Archive for January 15th, 2020

Finance Statement Project


In this project, you will review the financial statements for the three companies provided in the course. Use the skills and concepts you covered in this course to analyze the three and make some decisions about which is in the strongest financial health. Imagine that you are serving as a consultant to your board of directors, and youve been asked to give your opinion about which of the three companies is in the best financial health.

Week 2 Assignment I/O


Assignment Description:  In a document NO MORE THAN TWO PAGES LONG (not counting cover page and reference list), students must describe a real-world problem that addresses the weekly topic, and discuss a solution based on evidence.

Watch this video on Job Analysis:

Read this article on Performance Reviews:  


(Note: This article is NOT a research article. You may cite it if you like, but it would not count as one of your required “research” articles. Its reference list may have some useful articles that you could read and use.)

Weekly Topic: Analyzing Jobs and Assessing Job Performance.

Scenario: Students need to create a work-related problem based on current or past experience.

Goal: Students will learn to use evidence-based methods to effectively Analyze a Job OR Assess Job Performance in a real-world scenario.

Action Plan: An action plan should address the problem using a clearly defined approach that is supported with evidence from the text and peer-reviewed research.

* This document is brief, but must be written with high quality.  No quotes or paraphrasing, but consistently use evidence to support your claims.  This will help you improve your writing style and prepare you for your dissertation.

EXAMPLE PAPER:  Organizational Psychology Scenario Paper.docx

Job Requirements/Analysis and Employment Brand Strategy

The Term Project, which is broken up into four sections, provides you with an opportunity to..SECTION 1 and 2 ARE DUE THIS WEEK
demonstrate your understanding of some of the courses most important topics:
Section 1: Job Requirements and Job Rewards Analysis
Section 2: Employment Brand Strategy

For each section of the project, you will research the assigned topic and write a research paper.

For each section, you should use a minimum of five credible sources, in addition to the
textbook, to support the claims in your paper. Each paper should be formatted according to
MLA guidelines, including in-text citations and a list of references. You are encouraged to
include visual elementssuch as charts, graphs, tables, and figuresin your papers.

Section 1: Job Requirements and Job Rewards Analysis
For the first section of the project, you will conduct a job analysis, meaning that you will gather,
synthesize, and report information about job requirements (tasks and KSAOs) and job rewards
(extrinsic and intrinsic). This section has three parts: the first focuses on job requirements, the
second focuses on job rewards, and the third brings it all together by focusing on job
Your first step is selecting a job (job title) that you would like to study for this section. If you
select a job that you would like to pursue in the future, then this assignment will provide you
with an opportunity to learn more about the requirements and rewards of a job that is of
interest to you.
Job Requirements Job Analysis
For the first part of this section, you will focus on developing a job requirements matrix for the
job title you selected. You will create a job requirements matrix using sources of information
that are readily available to you, and you will also describe the process you would use to
develop a job requirements matrix if you were actually working in the field. Your paper should
address the following:
1. Job Title. Which job (job title) did you choose to study, and why?
2. Methods. If you were actually working in the field, which methods would you use to
gather information about the requirements for the job you selected? Would you use
prior information, observation, interviews, task questionnaires, committee, or some
combination of these? Exactly how would you use these methods?
3. Sources. If you were actually working in the field, which sources would you use to
gather information about the requirements for the job you selected? Would you use a
job analyst, a job incumbent, a supervisor, SMEs, or some combination of these? Exactly
how would you use these sources?
4. Process. Describe the process you would you use to gather, synthesize, and report
information about the requirements for the job you selected, if you were actually
working in the field. For an example, see the textbooks Exhibit 4.11 Example of Job
Requirements Job Analysis.
5. Matrix. Now create an actual job requirements matrix for the job you selected, based
solely on prior information, like existing job descriptions, that is available on the
Internet. For an example of a job requirements matrix, see the textbooks Exhibit 4.3
Portion of Job Requirements Matrix for Job of Administrative Assistant.

Providing rewards is a key strategy for achieving several HR outcomes: applicant attraction,
employee performance, and employee retention in particular. Successfully matching the
rewards with what employees desire is critical for attaining these outcomes. For the second
part of this section, you will focus on exploring the types of rewards available to people holding
the job you selectedas well as the types of rewards they may desire. Your paper should
address the following:
1. Define employee value proposition (EVP) and explain its importance.
2. For the job title you selected, identify three leading employers that offer the position.
Use the companies websites to explore the rewards available to their employees. Based
on this research, describe the types of rewards that seem to be available. Why do you
think they offer these types of rewards?
3. Develop and present an EVP that might appeal to someone interested in the job title
you selected. Your EVP should capture the rewards available for someone with this job,
which may include the intrinsic value of working for a leading company.
Job Description
For the third part of this section, you will focus on evaluating and writing job descriptions for
the job title you selected. Your paper should address the following:
1. Find an existing job description for the job title you selected and include it in your paper.
How complete is this job description? Use your job requirements analysis and job
rewards analysis to determine whether anything is missing from this job description.
2. Write an improved version of the job description for the job title you selected.
3. Compare the existing job description to the improved version that you wrote. What are
the major differences? Why do you think your version would be more effective?

