Category: Applied Sciences

Assignment 2: Building A Customer Relationship Model – PowerPoint Presentation



A customer relationship model attempts to enhance the relationship between the organization and the customer. The goal is to improve customer loyalty while identifying any potential opportunities.

In this week’s assignment, please find a local healthcare organization that specializes in treating specific patients (ex: cancer, pediatrics, catastrophic injuries) or illnesses. Research the organization, and build a Customer Relationship Model for the organization.

The assignment must be submitted in a PowerPoint format (maximum 5 slides) and explains the needs of the customer.

RUBRICS: Submitted in a PowerPoint format (maximum 5 slides) and explains the needs of the customer. APA Format , Grammar.  

26 (26.00%) – 30 (30.00%)

Content meets objective. Has a professional tone and has very few or no grammatical errors.

 Provided overview of facility chosen, with a detailed customer relationship model. 31 (31.00%) – 40 (40.00%)

Facility chose is described in detail with a focused and easy to understand customer relationship model

 Slides are engaging and explains the needs of the customer  

26 (26.00%) – 30 (30.00%)

Content has good flow and slides are relevant


  • Link: video on corporate branding: 

SPSS 7 Page Quantitative Project And Narrative Powerpoint


Due 2/6/2020 8 p.m EST

Be on time,APA

Follow Guidelines and use template

Data attached



Assignment 1  

7 PAGES not including title & ref page (CHARTS NEED TO BE ON SEPARATE PAGE)

In previous weeks of this course, you began thinking about and planning for your Final Project. By now, you should have selected a research question that interests you, identified the dataset that you will use to answer that question, and chosen a statistical test to analyze that data.

As you work on your Final Project, keep these guidelines in mind:

1. Present your research question clearly.

2. Explain why you selected your dataset and the statistical test you applied to that dataset.

3. Detail whether your test has statistical power or not.


5. Visually display your results, in APA format.

6. Detail how your findings might impact social change.

7. Ensure that your Final Project is 7 pages in length, in APA format.

Assignment 2 Narrative 5 min Powerpoint presentation in which you present the results of your Final Project for a lay statistical audience.



Norman Jewison (1973) film Jesus Christ Superstar illustrates the view that people have on Biblical concepts, especially the last days of Jesus Christ. The movie has music, which is composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on the modern-day rock and roll elements. Webber uses music as a way of telling people about the stories in the Bible. Different forms of music are used, which include rock, folk, hymns, and classical elements that make the movie famous. The film involves the use of rock and roll fashion in the musical content, which helps in telling the stories of the Bible that include that of Jesus. The element of presenting the music makes modern society associate with the stories and learn a lot about the Bible. The used musical items relate to the current culture, and the involved characters are narcissistic. Rock music is utilized by Webber to criticize the wrongs committed by the people during the time of Jesus and encourage them to get out of the darkness and seek lightness. 

          Rock and roll element has gained root in religious music where it provides relatable stories to what exists in the Bible. The narrative involves different configurations of interracial intimacy that highlights ethical issues in society. The characterization of Judas, Mary, and Jesus helps in identifying the level of privacy in the film. Webber has used a different musical perspective to illustrate Biblical stories. Hence, the narrative has the rock and roll fashion of music, which is attractive to the current social-cultural dynamics in the music industry. 

The project idea takes the form of a written paper, which explores the issue of rock and roll as it is evidenced in the Jesus Christ Superstar film. The research will entail examining the different elements of the rock and roll music, which are utilized by Webber to illustrate the various teachings, which are contained in the Bible. Such involves the examination of the characters of the narrative and how they are associated with the aspect of musical elements. Hence, the findings from this study will provide a clear picture of the nature and state of rock and roll musical features that are used in religious worship. Moreover, the inferences from the research will help in knowing whether this form of music is permissible in the current society of revolutionized Christianity. 

The project makes sense since there is a great utilization of the fashion of rock and roll in the modern Christian worship in churches. Therefore, the research will help in understanding the motivating factor towards the adoption of these forms of prayer and the type of music. Such includes knowing how composers of the rock and roll music consider the Biblical elements when composing the music. Past learning of this music is that it is created to attract the current generation, which has highly focused on secular elements and fashion of rock and roll. Therefore, the musical aims at providing value and desire to this population to listen and get the word of God. 

