Archive for February 5th, 2021


Use this essay to provide information requested by each individual scholarship, personal financial need information, college and career plans, and any other information you feel would help in the selection process.  Things like medical problems, divorce, and special family situations are all considered when awarding scholarships.  Many scholarships will be chosen solely on the information contained in this essay.  So be specific and state your need clearly.  Honors, awards, clubs, volunteer time, leadership roles and extra curricular activities may be included in your essay; however, do not send certificates, resumes or other documents as they are discarded and not considered.
You are advised to type the essay into a Word document first, to spell check and to check character count not to exceed 7,000 characters (including spaces).  This will be approximately two pages using one inch margins and a 12pt font, single spaced.

Project Management

it is time for you to recommend a project management software (SW) tool for your organization based on the project management method(s) you recommended in Week 4.

For this assignment, your task will be to prepare 710 PowerPoint slides (with talking points, 150 words per slide) justifying why you selected this SW tool, how it is a good fit for your organization and the project management method(s) you chose in Week 4, and why other tools such as those mentioned above were not considered.

In this PowerPoint presentation also, you are required to provide examples to demonstrate your understanding of the type and significance of the different project management tools you considered. Select 4 SW tools to compare and contrast with the one you selected.

The PowerPoint presentation should contain 710 slides, excluding the title and reference slides. These content slides should also contain at least 150 words of speaker notes per slide.

The presentation should be formatted according to the following:

Slide 1: Title slide
This contains your topic title, your name, and the course.
Slide 2: Introduction slide
This should discuss the importance of project management SW tools in managing projects based on your article analyses, experience, and findings.
This slide should contain at least 150 words of speaker notes.
Slides 39 (or more): Content slides
Discuss how the SW tool you chose is a good fit for your organization and the project management method(s) you chose in Week 4.
Discuss at least 4 other SW tools that were considered but not chosen including the pros and cons and features.
Explain why other SW tools such as those mentioned above were not considered, and provide examples to demonstrate your understanding of the type and significance of these tools.
The slides should contain at least 150 words of speaker notes, per slide.
Final slide(s): Reference slide(s)
List your references according to APA style.

Gulliver’s Travels and Castle of Otranto’s Engagement with Realism

Q. Both Gullivers Travels and The Castle of Otranto, while fantastical tales, also engage with the important 18th century literary interest in realism.  Considering the role of satire and Walpoles discussion of realism, explore how these texts illustrate engagements with realism.

Please do not use any sources.
I cannot have any sign of plagiarism as it will lead to an immediate grade of a 0.

Anglo American Settlement

The prompt is “What were the most important factors that encouraged Anglo-Americans and new immigrants to settle the West? What were the most important impediments to their efforts?” It has to articulate a thesis and only has to be 250 words. The main thing is it has to provide evidence/details from the note guidelines I have provided below.

Elevator Speech

Elevator Speech #1

Objective: To think about and synthesize your anthropological learning these past years, and to articulate how and why this training is significant and useful to a wider public.
Outcome: A two-minute, example or story-driven and well articulated “elevator speech” or “elevator pitch” that can be used in a variety of contexts.

An “elevator speech” is a short “pitch” that can be given immediately when a situation warrants.  In this case, it is an introduction to yourself and your interests in an anthropologically relevant way.  You will gear the speech to particular audiences at different times, but the bulk of it will remain the same most likely.  (for example I have a different one for film festivals than I have for academics).

Post a draft of your elevator speech by clicking “reply” below.  Write it short enough so that it would take no more than 2 – 3 minutes to read.  (Note that 1 line of text = 6 seconds).  You should construct a draft in a Word document and cut and paste into the text box.  What is anthropology, what kinds of questions or issues does it raise for you, and how are the skills applicable?  Is there a “Big Question” that interests you?  (if not, you will have one soon).

The Short Activities Rubric will be used to grade this exercise.
1. Anthropological Perspectives (2) Exhibits awareness and understanding of ethnocentrism, cultural relativity, contexts, and power in all activities;
2. Course Concepts & Examples (3) Directly and appropriately utilizes course terminology in all writing and activities; Describes and utilizes appropriate examples from course materials (readings, films, individual fieldwork, media sources);
3. Follows Instructions & Puts in Effort (5)  Is this a compare/contrast discussion?  Did you find outside sources if required?  Were you supposed to upload an image?  Follow the directions!!  And put in some effort.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. Before you answer the questions in this Discussion Forum, read the publication “This Dynamic Earth”.

