Political science

A Report on Sustainable Energy, with a View to its Implementation in the UAE”

Project Requirements:

Length:                 1000-1200 words
Plagiarism:         This is a reminder that any part of the work that has been plagiarized will result in you receiving a zero for this assessment. Please remind yourself as to what constitutes plagiarism. All sources must be included as both an in-text citation and in a reference list at the end. You must use APA style. Images must be cited and referenced too.
HCT style guide
Typeface:                            Times New Roman or Arial

Font:                                     Text= 12 point
Headings = 14 point and bold
Line Spacing:                      1.5
Paragraphs:                        Full block (no indents). One additional line between paragraphs
Page numbers:                 Not on cover page, start from main text, bottom right side of page
Cover page:                        Title (any style and font)
                                                Name and H number
Course name and code
Date of submission
Name of teacher
Honesty statement:       Either on cover page or at the end of the submission
Additional requirements

Contents page:                 Each section of the report must be listed in the contents page
Safe Assign:                        Draft Project must be submitted through Safe Assign. You must include the Safe                                                              Assign report in the appendices
First draft deadlineEnd of Week  13 (Saturday  May 31, 11:59pm)
                                                All submissions must be through Blackboard Learn
Penalty for late submission:  Unapproved late submission – DMC policies apply.                                                                            
                                                 (up to 5 working days 5% deduction per day. Later = 0% )

Approved late submission – No penalty. Chair approval required.
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