Archive for February 5th, 2021

RES814 01 Unit 5 IP Reporting Quantitative Results

Topic:  Writing Quantitative Results


Write a brief summary in APA format of 500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.

Be substantive and clear, and include the tables below to support your findings. Refer to the APA Sample Research Paper as a template for your write up.

A survey was conducted to analyze the debt of individuals in the United States. A researcher obtained this secondary data and ran Chi-Square and Crosstabulation analyses to determine if people who defaulted on loans is associated the level of education they completed. Additionally, the researcher wanted to determine which education level(s) are more likely to default on a loan.

The results of his analyses are provided below.

Write the Results section of the paper and present the results using appropriate APA-formatted tables and figures. Include one research question and one set of an aligned null and alternative hypothesis to address the research goals outlined above. Follow all APA conventions and include the proper APA statistical notation. A clustered bar chart comparing the number of people who defaulted or did not default on a loan, for each education level, is included to help the reader visualized the data and should be included in your paper as an APA-formatted figure.


The basic research question is whether there is a significant difference in loan default levels (yes/no)  based upon your education level (five levels).  You are given a 2 X 5 matrix of frequencies, a chi-square output, and a Phi and Cramers-V for effect size.  Each cell in the matrix also has an unstandardized residual. You are then instructed as follows:

You are going to do a quantitative research report writeup similar in form to what you see in the sample APA Research Report found in DB1. 

table is attached

Critical Analysis

Just a critical analysis for an article

Writing the Critique

1. Introduce the subject of the critique and identify the author(s). Give some preliminary information indicating the main point to be discussed. Review any background facts or issues that must be understood before the point of the article being critiqued can be appreciated. Possibly include additional biographical data. Is this one of a series of essays on this theme? This portion should be brief.

2. Briefly summarize the argument of the author. Be as objective as possible so that the reader understands what the article said.

3. Analyze the authors presentation based upon points presented and whether or not the author succeeded.

4. Respond to the presentation or focus upon the assumptions the author makes. State your reaction to, opinion of, and evaluation of these assumptions or assertions. Clearly support any reactions so that they do not appear to be arbitrary judgments. This may be accomplished by adding support from authority, using logic, observation, or personal experience. What emerges from the analysis?

5. Finally, state your conclusions about the overall piece reviewing the strengths/weaknesses.

Comparison & Contrast

A Comparison and Contrast essay looks at the similarities and differences between two or more things. For this assignment, you will write an eight paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the two short stories Finishing School by Maya Angelou and Whats in a Name? by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. You must have three points to compare, so a three-point thesis will be required. Because this assignment is comparing and contrasting the two stories, no biographical information about the authors should be used; instead, focus on the similarities and differences between what happens in the stories themselves. You may use research to help write this essay although it is not required. A Works Cited page must be included which will include the two stories and any research you may decide to use. Because you are writing about literature, you will have to use quotes from the stories to help you make your points. In-text citations must indicate the necessary information. I will provide the page numbers for the stories so that you may cite correctly. Every body paragraph should include at least one quote from the story (not from the historical information) as evidence that supports the thesis.  Times New Roman 12 font & doubled spaced

Literature Review Reply 716 CH

his is a discussion board reply. You will reply to the attached classmate  paper.
PLEASE READ GRADING RUBRIC BEFORE STARTING THIS REPLY.  The reply must include 2 peer reviewed source citations in current APA 7 format, the text, and the integration of 1 biblical principal as outlined in the Discussion Board Rubric which is attached. I have also attached the article my peer used as an FYI for you. You don’t need a cover page for this assignment.  I have also attached books from the class.

You will not bash the classmate, you will add knowledge to their paper.

Please make sure you use APA 7 format for references and the paper.

Peer Paper Attached: 716 Reply CH wk3.docx

Space Exploration Starlink Launching the Internet Everywhere

Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink internet service now has 10,000 users

Compile a seven-page paper on how we can secure our nations computer infrastructure in our society. It could be related to the financial system, health care, energy grid, id theft, government intrusions etc. Use credible sources from books, magazines, newspapers, journal articles, websites etc.

Your paper should not have cited material from, nor just various .com websites. Explore college library database for relevant articles at

Your paper should have a cover page, five or more pages of documentation completed in MLA style and a Works Cited page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Supreme Court heard a case two terms ago considering whether or not a baker has the right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple if they have a religious objection. The state of Colorado alleges that the bakers actions violate state non-discrimination laws while the baker contends that his actions are protected by the first amendment.
The Court ultimately ruled in favor of the baker, but the ruling was narrow in focus and did not establish judicial precedent on the questions of discrimination and first amendment rights.
Your paper should not focus on whether or not gay marriage is morally correct or sinful. It should also not focus on whether it was morally correct or sinful for the baker to refuse service or whether or not the couple should have brought legal action against the baker. Were interested in the question of the law and constitutionality. Is Colorados law unconstitutional? Were the bakers actions protected by the constitution? Your position should speak to the question of where the line is drawn between the first amendment and discrimination.
Read the following article, perform outside research, and support a position. ALL of your arguments and positions should be supported by documented outside evidence. Citing the text of the first amendment along with your interpretation of what that means is NOT sufficient supporting evidence. We have hundreds of years of case law and interpretation of the Constitution. Look for Federal Court rulings on similar constitutional clashes.

