Category: Applied Sciences


MUL1010 Music AppreciationWritten Assignment #2: A Night at the Opera Instructions: 

1. Listen to three (3) arias in the OnMusic Appreciation, 4th edition, eText, under Discover Music List:

a. Puccinis E Lucevan le stelle from Tosca

 b. Bizets Habanera from Carmen

c. Adams News has a Kind of Mystery from Nixon in China 

2. Complete the Opera table below. 

3. Use Microsoft Word and run a spell check/grammar check (under the Review menu in Word).

 4. Correct grammar and spelling will be part of your grade. 

5. Then copy and paste your assignment into the Assignment Drop Box (not the “Comments” Box.) 

6. All written assignments will run through SafeAssign, Blackboard’s plagiarism checking tool. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately.

 7. See the Rubric for how your grade will be determined. See Calendar for due date.

Opera E Lucevan le stelle (Puccini), Habanera (Bizet), News has a Kind of Mystery (Adams) & Discuss Similarities and Differences 

Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?)

Unity that you hear in timbre (instrumentation), tempo, dynamics (loud or soft)

Variety you hear like changes in timbre (instrumentation), tempo, dynamics (loud or soft)

 Lyrics (What story, if any, is told by lyrics each artist sings?)

Voice quality (Use adjectives to describe the different timbre of each singers voice.)

Rhythm (Does the song have a clear pulse or beat? Is there syncopation?)

Other (What else comes to mind as you listen to this music?)Can you think of a modern artist or song that may have been influenced by each vocalist or each style? What similarities are apparent? 

Case Study

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What Makes For An Effective CDS Deployment

Case Study#4 

Q3:what makes for an effective CDS deployment?

Q4:what are some of the biggest challenges to CDSS adoption, and how can they overcome?

*don’t forget to cite the work please.

*internet sources may be used in addition to the textbook. Also please limit your responses to question to no more than 300 words and APA guidelines, 12 font Times New Roman. 

Draft Research Paper



You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the introduction section of a research paper for a research question/problem in which you are interested.


Write the introduction section of a research paper for your professor. This section should:

  • Clearly identify the research question/problem.
  • Pique the readers interest in your research paper.
  • Analyze why the research question/problem is important by reviewing studies that have addressed the question/problem. Summarize groups of studies, not necessarily individual ones. The studies that you cite should be recent, published in the last 5-10 years. Older studies may be cited if they have been widely referenced by others.
  • Evaluate the deficiencies/gaps in the studies.
  • Explain how your research paper will address the deficiencies/gaps of past studies and how it will contribute to the scholarly research.
  • Explain what you expect to find by performing research on this question.
  • What benefits will the findings have and on whom?
  • Establish the purpose and the thesis of your research paper.

Ba100 Ch10

 Create an Acceptable Use Policy for your schools computer lab. Include the following headings:
General Use and Ownership
Security and Proprietary Information
Unacceptable Use
System and Network Activities
E-mail and Communication Activities

HA545 Unit 5 Assignment


Review the following report at:

Using this Congressional Report for members of Congress and the textbook:

Title: Health Policymaking in United States 

Edition: 6th (2015) 

Author: Longest Publisher: ACHE 

Book ISBN: 978-1-56793-719-0 

write a 5-page memorandum/paper on the topic of rulemaking.

You are a summer intern with Harry Smith, a Congressman from your home district. He has to advise his congressional committee on the impact of interest groups on legislation. Write the memorandum to explain the purpose and influence on rulemaking in the operation of the legislation. You should offer suggestions on the importance of the implementation phase of the legislation.

HA525 Unit 5 Assignment


You are the compliance manager of a medium sized hospital in a suburban neighborhood. Your facility is a medical surgical facility providing care for the community. Your facility has hospitalists employed and grants privileges to physicians in the community.

Using MS PowerPoint as a presentation tool, prepare an informational report about the case from the following article available within the Library. Search for the title of this article using the library search tool.

Roberts, R. (2003). Seven reasons family doctors get sued and how to reduce your risk. Family Practice Management. 10(3), 2934.

  • Choose one reason doctors get sued from the article above and let this be the basis of your presentation.
  • Add speaker notes to your presentation discussing how your theme choice impacts physician decision-making in creating a patient healthcare plan.
    • In other words, explain how physician liability concerns relate to your topic choice.
    • As you explain these concerns, include how the regulatory environment in which providers operate at times can hinder the ability for a provider to do what is necessary for patients. Provide an example or scenario illustrating these limitations.
  • Further, address the cost to the facility in addressing such concerns.
  • Lastly, provide solutions to your chosen reason for being sued.


