional since the penalty which required everyone who did not carry health insurance pay a fine was waived.  Legal experts said the argument did not hold water (too weak), therefore it would not stand up against an appeal.

3. Future of ACA:

As we know Mr. Trump has never been in favor of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and there has been several attempts to repeal and replace since he has taken office that have been unsuccessful. Despite those attempts, the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is still improving access to health insurance for more than 20 million Americans through the expansion of Medicaid. Several critical elements of the law still service the growing needs of older adults from the closing the Medicare Prescriptions gap in the elimination of cost-sharing deductibles or copay for preventive health services.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be quite valuable  (Loria, 2019) to the public. At this moment there isn’t a better alternative, and if some of us, if not all, will remember the good ( don’t shoot me down. I know it is not perfect) that has come out of the creation of this law, the future will seem even brighter, prosperous and very beneficial. I know this is positive thinking on my part. No one really knows the future of this law, due to the many variables that are involved.



Showalter, J. (2017). The Law of Healthcare Administration. Eight Edition: Healthcare Press, Chicago, Illinois

States Implement Health Reform, (2011). Retrieved from

The Latest Legal Challenge to the Affordable Care Act, Explained (2019). Retrieved from

Loria, K. (2019). The Future of the ACA. Retrieved from

HA515 Discussion Unit 4

Using as reference: 

Title: Leadership For Health Professionals 

Edition: 3rd (2017) 

Author: Ledlow, Coppola Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Book 

ISBN: 978-1-2841-0941-2 

Chapter 8: Leadership Models in Practice 

Discuss the following in no less than 200 words:

How would you apply at least one contemporary leadership model from this chapter to a real (or hypothesized) health leadership situation or case? Explain the rationale for your decisions, actions, and behaviors 

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Julie Skala and Kerri Collins 

Julie Skala 

I would have applied the Hargrove and Glidewells Impossible Leadership Model to the situation that occurred at my facility when they constructed a new children’s hospital.  Hindsight is said to be twenty twenty, but I believe had the leaders had this to follow, they may not have gotten the state in the situation they did by being three hundred million over budget, top directors forced to leave and giving the public a poor perception of our institution.

Hargrove and Glidewells model is based on impossible jobs in leadership (Ledlow and Stephens, 2018) and heading this project falls in this category. The project started and was approved by the state, received a large private donation, and then was placed on the back burner. It then returned and eventually was constructed and completed in 2017. Investigation ended up finding there was no one project leader and bills/projects just kept getting approved.

If I were to follow the Hargrove and Glidewells model, I would be a prudent and public administrator (Ledlow and Stephens, 2018) This model requires me to be constantly ready for change, which is exactly what the leader should have been prepared for. Constant changes to the structural plans, staffing, forecasts etc. I would need to use my intuition and be prepared to deal with the political side and the public. 

I would have set up a leadership that was accountable and able to work with the state and organization to reach its goals.


Ledlow, G. R., & Stephens, J. H. (2018). Leadership for health professionals: theory, skills, and applications. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 

Kerri Collins 

The Bolman and Deal Reframing Leadership and Management in Organizations Model promotes situational leadership.  This model focuses on structure, people, symbolic, and political constructs.  (Bolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model, 2020) Bolman and Deal believe problems arise with inadequate structure.  This model also states there must be a good fit when naming a leader of the people.  The political construct deals with allocation of resources and symbolic leadership lends itself towards visionary leaders. (Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens, 2018)

An example of this leadership model is a recent change at my own healthcare organization.  Through a bi-annual employee satisfaction survey, hospital leadership determined the therapy department within our hospital was too large for one director.  Having one director for over 60 employees was seen as a problem with structure.  The employees in this department seemed unhappy with the lack of leadership, not necessarily the leader herself.  As hospital leadership listened to the employees, they knew a change must be made.  Within the department, a developing leader was identified and named director of inpatient therapy services while the current director remained responsible for outpatient therapy services.  Leadership recognized the resources available within the department and ensured a good fit as this person had experience and was trusted by employees within the department.  She understood what processes worked and what processes needed changing.  These departments run much more efficiently with fewer employees per manager.




Bolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model. (2020). Retrieved from Accipio:

Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens. (2018). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


ReferencesBolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model. (2020). Retrieved from Accipio:

Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens. (2018). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

ReferenceBolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model. (2020). Retrieved from Accipio:

Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens. (2018). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.



Make sure to review the prompt for the Rhetorical Analysis Essay BEFORE completing this discussion board.

