Archive for February 5th, 2021

Prepare for Primary Research


-“Primary Research” section of the Project #1 Assignment Prompt.

Technical Communication, Chapter 6, Researching Your Subject (pay specific attention to Conducting Primary Research>Questionnaires)
Driscoll’s “Introduction to Primary Research.”
Assignment Overview

In this response, each individual student will work on conducting primary research for your collaborative technology research report. Do this as soon as possible (asap)! You must have survey results for Due Date #6. 

To do this, you will
Individually answer the questions below.
Draft 3 possible questionnaire questions.
Discuss what information your questions are trying to gather.
Answer Questions | Develop Questionnaire Questions

Identify what you are trying to learn (what are your research questions?). Remember, for Project #1 you are focusing on the collaborative tool(s) of a specific field/profession/discipline. What do you already know about collaborative tools used? What do you want to learn or confirm?
Identify participants and data collection and management methods.
Who will you send the questionnaire to? Identify the people or positions that might be both willing to complete the survey and provide the information you’re looking for to answer your research question.
What program will be used to create the questionnaire? Identify two(2) possible programs to create and send out your questionnaire.
Where will the questionnaire data be stored? Analyzed? Discuss whether or not you’ll do this directly in the questionnaire tool, how you will make sure the whole group can access and analyze the data?
How will you send out the survey? Discuss whether how you’ll get your questionnaire to your participants.
When will you stop collecting responses? Discuss how long the survey will be live before you stop accepting responses.
Develop 3-5 possible questionnaire questions.
Your questions should be specific to your research question and the topic of collaborative technology in the selected profession. Make sure each question is focusing on one topic.

Initial post includes:
a research question
the who, what, where, when, and how of your questionnaire
3-5 questionnaire questions–introduction-to-primary-research

Secondary Research on Collaborative Tools

Use the Secondary Research handout to find resources about collaborative communication technologies in the professional culture you chose for Project #1. While searching, consider using search terms like “communicating/working/ researching/writing” “technology/technologies/apps/programs” in __<enter field/profession/discipline>__.

**Activities 1 and 2 in the Secondary Research handout should be completed after you’ve spoken with your group members so you can select a style guide and search terms** This means you will need to reach out to your group to discuss these decisions.

Remember that a collaborative tool is any technology that is being used to aid in collaboration. For example, in this class, we’re using Google Drive, and in the last assignment, you looked up project management apps and video conferencing programs. These are all examples of collaborative tools. Some professions/fields might call these types of applications or programs by another name, so you might need to do some digging on what terms will work best for your search.


Macon Case Analysis

written reports are required as individual written assignments by each student to determine if the student has truly learned concepts covered in the case that includes the students own reading and analysis of the case. Each paper should include an analysis of the root cause issue and your recommended solutions potentially using project management process, tool, model and/or core content area discussed in class lecture videos.  The discussion within the paper must focus on the relevance of the topic to the management of the project.


This research proposal need to include:
1. The machine of their selection with historical information (name of the machine,
name of the inventor, if known, date of invention, place of invention) and
significance for the design disciplines.
2. An annotated bibliography listing at least three primary and ten secondary
sources for their machine. Wikipedia and blogs do not count as sources. Each
entry must follow Chicago Manual of Style formatting, and be accompanied by
a single sentence description of how the source may be relevant. While it is not
expected that students will have read every source completely by this time,
they are expected to be familiar with the material and to have an idea of its
possible importance.
3. Five images with analytical captions. The images must be chosen with care and their relevance must be explained by the caption. Images may include drawings, photographs, and diagrams, including those produced by the student.

Some materials were uploaded for get the idea of “machine” we talked about here.

Is it ethical to genetically engineer animals?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Main Prompt: Attempt an appreciation on Sir Francis Bacon essay Of Studies.

Points to Ponder Over:

1. Do make a conscious effort to evaluate the objective merits of the essay.

2. Please analyze Bacons skill, techniques and interpretation of his ideas.

3. Comment on Bacon views on studies.

Grading details:

1. 40% towards strikingly original ideas and comparisons that dovetail well with your content.

2. 30% towards analysis and a greater understanding of the text.

3. 30% Arrangement of thought patterns and expression, citing details, summarizing details effectively

Times New Roman style, Font size 12,  one and a half pages, Double Spaced, MLA format

Who Is to Blame for Today’s Beauty Standarts?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

Disabilities and elderly abuse

Consider why persons with disabilities are considered a vulnerable population. Share with others experiences you may have had with individuals born with a physical ailment, children or adults with cognitive delays, people who may have suffered a traumatic brain injury (i.e. possibly due to an accident, effects from war, etc.). What have you learned about challenges that impact their lives, that you may not have considered without this personal experience? Research programs that exist (America, or globally) to better integrate persons with disabilities into society and mitigate the disparities they face. Develop your own list of opportunities/programs/activities that can better support people with various disabilities. Consider the Micro and Macro approach to your thinking, and develop at least one idea per level. Why do you feel these may be viable solutions? What may be some of the barriers that these ideas face?

Elder abuse in America, and around the world, is a social problem that may not be recognized. To gain a better understanding, use the following website to gain background information:
Define elder abuse, and explain what makes an older adult vulnerable. What has been done in the past, in your own state, or in another part of the world to educate, prevent, or mitigate the effects of elder abuse? Have these solutions been effective? What about current solutions? Explain if current solutions are more effective.

Cite sources please use at least one insite txt you only need 125 words for each subject

Vulnerable Populations

Access the Vulnerable Populations Worksheet to complete the assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the Vulnerable Populations Worksheet scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Make sure to cite sources Thank you

Discrimination Writing Assignment

Discrimination Writing Assignment:
You must do your own work and use Turnitin. I will not accept any paper that has any cut and
paste material. See Syllabus.
Like all papers youll submit, formatting is: 1 margins all around, double spaced, Times New
Roman 12-point font.
There is 3-page minimum, one page per question. The more work you do, the better your
score. I can tell when a student has done the work and when they have waited until the last
minute to throw something together. Dont be in that latter group.
Question 1:
When employers discriminate against applicants or employees they do so in two general ways: 1)
intentionally, or through adverse treatment, or 2) unintentionally, or through adverse impact.
Research these terms and, in your own words, identify how discrimination that occurs
intentionally differs from discrimination that occurs unintentionally. Give an example each.
Question 2:
Sometimes, it is permissible for employers to intentionally favor a protected classification over
all other protected classifications because the favored protected classification is the only one
that can perform the job. The employer intentionally discriminates against all other
protected classifications. This amounts to legal discrimination! For example, if an employer
needed to hire a surrogate motherthen the employer would naturally need a woman for the
job, since a man could never be a surrogate mother. Likewise, if an employer wanted to hire
a sperm donor, it would be required to hire a man, since a woman could never perform that
job. When an employer intentionally discriminates, it argues that the favored protected
classification is a BFOQ. Research that term and in your own words describe how an
employer may argue that it is necessary to discrimination based on the other protected
classifications identified in Title VII, such as religion. Please note: it is possible to
successfully argue that a BFOQ is necessary for every protected classification except one. In
your paper, identify the protected classification that can never be the basis for a BFOQ.
Question 3:
Much discrimination is based upon stereotypes. Research what this means and in your own
words describe various stereotypes that commonly lead to discrimination in the workplace. What
should an employer to do ensure that stereotypes do not influence decision making?