Archive for January 15th, 2020


 Many organizations have started using behavioral targeting in order to capture your website visitor movements. This data is used in order to personalize advertising when you are surfing the web. Some businesses have started collecting personal information outside of your web clicking to create a profile of you. Do you have any personal issues with these practices? At what point could this type of data collection turn into an ethical dilemma? How about a legal issue? 

Week 2 Project -HUM1001 History Of Art Through The Middle Age

Week 2 ProjectAssignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due January 26 at 11:59 PM

It has been suggested that the art of Mesopotamia often contains elements that can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature, while the art of the ancient Aegean is more harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening. Using your textbook, carefully examine the art from both places.

Ancient Near East (Mesopotamia)

Choose three examples from the art of the ancient Near East that either prove or disprove the statement that the art of this region can be seen as fearsome, militant, or political in nature. Capture each image and place it in the Word document provided for this assignment. For each example, you will need to provide the following information: The title of the work, its date, its place of origin, a detailed description as to what you see being depicted in the work of art, 35 sentences as to the works historical value, and 47 sentences as to how this work of art proves or disproves the idea that art of this region is fearsome, militant, or political in nature.

The Ancient Aegean

Choose three examples from the art of the ancient Aegean that either prove or disprove the statement about the nature of the art from this regionthat it is often viewed as harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening. Capture each image and place it in the Word document provided for this assignment. Like with your selections for Mesopotamia, you need to provide the following information for each work of art: The title of the work, its date, its place of origin, a detailed description as to what you see being depicted in the work of art, 35 sentences as to the works historical value, and 47 sentences as to how this work of art proves or disproves the idea that art of this region is harmonious, exuberant, and non-threatening.

Download the Word document template and use it to complete this assignment. Save the template on your hard drive.

Name your document: LastnameFirstInitial_W2_Project.doc.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Week 2 Discussion HUM1001 History Of Art Through The Middle Ag

Week 2 DiscussionDiscussion Topic Task: Reply to this topic Due January 23 at 11:59 PM

Question 1: Sculpture in Ancient Civilizations

The civilizations studied this week created impressive works of sculpture, with varying purposes and meanings. Carefully examine the following sculptures, and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

Stele of Naram-Sin, c. 2254-2218 BCE
Palette of Narmer, c. 3150-3125 BCE
Akhenaton and Nefertiti and their three daughters, c. 1350 BCE

Then, in a well-developed paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences, describe the composition of each sculpture, including the representation of figures, objects, and space. Consider whether the figures fit into the space around them, whether their movements seem believable, and/or whether their clothes fit their bodies properly. What does the way the figure and objects are represented tell us about the time and place in which the sculpture was created? What similarities or differences do you observe in the compositions of the three works?

Next, in a second paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences, describe the overall subject matter of each sculpture; the meaning of some of the objects in the painting; and any social, historical, political, and/or religious factors that are important to understanding the painting. Explain what the subject of the sculpture tells us about the society and culture in which it was created. Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

Question 2: Monumental Architecture

The cultures we studied this week produced grand architectural structures. Carefully examine the following structures, and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

Ziggurat, Ur, c. 2100 B.C.E
Aerial view of the Fourth Dynasty pyramids (looking north), Gizeh, c. 2601-2515 BCE
Lion Gate, Mycenae, c. 1250 BCE

Then, in a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs, answer the following questions about each structure:

  1. Who created each structure? Who commissioned its creation?
  2. What was the function of the structure?
  3. What historical events or social or cultural influences affected the creation of each structure?
  4. How do the visual characteristics of each structure contribute to or enhance its message or meaning?
  5. How do the reasons these structures were created compare with those of a more modern example of monumental art work, such as Mount Rushmore, the 9/11 Memorial, etc.?

Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from this weeks readings, lectures, and additional resources. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

As soon as possible, review and comment on the work of two of your peers. In your comments, consider areas you would suggest for expansion or clarification.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Business Investments

Business Investments

This module focuses on business investment concepts. Understanding how compound interest works will help you get the biggest return on your investment. One way of looking at the investment is to calculate the future value of your money at the end of a given number of years from an initial lump sum investment at a given interest rate. Another way is to say you want a certain amount by a given time, perhaps at some point in the future when you know you will want to expand your business. What lump sum present value and interest rate would you need to get your desired amount? In this Assessment, you will use the skills you learned in this module to investigate making large purchases for your business.

For this Assessment you will write an essay to address the requirements described below. Your essay must be carefully planned and written using well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Points will be awarded for content as well as composition. Your essay must be a minimum of 1 page in length with standard 1 inch margins and is required to have at least one reference from a reliable source. This means that you cannot use sites like Wikipedia,, and Yahoo answers and that only references from reliable sources will earn points. All resources should be cited both as an in-text citation as well as being listed on a reference page in APA format.

This Assessment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

Write an essay discussing how you, as a business owner, can use annuities to achieve business goals. Financial decisions require careful planning and prioritizing, especially when large, capital-intensive purchases are involved. As you establish a process to achieve your company goals, you will need to demonstrate your math skills, consider different investment options, and describe how different investment vehicles can be used effectively to accomplish business goals.


