Archive for January 15th, 2020

Health Care


 reply must be at least 250 words. 

The case study we were provided presents an ethical dilemma I have previously come across in my nursing career. The dynamics between health care providers and patients and their families can vary greatly.  I think it is important to remember in any subject area that encompasses the human experience, the solution to the problem may not always be the same.   

In our given scenario, the physician was placed in a very difficult position, that due to the patient age, went beyond personal belief and extended on to legal 

limitations.  The Nurse had made the moral judgment that dishonesty with the patient, would ultimately affect her ability to prepare herself for the struggle that lies 

ahead.  The nurse felt the physician was dishonoring the rule of always being honest with your patients.  Respecting the dignity of the patient by including them in the

decision-making process, is a principle the physician side stepped by following the parents wishes (Foreman, 2011).  Nurse Chan is exhibiting the ethical theory of 

deontology, dealing in absolutes of right vs wrong; truth vs lies.  

In this situation, the physician may be bound by legal measures that require him to follow the legal guardians discretion in sharing the diagnosis and treatment 

plan.  I feel the physician is making the right decision to follow the parents lead, however, as this is an older child, her diagnosis and treatment plan will need to be 

discussed with her, very soon, but in a supportive manner.  A multidisciplinary team approach involving a social worker or therapist can help the family move forward 

together.  The physician is forced to follow the consequentialist theory as the parents current thought process is withholding information (lying), to their daughter is 

necessary to protect her mental health (Foreman, 2011).  The physicians responsibility is to ensure that the parents have a very thorough understanding of the disease 

process and treatment options.  As the parents also, had just lost a loved one to cancer, their fears may also be affecting their ability to process this new news.  Herein 

lies a major problem in healthcare today.  Are we providing the patient and family with all the necessary details while having the crucial conversations needed to 

establish a shared responsibility in the care continuum?  

As Karen is considered a minor at age seventeen, I do think the law plays a big part in this case.  In this situation, it would appear the parents are concerned with 

the childs ability to process the cancer diagnosis.  As there is no evidence of emancipation or other health related decision maker noted, Karens care decisions fall

under the responsibility of her parents (Rosoff, 2017).  We typically do not reach our fully effective ability to make decisions until we are in our young twenties 

(Rosoff, 2017).  Due to the recent family loss, and Karens potential immaturity, her parents are practicing the rule of protecting their child from harm.  The parents 

are well within their legal rights to withhold this information from Karen.  Morally, the parents are taking a risk at destroying the trust their daughter has in them by 

not being truthful.  What sort of message are they sending their child in not being honest?  In the theory of virtue ethics, will Karen understand their protective nature 

or will this affect her ability to develop into a person full of virtuous integrity?

Independent Sample t Test

Scholarly Activity Independent Sample t Test:

Using the Sun Coast Remediation data set (attached), perform an independent samples  t Test, dependent samples t Test, and ANOVA, and interpret the results.

Follow the Unit Scholarly Activity template (attached)

You will utilize Microsoft Excel Toolpak for this assignment. (link attached)

1    Independent Sample t Test
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the t Test results   

2    Dependent Sample t Test
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the t Test results 
3    ANOVA
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the ANOVA results.

Guidelines to the Scholarly Activity: (Use Template attached)

a.    Use template attached and follow instructions.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need two (2) peer-reviewed, academic sources other than article attached no more than 5 years old minimum**

** Essay should be 2 Full pages minimum not including Title page and Reference page**

** Please see and use attached Scholarly Activity Essay Template and Statistic Data tool Link

Analysis Paper

Week 7: Analysis Paper

DUE: Jan 19, 2020 11:55 PM

Grade Details

GradeN/A iRubric LinkGradebook CommentsNone

Assignment Details

Open DateDec 2, 2019 12:05 AMGraded?YesPoints Possible100.0Resubmissions Allowed?NoAttachments checked for originality?Yes

Assignment Instructions


Be sure to read the required reading for this week as it will help guide you through the process of analyzing a problem.  It is by Catherine Savini and is linked here as well as in the lessons Reading and Resources section.  Looking for Trouble: Finding Your Way into a Writing Assignment

Problems are an expected part of life, and our ability to deal with them can help determine our personal and professional success, according to Catherine Savini.  As you read her work, you see that problems are also good for writing students, as they can motivate good papers and help students formulate a strong thesis statement or argument.  Savini also notes that Theses do not fall from the sky. Finding a rich problem can be a big step in the direction of developing a compelling thesis. (56). 

Looking at problems, then, is what you will do in this assignment. This analysis project requires you to tackle a problem within your field of study by first exploring and then recommending practical solutions to solve the problem.  Savini provides some great steps to take in working with problems:

1. Noticing; 

2. Articulating a problem and its details; 

3. Posing fruitful questions; 

4. Identifying what is at stake.

Review the piece to see how these steps can help you with your problem analysis paper. 