Your presentation should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. A minimum of 20 slides including a title page and reference page(s).The title slide should include the title, your name, and the date you are submitting the presentation.
  2. Use Chapter 3 on negligence to support the information in your presentation.
  3. Include detailed information in the notes section. This will not appear on the slide in order to prevent crowding of information on the slide.

Tips for effective PowerPoint presentations:

  • Clear and simple slides are the most effective.
  • Font size: no smaller for 44 for titles on a slide and no smaller than 32 otherwise. Short phrases or single words are best.
  • If you use graphs, charts, and diagrams, they should be very simple.
  • Busily designed slides are very distracting. Avoid using busy patterns and too many colors. One theme for all slides is a great way to unify the presentation.
  • Use a minimum of words for text and title frames: seven vertical and seven horizontal words in maximum per slide. Less is better.
  • Upper- and lower-case lettering should be used: no text in ALL CAPS.
  • Vary the size of lettering to emphasize headings and subheadings but avoid using more than three font sizes per frame.
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman font style.
  • Try to maintain the same or similar font size from frame to frame even if some frames have less copy avoid a “lonely” word on a screen.
  • Contrasting colors work best. A good rule of thumb: use a white background color with dark color for text. Do not use bright colors in a professional presentation. Use black text for this task.

Keep color scheme consistent throughout your presentation. Changing colors and type styles can be very confusing and distract from your message. One carefully selected design used on all slides makes for a more attractive, professional look.

Using as references:


Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration 

Edition: 8th (2017) Author: Showalter 

Publisher: Health Administration Press Book 

ISBN: 978-1567938760  

Chapter 8: Medical Staff Privileges and Peer Review

Inside Health Law  The following article:

Haines, S., Ammann, R., Beehrle-Hobbs, D., & Groppi, J. (2010). Protected professional practice evaluation: A continuous quality-improvement process. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 67(22), 19331940.

HA525 Unit 5 Discussion


Physician Issues

IN NOT LESS THAN 200 WORDS DISCUSS using as references:

Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration 

Edition: 8th (2017) 

Author: Showalter 

Publisher: Health Administration Press Book 

ISBN: 978-1567938760 


Chapter 8: Medical Staff Privileges and Peer Review


Inside Health Law The following article 

Haines, S., Ammann, R., Beehrle-Hobbs, D., & Groppi, J. (2010). Protected professional practice evaluation: A continuous quality-improvement process. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 67(22), 19331940.

You are the CEO of Acme Hospital, a small rural facility. On your staff, there is a physician (OB-GYN), Dr. Thomas Cole, with whom you have been having some problems. 

Dr. Cole:

  • does not finish his morning rounds on a regular basis
  • does not attend medical staff meetings
  • often very late in arriving to deliver babies
  • most of the time, the nurses on duty in the delivery room deliver the majority of Dr. Coles babies

You know that these issues must be addressed but there are other connecting problems.

  • First, Dr. Cole is the son of Dr. Frederick Cole who just retired after 55 years of service with Acme Hospital.
  • Dr. Fred was much beloved among hospital staff and before he left, he used his charm and status to make certain staff members (you were not one) promise to help and to protect his son, the younger Cole.

You know that when you begin raising these issues there will likely be resistance to take any action.

Please discuss the following:

  1. What are the possible liability issues that the younger Dr. Cole is exposing the facility to?
  2. How would you manage the staff that promised to help the younger Dr. Cole?
  3. Would you approach the elder Dr. Cole? Why or why not?
  4. Is this a problem that can be fixed? If so, how can it be fixed? Are you willing to give the younger Dr. Cole the time to fix the issues as the CEO?

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Marivette Bedoya and Crystal Moore 

Crystal Moore 

The liability issues that Dr. T. Cole is exposing the facility to is unprofessional conduct and malpractice. Dr. T. Cole’s unprofessionalism is due to his excessive tardiness, incompletion of his duties, and failure to properly care for his patients. 