As the owner of a vinyl fencing company, you are making plans for two large purchases in the next 3 to 5 years to achieve your business goals.

Purchase 1:
You plan to expand your vinyl fence company in the future, and must purchase a new warehouse facility to achieve this goal. Your insurance company is offering you two very attractive investment options, an ordinary annuity and an annuity due, both compounding quarterly and paying 8% annual interest over a 5-year period. Your 5-year budget includes saving $2,500.00 each quarter. To evaluate which option will benefit the business most, you must evaluate both annuity options by calculating the future value of each option and explain how the investment will help you to carry out your goals.

Purchase 2:
After careful review of your maintenance log, you also realized that you will need to replace a fence post molding machine that sells for $45,000.00. You estimate that you will need to purchase a new machine in 3 years time as this machine reaches the end of its useful life. You plan to save for this purchase using a sinking fund that compounds semi-annually, and earns a 12% annual rate.

Your essay should in include the following information

Calculate the future value of both the ordinary annuity and the annuity due options being offered by your insurance company. Explain the differences between these two investment options. Select the best annuity option for your business and explain why that option is preferable.
Calculate the sinking fund payment required for the fence post molding machine.
Compare and contrast the shorter timeframe and higher interest rate of the sinking fund with the longer term warehouse annuity option you chose. Be sure to calculate and report how much interest you will earn from the annuity chosen for the warehouse and the amount of the sinking fund investment.
Develop a plan to prioritize these two purchases, and discuss the potential impact that these will have on the future of your business. For example, is expanding your business more important than saving for and paying cash for a fence post molding machine? Remember, you could borrow money to finance the fence post molding machine when it eventually breaks, but financing will cost the business in finance charges.
Remember, this Assessment should be complete and cover each point as outlined above. Be sure to include at least one APA formatted reference.



Updated problem in case you have trouble finding RFPs

1. 35 Choose an organization that you interact with regularly and list as many different systems (computer-based or not) as you can that are used to process transactions, provide information to managers and executives, help managers and executives make decisions, aid group decision making, capture knowledge and provide expertise, help design products and/or facilities, and assist people in communicating with one another. Draw a diagram that shows how these systems interact (or should interact) with one another. Are these systems well integrated?

2. 18 Obtain two copes of actual RFPs used for information systems developments and/or purchases. One copy from public and one copy from a private organization. Or one copy for non profit (including government) and one copy from for profit (normal companies). If you have trouble finding RFPs, you can use the tow examples below: (Links to an external site.)

Please answer: How they are used. What are the major components of these proposals? Do these proposals seem to be useful? Why or why not? How and why do RFPs from the two organizations differ?


  • Qualitative and Quantitative Research Design
    For this discussion, compare and contrast the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research, addressing the philosophical assumptions of both. Based on your review of the assigned readings, identify and describe what you believe to be meaningful about the qualitative research design and methodology.
    • Define and describe the context in which qualitative research is applicable.
    • Discuss the reasons for choosing a qualitative methodology.
    • List some subjects in which qualitative analysis is the methodology of choice.
  • 400 words


  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    • Stringer, E. T. (2014). Action research (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Certifications and Professional Orgs

The health and wellness arena is always evolving and thus, it is important to continue your educational journey through certifications and other professional development opportunities. Networking with other professionals in the field is also crucial for health and wellness providers. This can be done by attending conferences, meetings, or by joining professional organizations. There are many benefits to joining professional organizations within your field. Read the article by Scholnik (2013) on the benefits of joining a professional organization ( land review the BAHW Organization and Certification Resource Guide (attached).

Address the following elements:

-Explain two benefits of belonging to a professional organization and how these benefits would be relevant to your professional goals.
-Select two professional organizations you are interested in joining and explain their membership benefits. How would becoming a member with these organizations help you in your future career as an online health coach?
-Assess two certifications or credentials that would be relevant to you and your future role as an online health coach. What are the requirements for certification or credentialing?

Use at least two credible sources to support your research and findings. All sources must be referenced and cited according to APA guidelines.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.

A Short Reading Respond (100 Words) In The Apostate By Jack London

Question: Given the conditions his mother and siblings will have to endure and given his own needs and rights as an individual, do you feel that it is morally correct for Johnny to leave his family at the end of The Apostate?

The Apostate by Jack London:

Discussion Enc

Reflect on what you have learned about critical reading and analysis. 

  • What was the biggest challenge for you in this course? How did you overcome this challenge?
  • Will what you have learned in this course change how you read? Why or why not?

answer should be 160 words or more 

National Business Environments

You want to launch a business internationally, and you need to choose 3 countries1 in the Middle East, 1 in Asia, and 1 in Latin America.
What are some of the components of these cultures that you need to understand from a business standpoint?
How are they different in each country? Specifically, what considerations will be necessary to facilitate collaboration across these cultures? Identify supervisory skills appropriate to respond to your considerations.
Can you have a U.S. management style in these countries? In support of your answer, show how various issues would influence the success of multicultural teamwork.
How are their economic systems classified? Explain why they are classified as such.
After studying these countries, explain whether you should or should not move forward with your business plan.