The intended audience for this research is the mainstream and protestant churches, which are embracing rock and roll music fashion in their way of worship. Further, the project targets community members involved in instilling ethical and moral behaviors and upholding norms in society. As such, the aim is to provide new insight as to the way the society is changing as it is engaging in the world of rock and roll music, which is highly manifested in churches. The audience is the right choice because it is highly attached to the aspect of rock and roll music, which influences their way of life and worship.

The project will be presented in the form of a presentation that involves screencast. A survey questionnaire will be formulated and then shared through different social media outlets to reach the intended target population. Participants will be selected using a random selection technique. These individuals will fill the survey that is shared through social media and send back for data analysis. Thematic and discrete statistical analysis of the results from the survey will be conducted. The findings will then be presented in tabular and other graphical forms, which will help in identifying the relationships that exist among the study variables for this research.

The project will be completed by first formulating the research questions, which will guide in creating the survey questionnaire. Participants will then be recruited through social media platform and be send the survey to fill. Once they complete it, they will send back the templates for data analysis. The work is expected to be completed in approximately three months. 


In conclusion, Jesus Christ Superstar is a film, which is created and directed in a unique way to embrace the fashion of rock and roll in the Christian teachings. Webber has significantly selected the elements for this film to ensure that they depict the power of rock and roll elements in the modern culture. The fashion of rock and roll music is highly manifested in the current culture of Christian worship. 

400 Word Discussion Reporting Results Secondary Data

Due 2/5  7 p.m EST

400 words not including title & ref min 3 APA


After your statistical analysis is complete, your results need to be incorporated into the Results section of your dissertation or journal article. The American Psychology Association (APA) has a format to report common statistical results. Because researchers have the most intimate knowledge about their data and study results, they are required to provide interpretation of the study findings in the Discussion section of the dissertation or journal article. The interpretation of the results should be appropriate and complete without misleading readers. It should reflect the data limitations and knowledge limitations. Refer to the guidelines presented in the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement in this weeks Learning Resources, as they reflect the expectation of quality of reporting for observational studies.

For this Discussion, use the scenarios provided.

Scenario 1: A sample of 5,000 swimmers and 5,000 runners were screened for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study found that the rate of CVD is 33.3% in swimmers and 30.9% in runners, with the p-value of <0.05. A public campaign is recommended to promote running instead of swimming activities.

 Post Based upon the scenario. Explain if the recommendations are overstated or understated based on the results described in the scenario and explain why. Finally, suggest two strategies for addressing and correcting those errors. Support your response  



Chapter 5 discusses decision making using system modeling. The author briefly mentions an open source software tool, EMA Workbench, that can perform EMA and ESDMA modeling. Find EMA Workbench online and go to their main website (not the GitHub download site). To prepare for the discussion board task do the following:

1) Under documentation, go to the Tutorials page.

2) Read through the Simple Model (in your chosen environment), and the Mexican Flu example.

3) Decide how you could use this software to create a model to help in developing a policy for a Smart City.

Initial Post:

Create a new thread. As indicated above, explain how you could use the EMA Workbench software to develop a model to help create a policy for a Smart City. Explain what policy you are trying to create (i.e. traffic light placement, surveillance camera coverage, taxi licenses issued, etc.), and what key features you would use in your model. Then, explain how EMA Workbench would help you. NOTE: keep your models and features simple. You don’t really need more than 2 or 3 features to make your point here.

In order to receive full credit for the initial discussion post, you must include at least two citations (APA) from academic resources (i.e. the textbook,  etc.). 

FLMA In The Workplace


Jackie approached her Human Resources representative and requested time off under FMLA. Jackie’s son has a chronic disease, which requires him to miss significant amounts of school and Jackie to stay home and take care of him.  Jackie is unsure if she qualifies to use FMLA, so she has many questions that she would like answered. Based on your readings and outside research, answer the following questions for Jackie so that she may have a better understanding of FMLA and how it applies to her. Discuss any discrepancies in the answers with your classmates and instructor.

  • How much leave is entitled to under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • How is the 12-month period calculated under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • Does the Family and Medical Leave Act guarantee paid time off?
  • Can the employer count time on maternity leave or pregnancy disability as leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • Who is considered an immediate “family member,” under the Family and Medical Leave Act, for purposes of taking FMLA leave?
  • Do I have to give my employer my medical records for FMLA leave due to a serious health condition?

Discussion 1: Policy Analysis And Application


According to the NASW Code of Ethics section 6.04 (NASW, 2008), social workers are ethically bound to work for policies that support the healthy development of individuals, guarantee equal access to services, and promote social and economic justice.

