Archive for February 5th, 2021


Assertion: The terms and conditions in click-on agreements are so long and detailed that no one ever reads the agreements. Therefore, the act of clicking on “I agree” is not really an acceptance.

Using the material that you have read:

Students who have last names beginning with the letters A through M  please give a substantive argument in favor of the above assertion.

Students with last names beginning with the letters N through Z please give a substantive argument against the above assertion. 

This is yet another exercise in developing your critical thinking abilities.

Please don’t copy any text from the Internet.

My last name is the N.So there need to choose Students with last names beginning with the letters N through Z please give a substantive argument against the above assertion. ) And mark this part.

teenage pregnancy

Resources for Pregnant Teens (individual activity)
Molly, a young woman observed in the virtual experience, is an example
of a pregnant teenager who would benefit from external sources of
support during her pregnancy. There are many teenagers in her
In 2 pages (approximately 500 words), students should identify and

1. The teen pregnancy rates in their community/region; students should compare and contrast with rates in 2 other parts of the country. Students should be encouraged to look for areas that have different types of populations (e.g., urban, rural, suburban, diverse populations, etc.).

2. Most teens are highly connected online. Students should identify 2
reputable online resources that could be recommended for
pregnant teenagers like Molly. Students can consider apps, online
support groups, blogs, social media sites, and/or informational
websites, and describe how to access the 2 selected resources and
the mission/services provided by the resources. Students should
critique aspects of the resources such as the ease of accessibility
and accuracy of information provided, nature of the interactivity,
credentials/reputation of the organization that manages the
site/resources, literacy level required, visual appeal, creativity,
use of graphics, etc. What confidentiality or ethical concerns
are/may be associated with the use of these 2 resources?

Managing Human Resources

Write an up to 3 page (max) discussion addressing: Your reaction to both of these papers, what do you think? Why did I assign these three papers?  What did you learn that was new to you? and what has changed to make the obvious perception of HR change in the time between these 3 articles?.

Infectious Disease Trends

Understanding diseases present within the community allows public health nurses to prioritize health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
For this assignment, do not select Covid-19 but select other infectious diseases.

Analyze infectious diseases by:
Defining epidemiology, outbreak, incidence, and prevalence
Evaluating the role of nursing in epidemiology
Evaluating current infectious diseases locally, statewide, and nationally
Associating three of the most current infectious diseases with Healthy People 2020 objectives
Analyzing evidence-based practices aimed at reducing infectious diseases

Cite a minimum of three scholarly sources.

Include an APA-formatted reference page.