For this discussion board, you will post a link to the website you have chosen to analyze for your first analysis essay. You cannot analyze for your essay since we have discussed that website as a class. Then you will answer the following questions about your website. These questions are similar to the ones you answered over, but will provide more choice so you can address what stands out in the website you chose. This discussion board is the beginning of your paper, so post critical responses and help your classmates refine their ideas.

Choose at least three of the following questions to answer in your initial post:

  1. What is one cultural myth or value evident in the website? What audience would this appeal to?
  2. Does the author rely more heavily on ethos, logos, or pathos? Why?
  3. Describe the artistic and inartistic proofs on the website.
  4. Identify any logical fallacies. Does the use of these fallacies strengthen or weaken the argument?
  5. Describe a few examples of strategic word choice. Provide the denotation and connotation of any important words.
  6. How does the website use color or imagery?
  7. Does the overall design contribute to the effectiveness of the website? How?

Don’t forget that you have to respond to at least two of your peers (you may respond to more). When responding, please help anyone who is struggling. If you don’t see a clear claim, see if you can help the student by offering up suggestions for improvement. Please keep your comments as positive as possible. This is a very difficult assignment, and it may take some students more than one time to “get it.” If someone is WAY off, I’ll let him or her know. This forum is to allow you to help each other and get possible other ideas. So keep it positive!

Initial Post: 50 points

  • Is at least 300 words
  • Answers at least 3 of the provided questions in the prompt
  • Provides specific and unique examples
  • Contains few to no grammatical errors or confusing wording

Week 4


1. Discussion Question : 1 Page  ( review video links for discussion)


2.  Reflective Writing: 2 pages – READ Chapter 13 (attached) for this assignment, writing directions attached. 

Due Monday 2/3/20 @ NOON EST

Financial Management In Healthcare

Please review the assignment instructions below and begin by selecting your topic. Since this is a course project, it is expected that you will start working on the project early on in the course in order to submit it in Unit VII. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions regarding the assignment.

The course project must include at least the following sections; you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate:

  1. Introduction
  2. Challenges and Problems (associated with your topic)
  3. Review of the Literature
  4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems
  5. Recommended Solutions
  6. Implementation of Solutions
  7. Justification of Solutions
  8. Conclusion
  9. References

Some possible course project topics for your consideration are listed below:

  • Managed care impacts on healthcare finance
  • Hospital ownership types and impacts on healthcare finance
  • Presenting hospital financial statements
  • Strategic financial planning for healthcare organizations
  • Financial management of home health care
  • Financial management of ambulatory surgery
  • Financial management of clinics
  • Financial management of physician practices
  • Flexible budgeting for healthcare organizations
  • Capital budgeting for healthcare organizations
  • Information management for healthcare organizations 
  • Principles and practices for hospital auditing

The course project must be seven to ten pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the references pages. You must use at least five outside sources for your course project beyond the course textbook. At least one reference must come directly from the CSU Online Library. Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in researching your topic.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Credentialing Providers


Provide an executive summary to your team on how to credential providers. You will need to consider the following:

  • Type of provider being credentialed
  • Steps they will go thru to be credentialed
  • Educational background needed
  • Does this provider have an NPI number?
  • State the provider will work in
  • Is there a standard application?
  • Is an onsite visit needed; why or why not
  • Who gets credentialed (list at least 5 specialties)
  • Are all facilities credentialed?

Gather your research from at least 2 sources, other than your textbook. Cite your sources using APA guidelines. All submitted work should be free of grammatical errors.

Discussion: Drug Policies and Ethics


The NASW Code of Ethics provides social workers with guidelines and standards for interacting with clients, colleagues, communities, and society, as a whole. These standards govern interactions and professional behavior of social work practitioners. The NASW has also developed specific standards, which are published in the NASW Standards for Social Work Practice With Clients With Substance Use Disorders. These standards emphasize the importance of the competence of social workers. The standards indicate that social workers should be knowledgeable of evidence-based interventions for substance disorders. The confidentiality standard becomes essential as social workers must be informed and comply with federal, state, and local laws about substance use, as well as third-party payee regulations.

For this Discussion, review this weeks resources, including the case Working with Clients with Dual Diagnosis: The Case of Joe,and consider how social policies affect Joes circumstances as described in the case study. Then, think about any gaps in service you found in Joes case. Finally, reflect on how you might address these gaps or make changes to the policies that affect Joe.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of how drug policies affect Joes circumstances, as described in the case study. Then, explain any gaps in service you found in Joes case as a result of the drug policies described in the case study. Finally, describe a strategy you might use to address these gaps or make changes to the policies that affect Joe.