Noticing: A company faces a growing number of insurance claims from employees complaining of eye strain.

Articulating a problem and its details: The company recognizes the potential impacts from not acting, including the workers compensation claims, lowered productivity, and impacts on employee morale. 

Posing fruitful questions:

  • To what degree is the lighting affecting employees?
  • Is the lighting the problem, or is the eye strain restricted to workers on a certain floor or area of the office building?
  • Could there be external factors affecting eye strain such as late nights at the office working on their projects?

Identifying what is at stake: The company recognizes that insurance claims can result in increased premiums; that lowered productivity can impact profits; and that lowered employee morale can impact productivity, quality, and retention. 

After deciding on the problem you wish to tackle, begin building questions about it. You will find three attachments here to provide additional help in building your questions. Your goal for the analysis is to answer the questions through your sources. Finding multiple angles and perspectives is ideal so that you explore those possibilities in the final paper before settling on your recommendation.  Be sure to identify what is at stake here. 

Part of the recommendation should include the counterargument and rebuttal to demonstrate youve considered the limitations and concerns of your solution and can still defend the recommendation regardless of potential weaknesses. Help the doubters understand that this really is the most feasible, objective, and sustainable solution.

  • PURPOSE:   To analyze a problem
  • AUDIENCE:   Classmates, others interested in the field
  • LENGTH:   1,000 words (Times New Roman font). Exceeding the word count is not a good thing.
  • SOURCES:   5 (five) sources total, with at least 1 (one) from a professional journal in the APUS Library (peer-reviewed)
  • FORMAT:   The citation style that is appropriate for your discipline
  • DUE:   SUNDAY 11:55 pm EST of Week 7
  • SUBMIT:   In ASSIGNMENTS submit your essay by uploading your Word file

Use only third person (he/she/they) for a more professional tone. Avoid first person (I, my, us, we) and second person (you and your) in your essay.

**Remember that all work submitted is to be your own original work except where properly acknowledged and cited. Do not reuse work, papers, or speeches from previous (or concurrent) classes as this violates APUS academic integrity policies. (Make sure to note the section on self-plagiarism.) **

design brief 1- juice

this course is- TLMT351 PACKAGING

Instructions: Assume you are the packaging engineer for a large consumer products company. In this company, the Packaging Design Briefs are initiated by the marketing group and forwarded to the Package Engineering group. You currently are working on three packaging design briefs. Copies of these design briefs are attached. Note that the marketing department has completed some information on each brief and the Package Engineering department will complete the remaining information.

1. Choose one brief and complete the information on the brief. Using what you have learned in the class, complete the information needed on the design brief. Please include justification of your responses when requested. You are making judgment calls based on the information that you have been given and also based on what we have learned in the class.

2. Complete a Power Point Presentation.  The Power Point presentation should reflect the outcome of completing the design brief as well as other aspects you deem necessary in presenting, you need to have at least 10 slides, to include an introduction slide and a reference.

3. Complete a video for your presentation using Kaltura- VIDEO MUST BE INCLUDED IN THIS ORDER


Review of Behavior Change Theories Assignment

As a health and wellness professional, it is important to understand and apply behavior change theories in clinical practice.  Personal lifestyle choices and behaviors can have a positive or negative impact on health. By engaging in healthy lifestyles, one can better prevent or manage chronic diseases. A behavior change process may be necessary in order for individuals to be successful in developing long-term and positive health outcomes. Review the required weekly resources on behavior change theories and address the subsequent elements:

-Choose one group you would like to work with after graduating from this program (i.e. children, adolescents, elderly, chronically ill).
-Analyze three lifestyle factors (positive and/or negative) that affect your groups overall health and wellness. Support your analysis with scholarly sources.
-Select one of the Behavior Change Models (Health Belief Model; Stages of Change; Social Cognitive Theory; or Theory of Planned Behavior) and apply it to your chosen group. For example, you could apply the Health Belief Model to why some individuals with high cholesterol have not taken any action to change negative health behaviors to lower their cholesterol. Address how this behavior change model would aid you when working with this group.
-Analyze two factors (i.e. interpersonal, intrapersonal, institutional, community, public policy) or barriers that may impact your groups behavior. Use a scholarly source to back your findings.
-Discuss your vision and role of how you could contribute to improving your groups well-being. Address how self-efficacy relates to your role and your target population.