Students will be provided with an article(s) on a political issue and will be required to submit the following:
1) Students will write a 700, not to exceed 750, word position paper over the work assigned by the instructor. The bibliography and heading do not count towards the required word count. The paper must be written in MLA format, double spaced, and include a bibliography if outside sources are used. Students are expected to utilize proper grammar and syntax. The paper should:
After performing thorough research, establish a position on the topic in question.
Do not summarize the piece you are writing about. A few lines of general summary are sufficient, but the bulk of the paper needs to focus on your reaction.
Students are expected to make use of outside sources when researching and writing their reaction papers. Students must document these sources in a bibliography and via parenthetical citations. Failure to do this is plagiarism. Avoid using lengthy quotes.
You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. Personal opinion cannot be wrong, but you can demonstrate poor logic or utilize inaccurate or distorted information. Engage in due diligence when referencing facts and conclusions and think critically about your own reasoning. Points will be deducted for issues in this area. Anecdotal evidence (I knew someone who) is rarely sufficient support of an argument.
Likewise, differing points of view should be given a fair hearing and shouldnt be altered to align with your criticism. Do not construct strawman arguments to pick apart and do not engage in ad hominem or unsupported personal attacks.
At all times students should demonstrate logical critical thinking skills, illustrate clarity of though when expressing personal opinion, and should support claims and arguments with credible evidence/supporting opinions.
Dig deeper when writing these papers. Avoid clich theses like People should be better educated or Politicians should work together more. The instructor is looking for a clash of ideas, solutions to problems, and a consideration of potential counter arguments to students ideas. Students should demonstrate they can express an opinion without blindly rejecting arguments against it. Students should strive to follow the truth wherever it leads
There may be multiple points that a paper could be written on in a given week, but the word count of these assignments is limited and it is usually best to focus on one aspect of the discussion. It is better to have one well developed idea than to give shallow treatment of several points.

Principles of Economics with Applications in the Air Transport Industry

This week’s reading assignment is Chapter 2: Principles of Economics with Applications in the Air Transport Industry.

This chapter introduces us to the economic way of thinking and fundamental concepts of economics including scarcity and opportunity cost. Pricing is used as an example of a microeconomic issue before moving on to macroeconomic issues including growth, inflation and unemployment.

The chapter continues with a discussion on the role of government in the economy and in aviation specifically, and ends with an explanation of two broad areas of economic failures.

This week’s written assignment will build upon your discussion post from Module 1. In that module, you made a thoughtful prediction regarding the health of the air transport industry over the next 36 months. In this week’s written assignment, using 300 – 500 words, you will further define your prediction using concepts covered in Chapter 2, answering the following question: Is your prediction based on microeconomic issues, on macroeconomic issues, or both? Fully explain your answer, demonstrating your understanding of the material presented in Chapter 2.

emergency response guide

This is a two part discussion for the first part:

-in 300 words While driving, safely record five placard numbers from trailers. Please list the numbers and analyze each trucks freight by locating the number in the ERG and discuss what safety precautions you would take if there was a serious accident. ( I have attached the ERG)

-in 300 words What makes Hazmat Management different from Hazmat incident management? Look beyond operational issues and the hazards of the materials stay focused on top level organizational and strategic issues.

Resources for Pregnant Teens

Molly, a young woman observed in the virtual experience, is an example
of a pregnant teenager who would benefit from external sources of
support during her pregnancy. There are many teenagers in her
In 2 pages (approximately 500 words), students should identify and

1. The teen pregnancy rates in their community/region; students should compare and contrast with rates in 2 other parts of the country. Students should be encouraged to look for areas that have different types of populations (e.g., urban, rural, suburban, diverse populations, etc.).

2. Most teens are highly connected online. Students should identify 2
reputable online resources that could be recommended for
pregnant teenagers like Molly. Students can consider apps, online
support groups, blogs, social media sites, and/or informational
websites, and describe how to access the 2 selected resources and
the mission/services provided by the resources. Students should
critique aspects of the resources such as the ease of accessibility
and accuracy of information provided, nature of the interactivity,
credentials/reputation of the organization that manages the
site/resources, literacy level required, visual appeal, creativity,
use of graphics, etc. What confidentiality or ethical concerns
are/may be associated with the use of these 2 resources?

Entrepreneurial Strategic Plan

You are developing a retail store that sells clothing (you select the type of clothing) in a selected region of Mississippi (you select the city). Prepare a 4 Page Double Spaced Report.  Discuss the product and target market planning, distribution strategy, promotion strategy and pricing strategy.

CAVEAT: You can develop the strategic plan for an existing business or your own business idea instead of the hypothetical retail store.

