Archive for January 15th, 2020

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique And Ethical Considerations


Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines Part 1” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two qualitative, peer-reviewed research article you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,0001,250 word essay, summarize two qualitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Research Methods

Research Methods Essay

1.    Think of some challenges you have faced in your current or previous employment.

2.    Summarize the problem, develop a Research Question, and state the Null and Alternative Hypotheses that could be used to solve this problem.

3.    Explain whether the hypotheses are concerned with relationships between variables or differences between groups.

Guidelines to the Essay:

a.    The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need two (2) peer-reviewed, academic sources no more than 5 years old minimum**

How to develop a research question for an essay

informal Essay
For this assignment you will visit the Library Resources and Academic Integrity page, complete at least one tutorial or workshop, reflect on what you have learned, and set some personal goals in a brief informal essay

Written Assignment Instructions
In your essay, please be sure to respond to the following guiding questions:

Which tutorial(s) did you complete?
What did you learn from the tutorial(s) that you can apply in your coursework?
What personal academic goals will you set for yourself for this course?

The course is Child Development

The tutorial is how to pick a research topic

Learning Objectives
At the end of this section, you will be able to:
develop a sufficiently narrow research question from a broader starting topic.
get background information on and increase your understanding of terminology related to your research topic, using reference sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries.

PICOT Question

Assignment Criteria:
1 Describe the clinical or administrative problem related to the PICOT question below:

In critical care patients with central lines (P), how does proper insertion and care (I) Compare to improper insertion and care (C) affect the reduction rate of central line-associated infection (O) within one year (T)?

Formulate the PICOT question in the intervention format
  Discuss why the problem is important to nursing practice
  Discuss the chosen intervention
  Elaborate on how the intervention impacts the stated outcome

2.  Discuss two (2) barriers that a masters prepared nurse might encounter before implementing the intervention.

3.Explore two (2) possible actions that can be used for handling those barriers.

4.  Identify two (2) explicit inclusion criteria and two (2) inclusion criteria to be used in the analysis of the evidence

5.  Identify the databases (e.g., CINAHL, Medline) and key terms used in initiating the search.

6.  The scholarly paper should be in narrative format, four (4) to five (5) pages excluding the title and reference pages.

7.  Include an introductory paragraph, purpose statement, and a conclusion.

8.  Include level 1 and 2 headings to organize the paper.

9.  Write the paper in third person, not first person (meaning do not use we or I) and in a scholarly manner. To clarify: I, we, you, me, our may not be used. In addition, describing yourself as the researcher or the author should not be used.

10. Include a minimum of three (3) references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals to support the paper. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (review in Ulrich Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old.

11. APA format is required (attention to spelling/grammar, a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations).

12.  Submit the assignment to Turnitin prior to the final submission. Please be sure to review the originality report and make any needed changes.


Case Study

A 41-year-old male patient presents at the community walk-in clinic with complaints of severe elbow pain radiating into the forearm. His 13-year-old daughter is serving as a translator because her father is unable to speak English and understands only a few words in English. The daughter explains that he has been taking Tylenol to manage pain, but the pain is getting worse and is keeping him from working. You ask the daughter to describe the type of work her father does, and you notice she is hesitant to respond, first checking with her father. He responds, and she translates that he works in construction. Based on the response and the apparent concern, you suspect that the patient may be an undocumented worker. Further conversation reveals that several members of the family are working with the same local construction company.

Case Questions

You suspect the pain reported as coming from the elbow and radiating down the forearm is caused by repetitive motions, perhaps indicating lateral epicondylitis. What can you do to confirm this diagnosis?
While performing the physical examination, you ask the patient, through his daughter, if he has reported this injury to his employer, because the injury is most likely work-related. The daughter responded without consulting her father that this is an old injury that happened before he started working at his current place of employment. You could tell that she was becoming more distressed. What is the most likely explanation for her concern?
Visual inspection reveals erythema around the affected area with no evidence of overlying skin lesions, scars, or deformities. What other assessments should you perform?
How is lateral epicondylitis treated?
When discussing possible treatment approaches, you notice that the patient is very worried and seems to suggest to his daughter that they should leave. The daughter begins trying to explain why they have to leave right away. What would you tell the patient and his daughter to help them feel comfortable staying for treatment?



Local Organization is:  Counseling and Resource Center of Dearborn


As your required text suggests, research is not only for those in academia. It is often a crucial consideration in leadership positions throughout organizations.

In this discussion, consider the organization you currently work for, or desire to work for, and imagine you are a leader in this organization. Consider scenarios that could potentially arise where utilizing research could be beneficial. Examples might be excessive tardiness, reduced production, low morale, and significant loss of customer base. You may use any example with the exception of those listed above.

For your initial post,

  • Identify an organization in your location that complements the knowledge and skills you have developed during your program. (May be hypothetical.)
  • Identify a leadership role that you would enjoy having within this organization. If you are not interested in a career, identify something that you think would be rewarding if you were advancing your career.
  • Identify the following in association with this organization and position:
    • Research question: What is happening in the organization that could be researched?
    • Hypothesis: State why you believe it is happening.
    • What dependent variables/factors do you believe may be affecting your chosen scenario (i.e., age, workload, work shift, ineffective communications)?
      • What type of factor did you identify (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?
    • Are there any potential extraneous variables? Why or why not. If so please list two to three.
    • Method: What method would best reflect an accurate analysis of the situation (e.g., quasi-experimental or phenomenology, etc.)? Include your rationale.
  • Lastly, discuss how an understanding of the basics of research and statistics can help a person in decision making, whether in an organization, or even in a social situation.

Discussion posts should equate to approximately 350 to 400 words.

Music Appreciation Introduction

 Instructions:  Develop an essay introducing yourself.  Your contents should included your college major, interest in music, any musical experiences as well as future musical aspirations.  Include the ways that music affects you and your environment.  Discuss how music has affected our society both positively and negatively.  Include your favorite music types/styles.  This assignment should be done in a word program 

Feminist In Media

Everyone in the group should present one or two pieces of popular media that you enjoy. This could be a favorite tv show, book, magazine, vlog, blog, podcast, movie, graphic novel series, music video, etc.  As you present your choices, don’t assume that everyone in your group is familiar – tell us about it.  Then, do some feminist analysis. In your view, is this media feminist?  Your answer can be a combinatin of positiv and negative critique.  Next, go back to Chapter 1 of our textbook and review the section on applying the Bechdel and Russo tests.  Does your piece of media pass either test?  Why or why not? What would you change or like to see more/less of?

trio of readings

Do a small reflection on the trio of readings from the Journal of Race Development.

G. Stanley Hall. 1910. “The Point of View toward Primitive Races.” The Journal of Race Development 1 (1): 5-11.

-Ellsworth Huntington. 1914. “The Adaptability of the White Man to TropicalAmerica.” The Journal of Race Development 5 (2): 185-211.

-W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. 1917. “Of the Culture of White Folk.” The Journal of Race Development 7 (4): 434-447.

and those of Singer (1961), Mackinder (1904), and Avey and Desch (2012).


1. Choose one method by which enterprise systems add value to business. Name the specific business processes and the functional areas affected. Explain your responses.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. 


What is social CRM? Why are some organizations hesitant to implement this advanced information system technology?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

3. Name and explain at least one recent, new technology created and used for the benefit of e-commerce.

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.