The Review of Behavior Change Theories Assignment

-Must be double-spaced, at least three pages in length (not including title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style
-Must include a separate title page
-Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
-Must use at least four scholarly sources. Be sure to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it. 
-Must cite all sources in APA style
-Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style

Sun Coast Analysis

Scholarly Activity:

Using the Sun Coast data set (Attached), perform a correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and interpret the results.
Follow the Unit Scholarly Activity template (attached)

You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak for this assignment, (link attached)

    Correlation Analysis
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the correlation analysis results   
    Simple Regression Analysis
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the simple regression analysis results       
    Multiple Regression Analysis
o    Restate the hypotheses.
o    Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.
o    Interpret the multiple regression analysis results. 

Guidelines to the Scholarly Activity: (Use Template attached)

a.    Use template attached and follow instructions.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.
** Need four (3) peer-reviewed, academic sources other than article attached no more than 5 years old minimum**

** Essay should be 3 Full pages minimum not including Title page and Reference page**

*** Please see and use attached Scholarly Activity Essay Template and Statistic Data tool Link

Sun Coast D

Descriptive Statistics Analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson (Attached). Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set.

**You will utilize Microsoft Excel Tool Pak. The links to the ToolPak is (attached)

**Utilize the Unit Scholarly Activity template**

Here are some of the items you will cover:

a.    Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram.

b.    Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.

c.    Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.

d.    Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met.

Guidelines to the Scholarly Activity: (Use Template attached)

a.    Use template attached and follow instructions.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need four (4) peer-reviewed, academic sources other than article attached no more than 5 years old minimum**

** Essay should be 4 Full pages minimum not including Title page and Reference page**

** Please see and use attached Scholarly Activity Essay Template and Statistic Data tool Link

Reflective Journal 2: Social Influences on Artists

1.    Explain how social influences have an impact on many artists and their works. Use examples from movements and examples explored in the chapters up to this point.

2.    Explain how current events have been influencing art in such areas as movies and music. Use examples to illustrate your views

No more than 2 sources!

discussing whether you experienced inequality in schooling or witnessed inequality occurring, particularly inequality by social class, race and ethnicity, and/or gender.

This relates to the last two papers you wrote on autobiography .

You will write one to two pages discussing whether you experienced inequality in schooling or witnessed inequality occurring, particularly inequality by social class, race and ethnicity, and/or gender.

You must write about these experiences using a sociological lens and incorporating at least two readings and one of the concepts from the Video Lectures. 
You can write about your experiences as a student, parent, and/or educator, and you can write about any point in your schooling – very early on, or recently, or both.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document, or, if you don’t have Word, as plain text.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The entire purpose of this essay will be for you to work through a written text and to demonstrate effective critical reading, analysis and/or evaluation of the main argument.  As part of this, you will have to carefully work through claims and strategies, as well be able to recognize logical fallacies, rhetorical devices (ethos, pathos, logos) and the use of each of these in relation to the intended audience.

This essay may not require research, although you are free to conduct any research you feel may be relevant.

Read through your chosen text either from your textbook or from the selection of essays provided in the PDF files and look for ways of how and why the author uses: Ethos, Pathos and Logos. 

Essay 1
Eng 106 essay 1.doc
The dark racial sentiment in Trump.pdf
Childbirth is killing black women in the US.pdf
Hail to Washington.pdf
I Will Never Know Why.pdf
Black and Gray.pdf
Price To Pay.pdf

To help, you may wish to ask the following questions in regards to your selection.

    How is each device used?
    How are they developed? 
    What kind of examples are used? 

Keep in mind that each author may not use all three rhetorical devices and may just be using one or two or even three of them.  You may not also find any logical fallacies.

As you write, you primary challenge will come from remaining objective about the subject matter.  Be sure to refrain from inserting your own thoughts or opinions about the subject matter or the author.

Specifications: Your essay must consist of 4-5 typed, double spaced pages.  You must follow APA format, have one inch margins and use Times New roman 12 pt. font. 

Grading Criteria:

1.    Demonstrate evidence of critical reading, analysis and evaluation of the article.
2.    Demonstrate how rhetorical devices are used in order to persuade the audience
3.    Evaluation of organization, tone and diction

*** ETHOS this deals with credibility of the speaker.
    What makes this person an expert on the subject?

–    Its everywhere in writing

*** PATHOS this is an emotional appeal that is designed to cause strong emotions in the intended audience.
    This usually comes in the form of anger or sympathy?

–    Maybe, you have to look for it. Its not always going to be there

*** LOGOS this is the hardest device to understand because it can be manipulated in to many different forms. Put simply logos is a rationale appeal that governs the universe in some form.
    If you are going to do yard work in the summer, it is best to start early before it gets too hot!

–    Comes when you get ETHOS AND LOGOS

*** KAIROS it deals with the timing of the argument. Always ask how relevant is the argument.