Leadership Challenges

this is a take home final exam, please please write very professional !!! the case and questions you need to answer are as a file names: wechatimg2. the four quesitons are in the first page, the rest 8pages are case itself. the total words you need to reach are 1000 words. you need to write each answer seperately not as a whole paper. and you can not google anything, the only citation and knowledge you can refer to are powerpoint and case itself. and you must connect the case with the powerpoint knowledge, which means you must go over the powerpoint. do not write the answers based on case itself and based on your own knowledge, you must refer back to the powerpoint !!!! and please do not grammar and spelling mistakes. the deadline is within 24hrstake home final exam, so please please write very professional!!! the case and questions you need to answer is as a file names: wechatimg2. the four quesitons are in the first page, the rest 8pages are case itself. the total words you need to reach are 1000 words. you need to write each answer seperately not as a whole paper. and you can't google anything, the only citation and knowledge you can refer to are powerpoint and case itself. and you must connect the case with the knowledge in the powerpoint, which means you must go over the powerpoint. don't write the answers based on case itself and based on your own knowledge, you must refer back to the powerpoint!!!! and please no grammar and spelling mistakes. the deadline is within 24hrs

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