Section 2: Employment Brand Strategy
Every company has an employer brand, but how effective is its employment brand strategy?
The answer should be found in the organizations talent management metrics. For this section
of the project, you will focus on employment brand strategy and will develop an employment
brand assessment. Your paper should address the following:
1. Define employer brand. How can an employer brand be used to develop an employment
branding strategy?
2. What elements make a strong employment brand?
3. What are the benefits of a strong employment brand?
Employment Brand Assessment
Select an employer that you are interested in working for. Then write an Employment Brand
Assessment, based on Internet research, that addresses the following:
Why would you join the organization you selected?
What would you enjoy most about working for this company?
Is the company sharing these selling points with candidates?
Logo Test
Go to the employers careers website and put your hand in the top left-hand corner so that you
are covering the company logo. Look at the images on the pages and read through the text.
Could this be any number of companies in the local area or in your industry? Or is this
clearly a unique company, with a strong culture and a clear message?
Employee Check
What do the employees tell their friends and prospective candidates about working for
this company

Deliverable 2 – The Accounting Cycle



The Director of Accounting has some concerns about the month-end close cutoff procedures that are currently in place at County General Hospital and is looking to you for some recommendations. Their main concern is that not all revenues and expenses are recorded in the proper months. This is of particular concern because the fiscal year end (December 31st) is coming up, and the Director of Accounting does not want any audit adjustments.


The director has formally reached out to you via email with a list of transactions that they are concerned about:

  1. The company delivered services in September $10,000 payment that was made in November.
  2. The company is 80% done on a $50,000 contract for services but have not billed the client yet.
  3. On December 1st the company purchased a one-year insurance policy on behalf of their executives for $12,000 and debited prepaid insurance.
  4. The companies last pay period ends on December 24th. The biweekly payroll is consistent at $500,000 per pay period.
  5. Interest payment on the company bonds ($1,000,000 face value, 6%) is made semiannually on January 15th and July 15th.
  6. The companys electric meter is read on the 15th of each month, and the bill is not received until the first of the following month. The electric bill is consistently running $5,000 per month.
  7. The company utilizes a storage facility on the other side of town. The landlord, as part of an inducement to the company, has agreed to delay the December cash payment for use until January 15th of next year. The company signed a monthly rental agreement of $2,000 per month on December 1st.

The direction has also asked the following questions:

  1. Will these transactions require an adjusting entry? Why?
  2. Is it an accrual or deferral and give your justification?
  3. What are the accounts that will be debited and credited for this entry?

The director closes the email by asking that you create a memo with your findings that they can take to the Vice President of Accounting.

Writers choice

I need you to read and write about it.
everything is on the paper attached which is COM 224 Winter and there are a class notes which is called Media ethics.

I need you to follow the instructions step by step please.

Please I need to be written on a high school.

case study 3- Managing Supply Chain Complexity in a Tea Manufacturing Company


Part I: The Case Study link below is for Case Study 3. Read and study the case and address each of the questions at the end of the study. In addressing each of the questions, create a PowerPoint presentation to include the following:

– Problem

– Identify and describe alternative solutions

– Justify your recommendations for EACH question

Part II:  In addition to the PowerPoint presentation, a 10-15 minute video will be required using Kaltura. In this video, you will summarize your findings from your Powerpoint.  This part of the assignment will provide the visual presentation of the case study.

Instructions:  Attach two files to the Case Study #3 assignment: 1) PowerPoint presentation (.ppt or .pptx file) and 2)  Kaltura video. To access Kaltura, click on the “sun” icon on the toolbar above this text box.



Name Arshdeep kaur
Pho num *********
Education preceding – advertising and marketing communication
Complete education- 10+2 CBSE India
10TH PSEB India
Experience worked in khatkar cyber cafe (punjab)
Worked in JJ resort (punjab)

Well know about ms office

DB2: Bias & Intentionality

To Complete: 

After watching the Biases PPT and reading “But I Didn’t Mean It,” please post to this discussion board

Consider the following guiding questions for your post.

  • Do you have to mean to be racist in order to be racist? 
  • What does unintentional bias look like? 
  • How have you experienced bias? Were the perpetrators intentional? Did it matter?
  • How has intersectionality affected bias in your own life?
  • What is the relationship between a single sexist act, and Sexism (little “s” sexism vs. capital “S” Sexism). 
  • What can you do to combat bias in your own life? 

Week 4: Writing


This week, you will find peer-reviewed scholarly research studies: one should be a mixed methods study, and the others can be either quantitative or qualitative or both. Use the note-taking worksheet in the books and resources section of this week for each of the articles you find in the NCU Library.

Using the note-taking worksheet provided in the books and resources section, find the elements of research to fill in the table. In addition, make sure you use proper APA citation, form, and style. These elements are listed in the worksheetbut understand you may at first have difficulty finding them, so feel free to use the checklist elements discussed in this weeks content when reading the articles.

  • What is the type of study?
  • What is the purpose of the study?
  • What is the population and sample size?
  • What research design is being used?
  • What is the method(s) of data collection and data analysis?
  • What are the results of the data analysis?
  • How do the results of data analysis relate to the findings?
  • What are the conclusions?
  • How does the study relate to similar research? 

The information you include in your note-taking worksheet can be brief, in the form of notes. Any time you enter information that is a direct quote from the original source, be sure to enclose that information in quotation marks so you can cite it correctly in your paper and include a page reference. Failure to correctly cite can lead to a violation of academic integrity. Such violations are recorded in your student record and can have serious consequences, including dismissal from your program.

Length: 3-4 pages, or however long you need to summarize your scholarly articles

References: Include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly resources 

Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Week 1 Post Discussion (For Hifsa Shaukat)

Identify a past incident (writing it in case study format) and briefly provide details associated with the response or recovery phase or both. Please write about the natural disaster of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico of 2018.

My class for this semester is Disaster, Emergency and Security. I have attached the grade rubric. Please use this as a guide line to get maximum points. Use 12-point font, Ariel, single spaced and in-text citation and reference.