For this Discussion, review this weeks resources, including Working with Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Rita and The Johnson Family. Consider what change you might make to the policies that affect the client in the case you chose. Finally, think about how you might evaluate the success of the policy changes.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of one change you might make to the policies that affect the client in the case. Be sure to reference the case you selected in your post. Finally, explain how you might evaluate the success of the policy changes.

 Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Rita 


Rita is a 22-year-old, heterosexual, Latina female working in the hospitality industry at a resort. She is the youngest of five children and lives at home with her parents. Rita has dated in the past but never developed a serious relationship. She is close to her immediate and extended family as well as to her female friends in the Latino community. Although her parents and three of her siblings were born in the Dominican Republic, Rita was born in the United States.

A year ago, Rita was sexually assaulted by an acquaintance of a male coworker. Rita and a female coworker met Juan and Bob after work at a local bar for a light meal and a few drinks. Because Rita had to get up early to work her shift the next day, Bob offered to drive her home. Instead of taking Rita directly home, however, he drove to a desolate spot nearby and assaulted her. Afterward, Bob threatened to harm her family if she did not remain silent and proceeded to drive her home. Although Rita did not tell her family what happened, she did call our agency hotline the next day to discuss her options. Because Ritas assault occurred within the 5-day window for forensic evidence collection of this kind, Rita consented to activation of the countys sexual assault response team (SART). Although she agreed to have an advocate and the sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) meet her at the hospital, Rita tearfully stated that she did not want to file a police report at that time because she did not want to upset her family. The nurse examiner interviewed Rita, collected evidence, recorded any injuries, administered antibiotics for possible sexually transmitted infections, and gave Rita emergency contraception in case of pregnancy. The advocate stayed with Rita during the procedure, supporting her and validating her experience, and gave her a referral for individual crisis counseling at our agency.

My treatment goals for Rita included alleviation of rape trauma syndrome symptoms that included shame and self-blame, validation of self-worth and empowerment, and processing how it would feel to disclose to others when the time felt right. In addition, Rita would receive important information regarding state policy and procedure for victims of sexual assault that would assist her in deciding when and how to report the crime if she chose to do so.

My treatment involved crisis intervention and stabilization along with emotional support and validation surrounding her experience. Managing her trauma and acute stress symptoms were key to her recovery. Those symptoms included guilt, shame, emotional shock, powerlessness, anxiety, fear, anger, and doubting her judgment. We processed Ritas emotional dysregulation and sense of outrage over what happened. Over the weeks that followed, we also explored Ritas relationship to her immediate and extended family and how they had high expectations for her and her future. Ritas shame over the assault prevented her from telling her family for fear they would also be shamed and judge her for accepting a ride from someone she did not know well. We discussed the policy for reporting a sexual assault to the police in our state and how Rita only had a 90-day window to report the crime after her forensic evidence was obtained. After 90 days, the forensic kit would be destroyed.

The problem with the current 90-day hold policy in our state for victims like Rita is that a person in crisis experiences strong and conflicting emotions and is faced with an acute sense of disequilibrium and disorientation. This, in turn, affects her or his ability to retain information and make decisions. The person, therefore, has barely enough time to make sense of what happened to her or him, let alone decide what to do about it. The 90-day hold policy may not afford a traumatized victim of sexual assault enough time to make a decision to report to law enforcement.

I utilized a strengths-based model in my treatment with Rita to help her address the decision to report the crime. A strengths-based framework is client-led with a focus on future outcomes and strengths that the client brings to a problem or crisis. It is an effective helping strategy that builds on a persons resiliency and ego strength. An integrative strengths-based intervention can contribute to the development of a positive outcome for clients in crisis.

I counseled Rita for 6 months. After 5 months, Rita felt strong enough to disclose to her family and file a report with the police. However, because the 90-day window had closed by the time she was stabilized and emotionally ready to file, her forensic evidence was unavailable.

Discussion: Systems Perspective And Social Change


Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman (2016) stated, “Clients are affected by and in constant dynamic interactions with other systems, including families, groups, organizations, and communities” (p. 35-36). As a social worker, when you address the needs of an individual client, you also take into account the systems with which the client interacts. Obtaining information about these systems helps you better assess your client’s situation. These systems may provide support to the client, or they may contribute to the client’s presenting problem.

