Archive for January 15th, 2020

statement/ diversity

1) do not exceed more than 3000 words!!!!
2) this is a brief statement as to why I am identifying Myself as a disadvantaged applicant for (Suny Downstate medical school).
3) reasons – I am a Bengali muslim American female. I am first generation American in my family and they came here as immigrant from Bangladesh. I am a muslim American who wears a hijab which is a head scarf thus you can elaborate on that. and the biggest thing is I am a women of color which puts me at the bottom of the chain .
4) please make it interesting and compelling.

case study -Managing Supply Chain Complexity in a Tea Manufacturing Company1 Abstract


Part I: The Case Study link below is for Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a PowerPoint presentation to include the following:

– Problem

– Identify and describe alternative solutions

– Justify your recommendations for EACH question

Part II:  In addition to the PowerPoint presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video, you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint.  This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study.

Instructions:  Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2)  Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “sun” icon on the toolbar above this text box.


deductive database system in Datalog

Design a deductive database system in Datalog for the database listed below. For this exercise, assume names uniquely identify one person; also assume that if two parents have children in common (one or more), then they are married. Additionally, if children have common parents then they are siblings. Define rules for grandparent, grandfather, sister and five additional rules on your own.

answer questions based on the chapter

Read Chapter 3 in Visual Sociology by Douglas Harper.  Describe in your own words what Harper means by “reflexivity” or “visual ethnography.”  Why does Harper argue so strongly for the incorporation of “reflexivity” into visual representations of social issues, people, places and things?

Answer this question in at least two full paragraphs.  The first paragraph should provide your description of reflexivity or “visual ethnography.”  The second paragraph should clearly state Harper’s argument for using “reflexivity” in sociological work. 

A third paragraph could include your own thoughts and analysis of using “reflexivity.”  Do you agree it’s important and/or significant to incorporate?  Or not?  Why?  Support your answer with at least 2 citations from Harper.

Second part of Assignment:

Consider the connection between reflexivity, as discussed in Chapter 3 of Visual Sociology by Douglas Harper, and aerial photography, as discussed in Chapter 4.  After reading Chapters 3 and 4 thoroughly, think about what reflexivity adds to the interpretations of aerial photographs of particular spaces.

Write a 2 paragraph reflection that shares your personal thoughts about how reflexivity can add a layer of meaning and interpretation to aerial photographs that would not be present if reflexivity was not being practiced.

answer questions

‘Visual sociology, documentary photography, and photojournalism: It’s
(almost) all a matter of context’,
This article examines the difference between photojournalism, photo documentaries and photography used for news media.  A central element of the article is Becker’s discussion of how the context of a photograph is essential in considering what meaning might be attributed to it by a viewer.  Remember that sociology studies group behavior, group opinions, etc., and how group behavior and thinking can be shaped by what people see, experience and feel in specific environments.

This posting is meant to deal specifically with the significance of the context of a photograph in serving as a tool of visual sociology.  For this posting, please answer the following 2 questions fully in paragraph form.  Each question should have 2-3 paragraphs of content including a clear statement of what the paragraph is arguing/suggesting/defining/defending. 

1.  Howard Becker provides a number of examples of photojournalism, photo documentaries and photography used for news media that are strongly influenced by the context of the photography to inform the interpretation of the viewer.  Interpretation can also mean “meaning making” on the part of the viewer as they look at a photograph and consider/create its meaning.  Choose one example from Becker that illustrates the influence of the specific context of a photograph and how this specific context shapes the “meaning making” of that particular photograph.  Fully describe in your own words the example from Becker making sure to properly cite the page number and source of the example.

2.  Find an example from your daily life or from the web where the context of a photograph has a significant influence on the “meaning making” of the viewer of the photograph.  Place the photo within your posting and answer the following questions:  What about the context of the photo drew your attention to it as an appropriate image for this question?  What does the context say, in your opinion, about the photo?  What might be a few different meanings a viewer could attribute to the photo with the specific context it has?

Again, remember to fully build out your answers, using excellent grammar, punctuation and spelling.  Thoroughly proofread your work to make sure what you are expressing is clear to the reader. 