As CEO of Acme Hospital I would facilitate a required 1:1 staff meeting, individually speaking with the staff to allow them a safe place to talk without prejudice. I would ask specific question regarding how they feel about Dr. T. Cole’s ability to safely care for their patients. Any of the the staffs information (such as name and details that could comprise their identity) would be strictly confidential and I would only use the details about Dr. T. Cole’s work ethic when presenting my case to the Medical Staff Organization. 

I would not approach Dr. F. Cole because his son is an individual and works on his own. It is not the responsibility of Dr. T. Cole’s father to intervene. I would however approach Dr. T. Cole only after discussing matters with the Board. I would approach him because this type of behavior is not warranted for Acme Hospital and we will not allow it to continue. Acme Hospital has a reputation to uphold and that reputation is to provide exceptional quality of care to our patients. Dr. T. Cole has violated a myriad of issues and having the nurses deliver his patients for instance questions respondeat superior issues like jeopardizing the nurses licensure by placing them in a position to practice outside of their scope. According to Showalter, other respondeat superior issues in a hospital setting are but not limited to: licensure, credentialing, medical supervision, professional liability insurance, and health plan coverage (Showalter, 2017). Research has shown that higher infant mortality rates arise when there lacks an OB specialists during the birth of a child. The journal of Maternal and Child Health noted that in 2011, Georgia had the nations highest infant mortality rate due to a lack of OB specialists which forced nurses to advance their career and become certified mid-wives and yet complicated deliveries led to infant death (Spelke, 2016). This example proves how important it is for Dr. T. Cole to be present at the delivery of his patients and not rely on the nursing staff to follow through. The medical staff needs to work as a team allowing each individual to practice according to their level of education and training. 

Yes, this is a problem that can be fixed. There will have to be an intervention with the Board, Dr. T. Cole and myself and these issues must cease to exist. I would be willing to give Dr. T. Cole a redemption period of 45-days in order to correct his issues and seek help if necessary. During this time Dr. T. Cole will be under a watchful eye and there will be a zero tolerance for any issues that occur. Any relapse during the 45-day probation period will result in immediate termination. After the 45-day period Dr. T. Cole must maintain this new work ethic and any relapses or new issues will be presented before the Board for review of his continued employment with Acme Hospital.


Showalter, J. S. (2017). The Law of Healthcare Administration (8th ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. 

Spelke, B., Zertuche, A. D., & Rochat, R. (2016). Obstetric Provider Maldistribution: Georgia, USA, 2011. Maternal And Child Health Journal20(7), 13331340.


 Marivette Bedoya 

The possible liability issues that the younger Dr. Cole is exposing the facility to would include the risk of the Acme Hospital to be involved in a negligent or malpractice legal proceedings. The reason being is because Dr. Cole is late for deliveries of expecting mothers causing the nurses to deliver the children. Resulting in nurses to carry out the responsibility of the physician when it is not their responsibility to do so. If something were to go wrong without a physician present, this event would reflect not only the poor quality of the nurse but also of the hospital and the leading physician (Dr. Cole). 

Managing stand that promised to help the younger Dr. Cole can be challenging. However, I would start out by sending compliance memos. Each situation or case would be felt with individually. As time passes by and situation begin to appear and evidence appears that indicate staff members were protecting or covering for Dr. Cole, those staff members would receive disciplinary action and possible termination, if appropriate. 

Personally, I would approach the elder Dr. Cole if the younger Dr. Cole does not get his act together after a given amount of time. The reason being for approaching the elder Dr. Cole is because maybe he can be of some influence to his son to be a proper and professional doctor, since his father has experience and wisdom. However, approaching the elder Dr. Cole can have some disadvantages. The elder Dr. Cole can possibly provide the wrong feedback to his son from what I would expect or maybe the lecture from the father may not influence the son at all. 

Overall, this is a problem that can be fixed if the younger Dr. Cole is willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the facility. It can begin to be fixed by Dr. Cole arriving on time to patient deliverys and being professional in all work areas. If it is not done properly and his actions continue to spiral out of control by not following the organization rules and regulations, then this issue can be fixed by terminating the doctor and replacing him with a more approbate professional. However, I would be willing to give Dr. Cole time to adequately adjust his behavior and way of thinking to better himself and the patients. 


Showalter, J. S. (2017). The law of healthcare administration. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

HA515 Unit 5 Journal


Complexities in Leadership

At your hospital, the Committee on Medical Ethics is a medical staff committee. It answers to the Medical Executive Committee and the medical staff president, and its members are jointly appointed by the president of the Medical Staff and committee chair.