For this Discussion, review “Working With People With Disabilities: The Case of Lester.”Consider the systems with which Lester Johnson, the client, interacts. Think about ways you might apply a systems perspective to his case. Also, consider the significance of the systems perspective for social work in general.

By Day 3

Post a Discussion in which you explain how multiple systems interact to impact individuals. Explain how you, as a social worker, might apply a systems perspective to your work with Lester Johnson. Finally, explain how you might apply a systems perspective to social work practice.

Case of  Lester Johnson


Working With Clients With Disabilities: The Case of Lester

Lester is a 59-year-old, African American widower with two adult children. He lives in a medium-sized Midwestern city. Four months ago, he was a driver in a multiple vehicle crash while visiting his daughter in another city and was injured in the accident, although he was not at fault. Prior to the accident he was an electrician and lived on his own in a single-family home. He was an active member in his church and a worship leader. He has a supportive brother and sister-in-law who also live nearby. Both of his children have left the family home, and his son is married and lives in a nearby large metropolitan area.

When he was admitted to the hospital, Lesters CT showed some intracerebral hemorrhaging, and the follow-up scans showed a decrease in bleeding but some midline shift. He seemed to have only limited cognition of his hospitalization. When his children came to visit, he smiled and verbalized in short words but could not communicate in sentences; he winced and moaned to indicate when he was in pain. He had problems with balance and could not stand independently nor walk without assistance. Past medical history includes type 2 diabetes; elevated blood pressure; a long history of smoking, with some emphysema; and a 30-day in-house treatment for binge alcoholism 6 years ago following his wifes long illness with breast cancer and her subsequent death.

One month ago he was discharged from the hospital to a rehabilitation facility, and at his last medical review it was estimated he will need an additional 2 months minimum treatment and follow-up therapies in the facility.

As the social worker at the rehab center, I conducted a psychosocial assessment after his admission to rehabilitation.

At the time of the assessment, Lester was impulsive and was screened for self-harm, which was deemed low risk. He did not have insight into the extent of his injury or changes resulting from the accident but was frustrated and cried when he could not manipulate his hands. Lesters children jointly hold power of attorney (POA), but had not expressed any interest to date in his status or care. His brother is his shared decision making (SDM) proxy, but his sister-in-law seemed to be the most actively involved in planning for his follow-up care. His son and daughter called but had not visited, but his sister-in-law had visited him almost daily; praying with him at the bedside; and managing his household financials, mail, and house security during this period. His brother kept asking when Lester would be back to normal and able to manage on his own and was eager to take him out of the rehabilitation center.

Lester seemed depressed, showed some flat affect, did not exhibit competency or show interest in decision making, and needed ongoing help from his POA and SDM. His medical prognosis for full recovery remains limited, with his Glasgow Coma Scale at less than 9, which means his injury is categorized as catastrophic.

Lester currently has limited mobility and is continent, but he is not yet able to self-feed and cannot self-care for cleanliness; he currently needs assistance washing, shaving, cleaning his teeth, and dressing. He continues with daily occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) sessions.

He will also need legal assistance to apply for his professional association pension and benefits and possible long-term disability. He will also need help identifying services for OT and PT after discharge.

He will need assistance from family members as the determination is made whether he can return to his residence with support or seek housing in a long-term care facility. He will need long-term community care on discharge to help with basic chores of dressing and feeding and self-care if he is not in a residential care setting.

A family conference is indicated to review Lesters current status and short-term goals and to make plans for discharge.

Principles Of Management


  1. What did you like the best about this course?
  2. What specific items from this course will you use most in your professional and personal life?
  3. What constructive suggestions can you offer to improve this course? 

4.  Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.


Financial Management In Healthcare

There are a lot of things that I can take from this course, that will be beneficial in my future career.  In order to work in health care administration, it is important to see the financial side of things, how budgets work, and how they affect the company.  While I don’t anticipate being the one in my position that will have to prepare the budgets, this course has given me a good background on how the budgets should be handled by each department and the whole organization.  


The most critical concepts that I have learned from this course that I can apply to my current and future career is the financial management and functions. I have learned that the key function and responsibility of financial management in healthcare establishments is to control the money and taking educated risks which may perhaps assist in accomplishing the financial objective of the establishment. Because once a healthcare establishment has solid and established monetary organization strategies, they are capable of delivering effective healthcare to all their patients. Therefore, as the future healthcare administrative, it is important to understand the planning, long-term investment and financial decisions which may assist me in my current and future career as a Healthcare Administrative.