The case of Joe:

 Joe is a 34-year-old, Caucasian male who came to the County Division of Social Services to apply for General Assistance (GA) benefits. The GA program provides cash assistance, Medicaid coverage, and housing for homeless single adults. Joe is in need of Medicaid benefits in order to remain active in his treatment program. Joe is receiving treatment at the Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser (MICA) partial hospitalization program at the local community mental health center for clients who are dually diagnosed. Joe has a dependence on marijuana, although he has stopped using it for approximately six months, and has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. He is being prescribed medication. Joe reports that he is unable to work due to mental illness, and without an income or health insurance, he is unable to obtain his medication. Joe reports that while he was enrolled as a student at the state university, he would sell marijuana to other college students. Eventually, he was arrested and convicted of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) and served 3 years in prison. Joe has had no further arrests; however, he has not been able to secure permanent housing or employment since his release. Joe reports that this event has ruined his life. His lack of employment results from an inability to pass most background checks. If he discloses that he was arrested, Joe reports that he is never called for interviews. But when he once failed to disclose the information to the prospective employer, Joe was terminated for lying on his application. Joe believes that he has little hope for future employment. Joe has few natural supports in his life. He reports that following the incarceration, his family distanced itself from him and his girlfriend at the time broke up with him. He reports that his only supports are his local Narcotics Anonymous (NA) sponsor and his mental health counselor. Joe reports that his housing situation has been unstable and sporadic for the past 10 years. Joes mental health counselor from the MICA program has contacted me to advocate for Joes approval for benefits. I explained that under the current state regulations, Joe is ineligible for benefits due to his CDS distribution conviction. The only program options that I can offer him are food stamps and access to a homeless shelter outside of the county. The counselor explained that relocation would cause a disruption to Joes mental health treatment and would cause him to lose contact with his local NA sponsor. In response to the counselors concerns, I suggested that Joe contact the local faith-based organization for assistance. Although they do not house single males, they have an extensive network of volunteers, mentors, and donors who may financially support people in need. I referred Joe to a program that offers bonding to people seeking employment who have been previously incarcerated. Finally, I suggested that the counselor research Joes ability to remain in treatment at the hospital despite his lack of Medicaid coverage. The counselor agreed to assist Joe with these suggestions. 

Discussion: Theories of Life-Span Development


Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, “We need theories to guide our thinking and our work so that we may undertake research-informed practice” (p. 127-128). At the same time, the authors asserted, “No theory will be perfectly applicable. Perhaps you will decide that only one or two concepts make any sense to you in terms of working with clients” (p. 128). Though you may be able to apply only a few concepts in a particular theory to your work with clients, as a social worker, you should be applying evidence-based research to your work. Empirically-based developmental theories may guide you as you assess clients and their presenting problems. You may also apply developmental theories to your treatment decisions.

For this Assignment, you discuss theories of life-span development by evaluating a theory that seems especially relevant to you and your role as a social worker. Select a theory of life-span development to address in this Discussion. This may be a theory described in the resources of this course, or you may select a theory based on personal research. Locate at least one scholarly resource (not included in the course resources) that addresses the theory you selected.

By Day 3

Post a Discussion in which you analyze the theory of life-span development that you selected. Summarize the theory; then, identify the strengths and weaknesses of this theory, especially as it relates to social work practice. Explain one way you might apply the theory to your social work practice.



Maryland Department Health (Cancer and Chronic Disease Bureau)

Rotating among 4 programs at the department. Programs like Cancer, chronic Disease, Oral health and Tobacco. 

Updating Inventory database for lifestyle program and Diabetes Prevention Program. The Inventory database will be integrated into Maryland Department of Health website.  This is a 5 part seperate paper assignment. They are Annotated bibliography, Introductions, methods, results and a 20 page paper. The Introduction, methods and results  will all be peer reviewed by a classmate and I will posting those review to help write the 20 page paper which is due feb 25


 The first step in doing any research (including your dissertation) is coming up with an idea or topic to research. The topic should be significant enough to research but focused on one specific area of the content domain.  In this assignment, write a 250-500 word abstract to propose a research topic that you would like to pursue in this course. The topic MUST pertain to information technology in the global economy.  Use page 6 in the Dissertation Handbook to provide guidelines in helping you choose a topic