Article is attatched. Is not an essay , just answer questions

SWOT Analysis- Pets Choice

You have been named the marketing director of a large pet supply company. Your company makes pet food, toys, and supplies that are sold in retail locations and via its online store. While the company has a robust website, it is not on any social media websites and prefers traditional media channels to promote its products.
Your first job is to help the company launch a new pet food line. This line will be for both cats and dogs, and the company is excited because the product is made of all natural ingredients. The new pet food will be sold for about 10% more than its competitors pet food product. You will need to make some key strategic decisions about how to launch and promote this new product line. Assume you will have the budget that you need.

3 details for each of the letters

2 paragraphs on why is it important for a company to use this type of analysis & how does the company benefit from such an exercise?

Natural ingredients
High quality
Made for all species of pets
High competition in pet food market
Supply of natural ingredients

Visual sociology / answer questions related to chapter

BOOK: Visual sociology by Harper Douglas

In Chapter 4 of Visual Sociology, Harper discusses two very different projects that combine “aerial” photography and “eye-level” viewpoints.  In the first part of the chapter, Harper focuses on the difference between aerial and eye-level views of farms; the second half of the chapter is focused on the urban space of the Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy.  These are sharply contrasting spaces – one being rural, the other being urban, one having few inhabitants but still representing life and livelihood, the other example of the Piazza is one bustling with city life and energy.

After thoroughly reading Chapter 4, please answer the following questions:

1.  Harper describes the sharp distinction between viewing an industrial or privately-owned farm from the air and seeing it from “eye level.”  Write 2 paragraphs that describe this distinction and provide your own sociological analysis of the difference between these two “viewings” of the same space.  What is most interesting to you about the difference between aerial and eye level viewings?  What most surprised you about the difference?

2.  In the second half of the chapter, Harper focuses on a bustling, urban center in Bologna, Spain.  Look at the many different photos provided of various parts of the Piazza Maggiore.  Discuss Harper’s analysis of how urban life is captured in various kinds of photographs.  What do you see when you view these different photographs?  What are the largest differences between the Piazza photographs and those of farm life, both aerial and eye-level? 

3.  We have looked at many examples of photography as still images in Visual Sociology.  Considering the many different photographic still images we have viewed in this class, what are your most significant learnings about the use of photography to help shape people’s thinking about public spaces, whether rural or urban?

Remember to thoroughly answer each question; there should be 2 paragraphs for each of the three questions.  Watch your grammar, spelling,, punctuation capitalization.  Make sure your answers are clear and every sentence supports your central claim or thesis.  Also, you should include source citations that identify where you are taking any quotes or ideas from the Harper textbook. 

This post is due by Saturday, January 18 at 11:59 p.m.

Chapter 1 Writing Assignment

Why are people fascinated by crime and criminal behavior?  Do you believe that the popularity of having 24 hour news, social media, and the glamorization of criminal behavior also contribute to the fascination? Please explain.

In a minimum of 300 words: (Cite any direct quotes and statistics)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As stated, this course is a writing intensive course requiring that you produce at least one term paper on a subject related to the content.

Your topic for this semester will be one of the following:  ( your choice)

Identify any serial killer or mass murderer, past or present, by researching his or her life starting at their childhood until the end of their criminal behavior.  Based on your perspective identify the various psychological and sociological theories best describe them. Cite any and all sources.


15 to 20 pages (does not include cover page and reference page(s)

APA formatting

12 pt. font

double spaced

cite any and all references


Instructions: Assume you are the packaging engineer for a large consumer products company. In this company, the Packaging Design Briefs are initiated by the marketing group and forwarded to the Package Engineering group. You currently are working on three packaging design briefs. Copies of these design briefs are attached. Note that the marketing department has completed some information on each brief and the Package Engineering department will complete the remaining information.

1. Choose one brief and complete the information on the brief. Using what you have learned in the class, complete the information needed on the design brief. Please include justification of your responses when requested. You are making judgment calls based on the information that you have been given and also based on what we have learned in the class.

2. Complete a Power Point Presentation.  The Power Point presentation should reflect the outcome of completing the design brief as well as other aspects you deem necessary in presenting, you need to have at least 10 slides, to include an introduction slide and a reference.

3. Complete a video for your presentation using Kaltura (additional instructions are attached and provided in the Announcements)