Although it is a Medical Staff Committee, its membership is multidisciplinary, including physicians, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and members of the lay public (for community representation).

Most members of the committee have received training in clinical ethics consultation, and were chosen because of their interest in resolution of ethical issues and their interpersonal qualities with patients and staff.

The hospital administration has engaged a consulting firm to modernize its structure. The consultants have advised converting the old social worker approach to the contemporary position of case manager. The consultants note that three social workers sit on the Ethics Committee.

The social worker members of the Ethics Committee were advised that they will no longer serve on said committee, and that their place will be taken by the manager of case management, who has no experience in ethics consultation, nor does she know anything about the history of Ethics Committee activities at your hospital.

The chair of the Ethics Committee is informed that three of his committee members are out. The chair is livid, and there is also an immediate reaction from all the rest of the committee members, most especially the medical staff members of the committee something about separation of powers is mentioned.

You have been assigned by the hospital administrator to handle this mess. How would you go about doing so? If you had been told to handle the proposed committee reconfiguration from the very beginning, what would you have done differently from what was done? What change management practices would you have implemented to have these adjustments be handled better?

Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.

HA515 Unit 5 Discussion

Using as reference:

Title: Leadership For Health Professionals 

Edition: 3rd (2017) 

Author: Ledlow, Coppola 

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Book 

ISBN: 978-1-2841-0941-2 

Read Chapter 9: Leadership and the Complex Health Organizations: Strategically Managing the Organizational Environment Before it Manages You 

Discuss in not less than 200 words 

Explain how you would integrate the current external environment factors in the health industry. Translate your interpretation into a critical list of action items for a health organization. Develop this list for the organization in terms of a strategic plan, directional strategies, external and internal environment, organizational culture, and any other factors that you deem important for organizational positioning and survival. 

In two different paragraph with no less than 75 words give your personal opinion to Benjamin Schortgen and Kerri Collins 

Kerri Collins 

It is important for leaders in healthcare to understand the external environment and how it affects the organization.  There are macro and micro forces of the external environment.  Examples of macro forces include legal, political, and economic forces.  Examples of micro factors include technology, research and education, public policy, and healthcare financing.  These multiple forces help influence change in healthcare. (Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens, 2018)

A healthcare leader must consider all these external factors and create plans for the constant changes they present.  Finances is one of the most pressing action items as this contributes to the success of any organization.  Assessing the threats and opportunities of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on the organization is key.  With different government administrations come changes to the ACA.  An ongoing SWOT analysis to analyze these threats and opportunities is imperative.  Another action item would be to assess the legal and ethical forces of the organization.   Understanding the threats of legal and ethical issues is important to the success of the organization.  With ethical issues, organizational culture is also important.  A leader can develop a culture towards the mission and vision of the organization with ethical decision-making being at the core.  Another action item is ensuring the healthcare organization is promoting prevention and wellness.  Even amongst the healthcare employees, prevention and wellness are important.  Threats and opportunities could also be assessed with the possibility of offering employee health services within the organization.  This is just a small list of action items to consider as there are many that affect healthcare daily. (Mohammad, 2014)

Mohammad, A. (2014, February). Factors Affecting Medical Service Quality. Retrieved from NCBI:

Gerald R. Ledlow, James H. Stephens. (2018). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.


Benjamin Schortgen 

Epidemics and Pandemics are a part of human history.  Currently as I write this discussion post in preparation for Unit 5 A virus has emerged from China and is spreading.  The Coronavirus is a human to human contagion, and it is safe to say that the effects could become global.

            Hospitals and health systems are going to need to be on high alert and likely have policies available to deal with these outbreaks.  Some actions I would take would include:

  1. Review current protocol and policy and start training now on infection control and pandemic/epidemic standard operating procedures.
  2. Train and prepare to receive ill persons while maintaining safety for non-infected hospital wings and areas.
  3. Research and prepare for CDC and WHO requirements and comply with all quarantine and reporting rules
  4. Establish and begin public education as soon as possible
    1. Infection prevention
    2. Travel information
    3. Proper in-home procedures to identify and protect possible infected individuals and the rest of the household

History tends to repeat itself, the black plague that ripped across Europe, the Spanish Flu in the early 20th century, and Ebola in the early 21st are all examples of possible devastating external factors that we should not fear but should be ready for.