Product and Target Market Planning

Conduct Research

Identify the physical attributes, customer benefits, and competitive advantages of the product (or service) to be offered by the organization.  Analyze geographic, economic, cultural, and legal factors that would influence offering a standardized or an adapted product for this market.  (A product concept should list as many characteristics as possible to better communicate attributes and benefits within the organization as well as to potential customers.)

Discuss economic, cultural, political, or technological factors that might affect the speed of movement of the product (or service) through the stages of the product life cycle (introduction, growth, maturity, decline).  (For example, the presence of several competitors may result in faster innovation and move a product quickly through the product life cycle.)

Suggest a brand name that would create a distinctive identity for the company (or specific product).  Analyze cultural and legal factors that could influence packaging of the product.

Describe the characteristics of potential customers in terms of geographic location, demographics, media habits, consumer behavior patterns, lifestyle activities, and psychographics.

Prepare 1 Page Summary

A description of the product concept for the proposed enterprise, including attributes, customer benefits, and competitive advantages.
An overview of branding and packaging activities in relation to needed cultural or legal adaptations.
Recommend actions related to a standardized or adapted product (or service) along with detailed descriptions of consumer and business target markets. Provide evidence for your recommendations.
Designing a Distribution Strategy

Conduct Research

Describe transportation, communication, and utility facilities in the region that might enhance or deter your organizations ability to move goods from one destination to the end-user of the item.  (In many regions, a lack of roads combined with mountainous areas make truck shipping very difficult and expensive.)

Discuss cultural, political, or legal hurdles that might slow or block distribution in the region.  (For example, import duties and documentation might add to the cost of selling products shipped from another region.)

Analyze the costs and benefits associated with using wholesalers, brokers, and agents for your global business operations.

Identify a channel of distribution for getting a product from the production site to the ultimate customer.  (A common channel of distribution may include a wholesaler and retailer; global operations are likely to involve additional intermediaries.)

Prepare 1 Page Summary

An assessment of the infrastructure in the region (or regions) being considered for the proposed global enterprise.
A synopsis of trade barriers or other restrictions that might be encountered.
Recommend a distribution channel and intermediaries that could be appropriate for the proposed international enterprise. Provide evidence to support your proposal.
Planning a Promotion Strategy

Conduct Research

Identify specific objectives related to the promotion of your global business operations and product (or service).  (Promotional goals vary.  Some organizations need to create awareness of their products benefits compared to competitors.  Other promotional goals may involve communicating new uses for an item, or informing customers of lower prices.)

Discuss cultural and legal factors that might influence promotional decisions.  (In some regions, certain information is required in television commercials selling products aimed at children.)

Analyze media availability in the region to determine cost-efficient methods of communicating with potential customers.  (While television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet may be common in industrialized regions, developing economies may require other different media.  In some regions, advertising messages are broadcast through large speakers mounted on moving trucks.)

Compare the benefits of push and pull promotions for your global business operations.  (A pull strategy is aimed at the end-user of consumer goods and services.  A push strategy is aimed at intermediaries, such as retailers, and is more common among firms selling industrial products or services.)

Prepare 1 Page Summary

An overview of promotional goals for the proposed global business venture.
A description of the economic, cultural, and political-legal environment that might affect promotional messages and media.
Recommend a promotional strategy for your planned global enterprise. Suggest company actions related to promotional goals, needed adaptations due to cultural or legal factors, and a media plan.  Provide evidence to support your proposal.
Selecting a Pricing Strategy

Conduct Research

Identify economic factors (personal income level, inflation rate, taxes) that might influence pricing decisions in this region.  (In many regions, people may not be able to afford products that are considered minor purchases in industrialized nations.)

Estimate production costs and other business expenses that would be encountered when offering this product or service.  (The total cost of providing an item must include both direct production costs as well as administrative and overhead expenses.)

Analyze the potential demand for this product (or service) based on the current and expected market.  (As a product gains in popularity or a regions economy improves, demand for various items is likely to expand.)

Compare your pricing plans with those of any competitors that may be providing identical or similar products or services.

Prepare 1 Page Summary

An overview of economic factors that could influence pricing strategies.
A synopsis of costs that would influence the price of the good or service being proposed for global business operations.
A description of demand factors, competitor actions, and government regulations that might affect pricing activities.
Recommend a pricing strategy (including specific prices) for the proposed enterprise. Provide evidence to support your proposal.

Sample Marketing Plan Preview the document

Sample Industry Analysis (Links to an external site.)

Try SizeUp for Business Intelligence (Links to an external site.) (for more info on size up (Links to an external site.))

American Factfinder (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)BizStats (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Country Business Patterns ( (Links to an external site.)) – you can find the number of dry cleaners (or any other business in a specific zip code or city)

ReferenceUSA ( (Links to an external site.)) Free if accessed through the library.

Sample Business Plans (Links to an external site.)

These are free resources. You can check with the JSU library to see if premium/upgraded versions of these sites are available.