
Cant Click This

This program should have three screens;
1.    Title Screen This screen should have text across the top saying, Welcome to the Button Clicking Game! Underneath that, should be a text box that asks the user to input their name. Next to the text box, there should be a button that initiates the game, but only if a name has been typed into the text box.
2.    The Game Screen The game is simple. There is a button in the middle of the screen that reads, Click Me However, when the mouse approaches the button, it runs away. The user should never be able to catch the button, and if they chase it to the side of the pane, it should jump back to the middle of the pane. To make this easier for escape, the pane should quite large,  > 1000×1000. As soon as the game starts, there should be a 20 second timer started. This timer can be hidden, but at 5 second intervals, the button should mock the user with an insult. At the 20 second mark, the game ends, and should transition to the Game Over screen.
3.    Game Over This screen should just be an Image. An image you wish, but remember, you will need to submit the image with the program, so that I can put it into the same folder as the program. You may also use a link to a web image, but it must be a secure site (https).

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