2.  Choose any 3 of the 8 topics/questions below and answer the related questions in the appropriate thread of this Discussion. Each well-thought relevant answer to the question, consisting of a substantive paragraph is worth up to 5 points for a total of 15 points for this assignment. The late policy is 10 % per calendar day. The due date is in the calendar in the global navigation bar.

Q.1  Distribution of Volcanoes: Why most volcanoes in the world (95%) are located along mid-oceanic ridges or found in chains parallel to trenches?

Q.2: Sea-floor topography: Why are trenches bordering chains of volcanoes and island arcs? What happens at trenches? How do oceanic ridges form?

Q. 3 Ocean floor age: Why the ocean floor is progressively older as you move away from the oceanic ridge? Why there is no ocean floor on Earth older than ~ 200 million years?

Q. 4: Ocean floor magnetization: Explain the origin of the magnetization pattern of the ocean floor.

Q. 5: Distribution of earthquakes: Why earthquakes occur only in narrow zones of the Earth (i.e. mid-oceanic ridges and trenches)?

Q. 6: Distribution of Mountain Ranges: Why large mountain ranges are also located in such zones? What caused these mountains to form?

Q. 7 Wegener’s arguments: How does plate tectonics confirm the evidence and theory of continental drift that Alfred Wegener proposed? Why the continents seem to match up like in a puzzle? Why are fossils of long-extinct animals found on different continents? Why rocks bordering the continents around the Atlantic Ocean have the same age, composition, and geologic structures? How can the puzzling pattern of glacial striations on different continents in the southern hemisphere be explained? How can we explain the occurrence of Paleozoic glacial deposits near the equator only on some continents?

Q. 8: Hot spots: What is the origin of chains of seamounts and volcanic islands that display a straight alignment and a regular age progression from older to younger?

Homework class unemployment rate

your choice in criminal justice

Submit a prospectus of the paper or work to be performed, including the following:
    the working title of the paper;
    a one-page abstract explaining the topic to be investigated;
    the research approach to be taken, including a list of the types of literary and/or other resources to be used;
    a date-specific schedule of activities and deadlines for tasks to be performed.
    Due in Drop box February 12th no later than noon.

Short Discussion

DQ4 Chapter 21 | Demographics
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
For this discussion forum, you will be looking at how areas in the US are becoming increasingly diverse.  Brookings Institution does research on the changing population, using US Census and other data.  Go to the following site and look at the interactive maps there. (Links to an external site.)

After you have looked at the maps, consider a ‘trend or pattern’ that emerges from the data.

Post Covid-19 Norming

DQ 3 Chapter 3 | Post Covid-19 Norming
1818 unread replies.1818 replies.
I know that some people are sort of “Covid – over it” at this point in time, but not Sociologists – who study and attempt to understand not only people’s behavior and attitudes, but how the norms of our society are established and how they change.  As folks in my field look at society and hear people make reference to what will become the new normal, we think of a new normal in terms of social norms and how social norms might change.

I would like you to keep thinking like a Sociologist now and focus on norms (norms are the rules of society that we learn through instructions from the adults who rear and influence us [families, friends, teachers, etc.]).  These norms help us know how to be, how to act, and what is expected of us.  As we get a bit older, we are likely to find others who we consider role models – who emulate other norms for us.  In other words, we continue to be influenced by others as we grow and mature, and try to keep our behavior within the limits of expectations that will generally keep us from being really disapproved of.

Here is the question I want you to ponder here – looking at norms and norm changes that will be part of the new normal.  What norms are likely to change, based on what is likely to be at least the year-long (maybe longer) experience that we are having during this time of Covid-19. ( 9/1/2020 – I added an article from the NYT  ” Were All Socially Awkward Now” – that addresses this issue.)

I have wondered about many aspects of life that are affected by social distancing (Are touching and hugging as part of greetings gone?) and virtual communications, but also norms around appearance.  We have seen ‘famous’ people on zoom conversations go back to natural hair color, little or no make-up, and generally appearance that is far less than perfect.  Will that last when we can go out as freely as we once did – or will we ever again be able to go out with the freedom we have pre-Covid-19?  Perhaps perfection will not be so much a goal in the future (or is that too much to hope)?

What ‘norms’ do you think will change, or do you think nothing will be different when we get to the end of this era of Covid-19?

Trichomonas vaginalis

Discuss Trichomonas vaginalis and tell what type of microbe it is, what disease it causes, where and when it was discovered, the signs and symptoms of disease, transmission, course of disease, virulence factors, laboratory diagnosis, treatments, preventions and sequelae. paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources, minimum elaboration on the topic of a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 400 words. cite your credible academic reference sources with parenthetical in text citations and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.